
Fangs of Justice:The Werewolf Detective

Embark on a riveting journey with the infamous witch hunter Grayson as he finds himself entangled in a chilling mystery in a quaint fishing village. A notorious fugitive on the empire's wanted list, Grayson stumbles upon a case shrouded in the supernatural—an ancient soul lies dormant, and three sacred relics with the power to seal the paramount forces of the vampiric aristocracy are at risk. Who dares to awaken the Vampire King? Is it a resurgence of the vampires' thirst for power? A dark sorcerer's sinister scheme? Or perhaps a treacherous shadow lurking among them? As Grayson delves deeper, he is poised to unravel the layers of truth veiling this enigma. Yet, amidst the unfolding secrets, one remains tightly guarded—what enshrouded mystery lies beneath Grayson's own cloak? Discover the secrets that await in this tale of desire, dark magic, and the unseen betrayals that haunt the night.

BlackSheep9 · Fantasy
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98 Chs

The Secrets of the Treasure Room

"What is the answer? Tell me!" The stone being gazed at Grayson with curiosity, eager for his reply.

"It's concern, it's care," Grayson said softly as he gazed back into the owl's large eyes, his voice unusually gentle, "Ultimately, it's emotion..."

Elyra looked at him, her face a picture of confusion, not understanding his words.

Grayson didn't expect her to understand; he turned back to face the stone façade and spoke loudly, "Emotion is humanity's greatest vulnerability; those bound by feelings are often passive, vulnerable to the cold and unfeeling."

"A commoner in love may lose appetite and sleep, becoming a slave to their feelings. An assassin's momentary hesitation due to emotion could cost them their life. For a king, sentiments can turn into fatal weaknesses that enemies exploit, leading to downfall and defeat..."

The aged stone face listened intently to Grayson's words, its expression deepening as he stepped forward and pointedly turned the topic to the Titans.

"But Titans are heartless, descendants of gods, their hearts as unyielding as stone, untouched by personal sentiment. That's why Tyrrel could react with such detachment upon hearing of his brother's death!"

"Therefore, during the war between humans and the blood clans a century ago, when faced with the psychic magic unleashed by dark wizards and dragons, humans were driven mad en masse, but the Titans remained unaffected. Their immunity allowed them to break through the dark wizards' line and defeat the dragons!"

He looked back at Elyra on his shoulder, his tone softening as he spoke gently, "I once thought my heart was cold, immune to any emotion, but now I realize I'm not above it all. Like everyone else, I am attached to certain lives."

Elyra watched him quietly, her eyes shimmering with touched emotions. She understood the meaning behind his words; she treasured the memories of his affection and protection through thick and thin.

"Don't talk like a cheesy poet," the little one fluttered up to him, scratching his face gently with her claw before settling affectionately by his neck.

Grayson's lips curved into a warm smile, realizing her every joke and taunt actually stemmed from mutual understanding and fondness. They had both been solitary for too long, unaccustomed to tenderness and sweetness, yet they had found their own, deeper way to express love — a way beyond many others' comprehension.

After a moment of silence, the stone face spoke with a tone of satisfaction, "Thank you, young man, your words have brought me warmth and emotion long absent."

"You and your feathery companion have shown me a genuine affection rarely found among Titans, a tenderness I have longed to see. You have fulfilled my wish."

With an approving gaze, the stone being surveyed Grayson and Elyra, speaking in a benevolent elder's voice, "I am glad to witness such a moment. Now, go ahead into the treasure room! Whatever you seek, I believe you come with noble intent."

The stone face's words echoed in Grayson's ears, its light reflecting off him as he and Elyra vanished in a brilliant glow from the corridor.

When they reappeared, they were inside a magnificent treasure room, an "8"-shaped chamber with a circular outer hall filled with countless treasures, from golden weapons and armor to glittering jewels, outshining even the magical lamps.

The inner circular hall was lined with bookshelves brimming with ancient texts, including powerful spellbooks and chronicles detailing centuries of the continent's rise and fall.

Grayson and Elyra first stepped into the outer hall, dazzled by the glittering piles of treasure. Shielding their eyes from the blinding brilliance, Grayson's gaze shifted toward the library.

"Elyra, search thoroughly, see if you can find any trace of the archangel statue!" Grayson called out as he headed toward the interior.

Transforming into a small girl, Elyra scampered excitedly over the mounds of treasures, plunging into the heaps of shiny baubles.

"Focus on the task, not the jewelry!" Grayson admonished with a stern glance, but Elyra paid him no heed, her attention fixed on pretty necklaces and rings.

Ignoring the little girl's distractions, Grayson strode into the inner hall, examining closely the bookshelves packed with massive volumes.

"This doesn't seem like a place to keep an archangel statue," he mused, considering the possibility of a hidden chamber.

"Elyra, come here!" he called back to the owl.

She reluctantly approached, adorned in beautiful necklaces and rings, looking like a walking jewelry display.

"What are you up to, little princess?" Grayson chuckled at her, gently removing the shiny trinkets and tossing them into the outer hall. "We're here on serious business, not for thievery. Put these down, or you might end up being served as a roasted owl dinner by the giants."

"But aren't we thieves? If not to steal, what are we here for?" Elyra protested, a reluctant pout on her face.

"We're stealing clues, and with some luck, the sacred artifact. But leave the rest," he said, kissing her forehead reassuringly. "Forget them, and I'll buy you pretty jewelry when we return to human lands, you vain little bird!"

Then, urging her to search the higher shelves, he delved into the lower ones, finding no signs of any secret.

Suddenly, Elyra called out from above, "Come here, I've found a secret!"

Rushing to the indicated bookshelf, Grayson found Elyra holding an aged parchment. "I found it between two books!" she exclaimed excitedly.

Spreading the letter on the floor, Grayson recognized it as a message, with the contents bringing a frown to his face.

"We must go, little one," he said, urgency in his voice. "This is more complicated than we thought. I need to show this letter to our commander."

Elyra flew down and perched on his shoulder, casting a longing glance back at the treasure. "Aren't we going to look for the sacred artifact?" she asked softly. "And you still owe me a reward for finding this letter."

"The artifact isn't in this treasure room," Grayson replied, striding toward the exit. "As for your reward, if Prince Tyrrel learns you found this letter, he might reward you with a roasted owl feast!"