

Three young men were fighting inside a den of cockroaches, the bodies of level 1 and 2 were lying on the ground by the thousands.

It was strictly forbidden by law to kill the queen of level 4 because the cockroach dens were one of the sources of income for the city, especially for the scavengers who did not have the strength to face monsters above level 1.

Near the old town of Gray City, there were not many monsters above level 5 and not even hordes of monsters. It was a relatively calm and peaceful city.

Actrus had his black armored armor and his sharp scythes, Mey had a white protective suit and a reinforced jacket and a sword made of a G4 material, while Yuki had a light red scaly monstrous armor.

Yuki, instead of the hands and the legs, had cat's paw from which came out three claws like very sharp blades half a meter long, her red monstrous armor was light, did not have a great defense but in return was very fast. A mane of red hair came out of the armor's helmet.

Each stroke of her claws made a victim, her strength combined with the speed made it invincible for those low-level monsters.

Actrus had only led the group, he had not fought, he had only seen the two girls who with a maniacal fury exterminated everything that appeared in front of them.

The sweet and tender Mey, the small and shy Yuki, had turned into bloodthirsty Valkyries.

The massacre was complete, only the queen resisted barricaded in a frightened corner, piles and piles of dead bodies could be seen everywhere.

The blades in Yuki's hands were damaged and without tip, even Mey's sword needed repairs.

Actrus asks Yuki "Yuki put the claws on that big boulder!"

Yuki readily obeys.

Yuki puts her paws with blades over the big rock. Suddenly there is a loud noise.


Actrus hit Yuki's blades with his scythes, breaking them all in half.

Yuki screams "Aiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaahhhhh !!! But what are you stupid?"

"Yuki I have done this only for your own good, every time the claws break then they become harder and more resistant. You just have to wait a couple of days for them to grow stronger than before. These days you have to absorb more possible level 1 core."

The three guys with big nets carry the bodies of the cockroaches near their hidden base after many trips, then cover them with a tarpaulin and then spray them with a liquid that would remove all the smells.

After entering through a hidden hatch, the three find themselves in the underground room furnished by Mey.

Yuki shouts in amazement "Aaaaaaahh is beautiful there is also the TV and the bathroom!"

Mey says "Actrus, me and Yuki go take a shower, you can do it after we finish."

After half an hour the two girls come out of the shower with their hair still wet and with big pink towels to cover them.

Actrus with a flushed face enters the bathroom to take a shower too.

Three guys are sitting on the big sofa, Actrus with camouflage pants and the military green t-shirt, while Mey and Yuki have two almost similar pajamas with cartoon prints.

Mey is hugely hugged on Actrus' right arm while watching a movie on TV.

Actrus after a while gets up and says "Well it's late I'm going to sleep."

Mey follows him promptly onto the bed.

Yuki shouts "Ouuuuuuuu and me where I sleep?"

Mey answers "You can sleep on the sofa!"

Yuki almost crying answers "No! No! I do not want to sleep alone, I still have before my eyes all those dead cockroaches." And almost begins to cry.

Mey without even asking permission to Actrus replies "All right, all right, you can sleep with us, just do not cry!"

For Actrus it would have been a long sleepless night, to his right were the long azure hair of Mey, to his left the soft and fluffy red hair of Yuki. Good night.

Sorry for the delay in posting my novel.

OldMerlincreators' thoughts