
Fantasy Detective

[Do you want to solve mysteries beyond your wildest imaginations?] "Hm?" [Will you sacrifice your entire life for the unknown?] [Option selection] [Yes or No] [Yes has been selected] [Transporting Conciousness...] [Loading...] [Warning!!!] [You may lose your memories in this process] [Continue?] [Continue has been selected] [Sucess] [Welcome to the world of Fantasy, Detective]

Tsuki0029 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Side Case #1 (???)

{Side Case: Town Hall meeting}

{Case time limit: Until Town Meeting is adjourned}

{Case Description:

{You've entered the Town Meeting Hall! Listen to the meeting and gain information about people and events around the Town!}


__Gain the ability: Profile Index__

__Randomized reward wheel (Extra!)__

{Penalty: ???}

{Good Luck!}

[With love,]

 [System :}]


The prince, still on the podium turned to the meeting council. "Thank you all, meeting council, for coming to this meeting." Turning back to the audience, he then announced the next speaker. "Now, the headmaster of the Academy for Mages and Knights will start with a few announcements regarding their respective academy." 

Leaving the podium and returning to his seat near the middle, Professor Yukihara got up and started approaching the central podium in the middle. Clearing her throat once, she looked at the crowd and started talking about the academy. 

"Thank you, Prince Hidetaka. As mentioned by the prince, I will be talking about the academy and the school year. The starting date of the school year is in a week on the date Elgust 16th. For some students, unfortunately, this year does not include the month of Evenuary. Regarding this, the school district has decided that the last day of school will end between the months of Syvlin or Valie.1 Students are to remain and still obey the same rules and regulations from last year. The final tests for grades eighteen, twelve, nine, and one, were the highest in all the grade levels in testing above their grade level. For those particular grades, I hope you do the same in your next year. In concerns from parents about child safety at our school, we have tightened our security and have now had students do regular check-ins with certain staff members to account for the previous incident that I am sure most, if not all students and parents know about." Taking one last deep breath, the headmaster finished. "Thank you and I hope to see you all next year at our academy."

Loud applause could be heard from the crowd as everyone seemed to know exactly what was going on regarding school. However the same could not be entirely said about a specific detective. 

Whispering over to the female next to him for the second time (Yes, Taro is still asleep. I wonder what he's dreaming about?), Chikao whispered. "Hey Ayuka."

Responding, Ayuka whispered. "What?"

"I was wondering what those weird words they were saying meant," Chikao asked.

Ayuka turned to Chikao with a confused face. "What do you mean? Do you not know what an academy is?"

[Ha she thinks you're stupid or something] System popped up behind Ayuka for Chikao to see.

'Shut up.' Chikao thought before returning to the conversation.

"I think they said something that sounded like Syvlin or like Valie? What are those?" Ayuka responded immediately after realizing what words Chikao did not know about. "Those are the months in Wortac. You know. Like a calender. The months in a year are normally 8, but every nine years, it becomes 9 months for that year. For example, this year, there are only 8 months because the last 9 months were about 3 years ago."

"Oh," Chikao said out loud while thinking about the month system here. "But what are the months? I only know two I think." 

"The months are, including the nine-month, is Evenuary, Elgust, Ledember, Umember, Glender, Ebruary, Syvlin, Valie, and Flarch," Pausing for a second, Ayuka added. "Also for Valie, it's spelled V-a-l-i-e, but it is pronounced as if it were spelled, V-a, with a space, then l-i-e as in lie."

Chikao, putting the pieces together responded. "I think I get it now." But was then interrupted before he could ask another question.

"Oh! Are you guys talking about the months? My favorite month is Syvlin because it's when the weather is the best!" Aoi pointed at Taro and exclaimed. "His favorite month is Flarch because that's when Zack can join us as a healer cause he's a school nurse."

"Oh cool..." Chikao tried to say with excitement. Luckily, the meeting continued. 

On cue, the prince stood up and announced to the crowd. "Next, we have some announcements from the Pyro club for all members, regardless of rank." After sitting down, A woman from the other side of the table got up and walked over to the podium. Unlike the formal prince and headmaster, the woman walked quite informally and didn't seem like she gave two shits about what others thought.

Standing at the central podium, she said loudly for everyone to hear. "Okay. So! Names Asuna Pyro! I run the Pyro Club and make sure all of the students attending it get what they need! The announcements are mainly for the club as of now, so, for the Pyro Club. We've got plenty to do! Our first meeting of the semester will be on Elgust 25. Wednesday by the way! Don't be late! Besides that, those who signed up for extra weekend classes, make sure to check in with me at the meeting 'cause imma give you the schedule for the first semester. Don't have too much as of right now, so see ya'll on Elgust 25! Bye!" The professor said before walking over to her seat as applause rang out then gave the girl to her left a look and then sat down.

Standing up again from his seat, the prince then announced the next person speaking. "The next person presenting will be Shizu Cryo talking about the Cryo club and other activities."

The girl who was sitting next to the redhead flaming hot woman got up and walked calmly to the central podium. The blue-haired and blue-dressed woman then began to speak. "Greetings parents and students. My name is Shizu Cryo and I am the head of the Cryo club. As most may know, we specialize in ice and water-based magic. For our club members, we will have a meeting on Elgust 18 to help with schedule issues for newer students and will assist in getting schedule changes available. During this meeting, we will also give out the schedules for our meetings for the first semester and how the weekend training will progress. The meeting will also include any tutor help for the majority of subjects by myself to keep you on top of your classes and top of the Cryo Club. Thank you and I hope to see my students during our upcoming meetings." Walking back to her seat, applause could be heard as she sat down, returning a cocky facial expression to the other professor.

The prince stood up once again to announce another person, but this time spoke for them. "For the next people, they have decided to keep their schedules the same as last year in the same classroom, and place. In other words, the Anemo and Dendro Club will be meeting in the outside areas on the first field every Thursday. Both clubs hope to see you there." On the seat next to him sat the tall silver head who seemed to be nodding slightly in agreement to the prince's words. The prince, who seemed to treat the silent male as if he could not talk, paused momentarily. The prince then continued. "As for the last person to speak in this meeting, the King of Wortac would like to say a few words to the people of Town Hall."

Getting up slowly, the King rose upon his seat and spoke. "People of Wortac, in the previous years, we have had only good come upon us, whether from the gods or the people, let us keep this peace until death do us part. Thank you." With that, the King sat back on his throne.

"Does that mean the meeting is over?" Chikao asked nobody but got a response from the system. 

[Yeah Basically]

[Let me run it through the system real quick] 

'Aren't you the system?' Chikao asked the system. 

[Shut up]


{Side Case: Town Hall meeting}

{Case time limit: Until Town Meeting is adjourned}

{Case Description:

{You've entered the Town Meeting Hall! Listen to the meeting and gain information about people and events around the Town!}


__Gain the ability: Profile Index__

__Randomized reward wheel (Extra!)__

{Penalty: ???}

{Side Case status: Completed}

{Reward Generating...}


__Ability: Profile Index__

__Randomized Reward Wheel (Extra)__

{Wheel spinning...} 

{Results: Reverstone}


<Reverstone(Blue) > 

<Type: Item>

<Ranking: C Tier>

<Description: A stone that allows to turn back time a certain amount depending on color. The can be merged with an Investigator Stone and pause at the same time.>

<Limitations: Limitations: The owner user must return to the spot they stopped time at or will rewind on its own while is frozen as rewinds.>


'Are you kidding me! No money! Again!' Chikao complained to the system.

[Hey! These stones are good you know!]

'They ain't money...' Chikao complained a bit more.

[Use them for when you get a case, imbecile] The system remarked back at the stubborn detective.

'But what about money? You could still use the money to solve the case!' Chikao said back to the system, still as stubborn as earlier.

[How so?] The system asked.

'Bribery.' Chikao said to the system. In the end, the system just faceplanted on his desk on his side of the line. Meanwhile, the meeting continued and the room became a little louder 

"Huh? Is the meeting over? Finally." Taro said, stretching a bit.

During this, the prince arose from his seat and started to adjourn the meeting. "People of Town Hall. Thank you for joining us in this Town Hall meeting. We hope to see you next meeting. If you have any questions, you may stay, but most of the Council will be leaving. This will include me. So-"

"BAAMM!!!" An extremely loud collision could be heard from the center of the room as dreadful silence was cast over the crowd before the people who could see what fell started to scream.

Through the loud shrieks, Chikao asked, "What the fuck just fell?" However, before he could get his answer, the crowd had already started running to the door and a clear shot of what had fallen had horrified Chikao with a single glance. It left him stuck, in a frozen and shocked position. It wasn't only Chikao, but the rest of the group that stood in horror as it stared down at the fallen object or rather, thing. 

'Holy Fuck.' Chikao thought as a new screen appeared to his right. But unfortunately, Chikao was so busy looking at the mess that he didn't notice its contents. 


{Main Case #1: Town Hall Death}

{Case time limit: 2 days}

{Case Description:

{A little accident occurred during the Town Meeting! Figure out whodunit and catch the culprit with cold hard evidence!}


__One World stone (1/???)__

{Penalty: Death}


Extra scene (Taro's dream):

As mentioned in the previous chapter, Taro fell asleep at the start of the meeting due to how bored he was and not truly caring about what happened during it. Due to this, he's been asleep for quite a while. Which results in this little scenario-type dream. Please enjoy.


A bright light and loud sounds could be heard around Taro while he was lying on the floor. Blinking a couple of times, the male opened his eyes to hear and see the outside world. The bright sun shined down on the male while his eyes were adjusting to the light. Looking straight forward while his head rested in the soft comfort of the floor, he saw a large, green tree that gave him shade and the cloudless blue sky. Looking around his sides he could see little bright blurs that were surrounding him. His vision was failing him for a while when he stared thoughtlessly at the blurs until his vision started to clear. As his vision started to regain its normal state, he saw that the blurs started to turn into small little animals with ears and a tail. When Taro could finally see clearly, his eyes widened at the sight he saw beside him. 

To his side, he saw little animals of the shade white, brown, and black. Regaining the feelings in his body, he felt some of the soft little animals rubbing against his legs and lower abdomen.

Getting up from lying down, Taro got up to a sitting position to see the rest of the little animals. "Hey, little guys. Are you guys Blitz's?" Taro spoke to the little creatures. The four-legged animals were small, but that was due to their age. All adventures, including Taro and even Aoi knew what Blitz's looked and were. This was due to their danger levels when they got older. Approaching one was basically suicide. Unfortunately, this meant they fetched quite the amount on the monster list. 

The Blitz's were all jumping around and rubbing against Taro while Taro hesitated to pick one up. Luckily, it seemed that the little Blitz's were okay with it and trusted Taro. Taking this as a good sign, Taro picked one up and felt its fur. This one was black with brown tips Blitz. It didn't bite Taro's large muscular hands but instead licked his hands carefully.

Speaking again to the little animals, Taro softly said, "What are you guys doing here? You guys could get hunted or something? Where's your mother?" As he spoke softly, a howl could be heard from behind him. All of the Blitz ran towards the loud commotion while the one in Taro's hands just sat there, enjoying the comfort in the big man's hands.

Taro, even if he wasn't the brightest, knew that the howl was from the mother Blitz and didn't want to get hunted by it. Taro turned to the sound's origin and saw an elegant black and brown furred Blitz. The Blitz was staring at the baby Blitz in Taro's hand and seemed to want the child back. Knowing the consequences of denying the mother of its child, Taro walked over and gave the child back. However the child didn't want to go so it grabbed Taro's hand before he could walk off.

"Hey, ya gotta go with your mother, alright?" Taro said softly to the little Blitz.

The mother Blitz put her head down in a bowing type of style and nodded her head to tell the little Blitz that he would see the male again, another day. Bowing back, Taro said, "See you later." and walked off into somewhere he didn't know where. 

{Dream Status: Complete}

Thank you all for reading! I am not truly sure how the viewing system works, but regardless, this novel has already gotten more than 800 views! Thank you all for your support! We are almost at chapter 10 and I hope I can write plenty for that chapter. Furthermore, I will try to keep the publishing dates the same, but for the 10th chapter, I may add a bit more to it so it may take longer. As of now, I'm unaware, but I still have a lot to write about so hope to see you all there. Please vote for this chapter or other chapters if possible if you liked Taro's dream with the Blitzs.

Tsuki0029creators' thoughts