
The will

Jenny's shoulder was completely mangled, pieces of her green armor are completely missing, full of cuts and bruises but she managed to survive.

Her left arm no longer works, drops of blood fall incessantly from the open wound, soaking the whole sleeve of his dress.

Her blonde hair is full of leaves, her face covered in mud, only two stripes in her cheeks were clean because of the tears shed.

She had found a small shelter at the base of a large tree, she was crumpled with her hands clasped to her knees, cold and crying.

She had remained alone at night in the gloomy and ghostly forest.

The betrayal of the nobles she believed to be friends had shaken her very much, they had not waited for a second to escape, no one had doubts or uncertainties about abandoning her.

She would survive, she had been trained to fight and survive, but right now her heart was partly broken.

The sunrise fills the dense forest with numerous shining rays, Jenny is ready to go home, her condition is miserable, her jumpsuit is covered with mud from head to toe, her left shoulder covered in blood-soaked bandages.

She has no food or water, she has nothing, only a firm will to return home.

A week later, a dirty and muddy face appears before the gates of the city, no one could ever believe that this person was the gorgeous blonde girl that had left those same doors two months ago.

The recovery at the hospital was very slow and painful, the bones of the left shoulder were crumbled, the cuts and the bruises were treated promptly but the shoulder had suffered great damage and therefore needed more time.

She had been very lucky because she was a defensive type, her green armor had protected her, otherwise, the whole left shoulder would no longer exist, and her recovery in the hospital would have been even longer.

Ten days later the beautiful Jenny had returned to its full splendor, there remained only small scars and her eyes full of bitterness.

I believe betrayal is the worst mortal sin, betraying is much worse than killing.

OldMerlincreators' thoughts