

Mark and his friends went on an adventure on an island but they ended up trapped in an Island which happens to be the abode of beasts, monsters, witches and all kinds of mystical being. Mark must survive the quests and pass through all the fanta-phase so as to save himself and his friends. Will he be able to survive? You can't survive if you don't have sex within the interval of sixty hours. How will mark survive? Will he save his friend? Satisfy your curiosity, read on.

Larry_tobey_3854 · Fantasy
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13 Chs


After the fight with the monster we packed our things then we planned moving out of the area which Abigael claimed wasn't safe for us to stay at any moment from now.

"Where do we go now" She asked

"Are you kidding me, I don't know anywhere here all I need is to find my friends" I said sounding cold

"I know right but umm...I can't say where your friends except you meet the princess" she said

"And where's she? "I asked

"Palace" She responded

"And where's the palace?" I asked

"Don't worry, don't sweat too much the princess herself is here" Abigael said smiling

"Where?" I asked

"Calm down any moment from now" she said smiling

"Okay" I said looking around

"Umm…I'll be right back, I want to get some things over there" Abigael said

"No problem, don't stay too long" I said as I sat down

For about twenty minutes Abigael didn't come back I was starting to get worried and scared at the same time not knowing what to do.

"Abigael!" I called out but there wasn't any response

All of a sudden I could hear chants and distant noises coming from nowhere in particular fear had taken me already, I was already shocked.

I felt something hit me on the head then my vision went blurry still I was still struggling to move but not for long; I passed out.

"Mark…you just left us to die and you claimed you're a friend" I heard Tristan's voice

"Hey Tristan, it isn't what you think, I've been trying to find you all this while but to no avail" I said struggling with the words.

"Just like that right…huh? You expect me to believe that which you said just now right?" I heard him again

"Just tell me where you are I'll come find you" I said almost sobbing

"Just get out already" Tristan's voice echoed

Tristan! I kept screaming his name


Sound of water swept across my ear and head.

"Fuck!, not again" I said knowing it was all a dream or vision perhaps.

"He's awake already" I heard a deep voice behind me

"Send him to the princess straight away" I heard another

"Wait...what the…I'm in the palace" I was talking to myself

"The princess is on her way already" I heard another voice.

"Bow to the princess" one of the guards shouted

"All hail Princess Isabelle" they all said in unison

"Princess Isabelle" I held unto the name

"Hey" she said to me

Not knowing how I was going to respond all I could do was to keep mute, I was feeling weak already almost a day without sex and I'm stuck wherever I don't even know.

"Hmm" I managed to say something

"Hope y'all didn't hurt him in any form" she said looking round

"Not at all my princess" sounds like the chief guard

"Better" she said smiling

I was getting a weird feeling from this already, "why would the princess ask if I was hurt? Why would she...umm hope it isn't what I think it is?". Thoughts keep coming in and out of my mind.

"Bring him to my room" the princess ordered without even looking back

"As you wish, my princess" I heard the chief guard respond to her

I was moved to the princess's room without any hesitation from the guards. Entering the room all I could do was just stare at the room and possibly just do nothing… actually nothing.

"Hey Mark" I heard talk to me

Getting out of shock that she knows my name even without meeting or seeing her once in my life but today.

"It's okay, I know what you thinking about, well, you don't need to feel nervous or feel strange as it's nothing" she said coming closer to me.

I wasn't still responding just standing still then she moved to the window which was closed then she opened it which allowed rays of light in the room.

"Front here you can see a very beautiful picture of this island, mind to check?" She said looking at me

I couldn't say no so I just had to walk reluctantly to her.

"C'mon, it's Okay" she said holding my hand to draw me closer to the window.

Her touches sent shivers to my spine and it really made my heartbeat go wild to the point I could tell she could possibly hear it's beats.

"Yeah I got it" I said moving closer to the window

"Isn't it beautiful?" She asked looking into my eyes

"Yeah…it..it..it is…it's beautiful" I said stammering as I couldn't stand her gaze on me

Suddenly a squirrel ran across the window which I could say scared the hell out of her, she screamed so loud that I had to close my ears instead the squirrel jumped on her which caused her to pull me as she was going to fall off.

Well it happened we fell together but in a really bad position she was on top of me with her face on my face but wouldn't say we kissed just face on face I was really starting to lose myself she also wasn't really willing to get up.

"Excuse me your princess, I'm really sorry to disturb you just brought…"

"Just drop it and get out now you don't meddle in when something good is about to happen" Princess Isabelle said in a way which I found maybe funny

Wait a minute did she just say something good is about to happen…wtf what does she mean.

"Hey boy, what ya thinking about?" she said smiling


Shh! She kept a finger on my lips so I won't be able to say anything.

"Let's keep going" She said holding my head.