
Fantasy: I, Who Listen To Music In A Brothel, Simulate Becoming A God

[Fantasy, simulator, live a life of luxury, no heroine, upgrade flow] Jiang Yifeng traveled through time and space and became the eldest son of the Jiang family of the Great You Kingdom. He originally thought that he could spend his whole life in brothels and listening to music, but who knew that five years after he traveled through time, the simulator was activated. In the first simulation, he discovered that this world was different from what he thought. There were actually immortal cultivators, and more than ten years later, they would come to destroy his entire family. After that, in order to protect himself, Jiang Yifeng continued to go to brothels and listen to music in reality. In the simulation, he kept exploring this world and worked hard to improve his strength. In simulation after simulation, his strength continued to rise, and the full picture of this world was also reflected in front of Jiang Yifeng. When he looked back, it turned out that he was invincible in the world.

simulated_man · Fantasy
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10 Chs

chapter 9

At this time, the simulator has been upgraded and the number of simulations has been refreshed.

Jiang Yifeng didn't think any more and just said silently.

"Start simulation!"

[The consumption of simulation times is 1, and the remaining times are 0]

[Extracting the green talent consumes 1000 energy values, and the blue talent consumes 10W energy values. Please choose to extract! ]

The increase is not small, but for Jiang Yifeng, it is nothing but water.

"Extract the blue talent."

[Ding, 10W energy value is deducted, and the remaining energy value is: 85165000; the blue talent is being drawn. ]

[Congratulations on getting the blue talent: Five Elements Pseudo Spirit Root]

[Five Elements Pseudo Spiritual Roots: The incomplete spiritual roots of the five attributes of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth can be practiced, but the speed is extremely slow. (Note: Among pseudo-spiritual roots, it is also the most rubbish existence!)]

Jiang Yifeng looked happy when he saw this.

The talent for cultivating immortals has arrived.

Even though it was introduced as the worst talent, he didn't really care.

No matter what, having spiritual roots is better than not having one.

Without thinking much, Jiang Yifeng eagerly looked at the simulation panel.

[The fourth simulation begins. ]

[You realize that you are already in a simulation. ]

[Think about it for a moment, you feel that it is difficult for you to improve your martial arts now. ]

[And now that you have spiritual roots, you should first get the Tianxuan Gong and then try to cultivate immortality. ]

[So you set off immediately, preparing to head to the Evergreen Mountains. ]

[As soon as you walked out of the room, you met your father Jiang Fushan. ]

[He asked you, what happened during this time? How to start buying gold and silver jewelry. ]

[You were speechless for a moment, and it was impossible for you to answer directly that you needed energy; so you lied and said that you had a new hobby. ]

[Your father Jiang Fushan heard this and did not continue to ask. He just asked if you still have enough money. ]

[You touched the few million taels of banknotes you had left, nodded, and said that you were indeed a little short of money. ]

[Hearing what you said, your father Jiang Fushan smiled, took out a key and handed it to you. ]

[Said this is the key to his study. If I don't have any money, I'll get it myself. ]

[You were a little moved and said with tears: Okay, I must go and get it. ]

[After your father left, you left Qingshan City without stopping. ]

[You still choose to run forward this time. ]

[It's not because you want to exercise, running can no longer make you stronger. ]

[Just because you still can't ride a horse. ]

[On the first day, even if you set off at noon, by the evening, you will already be two hundred miles away from Qingshan City. ]

[This is all because you are now at the sixth level of Body Tempering in martial arts. ]

[If you run at full speed, your speed is not inferior to that of an ordinary fast horse. ]

[The next day, you quickened your pace and were still on your way. Nothing special happened. ]

[On the third day, I traveled for a day and spent the night in an unknown ruined temple. ]

[On the fourth day, while driving at full speed, nothing happened. ]

[On the fifth day, you encountered bandits during your break. ]

[When you see groups of bandits, you are not only not panicked, but even a little excited. ]

[You yelled "Get rid of harm for the people" and then rushed forward. ]

[Even if there are hundreds of these ordinary bandits, they are not your enemies. ]

[In just a few minutes, most of the bandits were dead. Only one bandit leader was still running away because he was riding a good horse. ]

[But you have to ignore them and chase them away. You must eradicate them. ]

[You are shouting about getting rid of harm for the people, but what you are actually thinking about is that bandits have robbed you several times in previous simulations. ]

[Now that you have the strength, you must take revenge. ]

[The bandits are running away on horseback in front, and you are running fast behind them. The speeds of both parties are almost the same. ]

[Two hours later, you have been running at full speed and are already out of breath. ]

[Although your speed is similar to that of a fast horse, it is obvious that your endurance is not enough. ]

[But when you thought about the bandits' revenge on you for robbing you, you didn't give up and continued to chase. ]

[One day later, you outran the bandit leader's fast horse and he died under your fist. ]

[You feel that the previous robbery in the simulator will be avenged, and you laugh heartily. ]

[After laughing a lot, you were relieved and lay on the spot with soreness all over your body. ]

[Running at full speed for a whole day will already make you exhausted. ]

[As soon as you lay down, you fell asleep not long after, completely unaware that you were in the wild. ]

Jiang Yifeng was speechless when he saw this.

Are you so narrow-minded?

Wasn't it just that he was robbed twice by bandits in the simulator?

One of the robberies failed.

The key is these banditsI don't know if they are the same group.

In order to avenge this kind of revenge that has not happened in reality, he even killed the opponent's horse and killed him?

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Jiang Yifeng felt that in the simulator, he must be thinking about eliminating harm for the people.

[Fortunately, you were lucky. The next day, you woke up intact and did not encounter the beast. ]

[When you wake up, you look at your surroundings and feel a little confused for a moment. ]

[The current place has already deviated from the route you planned before. ]

[Suddenly you think that you chased the bandit leader at full speed yesterday, and you may have traveled nearly a thousand kilometers. ]

[It is normal to leave the route. ]

[You quickly take out the coordinate map of Tianxuan Temple and compare it. ]

[A few minutes later, you froze on the spot with your eyes blank, and there were only three words in your mind: Where is this? ]

[The coordinate map of Tianxuan Temple is just a regional road map from Qingshan City to Tianxuan Temple. ]

[And your current location is beyond the map, and you can't be sure where you are at all. ]

[You wanted to go back along the same route you followed yesterday to chase the bandits, but unfortunately you were only focused on chasing them and couldn't remember the route. ]

[After being confused for a while, you looked into the distance, towards the largest mountain range, and headed in that direction. ]

[You remember, the Evergreen Mountains are a mountain range that spans several countries. ]

[You think you can't go wrong by choosing the largest mountain range and heading there. ]

[One day later, you have walked hundreds of kilometers without encountering a single person, and the surrounding environment is becoming increasingly deserted. ]

[The largest mountain range you saw before is still very big and far away. ]

[You understand at this moment that you are completely lost. ]

[Another two days have passed and you still haven't met anyone. You don't know where you have walked! ]

[It stands to reason that no matter how remote it is, after walking one or two thousand kilometers in the past few days, I should have encountered a few villages. ]

[At this time, you are feeling a little flustered as you look at the little dry food left. ]

[In the blink of an eye, three days later, you are lying in the desert with your eyes blank. You have lost hope in life. ]

[Not only did you get lost and ended up in an unknown desert, but you also went without food or drink for two days. ]

[You think you might starve to death here. ]