
Fantasy Online System

A mysterious pandemic called "sleeping beauty syndrome" has terrorized the world, causing deaths everywhere. Fear and depression begin to envelop the world as people decide to end their lives. As the pandemic is getting worse, one of the famous game companies releases a game called FOS (Fantasy Online System), successfully reducing depression levels significantly making the game very popular throughout society. One day, a high school student named Ethan receives a mysterious message from someone named Athena while playing FOS. He finally tries to find out about the mysterious message which turns out to have something to do with the emergence of this pandemic. Will he successfully find out what the message means?

Little_BlackHorse · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Chapter 27: Mysterious woman

After they are done shopping, they rush back home and put all the groceries on the kitchen table.

"Eth, help me to put all these ingredients in order first." Aunt Luna was seen walking toward the kitchen. "I'll turn on the stove and start cooking."

Ethan nods his head and starts putting the groceries that have already been bought in the spot that Aunt Luna has told him. After finishing putting everything away, Ethan walks into the living room, sits down on the couch, and starts turning on the television.

"Ah, I'm tired of hearing all this." Ethan just shook his head and his fingers kept changing the television channel "Oh, I think I'd better continue the mission in the game."

Ethan stands up and goes to his room, but suddenly his phone rings and it turns out to be Aidan who tells him that he will probably be a little late today because he has some prior business.

"I'll play right away if my assignment is done."

Aidan then cut off the phone and it isn't long before Ethan begins to re-enter the game world alone.


Asher instantly respawns in Malana village and it appears that Persea has been waiting for his arrival.

"Wait a moment, something looks like it's missing." The blue fairy stretched her neck to look around. "Oh, I know it. Where's Chronos?"

"Oh, he has a little business, but he'll be playing in a while."

"Alright, fine then." Persea smiled hearing Asher's words. "So, do you want to continue the mission to find Ignea's whereabouts?"

Asher thinks it seems like it will be very hard to do this mission alone, especially since the class he has chosen is more supportive and not the attacking type. If he insists on completing the quest, it will be much more difficult than before, so he decides to take the optional mission in this village and ask Persea directly.

"Asher, you can see it through the map I give you." Persea snapped her fingers. "The green color on the map indicates that it's an optional quest in Malana village."

Asher then opens his map and sees there is a green dot not far from their position, so they decide to walk until they reach that point, which comes from a physician in the village of Malana.

"Player, I will need your help to collect some medicinal plants for my special formula."

Suddenly a Quest notification appears on Asher's screen.

"Quest 11: Medicine Plant"

Recommended player level: lv 9-11

Reward: 1x Remedy; 1x special item

The village physician Malana requires a special plant for her formulas. The plant is located close to the fairy swamp.

plants collected (0/3)

Recommended class: All classes

Do you want to take this quest?



Asher instantly accepts the quest and heads to the fairy swamp to start searching for the required plants.

'Persea gives you 2x potions.'

After a few minutes of walking in the Malana Forest, he suddenly sees the female player who looks similar to the woman he once met fighting with some green goblin creatures. The player quickly cast her skills and soon a fireball shot toward one of the goblins and successfully hit it.

However, she does not realize that several goblins suddenly appeared nearby and directly attack the player until she is blown away and leaves her dying.

"Geez, that's bad. I have to help him."

Asher fastens his footsteps and starts firing beams of light from his staff as he moves closer to the player.

"Cure!" Asher chanted his healing spell. "Hey, you're okay, right?"

The player just nods slowly and continues to cast his fire magic, but the goblins start walking toward the two of them with horrifying red gazes. The player begins to cast her magic again, but it takes time and the goblins are getting closer to them.

"Wait, I'll buy you some time."

Asher quickly shoots a laser beam from his staff and aims it at the ground which produces thick smoke that interferes with the goblins' vision. Not long after, the player's spell is completed and she instantly throws multiple fireballs until it successfully kills all the goblins.

'400 exp earned'

'You have earned 400 gold coins, and 1x goblin hat'

'400 exp earned'

'You have earned 200 gold coins, 2x goblin eyes'

Ah, finally." The female player simply sat on the ground and flexed her muscles. "Uh, thanks for your helping there."

Asher just nods and asks what she is doing alone in the dungeon as she explains there are special plants she needs to complete the mission.

"Hey, I'm also looking for medicinal plants." Asher snapped his fingers. "How about if we work together?"

Asher flashes a smile at the wavy white-haired woman, but it seems like the player doesn't enjoy making the acquaintance of a new player, so she decides to stand up immediately.

"Uh, sorry but I can't because my friend is waiting." The woman bowed her body once more to apologize and then ran off somewhere. "Thank you."

"Strange, I can't see her face at all because she's wearing a mask that covers almost half of her face." Asher stroked his chin. "But, is her appearance similar to that woman or is it just a coincidence?"

Asher shrugs both of his shoulders and then continues to walk toward the fairy swamp. Once there, he notices that some plants are growing on the ground close to the surface of the swamp's edge.

"Well, I'm sure that's the plant."

He faster his pace and carefully picks up the plant, but as his hand tries to touch the plant, something emerges from inside the swamp. It then pulls Asher's hand hard until his body starts to drag and his face instantly becomes tense followed by sweat pouring down his face.

"Ah, Dammit!" Asher grabbed hold of a tree trunk not far from his position and immediately cast out his abilities. "Laser light!"

The laser light instantly strikes the strange creature in the water causing a loud explosion and making it vanish. Shortly after, Asher quickly picks up the plant and put it.

'You got the plant (1/3)'

"Great, I only need two more plants, but where are they?"