

In the quiet town of Silver Mist, Xavier Heller's ordinary life is shattered when he's attacked by a werewolf during a moonlit hike. As he undergoes a transformation, Xavier struggles with heightened senses, a craving for blood, and an attraction to the night. Seeking answers, he discovers the hidden supernatural world and faces a moral dilemma: should he embrace his dark side or fight his inner beast? Along his journey, he meets others like him, each with their own unique struggles. "Fangs and Claws" is a thrilling story of identity, transformation, and the battle between light and darkness as Xavier uncovers Silver Mist's supernatural secrets. A/N: Character development will be slow at first but will speed up at later arcs (Novel cover image is digitally drawn)

blueorchid · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
46 Chs

Blood Onyx

(A/N: Read author's thoughts below (◠‿・))

[7 Days: 13 hours: 7 minutes: 43 seconds- Till full moon]

Xavier stared as he's countdown timer for the umpteenth time, he had developed this habit since the timer was set. Multiple weeks had passed since he saved the mother daughter pair from the fire, and people all over the internet kept on talking about the mysterious person who had rescued those people.

For Xavier who hate's attention this was bad news. Unfortunately for him, after Xavier had jumped over the flames for the rescue, someone had flew a camera drone and was able to video his feats thus the reason for his newfound popularity.

Scrolling through the internet, Xavier had come across a popular channel called 'Exodus'. It was a popular channel on Blipper where they discuss and debate about fictional characters from popular anime, comics, manga, movies, and cartoons. This time they seemed to be talking about him, Xavier whose curiosity was piqued tapped on it. 

[Exodus (∞)]

[(Subscribe) 13M] 


[Comments: 598]

[Stanley_511 (host): Ok guys check this out…]

The host of the channel Stanley proceeded to play a video that showed Xavier right after he jumped over the fire landing on the ground as it cracked, it then continued as it displayed everything that had transpired that night.

[BoomShakalaka: Holy shit!]

[Diablo: I'm just seeing the video for the first time and it's even more awesome than the first.]

[Psychedelic_steps: Who is this guy?]

[Stanley_511 (host): What do you think psych?]

They proceeded to talk and debate how the force which he used to rip out that sedan's door was about 2,000 to 4,000 pounds (or roughly 907 to 1,814 kilograms) confirming he possessed inhuman strength. The discussion continued, some made Xavier cringe like finding a superhero name and whatnot. 

"Xavier come on man, get down and help me out here!" Jayden called out to him, finally causing him to switch of his phone.

"In a sec!" Xavier who was directly under her while standing on the ceiling replied as he inserted his phone into his hoodie's pouch, before jumping back to the ground.

"It seems like you're getting the hang of sticking to walls.' Jayden stated after he landed before her.

"I've been practicing." Xavier replied before inquiring what he was needed for.

They were currently at her formerly worn down old gym. Jayden's father Luke Hunter had renovated the building a week ago to show his support for his daughter. 

 Looking around now the gym had now been transformed into a vibrant and innovative cosplay studio. The spacious area was bathed in a soft, diffused light that danced across the polished wooden floor, creating a welcoming ambiance.

The walls, once adorned with old and worn out motivational posters and mirrors, were now adorned with colorful tapestries depicting iconic scenes from various anime and gaming universes. Each corner boasted its own theme, showcasing different worlds and inspirations for creative exploration.

A long sturdy worktable dominated the center strewn with bolts of fabric in every hue imaginable and lined with neatly organized tools - sewing machines and other sewing equipment. Mannequins whom were yet to be dressed in elaborate costumes stood proudly. In one corner, a small stage had been erected, complete with adjustable lighting and a backdrop that could transform from a futuristic spaceship interior to a mystical forest glade with the flick of a switch.

Xavier was awe stricken when he had first seen the building's interior in all its renovated glory.

'I guess it pays having a rich dad, literally.' 

He stated inwardly as his thoughts further proved how much an anomaly Jayden was. Others in her shoes would probably abuse this opportunity but not her; he could have sworn she wasn't too happy about her dad's endeavor.

 "I'm finished with the costume for the contest." Jayden said as she pulled the fabric that covered her latest work.

For the past few days Xavier hadn't meet up with Jayden, because he wanted her to focus better on her work and he was sure he would have been a distraction with everything going on. Today was the first time in a while he saw her other than at school so he had no clue how the costume would turnout as he looked on with pure anticipation in his eyes.

The fabric fell, revealing a sleek, black suit that stood proud on a mannequin. It was a mostly black along with obsidian colored hooded jacket, adding an air of enigmatic sophistication to the ensemble. At the side of the suit was a single red stripe on both sides along with a claw scratch like insignia which gave of an intimidating feel. 

It was something that he hadn't seen before as the suit was a perfect blend of fiction and fashion because each seam, every contour, spoke of meticulous design and purposeful craftsmanship, speaking volumes on how hard she must have worked on it. 


"I call it the 'Blood Onyx'" 

"You might have guessed, the suit is actually inspired by your fiasco last week, to be honest I couldn't come up with a design for the contest at first but after what you did, ideas just came flooding I hope you don't mind."

She explained a smirk plastered on her face as she witnessed Xavier's expression of awe. Jayden then proceeded to show Xavier the custom sneaker's she had made herself which was also black along with some red colored patterns of its own.

"I don't mind at all, this is amazing! It's even better than I thought you will definitely win the competition for sure." Xavier spoke words of praise and encouragement causing her to blush slightly.

The only thing that confused him was what Jayden would possibly need him for, since she called him to help out but was already done with the suit.

"What did you need my help for?" Xavier asked his eyes still partially glued to the suit which was now rotating on a motorized platform.

"I'll need you to put it on." Jayden stated suddenly.

He looked at her, obviously surprised 

"I need a model for the suit, It's a requirement for the entering the contest, also your measurement was used to make this so…" she explained with a pleading gaze.

"Sure I don't see why not." He agreed walking to the suit. 

Seasons greetings every one, would like to wish you you a merry christmas. Just opened an instagram account where you can get more information about my books and future updates. will be launching with some FAC art check the link below to follow:


might open a discord server in the future comment on your thoughts, also don't forget to support with power stones thanks.

blueorchidcreators' thoughts