
Fangs of Justice:The Werewolf Detective

Embark on a riveting journey with the infamous witch hunter Grayson as he finds himself entangled in a chilling mystery in a quaint fishing village. A notorious fugitive on the empire's wanted list, Grayson stumbles upon a case shrouded in the supernatural—an ancient soul lies dormant, and three sacred relics with the power to seal the paramount forces of the vampiric aristocracy are at risk. Who dares to awaken the Vampire King? Is it a resurgence of the vampires' thirst for power? A dark sorcerer's sinister scheme? Or perhaps a treacherous shadow lurking among them? As Grayson delves deeper, he is poised to unravel the layers of truth veiling this enigma. Yet, amidst the unfolding secrets, one remains tightly guarded—what enshrouded mystery lies beneath Grayson's own cloak? Discover the secrets that await in this tale of desire, dark magic, and the unseen betrayals that haunt the night.

BlackSheep9 · Fantasy
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98 Chs

The Wrath of the Ice Phoenix

"The Archangel statue? What's that?" The genie's eyes, glittering with curiosity, stared at Grayson, its face a mask of bewilderment.

Grayson briefed the genie on their quest, upon which the genie furrowed its brow, "I fear that's beyond my reach. I can procure common items for you, but singular treasures like that are out of my grasp, much like the Thunder Sword of the Titan King."

"Tales are just tales, after all." Grayson shrugged in disappointment.

He fondled his now useless tobacco pouch at his waist and then looked up, "Well then, how about a pouch of premium cigars? Ever since my tobacco got drenched due to a mischievous bird, I've lost my one true vice."

"That's easy!" The genie perked up and began a sinuous dance. Onlookers tried to stifle their laughter as the stout figure shimmied and shook in an exotic dance, faces turning red with the effort.

With a flash, the genie extended its hands, presenting Grayson with a handful of fine cigars. He picked one, sniffed it appreciatively, and said, "Thank you, Mr. Genie. It'd be grand to have you around!"

"At your service!" The genie beamed, particularly at Seraphine, before bowing deeply, "Especially for you, my esteemed master. I'm at your beck and call!"

"Thank you, I'm sure we'll work splendidly together!" Seraphine extended her hand to the genie, who kissed it gently before disappearing into smoke back into the lamp.

"I have to admit, I'm starting to like our new friend," Grayson lit a cigar, took a contented puff, and chuckled, "including his amusing dance." Laughter rippled through the group.

Seraphine then checked Katheren's leg wound, ensuring the poison was gone, and used a healing spell to mend the flesh, unwrapping the bandage from her leg.

"With that settled, let's continue northward, fellows. The road ahead is still long," Grayson said, handing his silver handgun to Katheren as they prepared to move on.

Before they could take a step, a dazzling white light burst from a northern peak, the sky darkening instantly. A silvery bird soared from the cliff with a piercing cry, spreading vast wings as it flew eastward.

"What on earth is that?" Seraphine gaped at the massive white bird.

"No idea, but it seems we'll have to pass that way. Best make haste and investigate!" Grayson pointed in the direction of the bird, leading the group towards the scene.

After a brisk trek across the vast snowy plain, they faced a colossal wall, like a sheer cliff stretching between two mountains. Thunderous sounds of battle echoed, shaking the air.

"It seems we've stumbled upon quite the spectacle!"

Grayson hurried towards the wall, the others at his heels. Reaching its base, they found the towering barrier insurmountable, the ten-meter-tall gates impossible to budge.

"We need to find a way over!" Grayson said to Seraphine. "Ask our friend if he can get us atop this wall."

With a gentle rub of the lamp tied to her waist, the genie appeared amidst white smoke, "At your service, my master!"

After hearing their wish, the genie looked up at the wall, "This is a Titan outpost. They're not to be trifled with. Are you sure you want to go over?"

"Absolutely, we must!" Grayson didn't hesitate.

"Then I shall oblige!" The genie transformed into a cloud of blue energy, carrying them aloft, and soon they were atop the wall.

The wall's top was empty of Titans. Grayson directed the genie further inwards, and as they approached, they were astounded to find temples and buildings housing hordes of Titan soldiers rushing weapons in hand toward the northern plaza.

"Look, the bird!" Katheren cried, pointing.

Following her gaze, they saw the white bird conjure a hailstorm, pelting the ground. The Titans defended themselves with great shields while hurling massive spears in retaliation.

The genie set them down on a nearby rooftop, and they surveyed the fray.

Giants in gleaming silver armor brandished lances and shields underfoot, battling the white bird that stirred an icy maelstrom above the plaza.

"What is that bird?" Grayson marveled at the white phoenix causing the tempest.

"It looks like a phoenix..." Morven said, watching the creature's white feathers flutter.

"Indeed, it's the Ice Phoenix, Phoenix, an ancient living fossil of Ice Island, said to have settled here since the island's birth," the genie, now back in its original form, explained as it joined them.

"Older than the Titans themselves?" Grayson turned incredulously to the genie, which nodded and said, "Look at the battle below, and you'll understand."

They saw hailstones raining down, the Titan's shields shattering under the onslaught, some collapsing with bloody wounds.

"See? A mere flap of its wings sends Titans crying for mercy. Not just any bird can do that," the genie boasted, as if praising itself.

"I wish I could be a mighty bird like that!" Elyra, Grayson's little owl, flapped her wings excitedly, admiring the Ice Phoenix.

Before Grayson could respond, a gust of cold wind howled over them. The Ice Phoenix conjured a cyclonic blizzard at the plaza's center, blinding everyone.

Elyra, caught up in the fun, was swept away by the turbulent air, tumbling into the storm above the plaza, crying out, "Help, I'm dizzy!"

She flapped desperately but couldn't fight the wind, her wings freezing and body curling protectively, silenced by the cold.

"Elyra!" Alarmed, Grayson leapt from the rooftop, prompting a startled grab from Morven. Grayson's fingers carved deep into the wall, slowing his fall before he dashed towards the storm.

As he neared the eye of the tempest, a titanic shadow loomed over him. A Titan, forced back by the storm, failed to notice Grayson and brought down a massive foot upon him.