
Chapter 84

Siege, shocking sword

"Senior Brother Xu is getting stronger and stronger!"

Su Miaoyin looked at this scene from a distance and exclaimed.

Ever since she met Xu Chuan in this ancient palace world, his strength has been growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But now, it has reached a point that is unbelievable. With the cultivation of the Nirvana Realm for the first time, he actually killed the young master of the ancient clan in the seventh heaven of the Nirvana Realm with one punch!

"But…does Senior Brother Xu still have Yuan Power?"

Su Miaoyin was very worried.

Although Xu Chuan showed great strength.

But he had just exploded with such a strong force and was already extremely weak. Now he was fighting Wang Teng again. No matter how strong Xu Chuan was, he couldn't continue fighting, right?

But the situation in front of him obviously would not give Xu Chuan a chance to recover.

Xu Chuan didn't know what Su Miaoyin was thinking.

At this moment, he came to Wang Teng's headless body and took off the storage ring from his only remaining arm.

Violently breaking through the restrictions, I found a lot of treasures inside.

"As expected of the young master of the ancient tribe, there are so many treasures in the storage ring."

Xu Chuan chuckled and transferred all the contents to his own storage ring.

Then he sat directly next to Wang Teng's body and began to restore his energy.

He didn't care at all about the other geniuses present.

"Too arrogant!"

"Who is this Xu Chuan? He is so strong!"

"If we can't get the points from him, we have no chance to squeeze into the top three!"

Although the remaining Tianjiao were very unhappy, Wang Teng Despite the tragic situation, no one dared to touch Xu Chuan's bad luck.


A voice rang out from the crowd.

"Let's go together!"

"After a series of battles, I don't believe he still has any strength left! I'm afraid he's already at the end of his strength and is just showing off!"

"Yes, although this person is strong, he is only at the first level of the Nirvana Realm after all. What's left of us? Warriors, which one is not at the third level of Nirvana or above?"

"I don't believe it. With so many of us joining forces, we can't defeat just one of him?"

"Let's join forces to capture Xu Chuan first and force him to hand over his points. Let's make plans for the distribution issue!"

As someone took the lead, all the geniuses began to think about it.

There is no way, who among the warriors present, Xu Chuan has the most points.

Moreover, the consumption is also the largest!

For a while.

Nearly two hundred warriors burst out with terrifying power and stared at Xu Chuan.

As long as someone gives the order, they will move in full force.

Then, a young man with Taoist charm walked out of the crowd, looked at Xu Chuan with sharp eyes, and said in a deep voice.

"I don't care if you are really weak or fake, hand over your points and I will spare your life!" "

Yes, hand over all the points on your body quickly!"

"Hand it over and let you live, otherwise, I will definitely Let me show you the difference between us geniuses and those demon beasts!"

Seeing someone taking the lead, many geniuses started to shout in agreement.

Facing the threat of nearly two hundred people, anyone else would probably have been filled with fear.

But Xu Chuan just smiled.

No longer recovering, he stood up from the ground with a hand.

"The points are in my hands!"

"If you have the ability, just come and get it!"

He stood with his hands behind his back, not afraid of threats at all, and spoke calmly.

"Junior Brother Xu…you…"

Cui Jiang couldn't help but worry about Xu Chuan when he saw him being so arrogant.

"Senior Brother Cui, it doesn't matter, I can kill these little minions with just one hand!"

Xu Chuan's words made Daoyun young man Ling Tian's face instantly darken.

"Since you dug your own grave, no wonder I waited!"

"Come together!"

Following his order, many warriors who had been preparing for a long time launched their most powerful attacks and went towards Xu Chuan. .

There are tyrannical magical powers, peerless martial arts, and secret techniques…

Nearly two hundred geniuses take action together, and the power they unleash is absolutely terrifying.

Facing such an attack, even if the reincarnation realm comes, I am afraid that I have to avoid the edge for a while.

Otherwise, you will definitely be hit hard!

However, in the face of these horrific attacks, Xu Chuan remained unmoved at all and just watched the incoming attacks calmly.

When these attacks were about to hit him.

Xu Chuan moved.

He picked up the killing sword that he had never used against Wang Teng before.

Immediately afterwards, a boundless sword energy rose from his body and appeared in front of these geniuses.

this moment.

The geniuses present all heard the sound of Jin Ge tearing apart all over the sky.

The terrifying murderous aura continued to increase, shrouding everyone.


Xu Chuan shouted these two words softly.

This was a move he learned from the inheritance of the God-killing Sword Technique when he just killed Wang Teng.

Right now, we can use these people in front of us to test the power of this move.

The words just fell.

The boiling murderous aura in the sky seemed to have finally found an outlet, venting out without reservation.

The target is the attack coming towards Xu Chuan!


The sword energy rolled out wildly and turned into a blade that tore through the sky. In an instant, it collided with the various methods used by these people.

It made a loud noise.

In the trial space, various secret techniques exploded, like fireworks, bright and dazzling!

And Xu Chuan's sword, after shattering many unique skills, still continued unabated and headed towards these talented people.

The breath of death filled the entire trial space, and all the geniuses who besieged Xu Chuan, including Ling Tian, felt a sense of fear and uneasiness at this moment.

They seemed to see the door of hell opening towards them.

The violent sword energy full of murderous aura turned into the deepest nightmare in their hearts.

At this time, all they could see was the rapidly approaching sword energy, and an unprecedented sense of fear welled up in their hearts.

Ling Tian, who was in the lead, also lost his soul when facing this attack.

He yelled crazily, "Use all your strength to block this attack, otherwise, we will all die!"

We must not let this knife get close to them, otherwise, he will be dead!

Not only Ling Tian felt this way, but all the geniuses who took action felt this way.

If you can't block this sword, you will die!


Two hundred geniuses once again exploded with all their strength. Some even used blood-burning secret techniques and various explosive techniques to collide head-on with Xu Chuan's sword.

boom! boom! boom!

A violent explosion sounded, and all the geniuses who besieged Xu Chuan were blasted out, vomiting blood and fell to the ground.

Even Ling Tian is no exception.

The two hundred geniuses who were originally so powerful now all lost their ability to fight.

Cui Jiang and others who were not involved in the siege stared blankly at the scene in front of them, dumbfounded and losing the ability to think.

What did they see?

Xu Chuan used his own power to kill the joint attack of two hundred geniuses with one sword, and these geniuses lost their ability to fight.

Not only that, many weak people died directly under Xu Chuan's sword.

You must know that among the group of people who besieged Xu Chuan, those with the lowest cultivation level were above the third level of Nirvana Realm. Even the leader, Ling Tian, was a peerless genius who was at the eighth level of Nirvana Realm.

However, he still couldn't resist Xu Chuan's sword.