


It was Eddie who was back. 

[What does he do all day?] Bryan thought as he opened the door.

"I brought the beer. Call Andrea, it's time to go." Eddie said.

 "She isn't coming." Bryan replied.

"Oh! It's alright. We can have a good time. I heard those guys got the real stuff."

"Coke?" Bryan said.

"Wtf? Are you stupid. We are going to have a good time, not ruin our lives. Just the green stuff." Eddie said.

Bryan nodded as he felt a little relieved. He had tried it a few times in his last life after recreational marijuana got legal in Cali.

Bryan followed Eddie and they reached the parking area. Bryam had not seen Eddie's car till now.

[BMW 5.] Bryan thought as he looked at the BMW sedan.

"I got this for graduating highschool." Eddie said.

Bryan could only smile and nod. Rich people had it different it seemed.

Bryan got in and asked..

"Where are we going? I thought it was a dorm party."

"Just sit back. It's an upgrade, they shifted to a house nearby." Eddie said as he drove.

They left the campus and Eddie drove him to a high end part of San Diego.  Bryan had never into this side of San Diego.

Eddie pulled to the side of the road as he pointed to the house.

"This is the house." Eddie said.

[If that's a house, then this car is an ox cart.] Bryan thought. 

The house was a huge mansion, maybe even closer to a resort. 

"What are you waiting for? Let's go." Eddie said as he got out. Bryan followed him.

The sky was already dark when they reached. They entered a huge hall which had turned into a dance floor with disco lights everywhere.

[This is what he meant last time when he said I stayed in disco lights.] Bryan thought as  he saw the hall.

He followed Eddie which was not the right idea when he saw Eddie's normal group. It did not look like the party group to say the least.

It did not take Eddie even a minute before he was sitting on a corner smoking pot.

[I thought I would get some investors. This is a shit show.] Bryan thought as he looked at all the people in the hall. Everyone seemed to have a higher state of mind than normal.

[Shouldn't have come when Andrea said no. ] Bryan thought as he looked at couples making out as they danced or smoked.

Bryan found a corner and picked up a beer to relax a little. He had not found anyone interesting enough to go and talk..

It was some time later when he saw Betty with Kelly, the girl who was with Andrea in the library.

Bryan smiled at Betty as she saw him.

She walked to him as Kelly followed her.

"Why am I not surprised that you don't have any friends?" Betty said in a mocking tone.

"Aren't you here?" Bryan replied.


She pulled Kelly to the dance floor to stay away from him.

Still, Bryan had found something to look at. He watched her on the dance floor. The same was true for Betty. They both caught each other exchanging glances.

"What was that?" Betty said as she turned back.

She looked back to see a guy who was trying to bring against her butt. It wasn't Bryan. Bryan had seen what had happened. He was walking towards her to solve this little trouble.


Betty was faster. She turned around and planted a loud slap on the guy's face. 

In the loud music, the sound was dulled down. Only the people next to them noticed the altercation. 

Bryan did not think it would go like this but he was impressed by Betty's move.

The guy who got hit was not taking it lightly. He was embarrassed by a little girl inside his own house. 

The guy was the one who had given his property to the freshmen students. He was a friend of some of the guys. The condition was that he could join in on the party. 

He liked the conditions and accepted. He was looking for girls without any boys around them and Betty had fit that description. She only had another even smaller girl with her which was why he came and started grinding against Betty. 

Feeling humiliated, he raised his arm to return back the favour.

Betty had an athletic build and she tried to dodge back but still closed her eyes in a reflexive action. It wasn't enough, she felt the hand about to strike her.


She opened her eyes to see the guy on the floor with Bryan's hand on the molester's hand as he smiled at her before taking his foot off.

Everyone who was paying attention was shocked at the speed the guy had gone from slapping to having his face against the floor. Bryan had grabbed his arm and gave it a little pull and the drunk guy had fallen face down on the ground.

By now, the commotion had spread and everyone was watching the guy on the floor. Eddie who still had not gotten high also noticed the commotion.

"This is what makes parties great. A new drama every time." Eddie told the guys next to him as they walked into the circle.

His eyes popped out to find out who was behind the commotion.

[Why is it always them?] He looked at Betty and Bryan who were standing in the center with a guy lying at their feet.

He rushed to them.

"What happened?" Eddie asked.

Bryan looked at Betty and did not speak.

"I am leaving." Betty said as she walked out.

Bryan followed her and Kelly did the same. 

Rest of the crowd looked at Eddie who was left

"It's over. There's no drama. Carry on guys." Eddie said nervously as he chased after them.

One more chapter in a few hours.

Bad_Roadcreators' thoughts