
Fantasy System of the Two Dimensions

After crossing over to another world that appeared to be a fusion of various anime realms, Tetsuya unlocked the Fantasy System. By completing the system's assigned tasks, he earned Fantasy points, granting him access to the Fantasy store brimming with daily talents and more. Yuuki Asuna: You seem to possess extensive culinary skills. Could you teach me? Sagiri: I'm not familiar with anyone by the name of Eromanga-Sensei. Countless other characters and captivating plots lie ahead, awaiting for Tetsuya exploration. Translator Warning: This is the second Chinese novel I have Plan to translate, and don't expect this novel to have an intricate storyline; it's just a simple quality in terms of plot.

So_Epic · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

We jointly operate the Gourmet Department

Hearing Ishikawa Iwa's threatening words, Yuuki Asuna's heart immediately sinks. Since she became aware of her surroundings, she knew that her future path had been planned by her family. In the eyes of her family, she was expected to be an obedient girl who followed their every command.

However, deep down, she always hoped for a life of freedom and didn't want to be confined to the predetermined path. When she entered high school, this desire grew stronger. She wanted to experience a complete high school life rather than just focus on the future that had been laid out for her. That's why she opened the Food Department out of interest.

Just when Tetsuya and her worked hard to make the Food Department successful, Ishikawa Iwa suddenly wanted to merge it. This was something she never wanted for the department. But if she didn't comply, Ishikawa Iwa could easily disclose the matter to her family, which would prevent her from continuing to operate the Food Department and force her to transfer to a nearby girls' school for aristocrats.

At this moment, even though she had received an elite education, studied diligently, and faced various challenges, Yuuki Asuna couldn't make a decision. She couldn't figure out how to deal with this man who was standing before her. Should she promise him against her own feelings, or should she refuse and risk losing the Food Department?

"What should I do?" Yuuki Asuna furrowed her eyebrows, her face filled with indecision. She was unable to make a definitive choice.

"What do you think, Yuuki-san? My time is limited," Ishikawa Iwa urged with a fake smile on his face. He accurately guessed Yuuki Asuna's inner thoughts and believed that she, as a high school student, would eventually succumb to the pressure and comply with his demands.

"Can I really promise him?" Yuuki Asuna became even more anxious. In this desperate moment, a warm hand gently rested on her shoulder, calming her turbulent emotions.

"Don't promise him," a gentle voice whispered in Yuuki Asuna's ear. Surprised, she turned her head and discovered Tetsuya standing behind her, wearing a smile that brought her instant relief.

Seeing Tetsuya, Yuuki Asuna inexplicably regained her strength. She finally understood what decision she should make. She took a deep breath, raised her head, and looked at Ishikawa Iwa with a determined expression.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ishikawa, but I can't comply with your request. The Food Department is not just my decision; it's the result of Tetsuya and me working together. No matter what, I won't make you trample on our joint efforts in running the Food Department!"

Yuuki Asuna's icy gaze locked onto Ishikawa Iwa, her refined face covered in a cold frost. She stood her ground with unwavering resolve.

Although she still appeared delicate, like an Ojou-sama, an unmatched aura emanated from her. Her powerful presence was suffocating.

Is this the aura of a Yuuki Family Ojou-sama?

Tetsuya was slightly surprised, as he had only seen the polite side of Yuuki Asuna. He wanted to encourage her courage, but he never expected her to display such a powerful and unexpected high-level aura in the face of adversity.

"You!" On the other side, Ishikawa Iwa struggled to catch his breath under the pressure of Yuuki Asuna's imposing presence. He couldn't find the words to speak, his face turning red and white, displaying extreme discomfort.

"Fine... Then let's both suffer in this fight!" After hesitating for a while, Ishikawa Iwa finally uttered those words. He believed that by pressuring Yuuki Asuna, he could force her to agree to his terms. Ultimately, he didn't mind if both sides suffered as long as the Food Department couldn't continue operating, and his restaurant could return to normal.

Yuuki Asuna's expression changed, but she remained unyielding, clasping her arms firmly.

Tetsuya was also surprised by Ishikawa Iwa's words. He hadn't expected Yuuki Asuna to face such a crisis, as she had gone against the pressure to run the Food Department. As Tetsuya didn't want her to leave, he quickly ushered Ishikawa Iwa towards the exit.

"Wait!" Did he finally decide to compromise?

Hearing the voice behind him, Ishikawa Iwa sneered inwardly. He looked at Tetsuya and considered his naive words. In his heart, he hoped that Tetsuya would agree to his proposal. However, he could only endure being called "uncle" by Tetsuya for the time being.

"If you don't want to run the Food Department, there's a way. Since we're both chefs, let's compete. I'll determine the rules, and if I win, you have to stop running it," Ishikawa Iwa proposed.

Although Ishikawa Iwa didn't think highly of the food Tetsuya made, he wouldn't be foolish enough to compete using the plain noodles and golden fried rice, the two signature dishes of the Food Department, just to be safe.

Even though Tetsuya didn't favorably compare to Ishikawa Iwa in terms of the meals he prepared, he couldn't back down now. He nodded in agreement.

Ishikawa Iwa walked into Tetsuya's kitchen and noticed that the refrigerator contained sealed meats. Recalling that Tetsuya had been operating the Food Department with only two types of staple food and no side dishes, he grinned and said, "Let's compete to see who can make the most delicious dish using only meat. What do you think?"

"Tetsuya, don't compete with him. Ishikawa Iwa has some fame outside as a chef. At worst, make him agree to something. I believe that you'll be able to run the Food Department even better," Yuuki Asuna's complexion changed as she approached Tetsuya and pulled at the hem of his shirt. She knew that Tetsuya had only mentioned excelling at plain noodles and golden fried rice, and these two dishes had limitations. Tetsuya's cooking skills couldn't surpass Ishikawa Iwa, who had been running a restaurant for years.

Hearing Yuuki Asuna's reminder, Tetsuya shook his head. While he was shorter than Yuuki Asuna, he reached out to pat her head, comforting her, "Don't worry. As Yuuki-san said earlier, the Food Department is a joint effort. It's incomplete without anyone. No matter what happens today, I won't let you leave, Yuuki Asuna!"

Looking at Tetsuya's determined face, Yuuki Asuna was taken aback.

"Because... today, we've worked hard together to establish the Food Department. We need to continue developing it together, making it livelier. How could we let him defeat us here?"

Yuuki Asuna stood in place, watching Tetsuya's firm and resolute figure as he walked towards the kitchen. Mist welled up in her beautiful eyes, but she quickly wiped them away. She bit her lip, nodded earnestly, and joined her palms together, silently praying, "I believe that our Food Department will succeed, and Tetsuya will certainly defeat him."


"When do we start?" Tetsuya entered the kitchen and asked casually. The Food Department facilities were complete, enough for three people to use, which was sufficient for him and Ishikawa Iwa to prepare food simultaneously.

"Right now, I suppose. We'll wait for a student to arrive at the Food Department as a witness to our cooking," Ishikawa Iwa replied, taking out several green peppers and coriander from the refrigerator.

"Okay," Tetsuya nodded, not saying much, as he was preoccupied with the Cooking System mission that echoed in his mind once again.

"To defeat the formidable Ishikawa Iwa by making delicious food and operating the Food Department with Asuna. Reward: Fantasy Points."

Although the reward for this mission was only Fantasy Points, it was better than nothing. However, it indirectly suggested that Ishikawa Iwa's cooking skills were not exceptional.

With this in mind, Tetsuya glanced at Ishikawa Iwa, observing the ingredients he had taken out from the refrigerator. Ishikawa Iwa intended to make the Chinese dish "Green Pepper Shredded Meat."

However, as someone of Chinese descent, Tetsuya couldn't admit defeat in making an authentic Chinese dish. He closed his eyes slightly, and in his mind, he focused on opening the Store System.

Soon, a virtual image of the Cook Commercial City, a place where Tetsuya could exchange various recipes, appeared in his mind. He quickly recalled the recipes that flashed through his mind, such as Magic Mapo Tofu and Scholar's Noodles.

In the Cook Commercial City, he could exchange any recipe as long as he had enough Fantasy Points. Among the recipes that flashed through his mind, one caught his attention. He immediately focused on that recipe.

"Exchange: Green Pepper Shredded Meat!"

Since Ishikawa Iwa wanted to compete, Tetsuya didn't mind using his own version of the dish to outshine him. The Fantasy Points he had just obtained that morning were consumed for the exchange, and the memory of making Green Pepper Shredded Meat flooded Tetsuya's mind like a surging tide.

These recipes were relatively simple, requiring only one use of Fantasy Points each. However, more difficult recipes might require five or ten Fantasy Points, and some particularly challenging ones would need a higher cook rank. Tetsuya's current third-level cook rank couldn't handle such difficult recipes, even if he had enough Fantasy Points.

"Are you admitting defeat because you can't make it?" Ishikawa Iwa glanced at Tetsuya, who stood there with his eyes closed, and sneered inwardly. He hadn't forgotten about the wager they made earlier.

"In that case, you attending class only means that you're better than me. You're admitting defeat." Ishikawa Iwa tried to provoke Tetsuya.

"Uncle, please rest assured, I won't give up easily," Tetsuya replied with a smile after opening his eyes. He paid no further attention to Ishikawa Iwa and turned to Yuuki Asuna, who was nearby, asking for her help.

"Me?" Yuuki Asuna pointed to herself, surprised, as Tetsuya, a fellow student, asked for her assistance. She wondered if her involvement in Tetsuya's cooking would burden him.

"No, not at all," Tetsuya shook his head. In his mind, he had already devised a plan for the Green Pepper Shredded Meat dish. He held his hands together and earnestly sought her help, saying, "This dish cannot be completed by me alone without your assistance, Yuuki-san. For the sake of the Food Department, please help me."

"Schoolmate Tetsuya, there's no need to be so formal. After all, you've done so much for the Food Department. It's only right for me to contribute now," Yuuki Asuna smiled, quickly tying an apron and standing beside Tetsuya, asking, "What do you need me to do?"

"I need your help in slicing the green peppers and bamboo shoots. They should be of similar size, and you have a skilled hand with a knife," Tetsuya explained. The key to the Green Pepper Shredded Meat dish was the precision of the slicing, ensuring that the ingredients were of the same size to ensure even cooking. During their time working together, Tetsuya had observed Yuuki Asuna's proficiency with a knife.

"I'll do my best. Can I add scallions and garlic to the Green Pepper Shredded Meat?" Yuuki Asuna furrowed her brows, expressing her dislike for green peppers and scallions. She found the unique flavors of scallions, garlic, and green peppers unappealing and difficult to swallow. Due to her preference, her family's chefs never included these ingredients in their dishes.

"Don't worry, I won't use scallions and garlic. However, let's make it our authentic Malaysian version! It will be different from the green pepper dish you're imagining," Tetsuya reassured her with a gentle smile. He understood that most people in Japan didn't enjoy the taste of green peppers, especially when they were boiled, as the intense and stimulating flavor could be overwhelming.

The approach he would take for this recipe would be different from the traditional Green Pepper Shredded Meat. There was no need to worry.

While speaking, Tetsuya quickly sliced the meat for the shredded meat, adding the right amount of egg white, starch, cooking wine, and soy sauce for marination. This process wouldn't take long, as less than half an hour would be sufficient to marinate the meat.

"Great," Tetsuya nodded in satisfaction as he saw Yuuki Asuna's skillful slicing. He then took out fresh persimmons from the refrigerator and sliced them into blocks. He added broth and the usual seasonings, putting everything into a food processor to create the sauce.

"Tetsuya, is the persimmon necessary?" Yuuki Asuna asked in surprise, looking at the bowl of persimmon sauce. She couldn't see the connection between persimmons and Green Pepper Shredded Meat; they seemed incompatible.

"Naturally, it's necessary. Don't you dislike scallions and garlic?" Tetsuya glanced at Ishikawa Iwa, who was stir-frying scallions and garlic, and reminded her, "He's using the conventional method, but my approach is different."

"Ah," Yuuki Asuna's curiosity was piqued by Tetsuya's explanation. She refrained from interrupting Tetsuya's process and observed quietly.

Since time was limited due to their class schedules, Tetsuya didn't want to waste any more time. After the sauce had fried to perfection and the shredded meat and green peppers were stir-fried, he didn't take long to complete the dish. It was essential not to overcook the meat, as it would become tough. He added a pinch of salt for seasoning during the final stir-frying.

But before Tetsuya could finish, a petite girl with pale golden hair and another girl in a school uniform, wearing a slightly high-waisted checkered skirt and sporting purple hair, entered the scene.

"Gabriel and Slightly," Tetsuya raised his head and recognized the two who had arrived at the Food Department.

For the past two days, Tetsuya had felt that his gaze was being frequently caught by Gabriel during class. Based on the direction of his gaze, Tetsuya could only see Gabriel, and it seemed as though Gabriel was observing him in class. It was strange because Tetsuya had never experienced this before.

This made Tetsuya curious. He wanted to ask Gabriel, a classmate who was always with Slightly, why he seemed to be constantly watching him. However, Tetsuya didn't have the chance to do so as he was fully engaged in cooking.

Seeing that the dish was almost ready, Ishikawa Iwa had finished his conventional Green Pepper Shredded Meat and quickly served it to Gabriel and Slightly, who were waiting at the table.

"Since you two are the last guests of the Food Department, today's dish is on the house. Please enjoy," Ishikawa Iwa announced.