
Fangs of Justice:The Werewolf Detective

Embark on a riveting journey with the infamous witch hunter Grayson as he finds himself entangled in a chilling mystery in a quaint fishing village. A notorious fugitive on the empire's wanted list, Grayson stumbles upon a case shrouded in the supernatural—an ancient soul lies dormant, and three sacred relics with the power to seal the paramount forces of the vampiric aristocracy are at risk. Who dares to awaken the Vampire King? Is it a resurgence of the vampires' thirst for power? A dark sorcerer's sinister scheme? Or perhaps a treacherous shadow lurking among them? As Grayson delves deeper, he is poised to unravel the layers of truth veiling this enigma. Yet, amidst the unfolding secrets, one remains tightly guarded—what enshrouded mystery lies beneath Grayson's own cloak? Discover the secrets that await in this tale of desire, dark magic, and the unseen betrayals that haunt the night.

BlackSheep9 · Fantasy
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98 Chs

Ghostly Wails of Greyport

Three huge orbs descended from the sky and crashed at the entrance of the command hall. Two fiery spheres shattered the stone columns on either side of the porch, blasting large holes into the flanking walls. The white orb struck the stairs before the great door.

Protected by the Titan general, Grayson and his companions evaded the impact of the orbs. As they looked back, the once orderly entrance was now a scene of destruction. The white orb that radiated light expanded into a skeletal figure resembling a worm and lunged at the Titans with bared fangs.

"Take care of yourselves! We've got this!"

The Titan general set Grayson and the others down and, together with his soldiers, charged at the skeletal behemoth. Despite the Titans' superior numbers, the creature did not retreat. Instead, it leapt into the air and coiled around one of the Titans.

Several Titans stepped forward to slash at the beast's bones, severing its sharp limbs. The creature let out a roar as its fangs sunk deep into a Titan's shoulder. The soldier screamed in agony, managing to free himself and hurl the creature toward the grand staircase.

The beast curled into a bony sphere in mid-air and crashed down onto the steps. It unfurled again, its maw dripping blood as it stared down the Titan soldiers. Unexpectedly, the general pounced from the side, his sword chopping down with such force that it severed the creature's head.

Astoundingly, the decapitated monster did not perish. It turned and pounced at the general. With a swift dodge and a stomp, the general pinned the flailing creature to the ground and with another stroke, cleaved through a section of its spine. But still, the beast did not succumb to death, its spiked tail lashing out at the general.

The general parried the tail spikes with his sword, and the surrounding Titan soldiers seized the opportunity to pile on, hacking at the monster until it was reduced to scattered bone fragments.

Simultaneously, the Titans at the center of the square finally felled the blue whale skeleton. Its bones lay scattered across the plaza among pools of Titan blood, remnants of weapons, and stones from the blasted buildings. The outpost was in complete disarray.

"It seems their assault has temporarily halted."

Turning to Grayson and his group, the Titan general squatted down and advised, "They won't just stop there; this is only the first wave. You'd better leave before the next volley of undead cannonballs arrives."

"I agree, that's sound advice." Grayson looked back at his companions and then up at the Titan general, "Thank you, General. We wish you luck!"

"May fortune favor you as well," the general replied, standing to command his troops in clearing the battlefield. Grayson and his party turned to avoid the scattered giant bones and rubble, leaving the outpost and heading north towards Greyport.

After walking for about an hour under the night's cover, they reached a square archway at a road junction. Grayson, Katheren, and Seraphine stopped before the arch, looking up at the crooked sign dangling from it which bore two crudely shaped letters: Greyport.

"It appears we've arrived. Brace yourselves, ladies; we're not going to be dealing with gentlemen!" Grayson looked back at Katheren and Seraphine. Katheren drew her pistol, and Seraphine tightened her grip on her staff, nodding in unison.

Without removing the silver sword strapped to his back, Grayson lit a cigar, took a deep puff, and strode into Greyport. The ladies followed, their faces taut with tension as they eyed the dilapidated and eerie wooden cottages, wary of any stray spirits that might emerge.

"Hey, little fellow, take a loop in the sky and see what kind of ghostly things are hiding around here," Grayson whispered as he tiptoed past rows of dark, gloomy cottages, addressing the small owl perched on his shoulder.

Elyra gave a soft flap of her wings and vanished into the night. Grayson gestured to Katheren and Seraphine to follow, his gaze sweeping over the desolate buildings as they continued towards the heart of the port.

Suddenly, Katheren caught up, gripping Grayson's arm, whispering urgently, "There's something over there!"

Grayson turned to the direction Katheren was pointing, catching a fleeting glimpse of two flickering lights vanishing from a decrepit cabin's doorway.

He patted Katheren reassuringly on the shoulder and cautiously approached the cabin door, gently pushing it open with his right hand while softly calling, "Hello, friend, is anyone there?"

The door creaked open to reveal a dark room strewn with rotten belongings and furniture, but otherwise empty.

"We should speak plainly. Playing hide-and-seek is a waste of time for everyone involved."

Stepping inside, Grayson scanned the room with his piercing blue eyes, unimpeded by the darkness. Assured there was no movement, he turned and stepped back outside.

As he was halfway out, two green flames suddenly flickered before him, making Katheren and Seraphine cry out in alarm. He quickly stepped back and slashed with his clawed left hand, dispersing the flames.

"Damned little things," Grayson grumbled, puffing out smoke and waving the ladies to follow. "Let's not waste time with these petty spirits!"

No sooner had he spoken than a woman's mournful cry wafted nearby. Katheren shivered, looking around fearfully, while Seraphine clung tightly to her, both women frowning at Grayson.

"One problem after another," Grayson muttered, giving them a knowing glance before slipping into a dark, foreboding alley between two wooden houses.

Katheren and Seraphine quickly followed, the woman's desolate weeping persisting around them. Katheren thought she saw a white mist swirling nearby, shaping into a woman's face with a pale, chilling hand reaching for her.

Pale and petrified, Katheren stumbled backward, only to be caught by a firm hand on her cheek. She screamed, but the hand quickly covered her mouth.

"Shh!" Grayson hushed Katheren, her eyes brimming with tears. "Don't let your imagination run wild, darling. Stick to what you see, especially now."

"But there really is a strange weeping," Seraphine joined in, steadying the trembling Katheren.

"Of course. I hear her too, at the end of this alley..."

Grayson pointed ahead, and the two women, hearts pounding, looked down the pitch-black alley filled only with the unsettling cries of sorrow.

"Hush now, don't alarm her, don't listen to her voice. Focus and follow me," Grayson said calmly, taking a determined puff of his cigar and leading the way. Katheren and Seraphine exchanged glances, steadied themselves, and continued to follow cautiously.

As they approached the alley's end, the chilling cries grew louder, each step accompanied by the soul-piercing wails that fluttered in the chilling night breeze.

Abruptly, a shadow flitted across their path. Grayson quickened his pace, dashing out of the alley. Katheren and Seraphine, startled, clutched each other's hands and rushed to the mouth of the alley, only to be confronted by a figure hanging upside down, its hair cascading downward and a ghastly face hurtling toward them.

The two women screamed in unison, but before they could react, two small hands clamped over their mouths, and the ghostly figure plummeted, knocking them to the ground.

Terrified, they shoved the hands away, only to find themselves staring up at the disheveled figure, which now sat astride them. It faced away from the cold moonlight, its head tilted down, and the corners of its mouth curling into a sinister smirk.

"You little rascal, what are you up to around here?"

A hand suddenly seized the "ghost child" from behind, lifting her off the two women. Grayson's silhouette emerged at the alley's entrance. He tossed the "ghost child" aside, then helped Katheren and Seraphine to their feet.

"Heh heh heh, you two scaredy-cats are hilarious!" The disheveled little girl sat on the ground, giggling behind her hands. Katheren and Seraphine, still shaken, recognized her as Elyra.

"I suspected it was her when I heard the cries. I've warned you not to let your imaginations run