
Li Qing'er Confession!

Regaining his sense, Xing Chen walked and sat down on his bed, while placed the bag on the bed, looking at the leather bag full of gold coins, he thought for a while and opened the rope tied on the mouth of the leather bag.

Next, as the leather bag opened, a golden light illuminated his face, Xing Chen looked at the gold coins inside the bag, put his hand and fetched the gold coins, counted the coins in his hand, and placed them next to him.

He repeated the same procedure until the number of gold coins becomes one hundred.

Afterward, Xing Chen deliberately put his right hand under his pillow, in heart moves, give instructions to system and next second a small leather sack presented in his right hand which is the under the pillow.

This is a small trick of system, so long as he thought about the specific thing he owns in system storage, it'll appear in front of him where he wants, just the thing that appeared outside is limited to three meters around him from all directions.

After he got the small sack, Xing Chen pulled his hand, opened the mouth of the sack, and put the coins he fetched from a black leather bag.

Li Qing who was standing near his bed, confused by his action, but she didn't say anything instead stood there silently as she watched him putting the gold coins inside.

After Xing Chen put the last remaining coin in the small sack, he tied it with the small rope and stood up.

Moved towards Li Qing, said: "Sister Qing take it," Saying this he handed the sack in her delicate hands.

Li Qing held the sack full of gold coins looked at him in confusion and asked in doubt: "Young Master, did you forget something that you want to buy?"

"No" Xing Chen replied.

"Then why you handed over me these gold coins?" She asked again, as she is unable to comprehend what her young master want to do.

"Sister Qing these gold coins are for you" Xing Chen pointed towards the sack of gold coins in her hand and said.

"How can this be! No! It's not good! Young Master, please don't embarrass the servant, how dare I to take money from Master!" hearing his answer Li Qing shocked and said flurriedly, shaking her head again and again.

Xing Chen saw her panicked look, Shooked his head, he already guessed that she'll do something similar.

It's been half a month since both of them living in the same yard, after living with her for half a month he's well aware of her character.

Sister Qing, don't refuse," Xing Chen saw as if she wants to refuse, he firmly shook his head, then he looked at her in serious manners and said: "You know that I'll be leaving soon, and maybe it'll take a month or two for me to return even three months, during this time you'll be living alone here, although clan will provide you with all the necessary things, food and resource for your cultivation, but you should also have some spare money in your disposal„

"Sister Qing your talent in cultivation is good, in less than half year, you from an ordinary person become a cultivator of body refining realm, which shows your talent is good and with this money, not only you can buy body tempering pills and other necessary things for your cultivation, and with the help of those things it's not difficult for you to breakthrough sixth or even seventh stage of body refining realm, naturally you can also use it how you want to use, anyway it's yours." Xing Chen explained to her patiently.

Listening to him, Li Qing stared at the sack in her hand in a daze, she doesn't know what to do, when Xing Chen was putting the gold coins in this sack she also counted, and if she's not wrong he put a total of hundred gold coins in this bag.

A hundred Gold Coins!

This much money is enough for an ordinary household of three people to live for ten or even a dozen years without any worry of food and clothing.

She never saw so much money, in her life, or rather before she came to Xing Clan, and now young master gave her this money, which is unbelievable for her.

After Li Qing glanced at Xing Chen who was staring at her in serious and firm manners, there is a trace of warmth swept in her heart, after the death of her grandma, there is no one who gives her such warmth and love, even care so much for her.

She looked at him with complicated expressions while her eyes socket reddened and filled with mist, as she said in gentle tone: "Young Master thanks for your care, I'll accept this money, although Qing'er doesn't have anything worthy of young master, but Qing'er worthless life is young masters, no matter master want me to make cow or horse even if young master asked me to die I'll die without hesitation, no matter what desire or duty young master has for me, Qing'er will do her best to accomplish it."

Xing Chen bewildered by her sudden answer, he just wants to give some pocket money to her, from the memories of Bei Xuan, he learned that girls like clothes, shopping, eating, buying expensive things, and pocket money, etc, he doesn't have anything else to give her, for now, that's why he gave her some money, hasn't thought that she'll become so serious.

In truth, he wants to give her more money, it's just he still needs a large number of gold coins to buy flower budding grass or other similar things to recycle them for Fantasy Evolution Points, so he only gave her hundred gold coins, for which he still felt guilty in his heart.

"Sister Qing, you don't need to be so serious, isn't some gold coins, if it was not that I am going for training I'll definitely go with you for shopping, I listened to someone saying that girls like shopping." Xing Chen looked at her and smile bitterly.

After he said this, Li Qing tender body trembled and her eyelashes shivered, a faint blush appeared on her face looking at handsome and charming master in front of her who cares so much for her, a feeling of satisfaction passed through her body, although she knows that it's impossible to occur anything between them, and he might say this just to make her happy, but she's content with it.

"Th...Thanks, young master..... If nothing else I should go and do the remaining chores" Li Qing hummed in mosquito voice and left hurriedly.

"This...." Xing Chen looked at her back speechlessly as he smiled helplessly.

Sorry for the late update, Today was my mother's operation, that's why I uploaded the chapter so late and also wasn't able to update yesterday as well.

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