
Fangs of Justice:The Werewolf Detective

Embark on a riveting journey with the infamous witch hunter Grayson as he finds himself entangled in a chilling mystery in a quaint fishing village. A notorious fugitive on the empire's wanted list, Grayson stumbles upon a case shrouded in the supernatural—an ancient soul lies dormant, and three sacred relics with the power to seal the paramount forces of the vampiric aristocracy are at risk. Who dares to awaken the Vampire King? Is it a resurgence of the vampires' thirst for power? A dark sorcerer's sinister scheme? Or perhaps a treacherous shadow lurking among them? As Grayson delves deeper, he is poised to unravel the layers of truth veiling this enigma. Yet, amidst the unfolding secrets, one remains tightly guarded—what enshrouded mystery lies beneath Grayson's own cloak? Discover the secrets that await in this tale of desire, dark magic, and the unseen betrayals that haunt the night.

BlackSheep9 · Fantasy
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98 Chs

The Serpent in the Bosom

"Why are they besieged by so many genies? And where is our genie?" Grayson peered anxiously into the valley below the cliff, where Katheren and Seraphine stood back-to-back, encircled by pressing genies.

Suddenly, with a flick of her staff, Seraphine unleashed a torrent of water that sent the leading genie on the right tumbling away. The others roared and lunged forward, but Katheren's gunfire passed right through them, leaving no mark.

"They can't fend off so many genies!" Grayson watched as Seraphine conjured a dozen water spouts, knocking approaching genies into the air, then forming twin barriers to halt their advance.

"Come on, little one, we need to help them!" Grayson addressed Elyra, noticing a swirl of blue energy materializing beside Seraphine, revealing the genie's form.

"Our genie has arrived! No need to worry now," he sighed in relief, watching the fray below.

But his relief was short-lived. The genie by Seraphine suddenly whipped up a whirlwind around them. Caught off-guard, Katheren was swept off her feet, tossed beyond the watery ramparts.

"Katheren!" Seraphine spun around at her cry, but before she could reach out, several genies floated down from above, landing beside her.

Seraphine spun back, conjuring a watery shield before her. With a push of her palm, three water columns blasted from the shield's surface, sending several genies flying.

The remaining genies dodged the watery assault, converging on Seraphine. The mermaid spread her arms and looked skyward, her call causing all the water barriers to burst, the cascading droplets knocking the genies to the ground.

Then, from behind, came Katheren's cries for help. Seraphine whirled around, only to have her staff snatched away by a large hand, and a gust of wind knocked her flat.

Struggling to rise, Seraphine was pinned down by the genies. "What do you want? We are not your enemies, why do this?" she cried out.

As the genies brought Katheren forth, unharmed but firmly restrained, a voice resonated, "Ah, my apologies for such inhospitable treatment!"

The genie that had been following Seraphine stepped forward, taking her golden lamp and smirking maliciously. "My dear master, did you truly think I'd willingly serve you? When you call me genie, you forget I have another name—monster!"

He leaned close to Seraphine, his face aglow with blue energy. "Indeed, I am a member of the Genie Temple, captain of the temple guards. I was merely resting when you unearthed me. Your intrusion woke me."

Glancing at Katheren's clenched jaw, he continued, "So, my service was merely self-preservation. Had you not clung to this lamp, I would've escaped. But since I cannot stray too far from it, it's been quite the headache!"

"So, you lured us here to be attacked by your kin?" Seraphine glared.

"Exactly. I even tried to dispose of you at Hurricane Ridge, but to my dismay, not even avalanches could finish you. Your luck is quite astonishing!" The genie shrugged helplessly.

"You're despicable!" Katheren seethed.

"No, no, no, miss, you misunderstand!" The genie faced her, "You are the ones who disturbed and harmed me!"

With arms wide, he addressed them, "As the temple guard captain, I'm a high-ranking officer. To be beaten and then treated like a servant, managing your logistics—it's unbearable!"

"What will you do with us?" Seraphine asked, her voice steady.

"I'm not sure. First, I'll take you to the Genie Temple, ensuring the other man doesn't come for revenge. Then we'll see what the elders decide."

The genie stood tall, commanding his subordinates, "Take them back. The rest of you, search the valley for the man in white. I've sent him through a dimensional twist to another exit. Capture him, but be careful; he's quite formidable!"

"So, we've been harboring a slumbering serpent all along," Grayson muttered from the cliff, watching the genies drag the two away.

"Where's the snake? I want snake meat!" chirped the little owl.

"You want to eat? You're too fat to fly!" Grayson flicked her beak, and she burped in response, turning her face away in embarrassment.

"We need to go down and follow them to the Genie Temple, then find a chance to rescue them," Grayson decided, descending the cliffside path.

As he neared the valley floor, to save time, he leaped from a height, landing firmly. But suddenly, a hand clapped on his shoulder. Grayson spun, slashing with his claw blade, the light from five strikes narrowly missing the figure who dodged back.

"So you've shown yourself," Grayson eyed the cloaked figure, shrouded in shadows like Wystan, unarmed and seemingly unthreatening.

"I didn't expect to encounter you here!" The figure spoke, a hint of surprise in his voice.

Grayson's brow furrowed at the familiar tone. Before he could respond, genies charged from all sides.

"Shall we join forces against the beasts, or fight alone?" Grayson gripped his claw blade, reaching for his ghost fire gun, challenging the cloaked figure.

"I'm willing to join forces," the figure replied softly, turning to face the genies as Grayson drew his gun, infusing the claw blade with the ghost fire's spectral energy.

"Come on, little one, let's deal with these troublemakers before settling our personal scores!"

Grayson charged, his blade now aglow with ghostly light, cutting through a genie like a hot knife through butter.

"I knew the captain's gift would come in handy!" he exclaimed, releasing a volley of soul-stealing blades that shredded another genie and split his lamp in two.

"Yes, destroy their lamps, so they can never harm again!" Grayson stomped on a fallen lamp, dodging an energy punch and counterattacking with his glowing sword.

The sword, spinning with light, passed through another genie, sealing it back into its lamp. Grayson crushed the lamp underfoot, catching the returning sword in one fluid motion.

Turning to the last genie, he saw Elyra riding its neck, clutching its ears. The genie struggled to pull her off, but she clung on, yanking its ears stubbornly.

"Are you playing a game?" Grayson approached, and the genie turned, revealing a grotesque face.

Grayson spat in disgust, cleaving the genie in two, crushing its lamp, and catching the tumbling Elyra.

"You little troublemaker, you're more trouble than death itself!"

Grayson chuckled at Elyra's pout, setting her down and turning to the cloaked figure, now standing over the last fallen genie.

"Our pace is matched. Why do I feel like I know you?" Grayson eyed the glowing spear in the figure's hand, stepping forward.

The cloaked figure stood silently, then suddenly unveiled himself, revealing Andros's stern face framed by dark red hair.

"I knew no mere phantom could wield such a spear!" Grayson smiled, sheathing his sword and embracing Andros.

The Knight Captain sheathed his spear, patting Grayson's shoulder, "Good to see you here. I thought I'd have to go through Gray Harbor to find you."

"What's happened? Why are you dressed like this?" Grayson inquired, eyeing Andros's attire, noting the absence of knightly armor.

Andros's face was shadowed with worry as he locked eyes with Grayson, "Tyrrel is dead!"