
Fang Yuan is my daughter now

Aiden stumbled upon the injured creature deep in the forest, not knowing what to expect. As he cautiously approached, he saw the creature's eyes flicker with a mix of curiosity and malice. "Who dares disturb me?" the creature snarled, its voice laced with an air of ruthlessness. "I mean no harm," Aiden replied, trying to keep his composure. "I found you injured and wanted to offer my help." The creature bared its fangs, revealing its true nature as a fearsome Fang Yuan. "Help? I don't need anyone's help! I can handle myself just fine." Despite her hostility, Aiden remained calm. "I understand you're powerful, but even the mighty sometimes need assistance. Allow me to heal your wounds." A hint of doubt crossed the creature's eyes, but she quickly masked it. "Fine, but make it quick. I won't owe you anything." With gentle hands, Aiden tended to the creature's injuries, showing her compassion and care. As the minutes passed, her guard slowly lowered, and she begrudgingly accepted his help. "You're not like the others," she remarked, her tone slightly softer. "I'm not here to harm you," Aiden assured her. "My name is Aiden, and I'm just a wanderer seeking knowledge and understanding in this world." "Fang Yuan," she replied curtly. "And I don't need any wanderer's help or understanding."

latheef_shaik · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Little fang yuan is stubborn

Aiden couldn't resist the opportunity to tease Fang Yuan when he noticed her eyes lingering on a colorful butterfly that had fluttered into their path.

"Ah, I see you have a soft spot for beautiful things," he remarked with a playful grin.

Fang Yuan's icy gaze shot towards him, her expression unforgiving. "Don't get any ideas, Aiden. I am not one to be distracted by trivialities."

Aiden chuckled, undeterred by her cold response. "Of course not, my fierce and ruthless companion. But even the most powerful beings can appreciate the beauty of nature, can they not?"

Fang Yuan huffed, clearly unamused by his teasing. "I don't have time for such frivolous matters. Beauty is fleeting, just like everything else in this world."

"I suppose you're right," Aiden replied, trying to suppress a grin. "But that doesn't mean we can't enjoy the fleeting moments while they last."

She shot him a withering glare, her ruthless nature back in full force. "Enough of this nonsense, Aiden. Let's focus on the task at hand."

Despite her stern demeanor, Aiden found himself secretly enjoying their banter. He couldn't help but be amused by the contrast between her cold and ruthless exterior and the occasional glimpses of vulnerability he had witnessed.

As Aiden and Fang Yuan settled down for the night, they found themselves near a tranquil riverbank. The moonlight cast a gentle glow on the surroundings, creating a serene atmosphere.

Fang Yuan gazed at her reflection in the water, her usually cold and ruthless expression softening with a hint of contemplation. "This place... it reminds me of something from my past," she murmured, almost to herself.

Aiden sat beside her, intrigued by this rare moment of vulnerability. "What do you mean, Fang Yuan? You never talk much about your past."

She looked away, a flicker of uncertainty in her eyes. "It's not important. Just a memory from a long time ago."

Aiden gently placed a hand on her shoulder, encouraging her to share. "I'm here if you want to talk about it. Sometimes, sharing memories can be therapeutic."

Fang Yuan hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath. "When I was very young, before all the chaos and darkness consumed me, there was a time when I enjoyed simple pleasures. I used to spend hours by the river, watching the butterflies and listening to the birds."

Aiden couldn't hide his surprise at this revelation. "You enjoyed butterflies? That's unexpected."

Her cheeks flushed ever so slightly, a rare display of vulnerability. "Yes, I suppose it is. But back then, I didn't have the burdens and responsibilities I carry now. I was just a child, innocent and carefree."

Aiden felt a newfound sense of understanding for the ruthless girl beside him. "It's okay, Fang Yuan. We all have our moments of vulnerability. It's a part of what makes us human."

She looked at him, her guard still up but the walls around her heart showing a hairline crack. "Don't mistake my moment of weakness for anything else. It won't happen again."

Aiden smiled gently, respecting her boundaries. "Of course, I won't. But I'm grateful that you shared this with me."

Fang Yuan looked away, the hard mask back in place. "Don't make it a habit to pry into my past, Aiden. It's not a place you want to go."

Aiden couldn't hold back his curiosity any longer. The puzzle of Fang Yuan's past memories kept gnawing at him, and he felt compelled to seek answers.

"Fang Yuan," he said, choosing his words carefully, "I can't help but wonder how you have memories from your past life when you were just three years old. It seems almost impossible."

Her eyes flickered with surprise, and for a moment, he thought she might be caught off guard. But then, her ruthless demeanor returned, and she swiftly evaded his question.

"I told you, it's nothing important," she replied, her voice cold and guarded. "Some things are best left forgotten."

Aiden persisted, his desire to understand her growing stronger. "But how is it even possible? People don't usually have memories from when they were so young."

Fang Yuan narrowed her eyes, clearly growing irritated with his probing. "I don't know how it's possible, but it doesn't matter. The past is in the past, and I don't dwell on such matters."

Aiden sensed that he was treading on dangerous ground, but he couldn't let go of his curiosity. "You were just a child, Fang Yuan. How did you become so powerful and ruthless at such a young age?"

She looked away, a mix of emotions crossing her face, but her ruthless facade remained intact. "It's not something I care to discuss. The path I took to become who I am today is my own."

Aiden knew he had pushed too far, but he couldn't help but feel frustrated by her evasiveness. He cared for Fang Yuan deeply, and he wanted to understand her better, to help her carry the burden of her past.

"I don't mean to pry, Fang Yuan," he said, his voice softening, "but I want to be there for you. If you ever want to talk about your past or anything else, know that I'm here to listen."

Her guard wavered for a moment, but then she quickly composed herself. "I appreciate your concern, Aiden, but there are some things that are best kept hidden. Trust me, you don't want to know."

In Fang Yuan's mind, she berated herself mercilessly for the moment of vulnerability she had displayed. Her heart pounded with frustration and regret as she cursed herself for letting her guard down and revealing even a sliver of her past to Aiden.

"Why did I let that slip?" she seethed inwardly. "I should have known better than to show any weakness. Now he'll see me differently, see the cracks in my armor."

Her ruthless nature screamed at her, calling her a fool for even considering opening up to someone. In a world as cutthroat as Reverend Insanity, showing vulnerability was a dangerous mistake—one that could be exploited and used against her.

"He'll think I'm weak, that I'm not the powerful he thought I was," she thought, her anger fueling her self-criticism. "I can't afford to have any weaknesses. It's a luxury I can't afford."

The weight of her past mistakes and the burdens she carried threatened to overwhelm her. She was used to being self-sufficient, relying only on herself, but Aiden's presence had slowly chipped away at the walls she had built around her heart.

Fang Yuan clenched her fists, feeling an unfamiliar surge of frustration and vulnerability. She had always prided herself on her unwavering determination and relentless pursuit of power. But now, her emotions were in turmoil, and she didn't know how to handle it.

"No more slip-ups," she vowed to herself, her resolve hardening. "From now on, I won't show any weakness, not even a glimpse. I can't let Aiden or anyone else see the true extent of my vulnerabilities."

She swallowed her pride and put on her cold and ruthless mask once more, determined to keep her emotions hidden. The relentless pursuit of power and survival would be her shield, protecting her from any further moments of weakness.