
2Chapter 2 Generous Newbie Gift Pack

"Newbie gift pack?"

Qin Ye's eyes lit up. How could he forget the novice gift pack? The system's products must be top-quality. Whatever you need, you get it.

"Ding! The novice gift pack has been distributed. Do you want to receive it?"

"Receive it!"

Qin Ye did not hesitate and immediately received the novice gift pack.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the mysterious physique, the flying fairy body!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the supreme skill [Eight Nine Mysterious Skill]."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 500 lower-grade spirit stones and 1,000 body training pills."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining an opportunity to irrigate his cultivation and improve his cultivation to the innate realm."

With a few ding-ding sounds in his mind, Qin Ye jumped up excitedly.

Whatever you need, you get it. This novice gift pack is too generous.

This is definitely going to take off on the spot.

In an instant, Qin Ye's cultivation was improved to the innate realm, without any obstacles or movement.

Qin Ye's physique was also gradually changing, and it was not until noon the next day that he finished digesting it.

At this time, Qin Ye's temperament had changed a lot, his face was round, his temperament was transcendent, and his eyes were bright.

Qin Ye couldn't wait to open his personal panel.

[Host]: Qin Ye

[Identity]: Qingfeng Sect Master

[Physique]: Feixian Body

[Cultivation]: First level of innate

[Kungfu]: Eight-nine Mysterious Art

[Disciple]: None

[Task]: Lead Qingfeng Sect to rise and become the strongest sect!

Sure enough, his personal attributes had changed a lot.

Qin Ye clicked on Feixian Body, and an introduction to Feixian Body appeared.

Feixian Body: One of the twelve immortal bodies in the True Immortal Continent, inherited from the immortal world, can break through the limitations of time and space and come and go freely. .

Qin Ye silently gave a thumbs up.

As for Eight-nine Mysterious Art, Qin Ye knew something about it. It came from the Honghuang Chanjiao Kungfu, and Erlang Shen Yang Jian practiced this Kungfu.

When he saw his own cultivation, Qin Ye couldn't help laughing.

He has absorbed the memories of the original owner and knows that he is in the Qin Dynasty. He is also a master in the innate realm of the Qin Dynasty.

The city lord of Qingfeng City is only a master at the peak of the ninth level of physical training. If Qin Ye surrenders to the Qin Dynasty, he can at least be a city lord, with endless wealth and glory.

However, Qin Ye will definitely not surrender to the Qin Dynasty. Not to mention that it is impossible for Qin Ye to work, let alone work for those emperors. If he fails, his whole family will be executed. It is better to live happily in Qingfeng Sect.

Besides, the system will not give him this opportunity to become an official.

Just when Qin Ye was thinking about it, the voice of the system came to his mind again.

"Ding, for the development of the sect, please ask the host to accept a genius disciple as soon as possible."

Genius disciple?

Qin Ye had a headache. There was no genius in this small Qingfeng City. Even if there was, it would have been plundered by other sects.

However, Qin Ye had no choice now. He could only try his luck.

Qin Ye immediately called Wu Xuan'er over.

Wu Xuan'er came over with a sad face and called out "Big Brother".

"Junior sister, now there are only you and me in the entire Qingfeng Sect. Master is gone, so I will be the head of the sect and you will be the elder." Qin Ye said in a deep voice.

Wu Xuan'er did not object to Qin Ye becoming the head of the sect, but said bitterly: "Big Brother, but now there are only two of us, and there is no master to teach us. I am afraid that other sects will take the opportunity to annex us."

Wu Xuan'er's worry is not unreasonable. Although the Great Qin Dynasty can suppress the world, it has no way to face the sects in the world. The change of dynasties has the shadow of the sects in many of them. What's more, many dynasties are supported by the sects behind them.

Although the Qingfeng Sect has declined, Qingfeng Mountain is still there after all, and there is still some foundation. Other sects naturally want to annex the Qingfeng Sect.

"Junior sister, don't worry. With me here, other sects can't make plans against us." Qin Ye said confidently.

With his current Xiantian realm cultivation, he can walk sideways in Qingfeng City. If he doesn't make plans for them, they will burn incense and worship Buddha.

"Junior sister, these are some spirit stones and body-training pills. Take them to practice. We will go down the mountain to recruit disciples in three days." Qin Ye took out some spirit stones and body-training pills and gave them to Wu Xuan'er.

Wu Xuan'er took the spirit stones and body-training pills and asked in shock: "Master, how can you have so many spirit stones and body-training pills? This body-training pill is of top quality. It has only appeared once in Qingfeng City before and was bought by the City Lord's Mansion."

Qin Ye naturally wouldn't tell her about the system, and even if he explained it, she wouldn't understand, so he said: "Junior sister, I can only tell you that I have obtained a mysterious inheritance. My Qingfeng Sect is about to rise, and I will lead Qingfeng Sect to stand on the top of the continent."

"Well, I believe in Master." Wu Xuan'er nodded heavily.

During these three days, Wu Xuan'er practiced in seclusion, while Qin Ye traveled all over Qingfeng Sect. His impression of Qingfeng Sect can only be summed up in one word: poor.

Not to mention herbs, spirit stones and exotic beasts, there are not even many secret books, and the valuable things have long been taken away by other disciples.

Three days passed in a flash, Wu Xuan'er came out of seclusion, Qin Ye checked Wu Xuan'er's cultivation, and found that she had broken through to the fifth level of physical training.

Qin Ye took Wu Xuan'er down the mountain and headed straight for Qingfeng City.

After the two arrived at Qingfeng City, they went to a large square in the central area of ​​Qingfeng City. This square is usually used to celebrate festivals. Later, it was idle and rented to major sects. In order to recruit people or disciples, some minor forces in the major sects set up registration points in this square.

Qingfeng Sect also rented a stall here for a long time before, but later it was cancelled because it could not afford the rent.

After arriving at the square, it was found that there were still many people in the square today. Qin Ye had been here several times, and it was impossible to have so many people at ordinary times.

"Master, I'll go and ask." Wu Xuan'er said, and walked into the crowd.

After a while, Wu Xuan'er came back and said to Qin Ye with a bad face: "Master, today is the day when the five major sects jointly recruit disciples. I think we should come again after a while."