
Fangs of the fallen

Could you ever imagine your peaceful turned to ruins in just one day. Well Elias could thanks to Werewolves They had supposedly ravaged the lives of humans since the beginning of time. No one knows where these beings came from but what everyone including Elias knows, is that Werewolves were nothing more than myths to scare little children into obedience. At least that was what he used to believe untill his village was attacked and destroyed. Vowing to take revenge he joins the Establishment - a magic welding group of humans set to defend earth. This story follows the journey of Elias - a boy fuelled by the death of his beloveds - as he progressives from a normal teenager to a mage adept at killing werewolves. But will his morals and motivation stay firm as he realizes that perhaps the world wasn't as black and white as it seems. extract lines "I , Elias , vow to murder everything single Werewolf alive and I will not stop until I die " "perhaps you shouldn't make promises like that too quick you might regret it " "who are you really ......."

Dante_Vlayd · Fantasy
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12 Chs


"WHAT" Elias screamed , anything more from the boy's mouth and Elias swore that he would punch his pretty face. " I'm joking calm down" he reassured him but it felt more like he was teasing Elias. " You can just work as my apprentice for a few months and you will be sure to repay your debt" he said.

" apprentice, someone like you has a job ? " Elias questioned, "and what's your name anyways " Elias added hastily. Due to the boy's useless comments and attitude Elias had completely forgotten to ask for his name. " call me Xavier, and of course I have job , I mean saving you was part of my job" he explained. " Wait so your job is to kill Werewolves and I thought they didn't exist but they clearly do. Shouldn't they be humans during the moonlight as well" he asked all at once. There was so much he needed to know.

" Jeez calm down " Xavier answered , he sighed as he clarified " Werewolves have existed for a long time now , they were never defeated just resting till the right time after the war. My job is similar to those Mages you might have heard in the stories , I defeat werewolves who may have awakened from their sleep but recently masses of wolves have been waking up , way more than what we can handle. And yes werewolves typically become humans when the full moons are out but that's simply because the moon gives them enough power to change forms it's all a choice but some wolves have enough strength to change forms whenever"

" you didn't understand any of that right ". he asked. "I'm sorry " Elias apologized but honestly he still couldn't believe Xavier after all how could werewolves and people like him exist without anyone knowing at all. But he still he couldn't help but feel a tad bit curious.

" Okay so if what you are saying is true then Werewolves have lived forever but are now resting till the right time to wake up which seems to be now. And you want me - a person who could not stand a chance against a wolf - to somehow aid you " he enquired.

"Yeah pretty much" he replied nonchalantly, " don't worry I will be here with you the entire time, I'll protect you" he stated his voice full with confidence. " but what i if I reject your offer " Elias asked , joining Xavier would give him the opportunity to kill the werewolves and avenge his sister and perhaps everyone else who died at those monster's paws. And it was a childhood dream of Elias too witness the Mages but when he had actually saw a wolf all he could do was shake in fear.

" if you reject my proposal" Xavier

hummed "then you.... die " he said smirking.