
The quarter finals

The next matches were of no suspense since none of the other favorites matched each other. Ichika did not fight a match since she was placed to fight during the quarter-finals. Michael was lucky enough to get a bye, while Ha-Eun quickly beat her opponent with one move, and finally, Reiner Arseid won in a flash.

Since all the matches were over the quarter-finals will be held three days from now. This time was given for the contestants to heal or to train.


Loki alongside his siblings headed home, while they were walking Liam told them that he was able to reach the quarter-finals. He was so happy that he nearly forgot that his sister had lost already. 

"Sorry Sis, that was insensitive of me." Liam did not know what else to say. 

"It's alright, not like not talking about it will change the outcome. Still, there is a good thing that happened, that b*stard Kira lost." Alisa spoke while smiling so beautifully even while cursing.