
Fanfiction I am reading

Stash of fics I am reading or want to read mostly uploaded to make use of the audio function Warning - Non of the uploaded fics here belong to me as obvious as it is the fics belong to there respective authors u can find original on Fanfiction.net or ao3 or spacebattles list of fics uploaded below :- 1 . Patriot's Dawn by Dr. Snakes MD ( Naruto ) 2 . How Eating a Strange Fruit Gave Me My Quirk by azndrgn ( MHA) 3 . HBO WI: Joffrey from Game of Thrones replaced with Octavian from Rome by Hotpoint (GOT) 4 . Kaleidoscope by DripBayless (MHA) 5 . Give Me Something for the Pain and Let Me Fight by DarknoMaGi. (MHA) 6 . Come out of the ashes by SilverStudios5140 ( Naruto ) 7 . A Spanner in the Clockworks by All_five_pieces_of_Exodia ( MHA) 8 .King Rhaenyra I, the Dragonqueen by LuckyCheesecake ( GOT ) 9 . A Lost Hero's Fairytale by Ultimate10 ( Ben 10 × Fairy tail ) 10. Becoming Hokage by 101Ichika01: ( Naruto ) 11.Bench Warmer (A Naruto SI) by Blackmarch 12. The Raven's Plan by The_SithspawnSummary ( Got ) 13. Tanya starts from Zero by A_Morte_Perpetua_Machina_Libera_Nos ( ReZero × Tanaya the Evil ) 14. That Time I Got Isekai'd Again and Befriended a SlimeTanJaded ( Tensura ) 15 . Heroes Never Die by AboveTail ( MHA ) 16 . The Saga of Tanya the Firebender by Shaggy Rower  ( Tanya the evil × Avatar : the Last Airbender) 17 . The Warg Lord (SI)(GOT) by LazyWizard ( GoT ) 18 . Perfect Reset by shansome ( MHA ) 19 . Pound the Table by An_October_Daye ( X-Men ) 20 . Verdant Revolution by KarraHazetail ( MHA ) 21. The Tale of the Utterly Gutsy Shinobi by FoxboroSalts ( Naruto × Fairy Tail ) 22 . Fighting Spirit by Alex357 ( SI DxD ) 23. Retirement Ended Up Super By Rhino {RhinoMouse} ( Skye/Supergirl ) 24 . Whirlpool Queen, Maelstrom King by cheshire_carroll ( Naruto & Sansa stark as twins ) 25 . What's in a Hoard? By Titus621 ( MHA ) 26 . A Dovahkiin Spreads His Wings by VixenRose1996 ( Got × Elder scrolls ) 27 . our life as we knew it now belongs to yesterday by TheRoomWhereItHappened347 ( GOT ) 28 . A Gaming Afterlife by Hebisama ( Gamer × Dragon Age × MHA × HOTD) 29 . Children of the Weirwoods By Wups ( GOT ) 30 . Shielding Their Realms Forever by GreedofRage, Longclaw_1_6 ( GOT) 31. Abandoned: Humanity's by Driftshansome 32 . The First Pillar by Soleneus (MHA) 33 . Fyre, Fyre, Burning Skitter by mp3_1415player ( Taylor Herbert × HP ) 34. Blessed with a Hero's Heart by Magnus9284 ( Konosuba X Izuku Midoriya) 35 . Wolf of Númenor by Louen_Leoncoeur ( Got) 36 . Summoner by SomeoneYouWontRemember ( Worm Parahuman) 37 . I, Panacea by ack1308 (Worm ) 38 . A Darker Path by ack1308 ( Worm) 39 . Worm - Waterworks by SeerKing ( Worm ) 40 . Ex Synthetica by willyolioleo ( Worm ) 41. Alea Iacta Est by ack1308 ( Worm) 42. Avatar Taylor by Dalxein ( Avatar × Worm ) 43.The Warcrafter by RHJunior ( Worm × Warcraft ) 44.A Tinker of Fiction Story or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Suplex the Space Whales by Randomsumofagum (Worm × SI) 45.Welcome to the Wizarding by Wormkinoth ( Worm × Harry Potter ) 46.A Throne Nobody Wants by Vahn (GOT × Fate ) 47.Broken Adventure: Arc 1: Origin by theaceoffire ( Worm × xover CYOA) 48 .Well I guess this is happening by Pandora's Reader (Worm × Ben 10 ) 49 .Legendary Tinker by Fabled Webs (Worm × league of legends ) 50. Plan? What Plan? by Fabled Webs (Worm )

Shivam_031 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter Text


Harlond a month prior


"JON!" They screamed, all horrified as they saw the young knight jump into the sea and ran to the window, but their horror turned to shock as a great whirlpool swallowed him.


"Do you think he's alive?" Loras asked in horror.


"That bastard better come back... Or I'll kill him myself" Robar said about to collapse.


"No ..." Daenerys said, falling to the ground and breaking into tears. Before being embraced by her equally distraught mother.


"This is my fault ... I caused this, it was not the time nor place ... I'm so foolish" The dowager queen cursed herself.


"My white wolf ..." Said Arianne her heart consumed by grief.


Rhaenys, on the other hand, was shocked, she had slept with her half-brother, she had given him her virginity ... And she had come to love him only to lose him when he found out about his lineage. She was in shock, she didn't think, didn't move, she was just ... remembering all the moments she spent in Jon's arms.


Sansa and Arya were in a similar situation to Rhaenys as they had just discovered that Jon was not their brother but their cousin, he was the son of their aunt Lyanna with Rhaegar Targaryen the man who kidnapped her and raped her or was it so? They no longer knew what to believe, the story in the north was that their aunt was abducted by Prince Rhaegar a year after he crowned her Queen of Love and Beauty thus insulting her betrothed, Robert Baratheon, planting the seed of what was later Robert's Rebellion that ended the Targaryen Dynasty, yet their aunt Lyanna died, and father never spoke of her ... Now they knew why.


Lyanna had birthed Rhaegar a son, Jon, and they knew of the cruelty of the southern lords had they gleaned Jon's true parentage, he would have died as soon as their father ventured out of the Dornish Marches killed by sycophants who hoped to earn the favour of the new king.


If there was one thing Sansa and Arya were sure of it was that ... Their aunt was not abducted nor was she raped ... She left with Rhaegar of her own volition, and knowing that did not make them feel much better, they remembered the cruel treatment Jon suffered at the hands of their mother, Catelyn Tully-Stark, as the only stain upon Lord Stark's honour... And now they discover that that was not the case, his father took his nephew a Targaryen Prince into his home, not his bastard son, so all the spite and cruelty inflicted upon Jon was for nothing.


The Stark sisters did not know whether to laugh or cry at this discovery.


However, of all the Ladies of Westeros, the worst one was Ashara Dayne, she ... She ... loved Jon, loved him so much it ached. And Ashara, believing him lost, began to remember how that transpired, how she had been bewitched by another wolf of the north:


When he and his friends saved Shiera and her from those pirates, she for a moment thought she saw a ghost ... Her sweet Ned had come back from the dead to save her, but she quickly realized that this was not her sweet Ned. He had been falsely executed for treason and yet that young man ... He was too much like Ned, who was he? was the question she asked herself while the young knight fought Heraklion and his pirates.


After the pirates were slain, Ashara had learned that this young man was the bastard son of her sweet Ned. Jon could be his twin the same charming smile, the same ferocity, he indeed was Eddard's son, except for his eyes those enchanting lilac eyes that were a darker shade than her own they glittered like the break of dawn she had seen those eyes before but Ashara didn't remember to whom they belonged, but she had little time to speak with him as they were whisked away to Essos.


At the time she felt a great deal of resentment towards the bastard remembering Ned's cruel rejection after his marriage to that bitching Trout stating that he could not dishonour his wife by taking a lover or a mistress. Yet he had a bastard with another woman ... And took the child to Winterfell, raising him as a trueborn son.


But her resentment quickly faded when she remembered that her relationship with Ned was a thing of the past, a past that Ashara left behind when she faked her death and fled Westeros, she had a new life with Shiera, she was grateful to young Northerner for having saved her life ... But she wanted nothing to do with anyone from Westeros, and less so a Stark, between Eddard and his brother Brandon they had destroyed the cheerful and vivacious young woman that Ashara once was, now she was sad and spiteful. A woman who exiled herself from her home in search of the happiness that the Stark brothers had taken from her, one by denying it and the other by dishonouring and humiliating her.


Ashara would have to thank Ned's son for saving her, and then they would continue their journey to Sothroyos ... Or so she thought until she learned that Jon and his companions had information on the distant continent of middle-earth and the Island of Numenor, Home of Shiera's grandfather ... it was then she knew they would have to follow him.


"His name is Jon.. Jon Snow" Princess Arianne had told her.


Ned probably named him after Jon Arryn ... Ashara thought.


When Ashara spoke to Jon for the first time, she was nervous as his resemblance to his father was ... Almost supernatural ... And she wasn't sure what she would do if he were like Ned. Then he asked her the most extraordinary question… If she was his mother?


… Ned didn't even tell you the name of your mother? That was cruel even for you, Ned... Ashara thought growing disgusted with her former lover.


It was then that a feeling of compassion and empathy rose from her heart towards a young orphan who could have been her son if not for his father's stubbornness.



And so they came to Pentos hoping to save Danaerys Targaryen from a savage Dothraki Khal, Ashara was at a crossroads because she did not want to get involved in anything that had to do with Westeros, but she knew that this was Shiera's only chance to learn about the land of her forebears. And the maiden of Starfall was eager to see her lover finally realize her dream of finding Numenor, the wedding became a massacre as the young knights killed the Khal and savaged the beggar prince, it was here they were joined by Princess Rhaenys Targaryen who was believed dead and was also reunited with her former queen Rhaella Targaryen.


In the end, they all fled to the harbour with three new companions; it was a tumultuous day.


The first days together were bizarre, between the hostility of Princess Rhaenys and the long time at sea, Ashara began to wonder how this whole journey would end though she decided not to converse with her crewmates instead she stayed in her cabin passing the time between Shiera's thighs.


But during the nights Ashara had a favourite pastime to watch the stars, And on certain nights, she watched Jon and became enraptured by the young stark. Soon they began to converse wiling the night away with talk of everything and nothing.


She could see a great deal of Ned in the young knight. Still, the southern influence was there as well, a consequence of living in Highgarden for six years, when Jon recounted tales of Catelyn Tully's abuse, Ashara's hatred towards the trout cunt increased tenfold though she could understand the fear of a bastard somewhat, Daemon Blackfyre's rebellion was an excellent example of what could happen if even a bastard son is given too much freedom.


Still treating a motherless child that way just out of bitterness, jealousy and mistrust ... It's monstrous.


During nights the Lady of Starfall conversed with Jon, and soon she felt the void in her heart filled, filled with admiration for the wild wolf ... Until one night everything changed.


Ashara decided to share a drink with Jon; it was a unique blend of wine a mix of arbour gold and dornish red.


It was an extremely potent wine, so she warned Jon to be careful, though perhaps she should have been more cautious as it only took one cup before they were japing and flirting Jon was praising her beauty calling her a beauty as pure as starlight. The young wolf promised to write songs and poems about her beauty while Ashara blushed like a maiden just married.


Neither knew who made the first move, but soon they were locked in a fierce embrace, she assaulted Jon's mouth as if it were her last day on earth, both continued kissing until in a moment of clarity Ashara suddenly separated from Jon only to realize that he had fallen asleep because of the Dornish wine, full of shame she quickly returned to her cabin but not before having seen Ser Robar Royce go to replace Jon, who the next morning was vomiting and complaining of a horrible headache and didn't seem to remember anything that happened between them, something she was grateful for.


Then they came to the island of Lord Ulmo. He revealed the origin of the world and the races that live in it, as well as the fact that Jon had an extraordinary destiny to fulfil and was watched over by the Valar, Ashara was surprised by it, but also worried since if beings like the Valar went to so much trouble to bring Jon and the others to Middle Earth ... It means that the task ahead will be something of great importance. She couldn't help but worry about Jon and pray to. Ilúvatar? not letting something happen to him. he was just a boy.


 One you almost claimed as a lover the other night, one who could be your son and that you are desperate to take to your bed ... Said the relentless voice of her conscience.

Along the way, Jon revealed his great skill as a singer and Ashara and the others were in awe. Still, Queen Rhaella, Princess Rhaenys and herself were shocked to observe the extraordinary resemblance that Jon had shared with Rhaegar Targaryen, not only for his gifts as a musician and elegance when fighting but also physically as Jon bore the high cheekbones and angular features of the last dragon, but that didn't make sense. could they be related?


And finally, they reached Middle-earth, meeting the Noldor, the Lords Cirdan and Glorfindel, the first being the one who took the position of their guardian and the second the master of arms of Jon, Loras, Robar and the Princesses Rhaenys and Arianne. During the last two years, Ashara has seen Jon grow into a tall man with a fair and noble face, dark-haired and amethyst-eyed, proud and stern of glance. " The training in the tiltyard had made the young wolf a formidable warrior, and her desire for him grew with each passing day, soon she will not be able to contain it ... And she knows she must be careful as Shiera, Jon, and herself would get hurt if she made a mistake.


She had made a grave mistake when she revealed to Queen Rhaella that Jon is Ned's son, as her former loyalty to House Targaryen outweighed her common sense, and while the dowager queen was understanding. Still, Princess Rhaenys had tried to kill Jon in a fit of madness, Ashara cursed herself for her carelessness, she put Jon's life in danger, that was the last thing she wanted, Ashara wanted Jon with her, with Shiera she wanted them together forever.


It was then Cidarin revealed the fate of Numenor. The young Dayne witnessed her lover give into despair weeping for a family lost, and secrets left beneath the waves, Ashara cursed Sauron and Ar-Pharazon for causing such suffering to her lover but fear-filled her when Lord Cirdan revealed to them the existence of the rings of power and how Jon would fall under the thraldom of the one, which was Sauron's., Ashara wanted to throw Narya into the sea to protect Jon from the influence of Sauron but chose not to so as not to incur the wrath of the Valar.


After discovering the Fate of Númenor, Shiera had isolated herself for months, it caused Ashara a great deal of pain to see a woman so full of life give in to despair, alas she could do nought but let her grieve, but Ashara saw how Shiera was drowning in her pain and misery. Until one night, she was joyful and apologized for her attitude in recent months, a happy Ashara wondered what had happened until Shiera told her that Jon had shared the tale of his life, From his fostering in Highgarden and the betrayal of Margaery Tyrell, a life that was very similar to Shiera's own and thanks to that, her lover understood that she could not spend her days in grief.


The following months passed without incident except that Shiera began to spend more and more time with Jon and Ashara did not know whether to be happy or jealous, the affection that Shiera had for Jon was blossoming like the lilies of spring.


Ashara bore love for Jon as well, I wanted to take care of him, to cherish him the wild wolf would be my lover. .. No, in "our" lover, mine and Shiera's ...


When Jon and the others went to Khazad-Dûm, both she and Shiera missed him terribly. Many paths led up into those mountains, and many passes over them. But most of the paths were cheats and deceptions and led nowhere or to evil ends. Still, Jon's absence only made her desire for him increase tenfold, as the weeks passed Ashara began to have dreams where Jon took her as a wolf, she woke up soaked and agitated only to realize that Shiera had similar fantasies, seeing Shiera's expression at those moments always made Ashara blush knowing that they were of a mind. Still, shame turned to longing when she mentioned Jon, Ashara was supposed to be jealous, but she was lustful and excited.


And in that time the Valar, through a crew of Teleri elves, brought Jon's sisters, Sansa and Arya Stark, Ned's daughters with Catelyn Tully, she knew it as soon as she saw the eldest, it is the living portrait of their mother at her age, as well as she was already a lady and the youngest. Well, she looked like a young Lyanna Stark not only in appearance but in character. Though their surprise turned to horror as the young ladies recounted their tales of suffering at the hands of the mad lion and Cersei, whom the girls hated for having executed their father.


Despite having gotten over her feelings for Ned many years ago, Ashara couldn't help crying as she fully knew the whole story of his execution, as despite his flaws he was a good man and did not deserve to die the way he did. He died branded a traitor and beheaded with his own blade that was then taken as wergild by the lion's who despite their lofty prestige lacked a sword of valyrian make.


But when they were told about the tragedies of Winterfell and the Red Wedding, Ashara cried ... cried for Jon, as she imagined the tremendous pain he felt upon learning the fate of his brother Robb and the possible deaths of his youngest kin whether by battle or the machinations of the lords.


"Oh, Ned ... Your honour was your greatest virtue ... And greatest weakness for her you lost your head and having inherited it your eldest son received a dagger in the heart" Ashara thought with bitterness.


From that moment on, Ashara took care of these girls as if they were her daughters as they could have been if it were not for Rhaegar and Brandon's stupidity.


When Jon and the others finally returned from Khazan-Dûm, Lord Cirdan ordered Jon's sisters to tell their story ... It was harrowing for Ashara to see the wild wolf succumb to grief. She was surprised to see not only Princesses Arianne and Daenerys comforting Jon but also Princess Rhaenys, Ashara couldn't hide her amazement as the princess had wanted to kill the young wolf before their departure.


How did their relationship change overnight?


That question was forgotten in the coming days when Shiera spoke with Jon and brought him some joy so much so that the young wolf had stolen a kiss from Shiera.


Ashara was not a fool, she knew very well that Shiera had felt something for Jon though she couldn't how deep this affection ran, now Ashara had no doubt that Shiera was in love with him, just as she was.


... I cannot find it in my heart to be angry with Shiera, I feel a great love for him ... something that is not maternal affection ... Since that night on the boat ...


Ashara had thought Jon felt nothing towards her, but that was proven false when Jon had gifted her a set of amethyst earrings, they had been forged by the skill of the dwarves, it seemed as if a violet fire burned inside the amethyst that gave them a life of their own.


Ashara didn't know what she was thinking at the time only that she gave Jon a chaste kiss in the forehead much to embarrassment, but everything changed with the revelation of Jon's immunity to fire this caused queen Rhaella to recognize Jon as her grandson.


Ashara listened in horror and shocked to the theory of the ancient queen that Jon was the son of her son Rhaegar and Lyanna Stark the sister of Ned, the hatred and indignation she felt for them could not be described since all the war and the deaths that followed, including that of her best friend Elia and her brother Arthur, were because of their selfishness. Still, when Shiera explained how the discovery could hurt Jon ... Ashara was amazed as her hatred for Rhaegar and Lyanna was immediately replaced by concern for what Jon would do when he discovered the truth, that's when Ashara had no doubts ... She had fallen in love with Jon.


... You are a fool, you fell into the trap in which you promised you would never fall again ... It seems that the tales are true, you have a love for the wolves of the north... Said the implacable voice of her conscience.


When did it happen? At what moment did it go from affection, to desire and from desire to love? Ashara wasn't sure, maybe it was when they watched the stars on the ship when they travelled to Middle Earth, or when she saw him diligently training or studying ... It didn't really matter ... Ashara Dayne had fallen entirely and hopelessly in love with Jon Snow ... And he just found out that he is a Targaryen.


During the following weeks at the request of Queen Rhaella and Lord Cirdan, she and Shiera watched Jon closely, Ashara had noticed that she and Shiera were beginning to have trouble controlling themselves around Jon, becoming more and more affectionate. On more than one occasion Ashara had to leave the room least she pounced upon Jon.


... no, I must not ... I ... What will I do if he rejects me? ... I cannot bear the heartache of losing another love, I'm sorry ... But I don't know ...


Ashara remained undecided if she should confess her feelings towards him, as she saw Shiera fall deeper and deeper in love with the southern wolf, she was not jealous but relieved ... Ashara realized that they both had to talk about their feelings for Jon before they could tell him.




"What's troubling you love?" Shiera asked, confused as they were in her room about to go to sleep.


"We have to talk Shiera" Ashara replied.


"About what?" The beautiful Targaryen bastard asked in confusion.


"About Jon" was Ashara's reply.


"Did something happen to him?" Shiera asked, scared.


"No, it's just that ... I know we both love each other but also ... We are in love with him," Ashara said, staring at her lover who just sighed.


"I know, I don't believe it myself after Brynden repudiated me I didn't think I would love again until I met you and after that, I didn't think another man could get my attention," Shiera said with a smile while Ashara just I raise an eyebrow.


"Is that praise?" Asked an amused Ashara.


"Maybe" answered a cheerful Shiera approaching and kissing her for a few minutes before parting.


"What are we going to do?" Ashara asked this time seriously.


"I don't know ... maybe we can entice Jon into our bed, he'll love that" Shiera said with a smile.


"Shiera ..." Ashara said reproachfully.


"What? I speak honestly, he already has three Princesses as lovers, or didn't you realize that Rhaenys hasn't taken her eyes off him since they came back? " Ashara's lover asked in exasperation.


... That's true ... Ashara acknowledged.


"Still ... I don't want anything to change between us ... I know Jon is in my heart, but so are you Shiera," Ashara said approaching and stroking the Targaryen's cheek.


"I know Ashara, ... But we can't suppress our feelings forever, we must tell him at some point" Shiera replied, enjoying her lover's affection.


"What if he rejects us?" Ashara asked as Shiera just laughed.


"Reject us? Please, Ash, look at us, no man would reject us... Or do you know anyone who has denied you something?" Shiera asked, amused.


... No ... no man ever denied me anything ... Ashara acknowledged a little embarrassed.


"Then don't worry ... Look, I'll tell you something, I know how I'll get revenge on Jon for the joke he played on me on the beach," Shiera said with an evil gleam in her eyes while Ashara just smiled.


"Oh do tell," said the Lady of Starfall with a mischievous smile.


The next night Shiera returned to their room and without saying words he threw himself against her while she was leaving to take a bath, Ashara managed to separate from her lover for a few moments while she kissed her desperately, it did not take Shiera long to convince her. Hence, Ashara surrendered to passion and lay with Shiera for hours until they were both exhausted and Shiera told her that Princess Daenerys finally got Jon to take her as a lover.


... Another one ... Ashara thought with envy towards the 3 princesses.



Finally, they had to go to Harlond to meet King Gil-galad and Ashara as he had been doing since they arrived in Middle Earth, he took Sansa and Arya as his protégés, helping them both to comb their hair and dress. While she was concerned about Jon and his immunity to fire, what if King Gil-galad wished to keep him in Harlond?


... No, he won't... He can't... That would be going against the will of the Valar, the king wouldn't dare… Ashara thought with concern.


Finally, after reaching Harlond, they rested and met with the great lords of the Noldor, seeing all those elves of great age, nobility, power and wisdom the Lady of Starfall felt unworthy to be in their presence all attention was given to Jon as it seems that the Noldor and Sindarin lords were eager to meet Jon. It was a strange meeting as Jon revealed that besides his immunity to fire, he had inherited a generous gift from his northern kin, he was a Skinchanger.


Despite the resulting chaos, Jon displayed the ability the Great Elves were most interested in, immunity to the fire which captivated everyone, only for Princess Daenerys to reveal she had the same power and Queen Rhaella finally broke upon seeing her daughters immunity. After that Jon and his companions understood why he was untouched by the fire


Everyone remained silent, waiting for Jon's reaction, which was immediate and was precisely as Shiera had anticipated terrible.


Jon was really hysterical and in shock at the revelation of his origins, and although Ashara wanted to go and calm him down, he remained in his place after King Gil-galad's soldiers tried to subdue Jon, only for Jon to slip away and touch the " Shell of Ulmo."


The sound was so incredible that everyone for a moment forgot that Jon was not in his right mind, realizing at that moment that Jon was about to fall into the sea, Ashara tried to calm him, but Jon did not seem to hear her and giving everyone one last look he jumped to the sea.


For a moment Ashara could not believe it, Jon committed suicide, jumped into the sea ... In the same way that she did many years ago.


... He took his life amid the madness and pain of discovering that his life was a lie ... And I couldn't even tell him how much I loved him ... Ashara thought shedding bitter tears and pain and remorse.



Everyone in King Gil-galad's hall could not believe what had just happened and the Ladies of Westeros were beginning to shed bitter tears over Jon's apparent death as his comrades lowered their heads in reverence for their fallen brother, Elves watched in dismay the entire outcome, a faint blue light emerged from the whirlpool where Jon had fallen, and a voice was heard from the sea and echoed throughout the room.


"Jon will be well," Said the powerful and ancient voice surprising everyone but being instantly recognized by Cirdan, Glorfindel, Galadriel and the Westerosi.


"It is Lord Ulmo," Said the Shipbuilder impressed to hear again the voice of the Lord of the Depths which he had not heard since the First Age.


The elves who were present held their breath as they learned that one of the Valar, one of the Aratar, spoke to them after thousands of years and immediately everyone in the room knelt in reverence even though Ulmo was not actually present.


However, Sansa and Arya were trembling with fear because it was the first time that one of the Valar manifested outside of their dreams.


"Lord Ulmo we are honoured that you speak with us," King Gil-galad said in awe.


"Go in peace, Ereinion Gil-galad. I wish to tell you that Jon is unharmed and in my care. "The Lord of the Water's words filled the hearts of Jon's friends, loves and mentors with calm.


"Your words fill us with calm Lord Ulmo, let's prepare everything to help Jon cope with the discovery of his origins," Cirdan said anxiously.


"No, Cirdan, I'll aid the boy," Said the Valar, filling everyone with surprise.


"You will help my grandson. How?" Queen Rhaella asked.


"I will take him to a place where he can meditate on his sorrows when this is over ... He will return"


"Can he take us with him?" Asked Arya gathering her courage to everyone's surprise.


"Arya ..." She said, drawing her attention to a frightened Sansa.


The Valar didn't answer for a few minutes, and everyone thought he was gone, but in the end, his voice rang with regret.


"I'm afraid not Arya Stark, your cousin needs to get away from all of you until his spirit is calm, you don't need to worry about him because the High King will bring him back to you when the time comes."


Winterfell's youngest daughter was surprised that Ulmo knew her name and when she was going to continue insisting and making it clear that Jon was her brother, and she wanted to be taken with Jon, she was gently stopped by Ashara Dayne who indicated with a look for her to stop.


"Then we will wait for the King of Arda to return young Westerosi to us Lord Ulmo," Lady Galadriel said with all possible humility as she still remembered how her youthful arrogance had not ingratiated her to the Valar.


"Galadriel, daughter of Finarfin it has been many centuries since I heard your voice, I see that now you speak with humility, I am glad to see that your time in Middle Earth has served you well," Ulmo said with satisfaction in his voice, making Galadriel very happy knowing that the Valar had no animosity towards her.


"I am honoured by your words my Lord, yes, I too have matured after so many centuries," Celeborn's wife said.


Ulmo's voice was silent again for a few moments.


"King Gil-Galad…"


"Yes, Lord Ulmo?" Asked the King of Lindon.


"May those who came from Westeros remain here in Harlond, they will return to the Gray Havens when Jon returns while they tell you and the other Great Lords of Middle-earth the story of their home and their history" Ulmo ordered with authority.


"Yes Lord Ulmo, as you wish," King Gil-galad said reverently.


"In that case, I must now depart, worry not for Jon no harm shall come to him in my care, I will try to help him with his sorrows, but it will depend on him to overcome it or not ... Farewell."


And after that, the light coming from the sea faded and Ulmo's voice was never heard again. And after a few minutes of calm Gil-galad sighed.


"Very well. In that case, we will comply with Lord Ulmo's wishes" King Gil-galad said addressing the soldiers.


"Inform the servants to prepare a banquet for our guests," Said the king looking at the Westerosi who was still shocked by Ulmo's sudden appearance.


"Do not worry about him, the Lord of the Waters promised to return to that young man when his spirit is calm, try to rest" Gil-galad said compassionately.


Jon's lovers and his sisters were not satisfied by that answer but understood that what happened to Jon was not in the power of King Gil-galad, and they agreed even though they did not feel like eating.


Elrond approached the Westerosi, trying to ease his grief.


"If your majesty agrees, it would be best for you to retire to rest, I have no words to alleviate the pain you feel at this moment, but we can do nothing else. Except wait for your friend to return as Lord Ulmo told us Besides, for my part, I'm intrigued to find out about the land they come from "Elrond said with great curiosity.


"Lord Elrond is right, at this moment we can't do anything else for Jon ... Just wait," Glorfindel said worried about his student.


... You better go back Jon ... Arianne, Daenerys, Rhaenys, Ashara, Shiera, Rhaella, Sansa and Arya thought at the same time.



Dinner was held in a large private room divided by a large oak table with the High Elves on one side and the Westerosi on the other, the only ones with them being Glorfindel and Cirdan.


The hall was magnificent with ivory pillars adorned with traceries of leaves and flowers while various songbirds flew overhead the floor was solid marble and polished to such a shine it appeared as silver.


As a courtesy as they were preparing to eat in the presence of royalty, the Ladies of Westeros displayed the jewels that Jon obtained for them in Khazan-Dûm, which caught the attention of Celeborn and Galadriel and the Greenwood family as they recognized the craftsmanship of dwarves, especially prince Thranduil who gazed spellbound at Daenerys's Mithril tiara.


"They are exquisite jewels that they are showing," Elrond said with a smile when he saw the expression of his relatives.


"Indeed, I did not know that the" Emissaries of the Valar "had dealings with Durin's folk," Said King Oropher it seems they are held in high esteem by the Lord's of Khazad-dum.


"They must have cost a great deal," Prince Thranduil said without taking his eyes off Daenerys's tiara.


"Thranduil. Enough" King Oropher said, noticing his son's interest in the mithril tiara.


"I apologize ..." replied the heir to the Greenwood's throne with a slight bow towards Daenerys.


"It's alright, Prince Thranduil" Daenerys said shyly.


"My students were named friends of Durin's folk those gems were not bought ... They were earned by Jon, Loras and Robar," Glorfindel said with pride.


"They were given freely?" Lady Celebrian asked, looking at her husband with a smile who began to feel nervous.


"How is that possible?" Elrond asked, somewhat worried about what his wife might ask him, he has never been able to deny her anything ... And she knows it.


"King Durin allowed us to learn the art of smithing from his metalworkers, and if we crafted something of great beauty, he would allow us to take wergild from his horde."


The expression of surprise was evident on the faces of the lords of the Noldor with the exception of King Gil-galad, who was already aware of the "friendship between Lord Durin and the Westrosi.


"'Did the dwarves teach you to forge and work metals?" King Oropher asked, impressed by the gesture of the distrustful and stubborn king of Khazad-Dûm.


"It must have been quite an experience," Lord Celeborn said, taking a sip of wine.


At that moment, Loras and Robar face soured to the confusion of the elves and amusement of the Ladies and Lord Cirdan and Glorfindel.


"I don't want to remember that," Loras said as if in pain.


"I shudder now at the sight of an anvil," Robar said with a hand on his temple.


Galadriel was curious about the two young mortals' reaction and decided to use her magic to find out their experience and saw the memories of them being mercilessly reprimanded by a reddish-bearded dwarf over and over again, continually forcing them to destroy their creations and start over at the slightest flaw. However, they were slowly improving until in the end, they managed to work together to create a beautiful breastplate that, although it had a great many flaws King Durin deemed it acceptable.


"It seems to me that being instructed by dwarves is not a pleasant experience," Said the Lady of light with amusement at seeing the expression of both knights.


"No, it is not" Loras, and Robar answered simultaneously, causing many in the room to laugh or smile with amusement.


"But it seems that everything was worth it in the end, you young knights left Khazad-dum far richer and wiser," Lady Galadriel said smiling when she saw the expressions in the faces of Loras and Robar.


"Did you ... read our minds, my Lady?" Said an alarmed Robar.


Galadriel nodded as the other elves sighed wearily.


"That's disturbing," Loras said something that everyone agreed on.


"Perhaps you should tell us the end of the tale," Lord Elrond said quickly as he sensed how the tension increased.


"Well, there is not much to say, we earned the admiration of Durin, and he allowed us to take treasures from his horde, Loras claimed a necklace of fine emeralds and a chest of silver, While I took two small chests of gold. "Robar said with satisfaction.


"And my white wolf gave us these pieces of jewellery" Princess Arianne said, displaying her necklace with pride.


"He gifted jewellery to all of you?" Lady Celebrian asked as she looked at the fine jewellery with longing.


"We could not forge because the dwarves do not allow women in their forges ... So not only we did not learn anything, but we couldn't take anything from the king's horde" Rhaenys replied without paying much attention to the conversation still thinking about Jon.


"But Jon gave each of us a jewel as a gift since we weren't allowed to claim anything," Dany said in the same tone as Rhaenys.


"Even though Queen Rhaella, Ashara and I stayed in the Grey Havens, he brought us gifts as well, it was a very kind gesture on his part," Shiera said lovingly caressing her silver necklace.


"Jon can be very surly, but he is very kind and gentle," Ashara Dayne said with a sad smile at the thought of her love.


Jon's sisters, as well as Queen Rhaella, were saddened about the way things had turned out, Jon had nearly claimed his own life if it wasn't for Lord Ulmo and now he was beyond their reach.


The great elves could perceive the sadness in the expressions of all the Ladies of Westeros, and they felt sorry for them because they were all worried about that young man and even though Lord Ulmo had promised no harm would come to him. It did little to calm the sadness they all felt at being separated from him.


King Gil-galad was going to say something, but at that moment an elf quickly approached King Gil-galad and whispered in the king's ear causing the Noldorian king some annoyance.


"Bring dinner, it seems there is no point in waiting," Said the king.


"Is something wrong, my king?" Lord Elrond asked.


"Yes, I am afraid that my relative Írimë will not be able to attend this meeting, she was delayed at the port of Forlond," The king said sadly.


"Did something happen to Lady Írimë?" Glorfindel asked worriedly.


"No, but it seems her ship was in need of repairs, and it is three days ride from Forlond, Tis indeed a shame as she wished to meet the Emissaries of the Valar ... Especially the bearer of Ringil, "King Gil-galad said reverently observing the mythical sword which rested on a plinth in the corner of the room.


Hearing about that relative of the king, Írimë, and that she had an interest in meeting Jon, all Westerosi were curious who he was.


"Excuse my curiosity but ... who is that relative of yours, King Gil-galad?" Queen Rhaella asked.


"And what interest does she have in Jon, Your Majesty?" Arianne asked, trying to be as respectful as possible.


"It is no bother, Írimë, she is one of my oldest relatives ... She is the aunt of my father Orodreth and is the daughter of King Finwë and his second wife Indis" The Beauty "," replied King Gil- galad.


All Westerosi were amazed that an elf so ancient and of such high blood had any interest in Jon.


"What does Lady Írimë want from my grandson?" Asked Queen Rhaella in surprise.


"To Know him" was the king's forceful response, something that caught the attention of Westerosi when seeing their expressions. Glorfindel sighs and clarified his voice to tell the story of one of Fëanor's half-sisters, the only one who accompanied his brothers into exile.


"Lady Írimë is the younger sister of Fingolfin and Finarfin as well as Queen Findis and also a half-sister of the noble Fëanor, she had a better relationship with her brother Fingolfin than with any other of her siblings because of that affection and having failed to convince him to stay in Aman after the death of the Two Trees accompanied him to Middle Earth. She also suffered like all the Noldor the Curse of Mandos, she spent a great deal of the first age with her brother the great king Fingolfin in Hithlum until he was slain by Morgoth and she decided to help raise King Fingolfin's son, Fingon."


"But he also died, he did in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad," Lady Ashara said remembering the story.


"Yes, Lady Írimë left her home for love, and in this new land, she lost her beloved brother and a nephew who was more like a son to her," Glorfindel said sadly thinking of the history of Írimë.


"And then she sought refuge with me in the Havens of the Falas, wherein vain I tried to return to Aman, but due to the hiding of Valinor that was impossible, so he remained with me in Havens of the Falas, until my kingdom was destroyed by the forces of Morgoth. So that the Lady and I, along with other refugees, retired to the "Island of Balar" Cirdan said with melancholy when remembering those dark moments of the First Age.


Seeing Cirdan's expression, the Westerosi felt compassion for their mentor.


"Then the War of Wrath occurred, and at the end, heeding the bidding of the Valar long ago, once more obediently abstained from finding my heart's desire and going West, but with a small following remained in Middle-earth. ... Among whom was the Lady Írimë" Said Glorfindel.


"Did she go back to Aman?" Lady Shiera asked in surprise.


Glorfindel just sighed.


"The Lady was engaged to a powerful and influential nobleman of the Teleri Clan, and they both loved each other, they were about to marry-until" The Exile of the Noldor ", and the Massacre of Alqualondë occurred, He rejected her and married a noble Lady of the Vanyar. When Lady Írimë returned and discovered it, she was left heartbroken, although she was happy in the company of her family that still remained in Aman, she could never accept seeing him every day with his wife and son was too painful despite being with her mother and sister. Therefore when the Valar asked me to return to Middle Earth in the middle of this Age, Lady Írimë accompanied me and has remained in the Court of King Gil-galad until the day when all the elves must return to the Blessed Kingdom "Glorfindel said, finishing telling the story of the Lady.


"The reason why my relative wants to meet the bearer of Ringil is that this was the sword of the Great King Fingolfin, her brother and she wishes to see its new owner with her own eyes as none of us believed we would see the blade again. The tomb of King Fingolfin was lost under the waves after the sinking of Beleriand "King Gil-galad said with melancholy.


It was then that the servants brought dishes that looked especially tasty, roast pork, seasoned fish, fried potatoes and onions, salads and various fruits and pastries.


Despite the great banquet, neither party was really hungry for the memory of what happened to Jon and Lord Ulmo's appearance. However, the Westerosi enjoyed the food and kindness of King Gil-galad and the other elves, especially from Celebrian who was starting to be particularly lovely to Jon's sisters and revealed herself as the daughter of Celeborn and Galadriel to the surprise of the Westerosi.


"Didn't they know?" Elrond's wife asked, confused, looking at Glorfindel who just shrugged.


"Why don't you tell us your story? We have heard stories from Lord Cirdan and Lord Glorfindel but hearing it from you can be instructive" Elrond suggested with a curious expression.


Nodding, at that moment the Westerosi began to tell everything about their homeland, Westeros, and although the Great Lords of the Noldor and the royal family of the Great Green Forest had knowledge of the structure of Westeros either geographical or political thanks to Círdan and Glorfindel, hearing it from those who live in it is different.


They began with the arrival of the First Men to the continent, who already carried the perversions of Morgoth and how they encountered the children of the forest starting a war between them that lasted many years until they signed peace, and then the legend of "The Others" who were defeated in an alliance between the first men and children of the forest in the so-called "Battle for the Dawn" and the subsequent construction of the "Wall" to prevent a possible return of "The Others" after which there was peace in Westeros, which was broken with the arrival of the Andals who conquered half of the continent to impose their religion, The Faith of the Seven.


Then they discussed the structure of Westeros and the foundations of the six kingdoms, such as the tales Bran "The Builder" the founder of House Stark and the one who built "The Wall", Garth "Greenhand" founder of house Gardener, Lann the clever who founded House Lannister even mighty, Durran Godsgrief, the founder of House Durrandon.


Queen Rhaella recounted the freehold's history, how her ancestors managed to tame dragons and used them to forge a mighty empire that spanned much of Essos. And how the freehold was finally destroyed by volcanic eruptions, and most of the dragonlords were exterminated. While house Targaryen had fled westward to the fortress of dragonstone content to let the essosi fight over the scraps of the freehold.


Thus the two stories converged when Aegon the conqueror began his conquest of Westeros, Aegon used the fire of his dragon Balerion to melt the swords of his defeated enemies to create an imposing and monstrous throne, "The Iron Throne" the symbol of the power of the ruler of Westeros. Some of the most significant events of Westeros occurred during the reign of dragons such as the Dance of Dragons, Blackfyre rebellions and the Dornish wars.


The mood had turned dark when they reached the tales of Robert's Rebellion" Lyanna Stark was supposedly abducted by Prince Rhaegar Targaryen near Harrenhal. Her brother, Brandon Stark, was on his way to Riverrun to wed Catelyn Tully when the news reached him. Brandon rode at once to King's Landing with his companions: Ethan Glover, Brandon's squire, Elbert Arryn, nephew to Lord Jon Arryn and the heir of the Eyrie, Kyle Royce, and Jeffory Mallister. Brandon rode for the Red Keep, and outside its gates, unaware that Rhaegar was not present, shouted for him to come out and die. King Aerys II had them all arrested for plotting the murder of the crown prince, and summoned the fathers of all those who stood accused to court. Lord Rickard Stark, who had been on his way south with the wedding party for Brandon's wedding, went to King's Landing with two hundred men. None of them returned north. In King's Landing, all of those who stood accused were executed, with the sole exception of Ethan Glover. Next, Aerys demanded that Lord Jon Arryn send him the heads of Lord Robert Baratheon of Storm's End, Lyanna's betrothed, and Eddard Stark, now the Lord of Winterfell after the deaths of his father and older brother. Robert and Eddard were Jon's wards at the Eyrie, but Jon instead raised his banners in revolt. This act is seen as the start of the war.


They had sought the aid of Lord Hoster Tully Paramount of the Trident. While the old Trout was willing to lend his armies to their cause he wouldn't march until Ned, and Lord Arryn married his daughters Lysa and Catelyn, Robert's Rebellion lasted about a year, but the Battle of the Trident was the battle that ultimately determined the outcome of Robert's Rebellion. The battle was decided when Robert and Rhaegar met in single combat on horseback in the stream. Robert eventually crushed Rhaegar's chest with a blow of his Warhammer. The blow was so hard that the rubies adorning Rhaegar's armour were shattered free to litter the river, giving the ruby ford its name. Thus the thunderous stag avenged a grievous insult, alas he did not know the truth of Lyanna's treachery.


But the rebellion only ended when Tywin Lannister the Lord of Casterly Rock decided to make a move in the war and after tricking the Mad King into opening the gates of his city, and Lord Tywin's army sacked Kingslanding raping and slaughtering with glee. The fighting came to an end when Jaime Lannister the young lion forsake the oath of the Kingsguard and slew Aerys. Rhaegar's legitimate wife, Princess Elia was raped and murdered by Ser Gregor Clegane "The Mountain" The most vicious and brutal of Tywin Lannister's servants, Rhaenys and her brother Aegon were only saved because they have been replaced with two Velyaron bastards who brutally cut to pieces by the fat Manticore Amory Lorch.


Hearing about such monstrous acts the great Lords of Noldor could not hide their horror, Lady Galadriel, who was always calm and controlled covered her mouth in horror. Gil-galad, Lord Celeborn and Lord Elrond only had a disgusted expression upon hearing of the Sack of King's Landing and even the royal family of the Great Greenwood could not hide their disgust at the actions of Tywin Lannister and his servants.


Lady Celebrian cried when she heard the fate of the children and how the Lannisters were rewarded for their barbarity.


Robert's rebellion ended with Robert Baratheon crowned as the new king and married to Lord Tywin's daughter Cersei, while the remaining Targaryens lived as exiles for almost twenty years. preparing to recover "The Iron Throne."


"I see that your homeland is rich in lore, especially the so-called 'Age of Heroes' I would very much like to study it in detail," Lord Elrond said after a few moments.


"Yes, it is true.. Although most of them are only legends," Lady Shiera said.


"True but legends always have a great deal of truth in them," Lord Celeborn said with a smile.


"I think we should talk of Jon's history now as it seems to be tied to the rebellion," Lady Galadriel said contemplating all the suffering the young stark must have endured.


"Not surprisingly, this Lord Stark would have wanted to keep his nephew hidden ... He would have been killed otherwise," Prince Thranduil said with disgust.


... Yes, without a doubt ... The Westerosi thought at the same time, remembering the immense hatred that King Robert felt for the Targaryens.


"Robert," Lady Galadriel said upon seeing his silence.


"Yes, Robert Baratheon the Usurper…" Rhaenys began, believing that the Lady had not understood the story.


"No ... In the memories, I have seen from Jon, maybe one of the first he had ... I was in the arms of someone who looked like an older version of Jon in a room that smelled of roses as well as blood, and with that young man there was a woman whose voice was weakening ... She was dying ... And with her last strength she took a promise from that young man, "Said Celeborn's wife trying to remember that memory as much as possible.


"A promise?" Lord Elrond asked curiously.


"She asked him to protect her baby from someone named Robert who if she found out would kill him," Lady Galadriel said with a voice of steel and disgust at the thought of who could hurt a baby.


"That must have been a young Eddard Stark and his sister Lyanna .. Asking him to protect their son from Robert Baratheon," Queen Rhaella said with tears in her eyes.


Sansa, Arya, and Rhaenys and Rhaella were crying to understand that Lyanna Stark possibly used what her last moments of life to implore her brother to correct her mistake and save her son.


Although Sansa and Arya still had mixed feelings about the chaos their aunt's actions provoked. Ashara and Princess Rhaenys felt nothing but outright contempt for her and for Rhaegar also disappointment in the case of Rhaenys because her father, whom she loved and respected more than anyone else, had abandoned her, her brother and her mother for another woman.


"When we told the story of the rebellion to Lord Cirdan and Lord Glorfindel said to us that no one escapes the justice of the Valar ... and we know it to be true from Lord Ulmo's words ... Sooner or later Tywin Lannister and his dogs will be judged by Namo for their trechary, "Ashara Dayne said in with savage glee.


"Indeed, all the elves here present can attest that the justice of the Valar is inevitable" King Gil-galad said recalling the Curse of Mandos and the tragic and devastating effects that were throughout the First Age.


"I believe my king that it would be best if we all went to rest, after all ... This day has been ... Tiring," Lord Cirdan said noting that many of his guests were showing signs of weariness.


King Gil-Galad, seeing that Cirdan's words were true, nodded and stood up.


"I realize that everyone is tired, I know that they are still worried about the bearer of Ringil, but I am sure they need to rest, I will ask the servants to escort them to their rooms, and if they wish tomorrow, they can tell us the rest of it. his story"


Being the most authoritative person among Westerosi, Queen Rhaella stood up and nodded.


"Thank you very much for your gesture King Gil-galad, yes, I am afraid we are all tired," Said the dowager queen and the other Westerosi nodded and were led to their rooms by the king's servants while the Ladies continued thinking about Jon.


... Jon, wherever you are ... Take care ... And come back to me ... They all thought at the same time.

-------------------------------------------------- -----------------


It had been several weeks since Jon had jumped into the sea and his friends, sisters and their lovers began to feel more and more restless while they were worried about their brother's fate and in the case of the Ladies of their love ... But no there were signs of him.


The elves had done their best to help them cope with their worry whether by passing on knowledge or taking them to see the city, Harlond was beautiful and majestic, exuding an air of peace and a golden glow like leaves in autumn.



The Westerosi travellers were at the entrance to the fortress next to the Great Elves to greet King Gil-galad's "aunt", Lady Írimë who had managed to reach Harlond after all, however, Jon had not yet returned. So her journey may have been for nothing.


They had waited for her for a few minutes and finally heard approaching horses.


A retinue of elves began to become visible, carrying banners with an emblem of a great golden sun ... Everyone knew that it was the emblem of the House of Finwë.


"She is here," said the king with an eager expression to see his relative.


The only one besides King Gil-galad, who expressed joy at the coming of Lady Írimë was the Lady Galadriel because she was the sister of her father, Finarfin. Therefore her aunt, the other elves such as Elrond, Celeborn, and the Great Green Wood's royal family, he was also interested in greeting her. for courtesies sake, however, all the Lindon nobles, especially male elves of marriageable age were there to receive the only daughter of the High King Finwë in Middle-earth hoping to win her favour, which is why the whole place looked packed full of elves.


"This place is like an ant colony," Loras said watching all the elves at the entrance of the fortress.


"Yes, from what I heard the reason is that this Lady Írimë, is beautiful as the sunrise and comes from a splendid lineage and the most wondrous thing ... is that she is unwed," said Robar with a certain cynicism in his voice.


Same cynicism that was shared by all Westeros travellers when they understood what Robar was trying to say.


"That is something that Middle Earth and Westeros have in common," Princess Rhaenys said.


At that moment the carriage opened an elf Lady of extraordinary beauty stepped out, The westerosi thought she could have been Cersei's twin though far kinder. Despite being ancient, she did not seem to be more than thirty years old, She was a strikingly beautiful woman, with golden hair, fair skin, and a buxom curvaceous figure. Her eyes were a dazzling shade of emerald green, her gaze was penetrating and profound, she was dressed in a black silk gown with glittering diamonds sewn into the bodice.


The only people Westerosi had seen that rival the beauty of that woman ... That elf, were Lady Galadriel and her daughter Celebrian.


"Oh by the ... Valar," Robar said with his mouth open.


... If only Jon could be here to greet this fair maiden ... Loras thought, with amusement all the while chuckling at Robar who was dumbstruck.


At that moment, King Gil-galad approached Lady Írimë and took her by the hands. Despite this, the Lady did not see herself inferior to the king in any way.


"It is a pleasure to have you here, my dear relative," Said the king with a smile that she returned.


"It is a blessing to visit my kindred, King Gil-galad" Lady Írimë said with a voice soft like the sea breeze.


"In that case, tell me how your journey went?" Asked the king.


"Same as the previous one, unamusing and dull, but tell me ... Have you had interesting visitors lately?" She said, looking at the Westerosi travellers in the front row, next to the other Noldorian lords. A place of high honour and prestige.


King Gil-galad only smiled when he noticed that his "aunt" did not hide her intentions.


"You do not hide your intentions, my lady, I will introduce you to the" Emissaries of the Valar "... But not before you greet your family."


"Of course" was the response of Finwë's daughter who was at the king's side and her smile widened when she saw Galadriel.






And both elves, aunt and niece hugged each other with love.


". My heart fills with joy to see you again, Artanis" Írimë said with a smile.


"Mine as well Lady Írimë, But I prefer the name Galadriel", replied Celeborn's wife with a smile while Írimë just laughed and looked at her niece's family.


"Lord Celeborn, Lord Elrond ... Celebrian," She said with a smile as Galadriel's family nodded with a smile.


But the expression of happiness on Írimë's face was replaced by one of surprise when she saw King Oropher and his heir, and instantly she remembered her manners and performed the appropriate courtesies.


"King Oropher, I did not expect to see you here," She said bowing to the king of the Greenwood.


"No wonder, Lady Írimë, it seems to me that you already know my heir. Thranduil" Said the king and the prince took Írimë's hand and gave it a chaste kiss.


"My Lady," the prince said politely.


"Prince Thranduil" Formally answered Finwë's daughter.


Lady Írimë greeted all the nobles she had on her way behaving at the height of someone of her position until she arrived with Lord Cirdan and Lord Glorfindel to whom she smiled more intensely, and both elves bowed.


"My Lady," They both said at the same time.


"My Lords, my friends with whom I have shared the joy and sadness of Two Ages of the world. It brings me great joy to see you again" Said Írimë smiling even more sincerely than before, and that was the moment she saw the Westerosi for the first time.


They just looked at Finwë and Indis's daughter in surprise and bowed except for Robar who was doing a rather comical impression of a fish. At that moment, Loras gave Robar a blow to the head that brought him back to reality.


"Ou… what the hell?" Said the gentleman of Vale putting a hand on his head.


"You are impolite Ser," Queen Rhaella said trying to contain her laughter.


At that moment, Robar notices that Írimë is staring at him and bows to the Lady.


"I apologize for my lack of courtesy, my Lady" Robar said quickly making a bow to the amusement of Loras and his companions.


"Don't worry ... Young mortal, it's not the first time something like this has happened" Írimë said with amusement.


"In that case, I will introduce myself ... My name is Ser Robar Royce and ... This is my brother in arms Ser Loras Tyrell" Robar said, introducing himself while Loras politely kissed Írimë's hand before bowing.


At that moment, Lord Cirdan comes closer to see the "amusing scene" that Loras and Robar had caused.


"I see you already met the 'Emissaries of the Valar' my Lady Írimë" Cirdan said sending the knights of Westeros a warning look that intimidated them to the amusement of the Westerosi Ladies.


"Please my Lady Írimë has already met Ser Loras and Ser Robar, now let me introduce you to the Ladies of Westeros, they are Queen Rhaella with her daughter Daenerys and her granddaughter Rhaenys of the House of Targaryen, Princess Arianne Martell, Ladies Ashara Dayne and Shiera Seastar and finally Ladies Sansa and Arya of House Stark, "Said the Lord of the Gray Havens, proudly presenting the people that the Valar entrusted him to take care of.


Finwë's daughter just stared at them without saying a word for a few minutes that seemed eternal so long that Westerosi began to get nervous, but at last, she bowed, and everyone breathed.


"It is an honour to finally meet the 'Emissaries of the Valar," The Elven Lady said with a slight smile.


"The honour is our Lady Írimë, and on behalf of House Targaryen, I extend my regards," Queen Rhaella said courteously.


"Your greetings are well received, but please forgive my rudeness, I would like you to show me my brother's sword, Ringil, thousands of years have passed since I saw it, if Ser Robar could draw the sword I would appreciate it," Írimë said looking at Robar with an anxious look, but the knight was confused.


"I'm afraid I don't have the sword of the Great King ... What's more, I'm not even its wielder," said Robar nervously to the surprise of Fingolfin's sister.


"The bearer of Ringil is another of our companions, his name is Jon Snow, he who met Lord Manwë in a dream and who was entrusted to come to Middle-earth, he is our Captain," Loras said thinking of Jon.


"Jon Snow ... But ... I don't see anyone else" Írimë asked curiously to see that there was no other person with them. And Westerosi were saddened to remember Jon's absence.


"He ... is not here now my Lady," Lord Cirdan said with melancholy in his voice.


"And where is he? I came here to meet the bearer of my brother's sword" Írimë said with authority.


But before someone could answer, screams of surprise filled the air, and all the elves turned their eyes to the sky when they saw something approaching it was a great beast with massive feathered wing.


"Is it a dragon?" Daenerys asked excitedly.


"No, it's not a dragon, it's a…" Lord Glorfindel started to say but surprise stopped him.


And it was not the only one, the elves began to identify the creature, and many screamed of excitement and happiness. It was only when the beast got nearer could the Westerosi appreciate its beauty.


It was a fearsome beast with the heads of an eagle and a tiger's body with massive feathered wings. It had a hooked beak that looked as if it could sever a man's limb. Its claws, which were reminiscent of a hawk's talons, were the length of swords and looked incredibly sharp.


"A gryphon" Lady Shiera Seastar said impressed.


"Oh ... How wonderful, one of the mythical gryphons of the King of Arda," Said Lord Cirdan with excitement, it was uncommon for one to see the rarest and mysterious servants of Manwe and the rest of the elves were similarly mesmerized.


That was when the Gryphon began to descend, and everyone could see that someone was riding such a majestic animal. It was Jon, it had been more than a month since he had jumped into the sea and disappeared Jon had changed it seems, he wore his hair long flowing down to his shoulders in a black mane, and he had grown a beard a wild, thick and fierce thing he looked as the ancient winter kings come again.


The Ladies of Westeros were overjoyed to see the man they loved.


"Jon!" All the Ladies of Westeros yelled at once, pulling up their skirts as they ran to see him. But as they approached, they were stopped by the Gryphon who bellowed in a fury.


Jon seeing a problem looming, quickly got down and stood in front of the Gryphon trying to calm the great beast down, reasoning that the proud animal would not dare to hurt him out of respect for Manwë.


Fortunately, it seems that was the case because the Gryphon made a dismissive sound at Jon and he lay down on the ground to rest to the amazement of all the elves who were watching the majestic animal with veneration in their eyes.


Sighing in relief, Jon turned to see his Ladies only to be knocked down by tearful Sansa and Arya, who were hugging him tightly.


"Why did you leave like that?" Sansa asked with her face on her cousin's chest.


"Sansa, Arya" Jon replied, returning the hug.


"Answer damned fool," Arya said, hitting Jon on the shoulder in amusement.


"First let me stand up", said Jon separating from his cousins and getting up only to be approached now by a tearful Arianne, Rhaenys and Daenerys who began to smack him for making them worry like that.


The others were surprised but amused by Jon and his Ladies' interactions, not knowing if they should intervene.


"Shouldn't we help him?" Loras asked, seeing Jon being knocked down by Rhaenys while Arianne and Daenerys continued to beat him.


"Unless you want to share his fate" Was Robar's response, looking on amused at the amount of violence the three Princesses were capable of.


While the Ladies Shiera and Ashara with Queen Rhaella were crying with happiness to see Jon safe and sound, they quietly waited for the situation to calm down before they could talk to Jon.


While Lord Glorfindel and Lord Cirdan watched Jon's return with great joy and eagerly awaited an explanation of what Lord Ulmo had told or taught him to help him with his sorrows. While most of the elves continued to gaze spellbound at the Gryphon who, although proud, enjoyed the attention he was receiving.


The only one who was confused by the situation was Írimë who silently observed everything that happened since the arrival of the majestic Gryphon, the young man who came down from him was a mortal and by his appearance seemed Arnorian. Still, he did not carry the banner of the white tree nor dress as a knight, he did not even look like one of the men who fled from Númenor before its destruction, They were tall and of a fair countenance with eyes like beaten steel while this boy was of average height had eyes a shade of beautiful violet.


... Could it be that he is the bearer of Ringil? ... Finwë's sister thought in amazement that a young mortal who had not even finished maturing was chosen by the King of Arda to carry out his will and that at the It seems he had also won the favour of Lord Ulmo because the Lord of the Waters has spoken to this young man more than he has spoken to any mortal in the entire history of Arda.


... Did those girls say that his name is Jon? ... If he is the bearer of my brother's sword, then it is for him that I came ... It seems my trip was not a failure after all ... thought Írimë with satisfaction at the realization that he might still meet the leader of the "Emissaries of the Valar."


The thought of that put a satisfied smile on his face.

-------------------------------------------------- -----------------


(Half an hour later)


Everyone was in the throne room of Gil-galad with Lord Elrond tending to the… "wounds" or "tokens of love" that Jon received from his Ladies.


"How do you feel?" Lord Elrond asked, amused.


"Much better, thank you, Lord Elrond," Jon said with a pained expression as he tried to get up.


"Careful ... you should be fine on the morrow," Said the Lord of Imladris.


"Thank you," Jon said with a nervous smile looking at his companions who were giving him looks that demanded an explination.


Arianne, Daenerys and Rhaenys had an expression of guilt and satisfaction on their faces when they saw the state in which they left Jon they did not want to take things that far, but after weeks without knowing about him along with the fear of what could have happened led them to unload all their love but also their fear and frustration on an unsuspecting Jon.


They indeed went overboard with the beating, but Jon also deserved it to some extent. Seeing Jon recovered, King Gil-galad nodded and rose from his throne.


"Welcome back to Harlond Jon Ulmondil, the last you left us was when you jumped from one of my windows, and Lord Ulmo saved you, then he took you to a place unknown to us, and you now present yourself to my court riding on a Gryphon of King Manwë, I would like you to explain to me and the other Lords of Middle-earth what happened after you jumped, "Gil-galad asked with authority.


Jon nodded and approached the king.


"Lord Ulmo took me to the Isle of Tol Morwen," Jon said to the amazement of everyone in the room.


"Tol Morwen?" King Gil-galad asked, unable to hide his astonishment.


"Yes, after jumping into the whirlpool in the Water, I woke up on the beach of an island, Lord Ulmo appeared before me and told me that it was Tol Morwen, he said to me that on that island I could find the time to reflect and overcome my sorrows, He told me to seek out the Stone of the Unfortunate "Jon finished saying increasing everyone's astonishment.


"Then you saw the tomb of Turin Turambar" Glorfindel affirmed solemnly.


"What is that, Stone? Who is Turin Turambar?" Arya asked, surprised.


"You would know if you paid more attention to your lessons Arya" Lady Ashara replied in a reproachful tone causing Winterfell's youngest daughter to blush.


"Túrin Turambar was a tragic hero, my Lady, whose life was dominated by a curse imposed on his family by the 'Great Enemy.' Robar said explaining a little of the history of Turin.


"The life of Túrin, as well as his actions, are the poem Narn I Chîn Húrin ... Poem that I understand, you should have studied already, Lady Arya," Cirdan said in a reproachful tone to an embarrassed and blushing Arya who seemed to want to be swallowed by the floor.


Everyone started laughing at Arya's situation until King Gil-galad motioned for silence.


"Continue Jon Snow," ordered the king.


"Yes, I visited the Tomb of Túrin Turambar, and there I discovered that I was not alone ... There was someone else on that island," Jon said, remembering Maglor.


"Who?" Lady Galadriel asked.


"Maglor, son of Fëanor," Said Jon to the complete amazement of the entire room, as they never believed to hear from the last survivor of the House of Fëanor again.


"Did you meet Maglor?" Loras asked with an open jaw.


"Yes, that was Lord Ulmo's plan from the beginning, Maglor and I ... We had similar parents, and their mistakes ended up marking us, both ... We built a friendship, and he helped me cope with my sorrows, thanks to him ... I understand who I am," said Jon looking around the room with pride and with a fire in his eyes that inspired respect in all those present.


"And who are you, young man?" Galadriel asked expectantly.


"I am the son Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, the blood of ancient Valyria and the First Men runs through my veins, I am a wolf and a dragon ... But at the same time, I am me, I will live my life as I choose. What they have done, the betrayal, the shame, the war they caused and the deaths they caused ... It is not for me to judge them, May they and those who helped them in their folly be granted the reward or punishment they deserve, according to the decision of Lord Manwë and Lord Namo "Jon said calmly.


His words surprised everyone since for a moment as he spoke, Jon did not seem just a young man, he seemed like a king.


Of all those surprised, Lord Cirdan and Lord Glorfindel shed tears of pride when they saw Jon's growth, he was no longer that young man eager to prove himself or tormented by his origins ... Now he seemed someone totally different.


"Excuse me, don't you think Jon ... Looks like someone else?" Rhaenys asked confused to see how her half brother had changed in his time in Tol Morwen.


"Yes, Jon ... He has changed a lot", said Queen Rhaella with a smile as she saw the growth of her grandson.


Arianne, Daenerys, Ashara, Shiera, Sansa, and Arya were very proud and happy for Jon for not letting the pain and bitterness consume him.


"I am pleased to see that Lord Ulmo's plans were completed, but please continue with your tale," King Gil-galad demanded.


"I stayed with Maglor these weeks, learning to accept who I am, in that time we became good friends and even ... He helped me improve as a singer and poet, thanks to his teachings I wrote a poet that I would like to recite before you, but I think it will be for another time."


"Maglor is known as the best bard among our relatives, despite his reputation and that of his father and brothers ... If he decided to teach you, you must be a virtuous musician, and he must have a great appreciation for you," Írimë said with surprise.


"He is, Jon is the best singer we have in the Gray Havens, and now I'm eager to hear him sing again after being instructed by Maglor himself," Cirdan said out of pride.


"Thank you, Lord Cirdan, though I must know who our guest is I haven't had the pleasure of making your acquaintance my Lady, Jon said with charm, realizing Írimë's presence for the first time and being captivated by her elven beauty.


This caused the ladies expressions to turn sour much to the amusement of Robar and Loras.


"My name is Írimë, daughter of Finwë, the first Great King of the Noldor and Indis" my brothers were Fëanor, Fingolfin and Finarfin, my sister is Findis" The noble elf answered before a surprised Jon who knelt in reverence.


"Excuse my rudeness my Lady ... I didn't know we would have a guest of such importance" Jon tried to excuse himself.


"He is a handsome lad," Írimë thought with amusement as King Gil-galad watched the interaction between Írimë and Jon, coming up with an idea ... To unite Finwë's lineage with Those two gifts of blood that the young Targaryen possessed, is just an idea and knowing the character of his aunt and the difference in lineages as well as age made it seem almost impossible for that to happen.


But that happened first with Aegnor and Andreth (although it came to nothing), then Beren and Lúthien as well as Tuor and Idril, both with notable offspring, as I had already thought it was improbable that something would happen ... But it would not be wrong to try, furthermore knowing the fierce and proud character of his "aunt" it was implausible that this young man would retain her interest for long even if he is the bearer of Ringil.


"Continue Jon Snow," King Gil-galad said, leaving his ideas for the moment.


"I stayed with Maglor for those weeks until Lord Ulmo showed up and explained his reasons for taking me there, I said goodbye to Maglor even though I tried to convince him to come with me, but he told me that he would only leave Tol Morwen until the world ended or to return to Valinor and receive the judgment of Manwë ... But before leaving, he gave me a gift "Said Jon taking out the Noldolantë and giving it to Elrond.


"This was written by Maglor," Elrond said with tears in his eyes when he saw the handwriting of his adoptive father after so many centuries.


"It is one of his works" Noldolantë ", He let me keep it as a memory of the time we spent in friendship," said Jon remembering Maglor fondly.


"How is he?" Elrond asked quickly, eager to hear from his foster father, whom he did not hear from after the War of Wrath.


"He lives tormented by the guilt of his actions because of that oath he made with his father and brothers ... But it seems to me that he obtained some peace after our meeting, that was another of Lord Ulmo's reasons for taking me to that island. We will both help each other heal. "Jon replied to the Lord of Imladris.


"I thank you for helping him .. " Elrond said with a smile and tears in his eyes, returning Noldolantë to Jon who prepared to finish his story.


"Then the gryphon appeared after being sent by Lord Manwë, and after saying goodbye to Lord Ulmo and Maglor, it brought me here," Jon said.


King Gil-galad sat back on his throne and nodded.


"I see that indeed great things await you, Jon Snow, your story is deep, and with the history of your home that your companions told us while you were in Tol Morwen, my people have a great deal to think about, go and rest, it seems to me that your friends and your ... Ladies want to talk to you, "Said the King of Lindon satisfied by Jon's story.


"Thank you, Your Highness," Jon said humbly after which he and his companions began to retreat, leaving the Great Elves meditating on the stories they had learned. While Írimë watched Jon walk away with attention and interest.


... He is undoubtedly an extraordinary young man; I can see why he has won the favour of Lord Manwë and Lord Ulmo ... I think he might be worthy of my brother's sword after all, but to be sure ... I think I'd better watch him closely ... I shall visit The Gray Havens very soon ... Írimë said with a smile.


Thanks to great_red my co-author

borrowed the books description of the trident