
Chapter 9: Count Engel's First Lesson


Thor's instinctive words, his gaze turned to his father, Count Engel Dressrosa, with a mix of hesitation and shock.

"Thor, you must know, even though Rain has become your guardian knight, being a guardian knight only represents loyalty, and it does not mean or represent anything else. As a qualified lord, you need to demonstrate your grace, your tolerance, your authority!!"

Count Dressrosa's words echoed with a certain meaning.

Thor was slightly taken aback, and then his expression became solemn.

Clearly, at this moment, his father, Count Engel Dressrosa, was teaching him.

Thor certainly had no resistance to this.

As a Count.

Count Dressrosa possessed wisdom and experience beyond Thor's comparison, even if he was a traveler.

Seeing Thor's expression, Count Dressrosa also showed satisfaction.

After a moment of contemplation, he spoke again.

"Thor, the path of becoming a knight is not easy!"

"If you truly want to become a qualified knight, you first need to learn how to win the hearts of the people."

"Now you are the lord of Dressrosa Castle, the glory of the Dressrosa family can shelter you, but once you become a knight, these glories will fade away from you. You need to rely on your own wisdom to build your own territory and rule over your subjects."

"Rain is excellent. His talent is the strongest I've seen so far. If you can truly win him over, he will become your best assistant in the future. Your talent is not strong, and I didn't have much hope for you, but my child, you seem to have given me quite a surprise."

His words were solemn at first, then he smiled.

Hearing his father's words, Thor was surprised and subconsciously wanted to speak, but was stopped by Count Dressrosa.

"Everyone has secrets. I don't need to inquire about your secrets. After all, you are my child!"

"Now and in the future, work hard!"

"I look forward to my child becoming the eagle of the Dressrosa family."

Count Dressrosa chuckled lightly, not dwelling on some of Thor's issues, but indicating that he could leave.

"Yes, Father, I won't let you down!"

Thor nodded, his expression solemn.

Then, servants quickly approached and helped Thor put on the silver armor and administer the life potion.

Watching Thor leave, Count Dressrosa's eyes flickered, and his expression showed a smile.

"It seems that I have indeed misjudged!"

"What an unexpected surprise!"


He whispered, then Count Dressrosa called out again.


The steward, Charlie, entered with a respectful voice.

"Go and fetch the second box from my first storage room!"

Count Dressrosa's thoughts returned, and he smiled.


Charlie nodded and quickly left.

"Thor, I hope you don't let me down!"

With a soft voice, Count Dressrosa once again focused on the books in his hands.

At this moment, Thor, who had left, did not know that because of Rain's appearance, his father was preparing to increase his investment in him again.

If he knew, he would probably be happy for a while.

Of course, even now, he was already very happy.

With his servants, he arrived at the training ground.

Rain was still training.

Compared to half a month ago, Rain's body was obviously stronger, no longer as thin as before.

At the same time, his spirit had also undergone a significant change.

Thor was very satisfied with this.

After waiting for a while, Rain stopped to catch his breath, too busy to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and hurried over.

"Lord Thor!"

Rain's respectful voice sounded as he bowed to Thor.

"Not bad!"

"It seems you have worked hard enough these days!"

Thor smiled and waved his hand.

Two servants quickly approached and placed a large and a small box in front of Rain.

"Lord Thor!"


Rain subconsciously wanted to refuse, but was stopped by Thor.

"You are my guardian knight, you can't be so poor, take a look!"

Stopping him, Thor smiled and spoke.

"Thank you, my Lord!"

Although Rain hesitated and felt nervous, he responded, thinking of Thor's words, and carefully opened the first large box.

When the box opened, a silver light appeared, and his eyes were immediately drawn to it.

"This is a piece of silver armor, even when you become a great knight in the future, you can still use it!"

Thor smiled again.

"Thank you, my Lord!"

Rain quickly expressed his gratitude, his hands trembling slightly.

At this moment, he was no longer naive. Following Michael's training, he understood the value of silver armor.

He was excited and trembling with gratitude towards Thor.

"Now, take a look at the other one. It's more suitable for you at the moment!"

Thor gestured towards the other small box.

"Yes, my Lord!"

Hearing Thor's words, Rain was a bit nervous, but still carefully opened the other wooden box.

This box was small, very small. When he opened it, it contained a green liquid in a small glass test tube.

Seeing the green liquid, Rain was initially puzzled, but then he felt his breath becoming heavier and his face filled with disbelief.

The green liquid was more precious than the silver armor, making him think of a certain thing at the first moment, but he still found it hard to believe.

Because that thing was too precious.

So precious that he couldn't even imagine it.

"If... if this is a life potion!"

As he spoke, Rain looked at Thor, his breath becoming more rapid.

"Yes, this is a bottle of intermediate-grade life potion. Its value is almost ten times that of a low-grade life potion. With it, you can enter the apprentice knight level with 100% certainty!"

Thor sighed, looking at the life potion in front of him. Truth be told, if it weren't for the daily intelligence system, he would have wanted to keep it for himself. After all, he had never even tasted it.

Every legitimate descendant of the Dressrosa family received a bottle of life potion every year, but the problem was that it was not an intermediate-grade life potion, but a low-grade one. The difference in value was incomparable. With this bottle, Rain could confidently step into the mid-level apprentice knight.

(End of chapter)