
Fantasy Hunting Dimension

Thomas transmigrated to an isekai world. The previous owner of the body was depressed for not being strong like the younger sister. When Thomas took his place, he found that his younger sister loved him very much, his parents were very loving, unlike the parents he had. However, as soon as he fell asleep, he came to a strange dimension. He was killed by a man who appeared to be a pirate. To his surprise, despite the great pain he felt when he died, he was still alive...

Cristian666 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 3: Pirate

Entering the classroom, Thomas attracted a lot of attention. As was said before, he hadn't been to school for a long time, many thought he wouldn't even go to school anymore. For him to make the grade, he would need much more than getting above average grades.

"Good morning," he said to each student as they entered the room, greeting them by name as soon as he remembered. His first class was full of young people, most of them 16 or 17 years old. They walked in, took their seats, and chatted with each other about the things that occupy high school students' attention, especially about romantic relationships.

When she entered the classroom, the teacher was equally surprised.

"Student Thomas, it's good to have you back." The teacher said in a strange tone, but she was being sincere when she said it.

"Thanks." Thomas waved a friendly smile and went to the desk that was in front of Fabiana, and next to a student with blond hair and blue eyes.

Searching his memory, Thomas remembered the boy's name. Makoto Sunakawa is a calm, charming, charismatic and kind individual, whose good looks and cool personality have won the affections of several women, many of whom confess their love but end up rejected. He protects those he cares for but chooses not to associate with too many people, so he doesn't have too many friends. He keeps things to himself and always hides and represses his feelings, doesn't want others to worry about him, and doesn't talk about himself.

In Thomas's memoirs, the former owner of the body, despite exchanging a few words with Sunakawa, did not go so far as to be treated as a friend.

"Good Morning." Thomas greeted him before sitting down.

"Good Morning." Sunakawa returned the greeting in a neutral tone, then fell silent.

Turning around, Thomas smiled gently at Fabiana, before turning to see that the teacher had initiated the call.

"Gabriel was absent again today." The teacher said as if it were a frequent event.

A girl with short hair sighed. 'I tried to call her, but…' The girl sighed again.

She was two rows to Thomas's left, he saw her sigh twice and it got his attention a little.

"April Tsukinose vignette."

"Here teacher." The girl sighed before replied.

That's when Thomas vaguely remembered her.

Vigne is a teenager of medium height. She has short purple hair with two 'X' barrettes. She has purple eyes and wears the standard school uniform with no custom variations, unlike her friends.

Perhaps she felt Thomas's steady gaze. Vigne looked at him as she frowned.

Thomas continued to stare without looking back.

"Okay, can you two stop staring at each other?" The teacher said while slamming both hands on the table: "Class is about to start, there is nothing to talk about, leave it for recess."

Vigne blushed a little and stopped looking in Thomas's direction.

Thomas did the same, looking toward the blackboard.



The school wasn't a big place and news traveled fast, rumors even faster.

Many went to Alice to ask why Thomas, her older brother, had gone back to school after being away for so long.

Alice just smiled but didn't respond. She didn't want to let them gossip about Thomas, now that he's finally decided to go back to school, she tries hard to make him like her and not regret this decision.

"Sorry, I have to go." She grabbed her lunch box and left the classroom.

Going to the second floor, she walked over to the class Thomas was in.

When she saw him, she smiled a little, but soon took a deep breath, her expression neutral, and then walked into the classroom.

"I'm here." She smiled at him as she stopped in front of his desk.

"Mm." Thomas stopped looking at his notebook to look at his beautiful sister.

Genes were an amazing thing. Alice's simple smile was able to make many young people's hearts race at high frequency. That smile she certainly inherited from their mother.

Thomas looked back and didn't see Fabiana. He was so focused on his studies that he didn't even see her leave. He intended to invite her to lunch with him too.

After he realized that Fabiana wasn't there, he looked at Alice who pulled out a chair and sat down opposite him. One thing he noticed right away was all the admiring looks the boys gave her.

Some who intended to leave stayed in the classroom just because of her.

Alice hesitated a bit before asking, "Brother, mhm, is everything alright? How was it going back to school?"

Seeing her worried look, he smiled, "It was nice, it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. Thanks for always encouraging me to go back to school. You are a very adorable little sister."

Alice blushed a little, and took her lunch box, opening it as if to hide her embarrassment, but when she spoke again, she stuttered a little cutely, "T-There's more than I'm able to eat, we can share, yes?"

"Mhm, I'm not very hungry, just a little is enough for me." Thomas was telling the truth. The former owner spent so much time playing and locked in his room that he barely ate, because of that, his body got used to having little food.

Alice on the other hand thought the older brother was just being kind. She smiled and shared what was in the lunch box for him and herself.

The rest of the time, they spent eating while chatting casually. The conversation revolved around a new TV series. As he talked, Thomas remembered and continued the conversation. Only when the bell rang did Alice show a sad expression as she got to her feet.

"I have to go..." She asked, "Shall we go home together?"

"Okay." Thomas smiled as he nodded with his left hand.

Alice showed some happiness, then she smiled. "Okay, it's a promise, I'll be waiting for you to go together."



When late afternoon came, the bell rang.

After saying goodbye to Fabiana, and some who were more or less close to him. Although some seemed to be afraid to talk to him, Thomas walked out of the classroom and found his younger sister waiting in the hallway.

Leaving the school, Alice said: "Brother, there are a lot of idiots in the world, some may even seem nice, but in reality, they are snakes with rabbit skin, be very careful, okay?"

Thomas chuckled a little: "I know, but why are you telling me this now?"

"I just thought I should, if you already know, that's fine." She smiled, then crossed her left arm over his right. "It's okay if we walk like that, right?"

Thomas nodded, "Of course, why wouldn't it be?"

"Good." She smiled.

Strangely, she saw that the older brother had changed a little. She liked this change, if it was before, she wouldn't even be able to do it, maybe not even convince him to come home with her.



It was night, Thomas felt tired after exercising. If there was one thing he admired about the former owner, it was that even when he locked himself at home, he continued training every day.

Thomas finished showering and went to bed.

Today was a day, unlike anything he had been through before. It was very gratifying, even when I knew that some were wanting to isolate him at school, and for some strange reason, I had something against him.

Just like that, Thomas closed his eyes as his conscience drifted away. Everything fell into darkness soon.

When Thomas opened his eyes again, the sky was blue and clear. Sunlight shone warmly across his face, making him squint in comfort.

A light breeze brushed past. He smelled grass mixed with earth; it shook his spirit.

The fresh air really made people feel good. Thomas smiled.

Then his smile froze.

Wait, something doesn't feel right.

He was lying on the ground and looking at the sky!

'Wasn't I sleeping in my bed?' Thomas rose quickly and looked around in a daze.

He was lying in a grassy field. The fresh grass still had morning dew. As the wind blew, the grassy plain flowed like waves.

The view was good, but why was he here?

Thomas was stunned. Did he transmigrate again?

The dream of having a home and a little sister turned into survival on an island.


Thomas's eyes suddenly lit up and he smiled confidently.

He must be dreaming!

With his confident smile, he pinched her leg hard.


Thomas's smile hardened. The enormous pain made his mouth twitch uncontrollably.

He had used a lot of strength!

There was no one here, why act nice?

The most embarrassing part was that he failed. Fortunately, it was just the air watching.

Just then, Thomas suddenly heard a rustle coming from his back. The sound got louder and louder. Thomas got goosebumps down his back as he turned quickly.

What did he find?

A man dressed as a pirate with an ancient-looking pistol in his hand!

Looking at the man in the pirate cosplay, Thomas couldn't help thinking; 'Why is there a man cosplaying in a place like this?'

Before he could get an answer, the man smiled coldly, then pointed the gun in Thomas's direction and fired.


The moment Thomas thought about ducking, he felt a sudden pain in his chest. He looked down and blood suddenly spurted out. Then, his vision fell into darkness.



In a dark room, Thomas suddenly opened his eyes and sat up. He was panting heavily and fear could still be seen in his eyes. His dark hair and his pajamas were soaked from his cold.

Moments later, Thomas regained consciousness. His eyes looked at the familiar surroundings with some confusion.

What is this situation?

'I just transmigrated and now I transmigrated back?!' Thomas licked his dry lips with his tongue. 'Did he just die?'

Even now, his body was ravaged by pain. It seemed that the feeling of that strange place had passed. Thomas was very confused now. Did he transmigrate or was he just dreaming? Could such a realistic dream be considered a dream?