
Fantasy System of the Two Dimensions

After crossing over to another world that appeared to be a fusion of various anime realms, Tetsuya unlocked the Fantasy System. By completing the system's assigned tasks, he earned Fantasy points, granting him access to the Fantasy store brimming with daily talents and more. Yuuki Asuna: You seem to possess extensive culinary skills. Could you teach me? Sagiri: I'm not familiar with anyone by the name of Eromanga-Sensei. Countless other characters and captivating plots lie ahead, awaiting for Tetsuya exploration. Translator Warning: This is the second Chinese novel I have Plan to translate, and don't expect this novel to have an intricate storyline; it's just a simple quality in terms of plot.

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20 Chs

Who likes Gabriel? and I'll wash my younger sister's clothes

"Amn't I just passing by? I'm not a crazy man observing you. I bumped into you by chance," Tetsuya said slightly annoyed. He hadn't intended to observe his younger sister's actions, so how could he have the time to observe Gabriel specifically? He found it strange that she thought he was secretly observing her, especially since Gabriel was much better at observing others than he was. She had managed to observe him for a whole week without him noticing, leaving him impressed.

Suppressing a smile, Tetsuya covered his mouth and said, "But I remember that you, Gabriel, have always been bullied by me. Could it be that you think I like you? I've heard that when a male student bullies a female student, it means he likes her."

"Do I like her?" Tetsuya's mouth twitched. Who would like those two fake angels who were trying to save the world? He couldn't imagine spending his days with them, naively trying to save everyone.

However, upon seeing the slightly flustered expression on Gabriel's face, Tetsuya realized his explanation was futile. Trying to clarify would only make matters worse.

Thinking it over, Tetsuya narrowed his eyes and looked at Gabriel's fair cheeks. "You care about her, and you came here to help her today. Could it be that you also like her?"

Confusion flickered in Gabriel's eyes as she listened to Tetsuya's question. Her face turned red, and she waved her hands, flustered. "I... I don't like Gabriel!"

Observing her reddened face and flustered explanation, Tetsuya widened his eyes in surprise. Could it be that Gabriel really didn't like herself? But then again, this was a yuri relationship, and both girls were beautiful.

Tetsuya chuckled and said, "It seems like you care about Gabriel. Even if you don't like her, you're heading in that direction. From what I can see, your relationship is quite close."

However, Tetsuya had no time to worry about their relationship. He was about to leave, but suddenly he heard a voice.

"Do you have some time, Tetsuya?"

"What's the matter?" Tetsuya stopped and asked, curious about what it could be. Since he had nothing better to do, he agreed to help.

"I tried to install the wireless network at Gabriel's home today but couldn't connect. I thought maybe you could help. You understand these things, right? Can you take a look?" Gabriel asked, hoping Tetsuya could help them troubleshoot the network issue.

"I can take a look," Tetsuya replied. He figured he had nothing better to do, and since he was often home without internet, he had become quite skilled at solving computer issues through research.

"Thank you, Tetsuya. Please come in," Gabriel said, leading Tetsuya into the garden gate. As they walked toward Gabriel's house, she greeted Tetsuya with a smile.

Upon hearing Tetsuya's agreement, Gabriel breathed a sigh of relief. She trusted Tetsuya more than any other male student to come to her house. Their good relationship made her feel at ease.

"Admires... Tetsuya?" Gabriel raised her head when she heard footsteps and saw Tetsuya approaching. She suddenly became nervous and anxiously grabbed the hem of her skirt, standing there cautiously.

Tetsuya glanced at Gabriel, who seemed anxious, and couldn't help but feel speechless. What was she so nervous about? It was her own home, after all. There was no need for her to be anxious.

"Slightly said that you were here to help with the wireless network. I came to assist," Tetsuya explained.

Gabriel relaxed, feeling relieved by Tetsuya's presence. At that moment, slightly arrived and brought Tetsuya upstairs. She opened the door and gestured for Tetsuya to enter.

"Thank you," Tetsuya said and entered Gabriel's room. It was his first time entering a girl's room in this world. Contrary to his expectations, the room was clean and tidy. Sunlight streamed in through the open window, casting a warm glow on the entire room.

Tetsuya observed the neat and orderly room. He couldn't help but think of his younger sister Sagiri, who also had a love for cleanliness. He imagined her room, which he couldn't enter, was probably as clean as Gabriel's.

The room had a simple and minimalistic arrangement. A white bed stood on the left side, and a desk was placed nearby. A bookshelf adorned the wall, housing several bonsai plants. In the center of the room, there was a small white table with an open pink notebook on top, likely a recent purchase.

"Where is the wireless network connected?" Tetsuya asked Gabriel, who had just walked in.

"It's over here," Gabriel replied, pointing to a corner not far away. UUreads www.uukanshu.com

Tetsuya inspected the connection between the wireless network and the notebook carefully. If the network had been cleared, the issue might lie within the computer itself. After a thorough examination, Tetsuya discovered that the connection and the mesh wire were functioning correctly. He then turned his attention to the computer and inspected it. He asked Gabriel, "Is there any data on the computer that needs to be saved?"

"No," Gabriel blinked and knelt beside Tetsuya, saying, "Could it be an issue with the computer?"

"Yes, it seems likely," Tetsuya nodded. Luckily, Gabriel's notebook had a function key for returning to its original state. He could restore the computer using the system at his home. Tetsuya pressed the function key, and the computer entered the restarting process.

Since Gabriel didn't need to save any data, he could restore it to its original state directly. Gabriel's notebook was likely as new as his, making it a quick process for the system.

"Please have some tea, Tetsuya!" As Tetsuya helped Gabriel with the computer, slightly brought a cup of cold tea from the kitchen and handed it to Tetsuya.

"Thank you," Tetsuya accepted the cup of cold tea. He took a sip and almost spat it out immediately. The taste was truly hard to comprehend.

Seeing Tetsuya's frowned face and bitter expression, Gabriel couldn't help but explain, "Since summer has arrived, this green tea is meant to cool you down, Tetsuya. Don't be too picky."

Picky? Was the tea really that difficult to drink?


Doesn't the cold tea taste good? Tetsuya frowned as he took a sip, but immediately a refreshing sensation washed over him, shaking his spirit.

Hmm? Despite the tea being an acquired taste, it was actually quite refreshing and perfect for summer. Well done, I suppose. But... what does this have to do with the little angel?

"Are you writing a novel, Tetsuya?" Gabriel noticed Tetsuya typing on his phone and couldn't help but ask, her curiosity piqued.

"Yes, I work on it every day during class," Tetsuya replied, as he could only answer to avoid Gabriel's constant interruptions.

"That's impressive, Tetsuya," Gabriel said, her mouth slightly agape. "I've never read a novel before. Can you show me yours when you're done?"

"Sure," Tetsuya smiled. Having a reader would be nice, and Gabriel seemed like someone who hadn't read a light novel before. Was she about to enter the world of moe for the first time?

Although Tetsuya enjoyed introducing newcomers to the world of moe, he knew that going down that path with a young girl like Gabriel was a road he should avoid. It was a point of no return.

"That would be great! Thank you, Tetsuya!" Gabriel said excitedly, her smile widening.

"You're welcome."


After a while, the computer finished rewiring, and Tetsuya saw the startup screen. He plugged in the mesh wire and opened the homepage, where the latest news about the sales volume of "SAO" by RECT Company appeared.

With the popularity of Akihabara, the sales volume of "SAO" must have reached tens of thousands today. Tetsuya wondered about it but decided to experiment with the network connection.

"What are you looking at, Tetsuya?" Gabriel, who had been watching the news, looked at Tetsuya with curiosity.

"Nothing," Tetsuya shook his head and closed the news. If Gabriel and the meddlesome little angel, Aki, found out that he liked playing games, they would pester him for days.

"The network has been fixed by me. It was just a minor issue with the system. You can access the internet now," Tetsuya said, relieved that the problem was solved.

Upon hearing Tetsuya's words, Gabriel immediately leaned closer to the computer and attempted to open a webpage. A joyful expression flashed in her beautiful eyes. "It works!"

"Thank you, Tetsuya! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know how to solve the network problem," Gabriel stood up, placing her hands on her lap as she bowed slightly, expressing her gratitude.

"You're welcome," Tetsuya shook his head.

At that moment, slightly, wearing an apron, walked in from the kitchen. Seeing the dimming outside, she smiled and said, "Tetsuya, Gabriel and I bought some meat at the supermarket today. We're preparing to have a barbecue tonight. Would you like to stay and join us?"

"Slightly, you can cook?" Tetsuya exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes, but my cooking skills pale in comparison to yours," Slightly smiled and apologized. "Thank you for the invitation, but I have something to take care of at home. Another time, perhaps."

Apologizing, Tetsuya decided it would be best to go home and take care of his younger sister's meal. Although it was rare for him to receive a dinner invitation from a beautiful female classmate, he had to balance his responsibilities.

After bidding farewell to Gabriel and Slightly, Tetsuya crossed the street and unlocked the door to his room. He placed the bag in the living room and called out, "I'm back."

Regrettably, he didn't hear the sound of his sister knocking on the floor. Did his gluttonous sister not bother to greet him? Wasn't he enough to satisfy her appetite?

Sagiri, what exactly do you do every day? Tetsuya pondered. She never came out of her room unless he left. Today, however, he didn't expect to return home so early.

In the bathroom, Tetsuya heard the sound of running water. Although he couldn't see clearly through the non-transparent door, he knew his petite sister was taking a bath.

"No wonder she doesn't greet me in the living room. She's taking a bath in the bathroom," Tetsuya smiled bitterly. Although Sagiri loved cleanliness, she followed the rule of "out of sight, out of mind." She only washed when he wasn't around. Today, he came back earlier than expected.

A bold idea suddenly crossed Tetsuya's mind. Pretending to be ignorant, he could enter his sister's bathroom and feast his eyes on her? No, that would be abnormal. It was merely a mishap of entering the Two-Dimensional world. If Sagiri found out, she would lose trust in him, and he would continue to fail in his mission of entering her forbidden room.

Tetsuya turned around and entered the other bathroom. That's when he noticed several pink clothing items in the washbasin. He squatted down and carefully examined them, finding pink and blue pajamas, as well as some cute pink and yellow underwear with lace.

Realization dawned on Tetsuya. Not only did the previous Tetsuya prepare meals for his sister, but he also did her laundry. What an amazing elder brother!

For the first time, Tetsuya had a valid reason to examine a young girl's underwear. From the size of the panties, Sagiri must have been the smallest model. How could such ecchi eroge underwear be worn by his sister? It had lace and everything!

Hey, gentlemen, this is quite exciting! And now that I'm pretending to be a sage, Sagiri can't suspect anything, right? After all, the previous Tetsuya used to do her laundry every day. If she finds out about my crossover, I might not eat for real.

Therefore... I can only wash. Don't blame me. System is the one who influenced me. Do you understand?

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