
Fantasy Assassin in a modern world

Fade was a legendary assassin that could kill just about anyone, as long as the price was right and the reason was just. One day as he was reminiscing about his life when he lost someone important, he fell asleep. When he woke up he was in a weird place, a different body, a different world.

lynerparel · Fantasy
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281 Chs

The Star of Dawn

"You three better get out of here, before things get even more out of hand." 

"Sir Mark, why don't we help? Allow me to crush all those Star of Dawn scum."

Liu Yue spoke with her pride and resolve at full display. The aura she emitted made her look like a valiant warrior from the distant past. Ye Rong was a little irritated since Liu Yue had spoken before him, but he agreed with her statement as he nodded his head in approval.

On the other hand, Loki wanted to blend into the shadows and leave so that he can do some recon. He didn't want to join in the conflict since he had no idea what kind of organization the Star of Dawn was. Yet as he was surrounded by three rather powerful martial artists, he wouldn't be able to disappear without arousing their suspicion. Heck if he disappeared now he might be considered to be part of the terrorist group Star of Dawn. So Loki had no choice but to stick close to the two for now.