
Fangs of Justice:The Werewolf Detective

Embark on a riveting journey with the infamous witch hunter Grayson as he finds himself entangled in a chilling mystery in a quaint fishing village. A notorious fugitive on the empire's wanted list, Grayson stumbles upon a case shrouded in the supernatural—an ancient soul lies dormant, and three sacred relics with the power to seal the paramount forces of the vampiric aristocracy are at risk. Who dares to awaken the Vampire King? Is it a resurgence of the vampires' thirst for power? A dark sorcerer's sinister scheme? Or perhaps a treacherous shadow lurking among them? As Grayson delves deeper, he is poised to unravel the layers of truth veiling this enigma. Yet, amidst the unfolding secrets, one remains tightly guarded—what enshrouded mystery lies beneath Grayson's own cloak? Discover the secrets that await in this tale of desire, dark magic, and the unseen betrayals that haunt the night.

BlackSheep9 · Fantasy
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98 Chs

The Gargoyle Encirclement

"Please, Miss Seraphine, do consider—Andros is an envoy of the Holy Emperor himself; I can hardly entertain the hope that he might advocate for me before the Grand Master," Grayson responded decisively to Seraphine's proposition, his voice carrying the weight of his refusal.

"I think it's worth a shot. Now's not the time to be making distinctions between factions; the priority is to locate the sacred relic!" Seraphine's voice was insistent, her earnestness palpable.

Grayson responded with a dismissive snicker and a shake of his head, "Since Miss Seraphine believes in seeking the aid of the knightly order, it appears our paths diverge here." With no further ado, he set off toward the prison exit, ruffling Elyra's hair in passing, "Hey, what are you loitering around for? Waiting for a griffon to swoop down for a snack?"

The diminutive girl craned her neck to look up at Seraphine, then back at the departing figure of Grayson. She bolted after him, her little legs carrying her swiftly. Katheren was quick on her heels, leaving Seraphine and Morven alone.

Seraphine made as if to call Grayson back, but Morven gently held her back, "Miss Seraphine, don't bother trying to convince him. If you were aware of the lengthy vendetta between Grayson and the Sanctum, you wouldn't suggest he join forces with the knights who are stalwarts of the Holy Emperor."

"But we should be thinking of the bigger picture!" Seraphine protested, her expression fraught with concern.

"To us, the bigger picture is immaterial," Morven replied with a laugh, "We are wanderers, not statesmen. Our primary concern is our own livelihood."

"What about you? Will you also leave with him?" Seraphine asked Morven, her voice laced with desperation.

"I would have already vanished if that were my intention," Morven responded with a smile. "I am more than willing to accompany you to meet the Captain. I have no quarrels with him, unlike Grayson."

"And them…" Seraphine's voice trailed off as she glanced in the direction Grayson had gone.

"Fear not. Should fate decree it, our paths will cross with theirs again," Morven assured her, his smile suggesting a certainty that went beyond hope.

Elsewhere, Grayson, with Elyra and Katheren in tow, made their escape from the prison tower without stirring the slumbering sorcerer.

Grayson dispatched the little owl to search for their seized items, while he and Katheren used the cover of night to move undetected.

"Do we just leave, just like this?" Katheren expressed her doubt while trailing Grayson. "Miss Seraphine still needs your help, or at least that's my impression."

"She does need me," Grayson admitted quietly, just loud enough for Katheren to hear. "The knightly order alone can't resolve this matter—oh, if the Captain heard me now, my list of offenses would surely grow."

A chuckle escaped Katheren as Grayson's flippant remark about Andros lightened the mood, but in an instant, Grayson's hand clamped down on her, pulling her close against the wall. He retreated into the shadow, hissing a silent "shh," and pointed skyward.

Katheren peered up cautiously and witnessed the monstrous silhouette of a gargoyle descending upon the city wall, its formidable form casting a shadow even in the moonlight.

Perched on the battlement, the creature's baleful red eyes swept the city like searchlights. Grayson and Katheren remained pressed against the wall, daring not to breathe too loud, until the creature took flight once more, its wings beating a hasty retreat into the night.

"What was that? Why would there be such a creature in the Mage Tower?" Katheren asked, her gaze following the spot where the gargoyle had vanished.

"That was a gargoyle, akin to stone golems but far more formidable. They're magically animated stone sculptures that can shift between stone and flesh. When petrified, not only are they near invulnerable, but they can also regenerate," Grayson elucidated, cutting himself short as another gust heralded a gargoyle's swift flight overhead.

"The grand mages employ these sentinels to patrol the island and the City of Light. They serve as warriors should the need arise," he explained, thus illuminating their earlier thwarted escape at the stone circle.

"You're too astute for your own good, girl. Keep this up, and you might just outsmart me one day," Grayson jested, flashing a grin before they proceeded.

They approached the sprawling plaza of the Mage Tower, where they hid in an alley to observe the griffon knights. Andros was absent from the scene, which led Grayson to assume he was likely engaged in a council session with the Grand Master within the tower.

Out of the blue, the little owl swooped down onto Grayson's shoulder, excitedly squawking, "I found it, I found it! Our stuff's all there! Guarded by an old codger with a huge schnoz. And oh, the snacks are to die for!"

"You must've helped yourself to a feast," Grayson accused, half-amused as he glanced at the owl.

"Nonsense! I left heaps of cookie crumbs for you," the owl protested, ruffling her feathers.

"Ever the generous soul," Grayson playfully rolled his eyes, then addressed Katheren, "Let's go reclaim what's ours."

They made their way to the nearby warehouse. Grayson surveyed the area and, finding it clear, used the owl's stunning gaze to incapacitate the mage on duty without a struggle.

"Such lax security. It seems the tower hasn't braced for an assault in many years. Their overconfidence is bound to breed calamity," Grayson remarked as he hauled the mage inside.

They followed the owl through aisles lined with magical paraphernalia. The shelf with their belongings was conspicuously empty, holding Grayson's silver sword, Katheren's pistols, Morven's scimitar, and Seraphine's mermaid staff.

"We take only what belongs to us. The rest, we leave to the mages," Grayson instructed as he equipped Katheren and himself. Just as he was about to light his cigar, his instincts kicked in, and he paused, sensing something awry.

"We're not alone. Something's watching us—I've underestimated this place," he breathed out in a low tone. As he lit his cigar and drew in the smoke, his eyes narrowed, "If I'm not mistaken, we're about to have company."

No sooner had he spoken than a shadow fell upon them, a gargoyle crashing down, grappling with Grayson. With a swift roll, Grayson hurled it away, sending it crashing through the shelves.

"Is that… a gargoyle?" Katheren uttered in shock as Grayson got back on his feet. There, the gargoyle rose, its blood-red eyes glaring hatefully at them, its mouth agape to unleash a guttural roar.

Katheren raised her pistols to shoot, but Grayson grabbed the barrels, "Don't bother. Bullets won't faze a gargoyle—it'll only attract more. Take cover. I'll handle this…"

Before he could finish, another shadow whooshed overhead. They ducked, and upon looking up, they saw another gargoyle had landed on the right.

"Okay, forget what I just said. Grab a sword from over there—hope you know how to wield it, kid," Grayson said, pointing to a rack laden with swords. Puffing on his cigar, he eyed the third gargoyle that had descended, muttering, "We've just hit a serious snag."