

In the quiet town of Silver Mist, Xavier Heller's ordinary life is shattered when he's attacked by a werewolf during a moonlit hike. As he undergoes a transformation, Xavier struggles with heightened senses, a craving for blood, and an attraction to the night. Seeking answers, he discovers the hidden supernatural world and faces a moral dilemma: should he embrace his dark side or fight his inner beast? Along his journey, he meets others like him, each with their own unique struggles. "Fangs and Claws" is a thrilling story of identity, transformation, and the battle between light and darkness as Xavier uncovers Silver Mist's supernatural secrets. A/N: Character development will be slow at first but will speed up at later arcs (Novel cover image is digitally drawn)

blueorchid · Fantasy
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46 Chs

The call of the night

CHAPTER 1-The call of the night

Xavier sighed as he gazed at the large building in front of him from his mother's car. He was used to moving schools because his mom's Job required her to travel a lot, she was an archeologist. This of course meant that he wasn't able to fit in school most of his life.

Miss Hayley Heller, Xavier's mom was currently investigating an archeological site of a newly discovered ancient civilization. They had been in Silver mist city the location of the archeological site for half a year, giving her no other choice than to enroll her son in another school, Silver Mist High. The reason for his sigh was because unlike his other schools where he would be practically ignored or had been a loner, he was having a really hard time in Silver mist high.

"Do your best son, mom loves you!" his mom yelled.


"Well, another day of torture." Xavier said with a voice void of any form of enthusiasm what so-ever as he pushed open the school's main entrance. Walking in, the school was filled with teenagers which were either taking books from their respective lockers for their next class, or talking with friends.

He immediately rushed towards his locker trying as much as possible to keep a low profile when suddenly…


A red colored ball flew through the air landing directly on his face, causing him to fall backwards to the ground. Standing up to look towards the direction at which the ball had come from, a burly looking teenager fell on his line of sight. He stood about 6'7ft, he sported a green side cut styled hair which caused him to stand out a lot. He's name was Dylan and he was the school bully and the captain of the basketball team.

"Oh I'm sorry seems like my ball just really likes you, It suddenly flew out of my hand and headed towards your face." Dylan said chuckling, causing his lackeys behind him to follow in suit.

'Not this cliché character' Xavier spoke inwardly

"Well I see, then that must be the same for your mom and sister they can't just have enough of my face." Xavier replied in a nonchalant manner.

Dylan's face instantly turned sour after hearing Xavier's remark. He had indirectly used his taunts to insult him and it was a scar inducing one.

"Why you little…!"

Dylan raised his fist ready to throw a punch across his face but Xavier had acted fast moving aside to evade the attack, causing his fist to land directly on one of the locker doors.


Dylan nursed his fist as he grimaced in pain. This had resulted him to attempt another punch to attack a second time, Xavier had predicted this already as he prepared to evade. Unfortunately for him, his lackeys had acted fast enough to hold him in place from behind.


Dylan's fist connected to his face, sending him hurling towards the ground with a bruised cheek. "I'm so going to enjoy this." He said a smirk plastered in his face as he cracked his knuckles.

"Walk away Dylan."

Xavier turned around to see a girl standing behind him, she stood about 5'8 ft. a couple inches shorter than him, her face was shaped like a diamond, her lips were full and plump, her nose was sharp and high, with eyes which were hazel almond shaped full of confidence and mayhem, her hair was dark brown covered with a grey beanie which complimented her slightly tanned skin.

"What did you say?" Dylan said with a gloomy expression as he was already in a bad mood.

"You heard me, piss off dumbf*ck." she replied.

Dylan had already reached his boiling point and was about to attack her when he suddenly felt a stinging pain on his crotch. She had immediately sent a kick to his third leg faster than he could react as a "crack" sound was heard, she had definitely broken something.

"Urrrghh…" Dylan's face immediately became contorted as he clench his crotch before falling to the floor in pain.

"Don't you know it's wrong to try to hit girls?" she spoke slyly before grabbing Xavier by the arm running while snickering from the scene leaving Dylan and his lackeys flabbergasted.

After leaving the scene she let go of Xavier's arm before turning around with an angry expression on her face.

"Why do you always get in trouble every chance you get?" she said angrily before proceeding to punch him in the gut

"I had everything under control, you didn't need to butt in you know. They'll come after you." Xavier replied in pain.

"It won't be the first time, come on let go to class or we'll be late." She replied.

Jayden Hunter was Xavier's best friend, well his only friend. He had met her when they moved into the neighborhood, she lived next door and they had been friends for a year and half.

"I haven't been getting enough sleep lately, I don't think I'll be able to stay up through Mr. Hank's class" Xavier stated with a tired expression. He was starting to suspect he was coming down with a serious case of insomnia. Not long after, they had arrived at their classroom immediately taking their seats as class began.



The closing bell resounded throughout the school signaling the end of school as everyone immediately headed home in unison.

"Remember, your assignments are on pages 11-14" Mr. Hank yelled as the students headed for the exit.

Xavier and Jayden were currently walking together as they headed home although she owned a motorcycle of her own she decided to walk today. On their way home Jayden had talked about the latest issue of her favorite comic book, a hobby in which he was 'forced' into liking it was that or a left hook to the face, the choice was obvious.

Xavier: "(-_-;)"

After parting with Jayden, Xavier opened the door to his house, it was a two story bungalow, there was a sitting room, which contained four sofas one being a huge couch, in the middle of the sitting room was a small wooden table, and on it was a vase which contained a few roses that seemed fake.

Xavier took off his shoes at the entrance, as his mom was particular about wearing shoes indoors.

[Hey Xavi, have to work overtime again… turns out the site is bigger than we anticipated, but I'll probably be back before morning I made mac n cheese it's in the fridge you can have dinner without me, I love you…] the voice mail on the house telephone played after he had tapped a button on it.

He immediately headed up to his room as he knew his mom won't be back till morning, she was never home early on work days.

While walking up the stairs to his room, he passed by some artifacts that were on the walls ranging from vases to miniature statues, most of them being replicas but he wouldn't know, he wasn't the expert.