
Fangs of Justice:The Werewolf Detective

Embark on a riveting journey with the infamous witch hunter Grayson as he finds himself entangled in a chilling mystery in a quaint fishing village. A notorious fugitive on the empire's wanted list, Grayson stumbles upon a case shrouded in the supernatural—an ancient soul lies dormant, and three sacred relics with the power to seal the paramount forces of the vampiric aristocracy are at risk. Who dares to awaken the Vampire King? Is it a resurgence of the vampires' thirst for power? A dark sorcerer's sinister scheme? Or perhaps a treacherous shadow lurking among them? As Grayson delves deeper, he is poised to unravel the layers of truth veiling this enigma. Yet, amidst the unfolding secrets, one remains tightly guarded—what enshrouded mystery lies beneath Grayson's own cloak? Discover the secrets that await in this tale of desire, dark magic, and the unseen betrayals that haunt the night.

BlackSheep9 · Fantasy
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98 Chs

Kill First, Bury Later

"How could they move so quickly!" Tyrrel exclaimed in shock, instinctively reaching for the longsword on the table, only to hear Grayson say loudly, "Your Highness, please do not panic!"

Grayson stepped forward, looking up at the Titan prince with composure, "Please stay calm, don your armor as you did in the old days, prepare to confront Solon. I will create an opportunity for you to escape Thunder Fort."

"Alright, I understand!" Tyrrel responded, calming down at Grayson's words. He turned to General Stark, "General, immediately rally all the guards. As soon as there's a chance, we'll leave Thunder Fort!"

Outside the garrison, Solon halted before the gate and surveyed the soldiers encircling it. He turned to his loyal commander, "Are they all inside?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, we have completely surrounded the garrison. No one can escape," the general replied respectfully.

"Have Stark assemble all the soldiers and bring them to the courtyard," Solon ordered grimly.

The command was swiftly carried out, and General Stark led all of Tyrrel's guards into the courtyard, now surrounded by Solon's men, forming a square formation at the center.

"Your Majesty, what brings you here in the dead of night?" Stark stepped forward, his expression grave.

"General Stark, I wish to see the soldier who accompanied you and the elder to the palace today," Solon said with a sly smile.

"Soldier?" Stark paused, looking confused, then glanced back at the formation of guards, "Who among you went to the palace with me today?"

Silence fell; none of the guards moved, standing as if they were statues.

"Your Majesty, are you certain of this?" Stark asked, puzzled.

"General Stark, don't play the fool with me. I'm not senile yet!" Solon sneered, his eyes boring into Stark.

"Perhaps there was, but I don't remember. Ever since His Highness was murdered, I've been pondering how to catch the killer. I've had no time for anything else," Stark replied with dignity.

Solon studied Stark's composed face for a moment, then nodded with a smirk, turning his gaze to the formation of guards, "Very well, all guards, listen up! Remove your helmets and show me your faces!"

The guards remained motionless, disobeying Solon's command. After a brief silence, Solon bellowed, "You dare defy the king's decree? Are you planning a rebellion?"

"Without avenging His Highness, we vow never to lay down our armor!" All the guards shouted in unison, their voices echoing through the garrison, causing Solon's soldiers to shudder and even Solon himself to pale.

"Insolence!" In a rage, Solon ordered, "Remove their helmets!"

Solon's men advanced, but the guards drew their swords to prevent them from approaching, and tensions escalated to a breaking point.

"General Stark, do you truly intend to rebel?" Solon glared at Stark, his teeth gritted.

"Your Majesty, this is beyond my control. His Highness was inexplicably murdered, and we've yet to find the killer. The soldiers have long benefited from His Highness's grace and yet cannot avenge him. Their hearts are set, and I am powerless," Stark declared firmly.

"Afraid of death, are you?" Solon's brooding gaze swept over the soldiers, but not one flinched, their resolve unshaken.

"So be it, I will grant your wish!" Enraged, Solon shouted, "Kill them all!"

Before his command could be carried out, a whistling sound shattered the night's tranquility. A blazing green fireball descended from the sky, crashing into a building behind the courtyard. The massive explosion rang in the Titans' ears, and the collapsing structure turned into rubble amidst rising dust clouds.

The sudden blast sent everyone into a panic. Solon stepped back in horror as more green fireballs rained down, scattering across the garrison. The relentless explosions turned the area into a fiery hellscape.

"Protect His Majesty!" Stark seized the chaos to shout, and the soldiers quickly surrounded Solon to retreat. The guards took advantage of the turmoil to flee the courtyard.

The streets outside the garrison were in disarray, with terrified soldiers scrambling in every direction. Injured men struggled to escape as Solon's personal guard cleared a path for the Titan King to retreat toward the palace.

"Quick, Solon has fled! Your Highness, we must also leave at once!" Stark found Tyrrel, disguised as a guard, amid the chaos and led the other guards to protect him as they headed for the city gate. Undead cannonballs continued to fall behind them, wailing like banshees.

As they neared the gate, they found the massive doors of Thunder Fort sealed shut. Stark ordered the guards to open them, but before they could, Solon's loyal commander and his troops caught up.

"Stark, where are you going? His Majesty orders you to come to the palace immediately!" the commander pointed at Stark and the guards beside him.

"We've had enough of Solon. We're going back to Hurricane City to gather forces to avenge His Highness!" Stark drew his sword, pointing it at the commander.

"Seeking your own demise!" Solon's loyal commander drew his sword, his voice sharp, "By the King's command, all remnants of Tyrrel are to be killed without mercy. Let no one escape!" His soldiers surged forward, clashing with Stark's men.

Before the two sides could engage, a long howl pierced the air. A white orb fell from the sky, crushing three Titan soldiers on impact. A massive bone sea creature roared to life, its sharp claws piercing through a Titan soldier's chest.

The Titans barely had time to react before another undead cannonball, trailing a long tail of fire, plummeted down, striking Thunder Fort's gate. With a deafening bang, the gate crumbled.

"The gate is open, Your Highness, run!" Stark turned and led Tyrrel out the gate, the guards following closely to escape. Solon's men were held back by the undead behemoth, unable to pursue.

Protected by Stark and the guards, Tyrrel fled Thunder Fort, running nearly ten kilometers to the northeast before finally stopping. Surrounded by the vast, empty plains under the night sky, they took a moment to breathe.

"What was that thing? It looked like the ghost cannon from the ghost ship!" Stark looked back toward Thunder Fort, where undead cannonballs still sporadically targeted the fortress.

"You're right, that was part of our plan," Tyrrel panted, watching the trajectory of the cannonballs in the night sky, "Mr. Grayson is quite resourceful. Who would believe he could command those undead?"

"I didn't command them, Your Highness," a voice sounded behind Tyrrel. He and Stark turned to see the little owl perched on Tyrrel's shoulder, with Grayson, Andros, and Katheren appearing in a flash of red light.

"I simply made a heart-to-heart deal with them. Sometimes, such exchanges of goodwill can secure a lifetime of service," Grayson stepped forward, smiling at Tyrrel, "It's just that the service isn't thorough enough—they kill but don't bury!"

"Thank you, Mr. Grayson. I owe you a great debt. If there's a chance, I hope to repay it," Tyrrel said sincerely.

"You will, Your Highness. When we defeat Solon, I hope you can help me recover the lost holy relic," Grayson said with a meaningful smile.

"Of course, I am duty-bound regarding the relic's whereabouts!" Tyrrel nodded gravely.

"But for now, our priority is to get Your Highness back to Hurricane City safely," Grayson turned to the Titan general, "General Stark, I assume you know which route is the fastest and safest to bypass Solon's defenses and return to His Highness's territory?"

"The safest route is through Grey Harbor, an area Solon dares not approach. But can you assure that the pirates there won't harm us?" Stark asked Grayson, not entirely at ease.

"You can rest assured on that count. Captain Jaxton is now our steadfast ally. He won't harm His Highness," Grayson assured, glancing back at Tyrrel.

He addressed Andros, "Additionally, I think it's best if you accompany His Highness back to Hurricane City. Perhaps you can catch up with your Knights Order. You could lead them to assist His Highness in attacking Solon's territory, coordinating with Captain Jaxton and the Snake Queen to break through Solon's defenses and pave the way for a final assault on Thunder Fort."

"I am at Your Highness's service!" Andros responded earnestly.

"What about you?" Tyrrel caught the implication in Grayson's words and asked with concern, "Mr. Grayson, don't you plan to return to Hurricane City with us?"

"No, I will stay here. While Thunder Fort is in chaos, I'll investigate the whereabouts of the holy relic. Perhaps I can save the favor you owe me and ask for other rewards instead!" Grayson replied with a grin.

"Whatever you ask of me, I will do my utmost to provide," Tyrrel promised.

"Thank you for your generosity, Your Highness, but some things are better sought on my own. I think it's best we part ways now. While Solon is still unable to deploy his forces to block you, may the stars illuminate your way home, Prince Tyrrel!" Grayson bowed respectfully.

"And may you find success in locating the holy relic, Mr. Grayson!" Tyrrel said, setting Grayson and Katheren down and keeping Andros on his shoulder, as he and Stark led the guards toward Grey Harbor.

Grayson and Katheren turned toward Thunder Fort, discussing the events surrounding Tyrrel as they walked. Suddenly, a group of long-robed figures rushed from nearby, encircling them.