
Fantasy System of the Two Dimensions

After crossing over to another world that appeared to be a fusion of various anime realms, Tetsuya unlocked the Fantasy System. By completing the system's assigned tasks, he earned Fantasy points, granting him access to the Fantasy store brimming with daily talents and more. Yuuki Asuna: You seem to possess extensive culinary skills. Could you teach me? Sagiri: I'm not familiar with anyone by the name of Eromanga-Sensei. Countless other characters and captivating plots lie ahead, awaiting for Tetsuya exploration. Translator Warning: This is the second Chinese novel I have Plan to translate, and don't expect this novel to have an intricate storyline; it's just a simple quality in terms of plot.

So_Epic · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

This young girls, you are just to Honest

[Ding! Let Kashiwagi Eri comply to help the host with creation work to obtain two Fantasy Points.]

These words echoed in Tetsuya's mind, accompanied by a system prompt sound. This mission had no time limit, meaning that Tetsuya would receive two Fantasy Points regardless of when he completed it. The current mission count increased to three.

[Enter younger sister Sagiri's taboo room: Two Fantasy Points.]

[With all due respect, fellow light fiction writers present are trash. Obtain the rookie bestseller list: Light novel talent promotion, Fantasy Points.]

In addition to the existing Fantasy Points, if Tetsuya completed these three missions, he would have a total of five Fantasy Points. This would allow him to level up his Cooking System to the third level, even though he had just recently advanced to the first level.

Although the system hadn't directly confirmed that Eriri was Kashiwagi Eri, Tetsuya was almost certain based on Eriri's series of responses.

"I'm here for the first time, so I'm not familiar with this place!" Eriri immediately revealed a mischievous smile, staring at Tetsuya with mischievous eyes.

"Indeed, Eriri and I haven't been here before, but we wanted to accompany Schoolmate Tetsuya in Akihabara. Don't worry about it, Eriri." Yuuki Asuna chuckled and assured him.

These young girls are so innocent. If they continue like this, they'll eventually become light novel enthusiasts. Seeing Yuuki Asuna speaking up for Eriri, Tetsuya smiled bitterly in his heart. He had only made a joke earlier, and Eriri didn't need to acknowledge it.

"In that case, let's just stroll around. I actually want to buy a few light novels myself."

"Do you have any light novels ready for submission, Schoolmate Tetsuya?" Unable to contain her curiosity, Asuna asked while Tetsuya was browsing through the light novels on the bookshelf.

"No, but it's almost ready for publication. I expect it to be on sale in 1-2 weeks."

Tetsuya smiled. With his writing speed, he could easily produce 40,000 characters per day, which would be enough to meet the word count requirements for publication. After all, he mostly copied the plot, so if he wrote too slowly, it would be embarrassing.

He only needed to consider whether "Eromanga" or "Kashiwagi Eri" would help him with the illustrations.

"So soon?" Yuuki Asuna covered her mouth, astonished. If she remembered correctly, Tetsuya had only started writing his novel a few days ago. Although she hadn't written a light novel herself, she was familiar with the intricacies of the genre, having heard about it from others.

For a rookie like Tetsuya to go from manuscript to publication in such a short time was truly remarkable.

These young girls shouldn't be surprised. I'm the author of this amazing work...

While Tetsuya didn't care, Yuuki Asuna was genuinely curious about Tetsuya's ability to create such an enlightening story. She said, "After your book is published, I'll buy a copy and take a look."

"Thank you for your support!"


As this bookstore was the largest in Akihabara, they had only seen about half of the light novels after strolling around for a while. Tetsuya sighed at the prevalence of light novel culture. There were countless authors, and he wondered what the sales volume of his own "Accel World" would be like as a rookie light novel writer.

"It's quite hot," Eriri said, wiping sweat off her forehead and furrowing her brow.

Looking at the crowded pedestrians in the bookstore, Yuuki Asuna suggested, "It's really hot here. Shall we take a break at an Akihabara cold drinks shop and come back later?"

Eriri's eyes lit up, and she said, "No need. I remember seeing a vending machine selling cold drinks outside. Asuna, you wait for me here. I'll go buy them."

Yuuki Asuna hesitated, then said, "Eriri, should we go together?"

"No need. It's too hot for both of us to go. I'll go alone. You and Schoolmate Tetsuya wait for me here." Eriri revealed a smile and quickly left the bookstore, carrying a black handbag.

That girl... she's avoiding the issue... Tetsuya couldn't help but smile as he watched her leave.

"Oh, isn't that the book called 'Yamada Elf'?"

Tetsuya's gaze shifted, and he noticed a light novel titled "Dark Exploding Flame Spirit" on the bookshelf. Although its sales volume was lower than "Love Metronome" and "Fantasy Monster Blade Biography," it still ranked among the top sellers.

The title page featured a blonde, white-silk-loli beauty from the world of Two Dimensions, wearing a black long skirt that seemed to have been created through magic. Just the title page alone would attract many readers to take a look.

Curious, Tetsuya picked up the book and opened it. The illustrations and title page were appealing, but if the plot was boring, it wouldn't matter. As they say in the industry, "Mud can't hold up a wall." Attracting readers with the title page but failing to deliver engaging content would result in disappointing sales.

Yamada Elf's ability to attract a large number of readers and fans relied not only on the appealing title page but also on the content itself. Tetsuya skimmed through it and found that the plot was appropriately controlled, making readers eager to continue reading.

"Yamada Elf excels at various styles of light novels. No wonder she has so many fans."

Tetsuya smiled. Light novel readers are drawn to this kind of unique and vigorous writing style. It appealed to the fan base that loved this style and kept them engaged.

Ahem, using captivating elements to entice readers? Today's light novels...

What has happened to the gentlemen who read these books?

Regarding this type of novel, all I can say is...

I'm buying this book!


Waiting somewhat absentmindedly for Eriri, Yuuki Asuna saw Tetsuya skillfully pick up the "Dark Exploding Flame Spirit" light novel and head towards the bookstore manager. She had some doubts and looked at the bookshelf. There was more than one copy of the book, but Tetsuya took one away, revealing another book behind it.

Yuuki Asuna picked up the book curiously, opened page one, and found it to be fairly normal at first. It was primarily a fantasy genre. However, as soon as the male protagonist appeared, the plot became more intense. Although it was only a suggestive description, it still made Yuuki Asuna blush.

As she continued reading, her fingers trembled slightly, and her complexion grew even redder. Her heart raced.

Although she didn't want to get too absorbed in it again, this book opened up a whole new world for Yuuki Asuna. It felt like a new continent, an unknown territory waiting for her to explore. She couldn't resist the desire to continue reading.

...Schoolmate Tetsuya, I didn't expect this of you. I underestimated you.


"Yuuki-san, what are you doing?" Tetsuya asked when he saw Yuuki Asuna engrossed in the book. Startled, Yuuki Asuna quickly returned the book to its original position. When she saw Tetsuya behind her, she relaxed and complained, "Schoolmate Tetsuya, you really scared me."

"Sorry, I didn't expect the novel you were reading to be so captivating that it disturbed you," Tetsuya apologized, raising his head to glance at what had captured Yuuki Asuna's attention.

"No, it's okay," Yuuki Asuna replied, avoiding Tetsuya's gaze and turning towards the bookshelf. She quickly changed the subject, saying, "It's been quite a while since Tetsuya and Eriri went to buy drinks. I wonder if they encountered any problems. Should we look for them?"

"Yes, it's probably been almost half an hour," Tetsuya nodded. Although Yuuki Asuna's behavior seemed odd, Tetsuya didn't think too much about it. Eriri had been gone for more than 20 minutes, so she should have returned with some news.

Yuuki Asuna glanced at Tetsuya, deep in thought. Her face immediately turned red, and she seemed to be referring to a matter involving a young girl and a male friend. Yuuki Asuna's complexion flushed, and she avoided looking at Tetsuya. She quickly suggested, "Tetsuya, maybe we should split up and look for them. What do you think?"

"Alright," Tetsuya agreed. Seeing Tetsuya's compliance, Yuuki Asuna immediately relaxed and quickly left the bookstore, as if escaping from Eriri's presence a while ago.

"What just happened?" Tetsuya looked surprised as he watched Yuuki Asuna hurriedly leave. Even though he had lived for over 20 years and returned to being 17, he still couldn't fully understand the thoughts of a female student. However, as he looked at Yuuki Asuna's back, Tetsuya shook his head.

These young girls are so naive. Do they think it's so easy to hide something from me?

When Tetsuya reached the exit, instead of following Yuuki Asuna, he returned along the same path he had taken earlier, back to the bookshelf. If Tetsuya didn't know that Eriri was the manga artist Kashiwagi Eri, he might have gone to the vending machine outside for cold drinks like Asuna. But now things were different. He knew Eriri's true identity, and the situation became clear.

Sure enough, in a corner of the bookshelf, he found a petite blond girl with twin tails. She had a cute small canine tooth and cautious deep blue eyes. After making sure no one was watching, she jumped up, reaching for a book at the top of the shelf. However, she didn't notice what was behind her and hit her head on the back of the bookshelf.

"Ouch... That hurts!" The impact caused several books to fall on the girl's head, almost bringing her to tears. She covered her head in pain and indignation, glaring at the manga on the bookshelf.

"It's the height's fault." Tetsuya sighed helplessly as he picked up the scattered light novel notebooks from the ground. But when he mentioned the name "Kashiwagi Eri" while speaking, he intentionally emphasized the tone.

Haha, young girl, you're too naive if you think you can hide it.

Hearing Tetsuya mention Kashiwagi Eri, Eriri widened her eyes in surprise and asked, "You know?"

"I didn't know before, but now I do," Tetsuya replied.

"You!" Eriri's fair cheeks immediately turned red, and she glared at Tetsuya, shaking her head vigorously. Her golden twin tails swayed like an illusion, flicking back and forth towards Tetsuya.

"You forgot about me! Completely forgot! Don't mention that name to me!" Eriri's anger was evident, and she tried to tear into Tetsuya.

"Stop quarreling. If you keep this up, you'll attract attention. Do you want others to know your identity?" Tetsuya warned.

"Hmph." Eriri, who had been acting like a queen, immediately lowered her head like a defeated puppy.

"Are you embarrassed for others at school to know your identity?" Tetsuya asked.

"Shut up! Don't mention this to me!"

"Alright, I won't bring it up." Tetsuya decided not to press the matter any further, sensing Eriri's strong reaction. He smiled inwardly, aware of the limited resources Eriri had.

Speaking of which, he had read Kashiwagi Eri's online book. Now it made sense why she drew characters with small breasts. She had no personal experience in that area.

At that moment, Tetsuya thought of Yuuki Asuna. Looking at the bookshelf once again, he noticed the book with characters displaying underdeveloped breasts and said with astonishment,

"Sawamura-san, did you ask Asuna to come to your house to use her as the main heroine of a new work?"

Tetsuya mentioned other domains that Eriri hadn't explored, and Asuna's physique would be suitable for Eriri's new work. Was Eriri really planning to depict Yuuki Asuna as the main heroine in her book?

Although it was common for artists and writers to use friends as references for their work, it still sounded irritating.

"Hmph, it's not as abnormal as you think! I don't need Asuna to be a model for my book," Eriri replied, crossing her arms.

Relieved that Eriri didn't intend to depict Asuna in her book, Tetsuya pointed to the book on the shelf and asked, "Then, Sawamura-san, do you want this book?"

"No, why would I like something like that!" Eriri said with a displeased expression.

"Alright, let's go back. Asuna has been waiting for you," Tetsuya said, turning around without hesitation.

"Huh? Oh, um... wait for me!" Eriri called out, trying to catch up with Tetsuya.

"..." Bleached hair defeat dog? Who said that?

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