
Fantasy Hunting Dimension

Thomas transmigrated to an isekai world. The previous owner of the body was depressed for not being strong like the younger sister. When Thomas took his place, he found that his younger sister loved him very much, his parents were very loving, unlike the parents he had. However, as soon as he fell asleep, he came to a strange dimension. He was killed by a man who appeared to be a pirate. To his surprise, despite the great pain he felt when he died, he was still alive...

Cristian666 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 5: Monarch of Crime

Returning to this room, Thomas sat on his bed. Once again, he was lost in thought. Current events made him understand that he needed to better analyze his memories.

Mainly with the fact that there are so many foreigners in Tokyo, even in the classroom, there were at least 10 foreign students.

Even if he wanted an answer, it seems that not even the former owner of the body knew the reason for this. It looked like it was common, nothing unusual.

Soon, the sky darkened and the chirping of insects interrupted the silent night sky. Thomas's room was pitch dark. His eyes got tired.

Wearing pajamas, he lay down on the bed.

When he regained consciousness again, the insect's chirping was gone. What came instead was the fresh scent of grass brushing his face.

Thomas's heart pounded and he opened his eyes.

Standing up in fright, Thomas looked around and looked for a place to hide. He didn't want to make the same mistake and find that man who cosplayed as a pirate and experienced death again.

The years he spent in the army made him good at camouflage.

Hiding in the bush, making as little noise as possible, Thomas begins to try to better understand the current situation.

Was wandering camouflaged, he saw something scary ... It was a monster with a lower body similar to Spider black, with more than 300 cm high, when turned, Thomas can see the hideous face of sinister eyes and what it appeared to be around white mask on the face.

Thomas stopped breathing, he didn't dare make a noise. Before I knew if this was real or not, it was better not to find out in the worst way, being devoured by this monster.


Suddenly, the monster made a strange sound and took off running towards the east.

Thomas started breathing again. With a sigh, he touched his chest and felt his heart beat another three times faster than normal.

'What made this monster run away?' Thomas prayed it wasn't out of fear. If anything could make this monster run... Death for him was certain.

But, before the monster got too far, a boy wearing a school uniform appeared in Thomas's line of sight, he had become the monster's target.

The boy with brown hair and purple eyes didn't run, instead, from the waist, behind the white and green school vest, he pulled out a gun, and magic circles started to appear just below his feet, and around the gun, waves of magic circles appeared subsequently.

'Is this magic?' Thomas opened his eyes wide. He rubbed his eyes twice before confirming he wasn't hallucinating.

A bullet was fired from the gun.

The monster was shot, but it didn't look scared, or maybe it wasn't, and with its mouth full of teeth, it bit the boy's shoulder.

Thomas acted without thinking, he ran towards the monster, wanting to help the student boy.

Another shot was fired, the monster's head had a bullet through it, leaving a large hole.

Thomas slowed his steps, he saw the boy fire a few more shots, before dropping to his knees on the ground just as the monster stopped biting him.

"Are you okay?" Thomas asked. He was looking at the serious bruise on the young man's shoulder and his eyes showed concern.

The young man showed disgust at the corner of his lips when he saw Thomas. His eyes held contempt the moment he saw Thomas.

Instead of answering, the boy pointed the gun at Thomas, then magic circles spun around the weapon.

Thomas didn't have much strength in his left leg, he had to use all the strength in his right leg to jump and dodge.

The boy kept firing as Thomas rolled in the grass, dodging the shots.

"Son of a bitch, why are you shooting at me?" Thomas felt wronged. He wanted to help, but this boy dared to shoot him.

As much as he didn't want to be a bad person, Thomas was angry at becoming the boy's target, he didn't have a gun, but picked up a rock from the ground and threw it at the boy at the same time ran towards him. Since running away wasn't an option, since he'd give things away to make himself an easier target.

When the boy used a shot to go against the rock, Thomas had already reached the boy.

The boy with short brown hair pointed the gun at him and was about to fire, Thomas literally threw himself towards the boy and grabbed his arm tightly. His foot ended up hitting the monster that had been shot to death before, spinning around and heading towards them.

'I will die?'

For a moment he believed he was going to be crushed to death, but then, a magic circle appeared and stopped the body from rolling, Thomas took advantage of this moment of the boy's distraction and twisted the boy's wrist and a shot was fired.

Thomas was almost out of strength, he had to use all his strength just to manage to twist the boy's arm which was incredibly strong despite his appearance.

When he saw the head with a hole going the other way, Thomas sighed.

He wasn't too happy about it, after all, he wasn't a killer.

But before he thought to bury at least the boy turned to dust and left behind two dim red orbs and something very similar to a smartphone microchip.

Thomas's hands dropped to his knees as he panted nonstop.

Even tired, disbelieving everything he saw, Thomas climbed up and grabbed the light spheres and microchip in his hand. It was weightless, but it felt warm in the hand.

Before Thomas could get a good look at the two spheres and microchip, it suddenly disappeared right before his eyes.

Thomas blinked and felt stunned.

Before he had any kind of response, his vision fell into darkness. The only thing he knew was that something really big hit him so fast he didn't even see it coming.

In the dark room, Thomas, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes. A painful sensation came from his chest covering him in a cold sweat.

He didn't really die, but it hurt a lot.

He felt his tears were coming out. He died once a day. No, yesterday he died twice. It looked like from now on he would die every day.

If this continued, would he die?

Thomas felt cold at the thought of it. He rolled over on the bed and placed the blanket over him.

In this cold world, only his blanket could give him some warmth.

Why was this happening to him? Is there no way for him to sleep without having to go to that place and die?

Just as he was thinking, his eyes darkened when he suddenly felt some incoherent things in his brain.

He quickly sat cross-legged as he focused on his mind. A moment later, Thomas found a small three-dimensional space in his mind. There were two red spheres floating in space and the microchip.

'Aren't these things that came from the student boy?' Thomas looked stunned at the floating orbs and microchips and was even more confused.

'What the hell was that? How could he use this?'

Moments later, Thomas reached for his cell phone from the bedside table.

Taking the two red orbs from the air, he took the microchip with the intention of testing it on his smartphone.

Better to test something like that than the first idea he had of swallowing those red orbs and seeing what would happen.

Taking a deep breath, he took out the previous microchip and put what he got into the dream dimension? He still didn't know how to define this place.

Suddenly, his smartphone glows and runes start circling. His finger was cut in the process and blood dripped onto his smartphone in the process.

A moment later, the smartphone fell back into Thomas's hand looking totally different from before, with two cameras in the front, it was silver with blue accents, while the smartphone's front cameras were turned on by themselves and showed his face when at the same time, letters appeared above his head, which was being reflected by the cameras.

_ _

- [Thomas Watanabe] -

Title: Monarch of Crime

Rank: [Mortal Realm (Initial Stage) {not enough conditions for update}]

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Criminal Skills: None

_ _

"…" Thomas was speechless.

First, whenever he went to sleep, he would show up in a strange place and end up getting killed, now he has something mysterious like a system on his smartphone that was transformed by putting that microchip, he even says he has the title of Monarch of Crime... What kind of crime did he commit to deserve such a title?

Thomas had an idea, he would open the smartphone and take the microchip back. He didn't want to be a criminal!

But, soon he gets frustrated. First, he didn't know how to open it, he totally changed the smartphone's initial design and there was no longer a hole for him to insert the thin accessory to take out the microchip, he also tried to use force to try to split the smartphone in half.

Even after using water, throwing it on the wall, hitting it with the hammer, he couldn't break the smartphone, he was still on the same screen that showed his status.

'Am I going to be a criminal?' It wasn't what he wanted, he didn't even know if somehow this smartphone could influence him.

Sighing in frustration, Thomas looked at the red orbs in the dim light.

Leaving the smartphone aside for now, since he had no idea how to solve this problem, he thought about swallowing one of the dim red orbs.

Then he gritted his teeth and placed the red orb in his mouth. The dim red light turned into a warm stream that melted into his body. It was like flames burning his body; Thomas's skin turned red.

Suddenly, the smartphone floated in front of him new information appears. It was something saying that the conditions for the update were met.

A dim light came out of the smartphone, heading towards his navel.

The dead skin receded and his skin tightened. The cells were renewed and your skin was more alive. It was even emitting a faint glow. That's what total skin refinement looked like.

An hour later, Thomas opened his eyes. He had an excited expression on his face. He took out the other red sphere and ate it without hesitation.

He could feel his body grow stronger, even the old wound fading.



Along with the sound of happy birds chirping, a light breeze with sunlight entered Thomas's room.

Thomas opened his eyes that sparkled with a twinge of excitement. These two small orbs allowed him to feel as if he had turned into a phoenix turned from the ashes. Though he didn't know how strong he got, he was confident he could play sports, even fight a monster similar to the one the boy killed.

'Going to that place, even if I die, if I get things like that whenever I kill something in there, maybe it won't be bad after all.'

Looking ahead, he saw that the information on the smartphone had changed.

_ _

- [Thomas Watanabe] -

Title: Monarch of Crime

Rank: [Mortal Realm (Late Stage) {Insufficient Conditions for Update}]

_ _

Criminal Skills: None

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