
6Chapter 6 Myriad Families and Myriad Dust

However, now that his strength has been exposed, no one has come out again. The leader of the Tiger Fist Sect was defeated, and other sects dared not to take action.

The people of the Tiger Fist Sect had already slipped away in disgrace, and Qin Ye did not keep them. The purpose of his coming today was to accept disciples, not to fight.

As for revenge for his master, this matter is not urgent. It will not be too late to take revenge after finding the murderer.

Qin Ye returned to the stall, glanced at everyone, and said in a deep voice: "My Qingfeng Sect is open to accept disciples. There is only one chance. If you miss today, you will regret it for the rest of your life."

Qin Ye took out a sign and put it on the stall. It read:

1. Rape and looters will not be accepted

2. Those who are sneaky and cunning will not be accepted

3. Those with bad intentions will not be accepted

The Qingfeng Sect stall, which had been unpopular, had already been surrounded by people at this time. Those young people who had joined other sects before regretted it at this time. If they had known earlier, they would come to Qingfeng Sect to try their luck here. They naturally dared not come to Qingfeng Sect again. After all, they had already agreed to join other sects. If they regretted it, the consequences would not be something they could bear.

However, the stalls of other sects were deserted and no one was interested, which formed a sharp contrast with Qingfeng Sect.

The elders and deacons of the five major sects were very angry, but they could not do anything to Qin Ye. If they stepped forward to stop him, they would only ask for trouble. Moreover, with Qin Ye's current strength, they could only make friends and dare not make enemies.

"Sect Master Qin, look at me, look at me, I want to join Qingfeng Sect."

"Sect Master Qin, look at me quickly, my father is the head of the Hong family."

"What is the Hong family, Sect Master Qin, I am the legitimate son of the Wan family, and my Wan family is one of the four major families."

"Sect Master Qin, I have admired Qingfeng Sect since I was a child, Sect Master Qin, please accept me."

Looking at the young people who were scrambling to join Qingfeng Sect, Qin Ye smiled. With so many people signing up, it seems that there is hope to recruit candidates who meet the system today.

Qin Ye also saw that the four major families in Qingfeng City had brought people. Although the strength of these four major families was not as good as the five major sects, they had been entrenched in Qingfeng City for many years and still had some strength.

However, Qin Ye was not interested in the so-called four major families. Such ordinary families only had some money, and most of them were vassals of the sects, otherwise they would not survive at all.

For example, the Hong family, as far as Qin Ye knew, had a close relationship with the Iron Sword Sect.

Qin Ye asked everyone to line up and directly use the system to test their qualifications.

"Poor qualifications, next one."

"Poor qualifications, next one."

"Poor qualifications, next one."


Qin Ye's face was dark. He tested dozens of people in a row, but no one was qualified. The best one was only of medium qualifications, but it also did not meet the requirements of the system.

Those teenagers who were rejected could only leave sadly and try their luck at other sect stalls.

Other sects thought they would return empty-handed this time, but they did not expect that those teenagers would come to them again. They naturally knew that these teenagers were the ones left over by Qin Ye, but what did it matter, as long as they met the requirements of their sects to recruit disciples.

"I think the Qingfeng Sect has completely expanded. They don't know east, west, south, or north. Do they really think that a peerless genius can appear in our broken place?"

"Haha, you can't say that. Isn't this Sect Master Qin himself?"

"Tsk! What peerless genius? Wasn't he at the fifth level of physical training some time ago? He must have eaten some rare treasures, otherwise how could he break through to the innate level in a few days. If I meet him one day, maybe I can become a strong innate person."

"Isn't this good? Under this situation, he can't recruit a single disciple. By the time he reacts, these young people have entered our sect. No matter how powerful he is, he is just a head of the sect. Without a single disciple, what kind of sect is it?"

Just now, Qin Ye stole the limelight. Now the major sects are naturally willing to see the joke of Qingfeng Sect. They dare not talk about it openly, but only secretly discuss it behind their backs.

As time passed, they were eliminated one by one, and Qin Ye's face became more and more ugly.

The head of a small family had a sullen face, but he didn't dare to get angry with Qin Ye. He swallowed his anger and asked: "Master Qin, although my son is not a peerless genius, he still has some reputation in Qingfeng City. He has broken through to the second level of body refining at the age of ten this year. Isn't this talent not in the eyes of Master Qin?"

Those who didn't dare to speak up also echoed one by one at this time.

"That's right, Master Qin, you have to give us an explanation."

"My son is at the third level of body refining, but he was rejected. I hope Master Qin, you can give us an explanation."

"Master Qin, if you don't want to accept him, give us a reason."

Qin Ye also hopes to accept more people. Some of them have good talents, even better than himself, but they really don't meet the system requirements. The system requires that only peerless geniuses can be accepted into Qingfeng Sect. It is obvious that this dog system is more about quality than quantity.

"The reason I just gave you is that their qualifications do not meet the requirements for joining my Qingfeng Sect." After thinking about it, Qin Ye still answered their questions.

"What qualifications can be accepted into Qingfeng Sect?" The head of the family asked indignantly. His youngest son's talent is definitely among the best in Qingfeng City. It would be easy for him to join any sect. As long as he is given time and does not die young, he will definitely become an elder and bring endless benefits to the family. But now he doesn't even have the qualifications to join the Qingfeng Sect.

"When we recruit disciples, we only look at their aptitude, not their cultivation. If their aptitude does not meet the requirements, even if they are at the Xiantian realm, the Qingfeng Sect will not accept them." Qin Ye said lightly.


As soon as Qin Ye said this, the square was in an uproar again. Everyone thought that Qin Ye was bragging. A Xiantian realm expert could walk sideways in the Qingfeng Sect, so how could he join the Qingfeng Sect.

"Humph! It doesn't matter if you don't join the Qingfeng Sect."

Most people knew that they did not meet the requirements, shook their heads and sighed and left.

There were also very few people who thought they were the genius of Baili Wuyi, and stayed with full confidence, while a very small number of people stayed just to try their luck.

But without exception, these people were also eliminated.

At this moment, a weak and pale boy was supported by an old servant. He walked slowly to Qin Ye step by step, bowed, and said in a firm tone: "I am willing to join the Qingfeng Sect."

The identity of the boy was soon recognized, causing a commotion.

"Isn't that Wan Chen, the illegitimate son of the Wan family? Why is he here? He wants to join the Qingfeng Sect..."

"This is the illegitimate son of the Wan family's patriarch. I heard that he was born to a slave. It would be great if Wan Chen had talent, but unfortunately his talent is mediocre. The Wan family doesn't recognize him at all."

"I have a relative who works as a guard in the Wan family. Wan Chen was born weaker than ordinary people, and his physique is worse than that of ordinary people. He couldn't practice since he was a child. If he wasn't the illegitimate son of the Wan family, he would have died early."

"Even if he died, he would have lived better than now. I heard that the Wan family didn't treat him as a member of the Wan family at all. Not only did they let him live in a private courtyard, they didn't let him enter the Wan family gate. Even the people who took care of him were only a few old servants."