
Fang And Fate

Resident School Geek Raymond Hillies wakes up with a searing pain on his chest, and he feels eyes stalking him everywhere. Then, He finds out a horrifying truth about his existence. Notice: Written usen Ai assistance.

Lloydd · Horror
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3 Chs

Chapter Three: Tapped In

Raymond's heart pounded in his chest as he and Sophia raced through the chaotic hallways of their high school. The screams of their classmates echoed around them, punctuated by the sound of shattering glass and splintering wood.

"Where are we going?" Raymond gasped, struggling to keep up with Sophia's surprisingly quick pace.

"Somewhere safe," Sophia replied tersely, her grip on his hand tightening as she pulled him around a corner.

They burst through the doors leading to the school parking lot, the bright afternoon sun momentarily blinding Raymond. He blinked rapidly, trying to clear his vision.

"My car's over here," Sophia said, tugging him towards a sleek black sports car that probably cost more than Raymond's entire house.

As they approached the vehicle, a figure suddenly materialized in front of them, moving so fast it was almost a blur. Raymond's jaw dropped as he recognized Ethan, the vampire's red eyes glowing with predatory hunger.

"Now, now," Ethan purred, his voice smooth despite the fangs protruding from his mouth. "Leaving so soon? But the party's just getting started."

Sophia pushed Raymond behind her, reaching into her designer purse and pulling out... was that a wooden stake?

"Back off, leech," Sophia snarled, her entire demeanor changing from popular high school queen to battle-ready warrior in an instant.

Ethan's eyes widened slightly, a flicker of surprise crossing his face. "Well, well. A hunter. How... quaint." His gaze shifted to Raymond, who was doing his best not to hyperventilate. "And a newborn Daywalker. What an interesting pair you two make."

"I said back off," Sophia repeated, her voice low and dangerous.

Ethan held up his hands in a mock gesture of surrender, though his smirk remained firmly in place. "As you wish. But know this, Daywalker," he addressed Raymond directly now. "You can't run from what you are. Sooner or later, you'll have to embrace your true nature."

With that ominous statement hanging in the air, Ethan vanished as quickly as he had appeared, leaving Raymond and Sophia alone in the parking lot.

For a moment, neither of them moved. Then Raymond's knees buckled, and he found himself sitting on the asphalt, his head spinning.

"This can't be happening," he muttered, more to himself than to Sophia. "Vampires aren't real. They can't be."

Sophia knelt beside him, her expression softening slightly. "I know it's a lot to take in, but we don't have time for a breakdown right now. We need to get you somewhere safe before more of them show up."

Raymond looked up at her, a thousand questions swirling in his mind. "More of them? How many vampires are there? And what the hell is a Daywalker? And why do you have a stake in your purse?"

Sophia sighed, running a hand through her perfectly styled hair. "I'll explain everything, I promise. But not here. Come on, we need to move."

She helped Raymond to his feet and ushered him into the passenger seat of her car. As she slid behind the wheel, Raymond's phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out to see a string of frantic texts from Olivia.

"Shit, Olivia!" Raymond exclaimed. "We can't just leave her here!"

Sophia was already pulling out of the parking lot, her tires screeching. "Your friend will be fine. The vampires are only interested in you."

"Only interested in me? Why? Because I'm a... what did you call it? A Daywalker?" Raymond's voice rose with each question, panic edging into his tone.

Sophia's knuckles were white on the steering wheel as she navigated through the streets at a speed that was definitely not legal. "Daywalkers are rare. Very rare. You're like... a holy grail for vampires. Your blood could make them immune to sunlight, among other things."

Raymond's hand unconsciously went to his chest, where the strange eye symbol was hidden beneath his shirt. "Is that why I have this weird mark?"

Sophia glanced at him, surprise evident in her eyes. "You have a mark? Where?"

"On my chest. It showed up this morning, right before all this craziness started."

Sophia muttered something under her breath that sounded suspiciously like a curse. "That complicates things. We need to get you to my family. They'll know what to do."

As they sped through the suburbs, Raymond's mind raced, trying to process everything that had happened in the last few hours. This morning, his biggest concern had been acing his Biology test. Now he was apparently some kind of vampire-human hybrid being hunted by actual, honest-to-god vampires.

"This is insane," he mumbled, more to himself than to Sophia. "I'm probably just having some kind of mental breakdown. Maybe I ate some bad sushi last night and this is all just a weird hallucination."

Sophia shot him a sympathetic look. "I know it's hard to believe, but I promise you, this is very real. And very dangerous."

They pulled up to a massive iron gate, beyond which Raymond could see a sprawling mansion that looked like something out of a gothic horror movie.

Sophia leaned out of the window and pressed her palm against a hidden panel. The gate swung open silently, and she drove through.

As they approached the house, Raymond noticed several people emerging from the front doors. They all moved with the same fluid grace he had seen in Ethan, but their eyes were normal, not glowing red.

"Are they...?" Raymond trailed off, not sure he wanted to know the answer.

"Vampires? Yes. But they're on our side," Sophia explained as she parked the car.

Raymond's eyes widened in disbelief. "Your family are vampires?"

Sophia shook her head. "No, we're hunters. But we have... allies among the vampire community. The ones who don't want to enslave humanity or whatever it is the bad ones are always plotting."

She got out of the car, and Raymond hesitantly followed suit. The group from the house approached, led by a tall, distinguished-looking man with salt-and-pepper hair.

"Sophia," the man said, his voice deep and authoritative. "I see you've brought us a guest."

Sophia nodded. "Father, this is Raymond. He's... well, he's a Daywalker."

The man's eyebrows shot up, and the other vampires began to murmur amongst themselves. Raymond felt like a bug under a microscope as they all stared at him with varying degrees of curiosity and hunger.

"A Daywalker? Are you certain?" Sophia's father asked, his gaze scrutinizing Raymond intensely.

"He has a mark, Father. And Ethan Blackwood attacked the school trying to get to him," Sophia reported.

The man's expression darkened at the mention of Ethan. "I see. Well then, Raymond, it seems we have much to discuss. Please, come inside."

As they walked towards the mansion, Raymond leaned close to Sophia and whispered, "Uh, is it safe to go into a house full of vampires?"

Sophia actually cracked a small smile at that. "Relax. They won't bite. Well, not unless you ask nicely."

Raymond blanched, and Sophia laughed. "I'm kidding. Mostly. Just stick close to me, okay?"

Inside, the mansion was a strange mix of modern luxury and ancient artifacts. Sophia led Raymond to a large study filled with books and what looked like weapons displays on the walls.

Sophia's father took a seat behind an ornate desk, gesturing for Raymond and Sophia to sit in the chairs across from him.

"Now then," he began, his piercing gaze fixed on Raymond. "Why don't you tell us exactly what happened today, from the beginning?"

Raymond took a deep breath and launched into his story, starting with the strange pain he'd woken up with and the appearance of the mark on his chest. He described the heightened senses he'd been experiencing all day and the confrontation with Ethan at the school.

As he spoke, Sophia's father listened intently, occasionally asking for clarification on certain points. When Raymond finished, the room was silent for a long moment.

Finally, Sophia's father leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. "It seems, young man, that you have found yourself at the center of a very ancient and dangerous game."

"What game?" Raymond asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"The game of power," one of the vampires spoke up. He was a younger-looking man with sharp features and eyes that seemed to hold centuries of knowledge. "Daywalkers have always been sought after by our kind. Your blood holds the key to unlocking abilities we can only dream of."

Raymond swallowed hard. "So what, you guys want to drain me dry or something?"

The vampire chuckled. "Not at all. We are... how shall I put it? The more civilized faction of vampire society. We believe in coexistence with humans, not domination."

"Then why am I here?" Raymond asked, looking from the vampire to Sophia to her father.

Sophia's father leaned forward, his expression grave. "Because, Raymond, whether you like it or not, you are now a part of our world. And in our world, there are those who would use you for their own gain, regardless of the cost to you or anyone else."

"Like Ethan," Sophia added.

Her father nodded. "Exactly. Ethan Blackwood belongs to a group of vampires who believe they should rule over humans. They see Daywalkers as tools to be used and discarded."

Raymond's head was spinning. It was all too much to take in. "So what am I supposed to do? I can't just... I have a life, you know? Friends, family, school..."

"All of which will be in danger if you don't learn to control your abilities and protect yourself," Sophia's father said firmly.

"Control my abilities? What abilities? I don't have any abilities!" Raymond protested.

The young-looking vampire stepped forward. "Oh, but you do. You just haven't tapped into them yet. Enhanced strength, speed, healing... and that's just the beginning. With proper training, who knows what you might be capable of?"

Raymond looked down at his hands, trying to imagine them possessing superhuman strength. It all felt so surreal.

"I... I need some air," he muttered, standing up abruptly.

Sophia rose with him. "I'll show you to the garden," she offered, shooting a look at her father that clearly said 'let me handle this'.

Her father nodded, and Sophia led Raymond out of the study and through the winding halls of the mansion. They emerged into a beautiful garden that seemed to stretch for acres, filled with flowers Raymond had never seen before.

They walked in silence for a while, Raymond trying to process everything he'd learned. Finally, he spoke.

"How do you deal with all this?" he asked Sophia. "Knowing that vampires are real, that there's this whole secret world out there?"

Sophia shrugged. "I was born into it. It's all I've ever known."

"But don't you ever wish you could just... I don't know, be normal?"

Sophia stopped walking and turned to face him, her expression serious. "Normal is overrated, Raymond. Besides, you were never going to be normal. Even before this Daywalker thing, you were different. Special."

Raymond felt his cheeks heat up at her words. "What do you mean?"

Sophia smiled softly. "Come on, Ray. You're the smartest kid in school, you're kind to everyone even when they're jerks to you, and let's face it, you're not exactly hard on the eyes."

Now Raymond was sure he was blushing furiously. "I... uh... thanks?"

Sophia laughed, the sound light and musical. "You're cute when you're flustered. But seriously, Raymond. You have a chance to do something amazing here. To be a part of something bigger than yourself."

Raymond sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I don't know if I'm cut out for all this. Fighting vampires, having super powers... it's like something out of one of my anime shows."

"Well, think of it this way," Sophia said, a mischievous glint in her eye. "You've basically become the protagonist of your own supernatural anime. Isn't that kind of awesome?"

Despite everything, Raymond found himself laughing. "When you put it that way, it does sound pretty cool."

Sophia's expression softened. "Look, I know it's a lot to take in. And I'm sorry you got dragged into this world so suddenly. But I promise, I'll be here to help you every step of the way."

Raymond felt a warmth in his chest that had nothing to do with the strange mark. "Thanks, Sophia. I... I'm really glad you're here."

They shared a smile, and for a moment, Raymond forgot about vampires and Daywalkers and all the craziness of the day. He was just a boy, standing in a beautiful garden with a beautiful girl.

Of course, the moment couldn't last. A shout from the house broke the spell, and Sophia's expression immediately shifted to alert mode.

"Something's wrong," she said, grabbing Raymond's hand. "Come on, we need to get back inside."

As they rushed back towards the mansion, Raymond couldn't shake the feeling that his life had irrevocably changed. There was no going back to being just another high school nerd. For better or worse, he was now part of this strange, dangerous world.

And as terrifying as that was, a small part of him couldn't help but feel excited about what the future might hold.

They burst back into the study to find it in chaos. Books were scattered across the floor, and there were signs of a struggle. Sophia's father was being held back by two vampires, while a third – a woman with long, silver hair and eyes that seemed to glow with an inner fire – stood in the center of the room.

"Ah, there's our little Daywalker," the woman purred, her gaze locking onto Raymond. "How kind of you to join us."

Sophia pushed Raymond behind her, pulling out another stake from... somewhere. Seriously, where was she keeping all these weapons?

"Valeria," Sophia spat, her voice filled with venom. "I should have known you'd show your face eventually."

The woman – Valeria – smiled, revealing razor-sharp fangs. "Now, now, little hunter. Is that any way to greet an old friend?"

"You are no friend of ours," Sophia's father growled, still struggling against his captors.

Valeria waved a hand dismissively. "Details, details. I'm here for the boy. Hand him over, and I'll be on my way."

Raymond felt his chest tighten with fear. The mark on his chest seemed to burn, and suddenly, he felt a surge of... something. Power? Energy? He wasn't sure, but it made him step out from behind Sophia, despite her attempt to keep him back.

"I'm not going anywhere with you," he said, surprised by the steadiness in his voice.

Valeria's eyes widened slightly, a look of hunger crossing her face. "Oh, you are a feisty one, aren't you? This is going to be fun."

She moved faster than Raymond's eyes could follow, but somehow, his body reacted on instinct. He dodged her grasp, moving with a speed and agility he never knew he possessed.

Valeria laughed, a sound that sent chills down Raymond's spine. "Oh yes, you'll do nicely. Come now, little Daywalker. Let's see what you're really capable of."

As Valeria lunged for him again, Raymond felt the mark on his chest pulse with energy. His vision sharpened, time seemed to slow, and he found himself moving with inhuman speed and grace.

The fight was on, and Raymond Gillies – geeky high school student turned supernatural hybrid – was about to discover just what it meant to be a Daywalker.