
Fangs of Justice:The Werewolf Detective

Embark on a riveting journey with the infamous witch hunter Grayson as he finds himself entangled in a chilling mystery in a quaint fishing village. A notorious fugitive on the empire's wanted list, Grayson stumbles upon a case shrouded in the supernatural—an ancient soul lies dormant, and three sacred relics with the power to seal the paramount forces of the vampiric aristocracy are at risk. Who dares to awaken the Vampire King? Is it a resurgence of the vampires' thirst for power? A dark sorcerer's sinister scheme? Or perhaps a treacherous shadow lurking among them? As Grayson delves deeper, he is poised to unravel the layers of truth veiling this enigma. Yet, amidst the unfolding secrets, one remains tightly guarded—what enshrouded mystery lies beneath Grayson's own cloak? Discover the secrets that await in this tale of desire, dark magic, and the unseen betrayals that haunt the night.

BlackSheep9 · Fantasy
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98 Chs

The Dead's Fiery Oath

The two men locked gazes, a standoff that broke when the captain burst into boisterous laughter, clapping Grayson on the shoulder. "You're quite the character, I'm growing fond of you! I consider you my friend, and that's not something I'd trade for gold," the captain roared with amusement.

"I'm honored to hear that, Captain," Grayson replied with a knowing smile.

"We've arrived; see you on deck!" The dinghy docked beside the pirate ship, and Jaxton's form dissipated from Grayson's side as a rope ladder was thrown down.

Grayson had Elyra use her magic to take Katheren aboard first. He then climbed up to the deck, where he was immediately enveloped in an embrace.

"Hello, my dear mermaid lady, did you miss me?" Grayson returned Seraphine's embrace and kissed her sea-blue hair. She looked up at him with relief in her eyes.

Bringing Seraphine to Katheren's side, the mermaid used her magic to heal the wounded girl. Meanwhile, Captain Jaxton appeared behind Grayson, booming, "Hey, the lass is alright, isn't she?"

"She'll be fine after some rest," Seraphine assured him with a smile.

"Good, good. She looks like she's been through a lot," the captain called back to the galley, "Cook, prepare something nice for our guests—make sure it's fit for human consumption, and no weird meats, got it, you fat swine!"

"Aye, Captain!" the gruff reply echoed from within.

Grayson whispered to Seraphine, amused by the captain's hospitality, "I wonder how the cook has improved his fishball recipe?" Seraphine giggled and shook her head at the thought.

"Look, dummy's awake!" Elyra, who was crouched beside Katheren, suddenly exclaimed.

Everyone looked down to see Katheren's eyes flutter open. Seraphine leaned in, touching her cheek softly, "How are you feeling? Any discomfort?"

"I'm okay, Seraphine. Where are we?" Katheren asked, slightly dazed.

"We're on Captain Jaxton's ship!" Seraphine replied, kissing Katheren's face joyfully. "I'm so glad you're both safe!"

"Mr. Grayson, what happened? Did you kill her?" Katheren asked, sitting up with concern.

Grayson shook his head lightly, "No, I didn't kill her. She's much stronger than I anticipated. I only managed to destroy her lair with the captain's firepower."

He handed the ghostly pistol back to the captain saying, "Thank you for this gift; it proved very useful. Now, it's time it returned to its owner."

"Oh no, don't give it back!" the captain protested, "That gift was for my best friend. Keep it with you. Wherever you are on the continent, if you need help, fire it to summon my cannon—a limitation of once per day, mind you. I need time to prepare the cannons!"

"A most generous gift indeed!" Grayson turned to the ladies with a smile, "But it still feels light compared to the debt my father owes you, one he can never repay."

At the sound of an emotional voice behind them, everyone turned to see Lia, the automaton girl, rushing to embrace Grayson, expressing her gratitude, "Thank you, thank you for returning safe and sound!"

"I promised I would return, and as a gentleman, I never break my word to a lady," Grayson said gallantly, kissing the cold, hard edge of her temple.

"Yes, you're the best person I've met!" Lia beamed.

"No, I'm not the best," Grayson chuckled, taking Lia's hand and placing it in the captain's, "Your father is the greatest man there is because his love for you is irreplaceable."

"Father…" Lia looked back at Jaxton, who blushed and laughed awkwardly, "Don't say that, Grayson. I'm not the best; I'm just an old pirate who robs at sea!"

"No, Mr. Grayson is right; you are my pride!" Lia hugged Jaxton, kissing his wrinkled cheek, and his booming laughter filled the expanse of sea and sky.

Later, they all attended the captain's feast, where the cook prepared a plethora of dishes, including Grayson's modified tuna cheeseballs.

"This is my improved version; give it a taste and let me know what you think," the chef said, placing one on Grayson's plate with a serious tone. Grayson thanked the chef and promised to savor it.

During the feast, Grayson recounted the events on Death Island. Jaxton, astonished by the identities of the Lich King and the Vampire Princess Elsbeth, exclaimed, "No wonder I stood no chance against them, and ended up as a ghost!"

"Though the Lich King is dead, Elsbeth lives. Is that not a concern?" Seraphine asked, uneasy.

"She shouldn't be a threat to us. Marooned on Death Island without fresh blood, her strength has waned. She's trapped there, far from the mainland, unable to return. Let's focus on Ice Island first, then the Holy Orders can deal with her," Grayson said, lighting a cigar.

"What's next for us?" Seraphine inquired, nodding in agreement.

"That's up to the captain," Grayson said, turning to Jaxton with a smile, "Let's see your legendary ghost cannon!"

"Ah, I can't wait! Joe, Chocolate, get over here!" The captain's voice echoed, and his officers, now promoted, appeared beside him.

"Arm the cannons; I want to see fireworks!" Jaxton's spirits were high.

"Do we aim for the same target?" Joe asked cautiously.

"No, no, no!" the captain shook his head, looking to Grayson, "We're targeting Thunder Fort, right?"

"Yes, Captain. Just add my blessings to the cannonball, wishing Emperor Solon eternal life," Grayson toasted, his glass raised skyward.

The crew sprang into action, and the ghost ship's bone cannons extended like dragon heads, their jaws agape to the sky.

With everything ready, Jaxton led Grayson and the others to give the order. "Mr. Grayson, please do the honors and enjoy a fireworks show with us."

"By your command," Grayson said, signaling to the officers, "Let's send our gift to Emperor Solon! Fire!"

At Grayson's command, the ship's cannons roared, sending gleaming spirit orbs skyward toward Ice Island. Ignited mid-flight, they streaked like meteors, crashing into the fort and causing massive explosions.

"Turn the ship, keep firing!" the captain and Grayson clinked glasses, the ghost ship pivoted, firing the remaining cannons, and shaking the ship violently.

Before the Titan guards could react, a second barrage hit, and monstrous undead beasts rose from the impacts, attacking the Titans.

Despite the guards' efforts, the relentless cannonade rendered their defense futile, and the fort crumbled under the bombardment, with many Titans crushed by the descending beasts.

"I think I see the glow from here; hope they're enjoying their bonfire!" Grayson said, shielding his eyes and looking toward the fort, the fiery sky reflecting their light. Behind him, Seraphine and Katheren exchanged joyful smiles.

"Let's show them what we're made of!" the captain shouted, steering the ship toward the fort. All ten cannons aimed forward, and with the captain's order, they unleashed deafening roars, prompting everyone to cover their ears.

"Ha! Enjoy, you giants!" the captain watched the cannonballs streak toward the fort, taking a swig of rum, laughing wildly.

The cannonballs burst in the sky, raining fire upon the ground, igniting explosions where they landed and filling the area with chaos and screams.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Grayson said, watching the fiery spectacle with the ladies, who nodded and laughed, the captain standing proudly by, stroking his beard with glee.

"What an eye-opener today has been!" Grayson said as they headed back inside.

"Just let me know if you need a blasting; I'll level them for you!" Jaxton exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement.

"If needed, I will!" Grayson nodded.

"What's your next move?" the captain asked.

"We're heading for Thunder Fort; our allies are there, and we need to assist them," Grayson said, his smile fading to seriousness.

"I'll sail you close; there's a cove near Thunder Cliffs for an easy landing, saving a lot of time," the captain declared, clapping his hands with resolve.

"That would be most helpful, thank you!" Grayson expressed his gratitude with a smile, and with a hearty laugh, Jaxton gave the order to sail, and the ghost ship set course for Thunder Cliffs.

As they approached the dining area, the captain pushed open the door, but the scene inside left everyone astonished.