
Chapter 215. A New Dynamic (The Amnesiac)

Rae's arms and legs constrict around your body with a death grip, forcing your head between the pillows of her chest.

"Mmm... lemme go..."

You snake your arms around her, pushing her away.

"No..." She lowly mutters. "...pretty... don't cry..."

Her face twitches as her lips flutter out cryptic, garbled words.

"Come on, Rae, please...?" You mutter.


You freeze.

"Hyoon?" You mutter.

"Hyoon... phone..."

Huh? Does she know something? What is she dreaming about?

She stays silent for a minute more, her lips silently conversing with her dream.

"Pretty... Hyoon pretty..."

A soft chuckle of relief escapes your lips as your tension ebbs.

"Heh. You're not wrong there," you reply.

You manage to extract yourself from her grip, though the cold air makes you want to climb back in.

"Mmm..." You stretch your arms over your head and yawn, welcoming the brand-new morning.

Wow. I actually feel really nice today. And I don't have any plans!

Lazily sliding off your bed, you pull yourself into your chair and swivel around.


So, uh...

What do I do?

You fixate on Rae's restful form, calmed by her serene, baby-faced look.

I mean, I could... um...

You close your eyes for a moment, listening. The entire house rests in solitude. The eerie silence, once you notice it, is hard to forget.

What would I do if I was alone?

The thought scares you, but you find the strength to embrace it.

If I didn't have the girls here with me, what would I do?


I don't have a clue.

Who am I without them?

Some darker thoughts linger on the edges of your mind's reach, but you force yourself to stay upright and push them away.

Breakfast. That's it. That's what I'll start with.

You carry yourself up and out the door, determined to start living with a modicum of independence.

But as you pass by some familiar doors down the hallway, last night comes racing back to you.

Miyoung! I never went to her room.

And Tina... she came to mine.

A trail of shivers runs down your neck as you remember.

I need to talk to her, but I'll have to go to her place for that. For now, I'll see if Miyoung's awake.

You gently lean in and tap the door, curious to see if she's already up. The slight echoes of the knock fade into the air.

Maybe I should wake her up. I'm sure she'll be excited to see me.

You grin at the mental image of her jumping out of bed just to tackle you back in.

You softly slide open the door, careful not to bang it.

"Hey, Miyoung~" You start. "I- WHA!"

You silence yourself, while every word threatening to blurt out of your mouth runs wild in your head instead.

The sight is impossible to look away from, and your arms fall to your side as you watch Tina slowly shift, gently scooting backward into Miyoung's arms. The girls' nude bodies are deeply intertwined under the half-concealing bedsheet, and Miyoung's lips rest an inch from Tina's nape. Miyoung shifts in response, keeping one arm and leg wrapped securely around the smaller girl's body.

They look incredibly comfortable, and a strange, peculiar urge intensifies within you.

I should go.

Your mind blanks as you swing the door shut.


Did Miyoung and Tina really...?

I didn't know they were like that.

"I guess I'm still learning something new every day..." You think out loud.

You finally look down at the sizzling eggs bubbling in your pan. The empty kitchen fills with a faint aroma.

"I'll probably have to get used to this," you continue muttering. "The girls aren't always gonna be there to make breakfast for me. I shouldn't rely on them."

A soft metallic jingle catches your attention, and you whip your head sideways.

"Tina!" You yelp, right as the girl takes one step out of the front door. "Wait, Tina!"

She turns her head away for a moment, then reluctantly steps back in.

"Good morning," she sighs. Your memory is faint, but her hair looks exactly like the long, brown, wavy strands belonging to the girl who rode you so vigorously last night.

"You're really quiet!" You smile, trying to put last night out of mind for a moment. "You almost left without me even noticing."

"...yeah..." She chews her lips and nods, choosing to watch your breakfast cook rather than look at you.

"Eh... how are you?" You ask.

"Eh... I'm good," she nods.

"That's nice."

"Uh-huh. How are you?"

"I'm good."



While your mouths try to find a way to continue the pointless awkwardness of small talk, your brains both churn in silence.

"Why are you here? I mean, did you come over last night?" You say, not giving anything away.

"Oh, uh... I was sleeping over. I mean... it was a sleepover. With Miyoung."

"A sleepover?" You raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah! We slept. And hung out."

"Like friends do, huh?" You bite back a grin.

"Of course!" She responds, too eagerly. "Friends do that!"

She's not a very good liar... but I have to admit, it's very charming.

She puffs her cheeks out, visibly stressed.

"So you didn't... go anywhere else last night? Maybe to someone else's room?"

"Huh? No... I didn't."

"Oh, is that so? You never left Miyoung's room?" You pry.

"Well, don't say it like that..." She gulps. "But no, I didn't. Why are you asking me this?"

Really? Ok, maybe she's a better liar than I thought.



"Tina, why did you fuck me last night?" You ask, casting discretion aside.

"WHAT! What are you talking about?!?" She cries out, alarmed.

"You came into my room, Tina!" You reply. "I know you did."


Her face is enigmatically blank, brushed only with plain confusion.

"...right?" You whisper.

She slowly shakes her head, with not a hint of doubt. "I didn't come to your room last night."

"Are you serious?" You slump over.

"Yes, I'm serious! How many times do I have to say it!" She snaps.

"Ok, sorry, sorry," you sigh.

"I don't know who that was, then..." You mutter.

If that wasn't Tina, then...?

"If you're done interrogating me, I'll go now," she huffs.

"Wait! Um... do you still want to hang out? To get to know each other again, like you wanted to?"


Shit, I probably shouldn't have been so brash. Now she might not want to.

"Um... yeah, I'd like to." She pushes her thumbs together, any traces of annoyance already gone. "But not today."

"Oh, that's fine!" You say, relieved. "Are you busy?"

"No, I just need to nap. I didn't get much sleep last night."

"Guess that's how sleepovers go, right?" You smile innocently.

"Yup! Bye!"

She rushes to the door and quickly makes her escape before you can question her further.



You finish shoveling the rest of your burnt eggs onto your toast, squinting from the bit of smoke.

A loud, lopsided pair of footsteps rings from the stairwell, and you turn to see the exact face you'd been wanting to speak to.

"Miyoung!" You exclaim.

"Good morning~"

The source of her uneven footsteps becomes crystal clear as she walks over to you, dragging one foot behind the other in a slight limp.

She stands on her toes to cheerfully peck you on the cheek. "Nice eggs. Looks delish."

You sigh. "Shut up."

She giggles, her shoulders calmly drooping as she takes a seat next to you.

"You seem pretty bubbly today," you smile, glancing over her robed figure. "Did you have fun with Tina last night?"

"Huh?!?" She squeaks.

Ah, that confirms it...

You smile, deciding not to tease her about it more.

"Sorry I didn't come to your room last night," you change the subject.

"Oh... uh, yeah..." She blinks. "It's ok!"

"Wanna do it later today?" You grin, eyeing the deep cleavage under her robe that reveals a sliver of her bare chest as the knot gets gently tugged.

"Uh... no, I'll pass. Maybe some other time!"



You stare at her, wide-eyed.

Did Tina just cockblock me?


Still brooding, you head back to your room.

Never thought Tina would be the one to steal my girl from me...

You chuckle at the thought.

As you enter, you see Rae clutching your pillow, using it as a replacement for your body.

"Still sleeping, hmm?" You whisper.

You take a seat at your desk again, reclining as far back as you can go.

So Tina didn't come to my room last night. That's really weird. Who else could it be?

You tilt your head up to look at your setup, and a small colorful ribbon catches your eye.


You slide out your keyboard tray to get a closer look.

Three journals, all different variants of the same kind of book, lie side by side.

Oh, here they are. I should read through these more closely. But I'm not in the mood for that right now.

Yet, the sight of the books intrigues you, and the soft, felt covers feel cool under your fingers.

Maybe I should keep writing?

The girls said I used to write in one every night, so maybe I should start a new one.

The idea is instantly appealing, and you quickly fish around in your drawer, looking for a fresh diary while you continue thinking.

It'll be a post-accident diary. I probably should've started it a few weeks ago, but that doesn't matter. One day I'll get to read all these entries back and see how much I've remembered!

The thought of your future self, a person beyond imagination, yet someone you hoped would carry a full, complete memory, fills you with a newfound optimism.

"Damn, do I really not have any more?" You mutter.

You turn around and scoot over to Rae's side of the room to look through her drawers.

You reach for the first handle you see and tug it open.

Inside, propped up on a bunch of binders, is a small framed picture. A younger version of you laughs and grins while Rae pulls you down and kisses you on the cheek. You can feel the jubilance in both of the young lovers' eyes.

You stare at the picture a little longer, letting the warmth of the memory wash over you.

You close the drawer and look back at the present-day version of the girl in the picture, sleeping peacefully.

She hasn't changed a bit. Still as incredible as she always was.

You know what? I'm taking her out on a date next. She was the start of all of this, after all. She deserves to be treated like a queen.

Turning your attention back to the other drawers, you rummage through them until you find a blank book.


You open it up to the first page, inhaling the woody scent. Your fingers quickly equip a pen, and you set the tip down on the top left corner, ready to spill all the thoughts bursting at the seams of your mind onto the page.



The tip of your pen stays pressed into the page. The ink dot metastasizes, growing in size until the damp paper bleeds ink onto the next page.

You sit silently, waiting for the words to come out.

Your pen lifts up and moves down to the next line, starting fresh.

Within a few seconds, another pool of ink resides under the tip. Your hand is stuck in place, as if the connection between your mind and body is severed.

I... don't know...

"Baby..." Rae groggily mutters, sitting up. "Come here..."

Her top hangs loosely off one shoulder, and her disheveled hair hangs in unkempt bundles. Her droopy eyes flutter, and she reaches out her hand, zombie-like.

You quickly set the pen down and race to her side.

"Yes, my love?" You ask, standing beside her.

"Huh?" She opens her eyes a bit wider. "Wow, you actually came. You never do that..."

You wrap your arm around her neck. Placing one finger under her chin, you ease her lips upward and lean in for a kiss.

"Mmm..." She blissfully sighs, awoken fully by your lips.

You lay her down on the bed again, keeping the kiss unbroken. You dig your hand under the blanket so you can wrap your hand around her hip. She shivers as the cold air of the room hits her, but it only makes her pull you in closer.

"Hmm...?" She mumbles, surprised at how deep the kiss had suddenly gotten. Your heart beats in sync with hers, and as her hands wrap around your back, the connection between your bodies feels extraordinary.

You finally pull away, staring deeply into her eyes.

"W...when did you get so..." She breathlessly gasps, lost for words.

"So... what?" You continue, grinning ear to ear.


She yells sharply, making you stumble backward and nearly trip over yourself.

"Huh? What?!?" You yelp.

"Is today a special day? Did I forget?" She pants out, terrified.

"Uh... no? I don't think so," you quickly reply.

"Oh, thank goodness," she sighs, comically collapsing back into bed and rubbing her forehead.

"Really? That's it?" You chuckle. "You were afraid you forgot our anniversary or something?"

"Yeah..." She giggles.

"Well, it may not be our anniversary, but could I still take you out on a romantic date today?" You ask, segueing into what you wanted to ask her all along.

"HUH?!? Who are you and what did you do with my lover?" She gasps melodramatically.

"Ha, I'm just in a mood today," you shrug.

"Well, me likey! Me likey very much!" She coos, extending her arms toward you.

You reach forward and let her cling onto you, then you stand up, pulling her out from under her makeshift blanket fort.

"We could go to the gym!" She proposes as you set her down on the edge of the bed.

"For a date?!?" You tilt your head.

"Yeah! Oh, but let me guess, you're still sore from yesterday?"

"...perhaps," you sigh.

She snickers proudly to herself.

"How did you know what I did yesterday?" You ask.

"I didn't. But it's usually a good guess," she states matter-of-factly.

"Wow..." You groan.

"How about we go out to eat? We can go to one of my favorite fancy spots - it's where we had our first date."

"Ah!" You smile at the memory. "Yeah, I'd love to go there again."

"Great! It's a date! Ooh, I'm so excited! I finally get to dress up again!"


You finish slipping on your leather jacket, completing the look you'd been aiming for.

"You look seeeeeexy," Aria says, fanning herself with her hand as she admires her handiwork. "Rae's a lucky girl tonight."

"Thanks for helping me pick this outfit out," you grin. "I didn't even know I owned most of this."

"No problem! Now hurry up, I'm sure Rae's waiting for you!" She beckons you toward the door, hurrying you along.

You slip out of her room and walk down the hall, prepared to head to the entrance.

Wow, going on a date with Rae again... it's been so long that I almost feel nervous!

As pass by Leslie's room, you see Imane sitting idly on her bed, glancing up briefly as you pass by.

You give her a small wave, and her jaw drops.

She races out of the room, getting right in front of you with lightning speed and holding her hand firmly out on your chest.

She licks her lips as she eyes you up and down, not concealing her attraction in the slightest.

"Hey, Imane. What are you doing here?" You ask.

Her breathing grows erratic, and her eyes bulge. You get the feeling that your words are falling on deaf ears.

"Imane? You ok?"

"OK?" She finally bursts. "Do I look like I'm ok? I need you to fuck me right now!"

Giving you no room for rebuttal, she smooches you on the lips and places her hand right on your crotch, chucking away all decency.

She presses your body back into the wall, gripping your cock tightly through your pants.

"Imane..." You mumble into her puckered lips. "Not now..."

Her kiss is desperate and furious. At a better time, you'd easily get lost in her sweet taste, but now, you're set on a different woman.

"Why?" She whispers, staying pressed against you. "You look so hot. Please, just let me..."

"No, Imane, I have a date with Rae..."

"She can wait," she raucously decides, pushing her lips up onto yours again.

"Imane!" You duck your head away from her.

Forcing her hand away from your crotch, you exclaim, "What's gotten into you? I don't want to do this with you right now!"

You can hear the faint echo of your words in the silence that follows.

She looks down at her hand, stinging from the shove you'd given it.

With a slow, hesitant movement, she glances back up, blinking. Her trembling fingers find their way to her side, and her face turns unsettlingly pale.

"Sorry," she coldly mutters. "I..."


"Have fun."

Her icy demeanor roots your feet in place as she walks back into Leslie's room, not giving you another glance. The door quietly shuts.


"Hey, are you still changing? Come down soon!"

"I'm coming!" You call back to the voice downstairs.

The spike of anxiety shooting through you slowly calms down, but the image of Imane's racing lust dropping so quickly into aloof indifference is tough to push out of your mind as you walk down the stairs.

"Is something wrong, baby?" Rae asks as you scramble for your shoes and coat.

"No, no, it's nothing," you reassure. "Nothing at all."


"It's just like I remember," you remark.

Every part of the restaurant atmosphere feels amazing to breathe in, from the gentle music to the laughing chatter taking place all around you. You spend another minute looking around, finally taking note of how long it's been since you've eaten out at a fancy diner.

"I'm glad you remember it," Rae beams. "It's a very special place for us. Absolutely gorgeous."

"Speaking of gorgeous..." You adjust your collar, already burning up a little.

"Oh, wow," she mumbles and rolls her eyes, hiding the smile threatening to burst out of her.

"Have I told you how gorgeous you are?" You finish, leaning forward a little.

"Hmm... only a hundred or so times," Rae grins, setting down the menu.

Her form-fitting sequined red dress puts her elegance on clear display, and it matches perfectly with the colors of the restaurant around you. Her hair hangs in soft, luxuriant waves around her shoulders, making every moment seem like an Instagram-worthy shot. Around her neck hangs a beautiful gold necklace, and her studded earrings complete her divine look.

"Well, in that case..." You clear your throat, ready to pronounce another vocal declaration of her beauty.

"No! Stop!" She whispers, panicked, as she looks around the venue. "Don't embarrass me in public!"

"Aww..." You sigh. "But that's my favorite thing to do in public."

"Trust me, I know," she shudders. "And you're really good at it."


"Hmm, let's see... what's the most expensive wine they have...?" She emphatically flips the menu over, folding and unfolding the flaps until she finds the wine section.

Your gaze instantly lifts from the menu to her overly curious expression, half-hidden by the menu she was poking her nose into.

"Rachel..." You chuckle as a particular memory floats back to you. "Are you making fun of me?"

"Wha-! What do you mean?" Her expression glimmers with humor.

You roll your eyes. "I remember our first date when I asked if you wanted the most expensive wine."

"You were trying soooo hard," Rae giggles, smiling profusely. "It was adorable!"

"It was terrifying!" You rebut. "I just wanted to impress you... I think."

"You think?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Well, as usual, I don't remember what I was thinking, just what I was feeling," you remind her.

"Are you two ready to order?" A neatly dressed waitress buts in, slightly leaning over the table.

"Uh... we just started looking at the menus..." Rae nervously chuckles.

"That's ok," you say, sitting up straighter. "We'll start with your most expensive wi-"

"We need more time!" Rae interrupts. "More time... please," she politely continues.

"No worries, I'll be back! Take your time!" She nods and quickly steps to another table.

"You..." Rae shakes her head, her lips curving into an amused smile as your laughter bubbles.


You carefully swirl your fork into your plate, wrapping the delicate, aromatic pasta around it. Each bite melts in your mouth, making it even easier to shove more in.

"It's kind of strange, going on a date out in public again," Rae mutters, glancing around.

"Huh?" You grunt, finally taking a break from your devouring. "How come?"

"Because people recognize us! Haven't you noticed?" She exclaims.

Her jewelry dances in the ceiling lights, and a brief glimmer from her bracelet alerts you to her thumbs gently twiddling behind her plate.

She does that when she's uncomfortable.

"I haven't seen anyone who looked like they recognized us," you respond. You take a look around, but all the other diners appear engaged in their own conversations.

"That's because they look away whenever we look at them. They don't want to get caught." She purses her lips and glances around once more, before retracting her attention back to her food.

"Are you sure?" You ask, noting her reaction.

"Yeah, a lot of people don't come up and ask for an autograph or anything. Which I appreciate, honestly, but I just wish they didn't stare or take pictures without asking."


You reach your arms behind you, feigning a stretch to look around.

Every pair of eyes you find seems to be focused elsewhere, and as you steal a glance back at Rae, you start to wonder what she's seeing.

"Can you point to one?" you ask, leaning forward again.

"See that redhead over there?" She juts her head to your left.

You slowly turn your gaze in that direction, pretending to suddenly gain interest in the bar at the side of the restaurant.

You can barely make out anything in your peripheral, but the sight of a bundle of red hair swiveling away as you turn your head is impossible to miss.

You finally look over, and the girl is staring back at her food, expressionless.

"Huh. Maybe you're right," you mutter.

"You've really never noticed when people do that?" She asks, genuinely curious.

"Maybe I did at one point, but I don't remember ever noticing it. You're right, though, it does feel a little weird."

I wonder if anyone's ever noticed when I'm on a date with one of the other girls...

That could be a messy situation if they took any revealing pictures.

"I'm a little paranoid, so I see those things a lot," she reasons, sighing.

"Being paranoid isn't a bad thing when you're this famous," you shrug.

"Maybe..." She pouts. "NO!"

"Ah!" You gasp at her sudden outburst.

"Today is about you and me! No one else should matter," she declares.

She reaches out her hand and places it on top of yours.

"Of course. No one but me and you." You repeat, calmer.

Her fingers feel nice wrapped in the soft, fitted opera glove.

"I love you a lot..." She says, her voice growing silky and quiet.

Your heart flutters in your chest. You wrap your hand back around hers, holding it firmly. The way Rae gazes at you makes you feel like the most important person in the world, and as you stare back at her, you realize she probably feels the same about you.

Love is an amazing thing.

Your eyes finally avert from hers as a noticeable figure walks into view.

"Brooke?!?" You blurt out, as a familiar blonde figure takes a seat two tables away.

Rae turns back, following your eyes.

"Brooke? Hey!" Rae waves. Brooke snaps her head up, searching for the source of the sound, and her eyes quickly find you.

She tilts her head in disbelief, before breaking out into a wide smile and walking over. Her knee-length tan dress looks amazing on her, and her makeup is done to perfection.

Holy mother of...

I never realized how pretty she is!

"Hi!" She giddily exclaims. "You both look so good!" She praises.

"You look amazing!" Rae gasps. "Stunning! Beautiful! Bravo!"

"Hey, calm down!" Brooke glances around, nervously laughing off Rae's dramatic praise to the people staring from nearby tables.

"You look gorgeous, Brooke," you speak up, now that you're finally able to.



"...thanks," she accepts, screwing the lid on her thoughts.

"What are you doing here?" You ask.

If she looks this fine... it must be for someone, right?

The thought makes you slump a little further in your chair.

"Are you with someone?" You hesitantly ask.

"No! I'm just here by myself."

You glance back to her table, seeing only one unfolded handkerchief and utensils.

"Oh? Why?" You ask, suddenly rejuvenated.

"I'm just, eh... I just wanted to," she shrugs. "A self-date, you know? I wanted to try it, I guess..." Her voice grows meek.

She glances back and forth between the two of you, her grin steadily waning.

"That sounds amazing!" Rae jumps in, quick to save the situation.

"Yeah, it's... nice," she half-heartedly smiles. "I don't want to take up too much of your time. Have fun!"

She beelines back to her seat, never looking back.

You catch Rae's sorrowful glance in her direction.

"What are you thinking?" You rub her hand.

"I know it's not a bad thing to take yourself out on a date. I'm sure it can be fun," she starts, keeping her voice low.

"But it doesn't look like she's having much fun," you finish her thought.

Brooke turns her head up, catching your eye for a moment before you and Rae immediately turn down to face your food again.

"It seemed like you were pretty happy that she didn't have a date tonight," Rae innocently points out.

Cursing her observant eye, you slowly sigh.

"Yeah, I don't why. I just felt like..."



"Youuuuu want her?" She raises an eyebrow.

"NO! I mean, she's pretty, of course, but I don't remember much about her."

"...hmm..." Rae skeptically ponders.

"Can you tell me about our relationship? With her?"

"Ah, yes, I could..." She nods politely.


"But maybe that could wait until after our date?" She slightly grits her teeth.

"Oh, right!" You flush. "Fuck, I'm sorry. This should be about us. Not her."

"It's ok. I know there's a lot of women in your life," she says, winking.


"That was the best dinner I've had in months," Rae sighs in delight. She leans back in her chair, patting her belly contentedly. "How was yours?"

"It was amazing. The-"

The same waitress from earlier juts her hand across the table to set the bill down and quickly scuffles off to another table.

You lean forward to reach for your wallet.

"Uh-uh!" Rae snatches the booklet up from the tablecloth and places her card inside.

"Woah... what?" You smile unsurely.

"I'm paying this time!" She vehemently commands.

"Uh... ok? If you insist."

You sit back, taking a final swig of your white wine.

"Eh? What? You're letting me? Just like that?"

"Uh... you looked really interested in paying it..." You say, sinking a little in your chair under her hot gaze. "Sorry, let me try again."

"NO! I don't want you to pay! I'm just not used to you letting me. You've never let me hand my card over even once when we've gone out," she reveals.

"Really? Never?"

"Never! We've even had fights over it! But you never relented!" She shakes her head.

"Wow. That seems... strange of me."

"So you don't feel any desire to stop me from paying?"

"Not one bit."

"WOW! YESSS! I finally get to pay!!!" She exclaims, resulting in some nearby customers shooting her a bewildered side-eye.


"I'm so glad we got to do this again," Rae says, kissing you on the cheek. "It's days like this that we'll talk about when we're eighty."

"Eighty?!? Damn, you're planning far ahead, aren't you?" You laugh, while you turn the key in the ignition.

Growing old with Rae... sounds amazing.

Something tells me she'll never lose that energy of hers.

"Well, I don't have a plan, but I have an idea. And at the center of that idea... is you."

She boops you on the nose, gently tickling it.

"No matter where you go, I'll go with you!" She proudly declares. "I don't know what I want out of the rest of my life, but I know I want you in it. I need you in it."

You glance over, seeing her gazing at you with those heart-stopping eyes.

"I don't know what I would be without you. My life is so colorful because you're in it. Without you... I... I don't know..."

Your bright smile slowly dims as her words grow quieter.

You look over again, now seeing her staring solemnly out of the window, her cheek resting on her palm.

You slow the car to a crawl, then pull over onto the roadside.

"Why'd you pull over?" She quickly asks, turning back to face you.

"...what were you thinking about?" You say, putting the car into park. "Was it the accident?"

She glances down, realizing the answer to her question.

"Yeah, kinda, but it's also more than that."

She chews her lip nervously.

"Do you... do you love me?" She whispers, her voice nearly cracking.

"Rae! I-"

You pause.

Do I? I must, right?

I never broke up with her. I moved in with her. We even became public! There's no way I don't. She was my first, and I still love her.

"Yes. I do. I know I do," you nod.

"You hesitated," she replies.

"I've just been thinking about love a lot recently. But that only applies to some of the other girls. Not you, Rae."

Memories of Jodi and Tina momentarily flash into your head.

"I've been thinking about love a lot, too," she comments. "And I have something I want to say. Something I want you to know. So hear me out, okay?"

"Of course, love."

A deep-seated tension rises from within you as she prepares herself. She takes a deep breath and uncorks her mind.

"I started to think that as you begin to remember more about your past, maybe you'd change your mind about who you wanted to be with. I know you had your reasons for choosing who you broke up with, even if you never told me, but I realized after the accident that that might not last. Maybe you'd start dating some more girls, and break up with some girls. I wouldn't expect you to keep all of the same choices, especially when you have... so many."

You keep your lips shut, despite everything you want to say.

"Like at the restaurant today. I saw how you looked at Brooke - it was exactly how you looked at me. You love me, and you loved her once too."

You squeeze your fist, nearly puncturing your skin with your fingernails.

"At that moment, I felt like I didn't deserve having you to myself. I wanted you to go to Brooke's table, to cheer her up, to make her feel as amazing as you make me feel, to go home with her and have sex and wake up and make breakfast together, and..."

She finally takes a breath.

"I felt guilty. The same guilt I felt when I dated you for the first time and saw how much my friends loved you. I saw how desperately they tried to hide it, but I noticed it, and I let you be with them. But... I did something else, too. Something none of them ever found out about, something I don't think you remember yet."


"I made you make me a promise."

Tears well in her eyes, but she leans back as your hands reach out to soothe her.

"I made you promise me that you'd never break up with me to be with one of them."

"Rae..." You murmur.

"And now I wonder if the only reason you never broke up with me is because I forced you to promise me you wouldn't..."

Her lips twist into a grimace, and she finally bursts into tears, sobbing uncontrollably into her hands.

You lean forward and pull her into your chest. She doesn't resist, but her hands stay fixed over her eyes.

"And the worst part is... you don't even remember..."

Her painful words sting the corners of your eyes, leaving them misted with unshed tears.


You try to speak, but your words escape you, and her name is all you can utter.

Could it be? That's why I never broke up with her? But how? I love her so much! I...

But I felt the same for Jodi, didn't I? And Tina, and seemingly so many others...

Her wails start to soften as you stroke her hair, gently soothing her. You push aside your spiraling thoughts, focusing on comforting your lover.

"It's ok..." You whisper, caressing her like a baby. "I'm here. I'm not going anywhere."

She wipes her eyes, quietly whimpering.

"I'm sorry..." She sniffles, wiping her nose.

"It's ok," you whisper back, still holding your hands around her. "Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah," she nods, brushing her nose against your chest. "Can we stay like this?"

You nod and squeeze her tighter, making sure she can feel all the love pouring from you.

"I might not remember enough about the past right now..." You say. "But I know I love you now. I'm sure of it. I love you, Rachel."

She silently processes your words for a long, silent moment.

"Mmm... you're gonna make me cry again..." She mutters. She finally wraps her arms back around you. "Do you really mean it?"

"Completely. I'm in love with you, Rae, and I couldn't do anything about that even if I tried."



Her waterworks suddenly return in full force, alarming you. But this time, she's sobbing into your chest in happiness.


The emotional moment you'd shared starts to fade into the past by the time you arrive home, and you happily park the car, ready to get into more comfortable clothes.

Rae steps out of the car, groaning as she starts to hobble up to the door.

"Stupid heels... so hard to walk in..." She whines.

"I can help with that!"

You run in front of her, then put one hand on her shoulder and the other on her hip.

"Here. 3... 2..."

"Wait, what are you doing?" She blinks, surprised.


You lean her forward and hoist her into the air, folding her over your shoulder.

"AHH! PUT ME DOWN!" She yells.

"Not a chance!" You proudly walk to the front door, using both hands to balance Rae's body on one shoulder.

You carry her through the door, careful not to bump her butt against anything.

"You better put me down this instant!" She says.

"I know you enjoy this!" You laugh.

As you step inside, two faces look up from the living room, where they're sitting cross-legged, playing on controllers hooked up to the television.

"Hey, Celine! Hey, Jodi! Rae, say hi!"

"Huh?!? Uh... hi?" She says, disoriented.

Jodi bursts out laughing, and Celine chortles behind her hand.

"Stop laughing!" Rae pouts, pounding your back with her fists. "Put me down!"

"Fine, fine," you laugh. You lower her to the ground, and she immediately huffs and steps away to kick off her shoes.


"Hey, uh..." Rae clutches your arm as you two walk up the stairs together. "Do you want to spend the night together?"

"Of course! I have nothing else planned."

"No, I mean... spend the night together. Like... the whole night. All night." She raises her eyebrows suggestively.

"Oh!" Your eyes light up, and you quickly nod.

"God, you're so horny..." She sighs.

"Hey, you suggested it!" You complain.

"Well, I'm horny too! We make a great team, huh?"

She drags you up the stairs to the bedroom, and you place one hand firmly on her ass, feeling it through the dress.

"Mmm, you're handsy..." She approvingly comments.

"There's so many reasons to be," you whisper, squeezing her ass again.

"Oh? Pray to tell?" She whispers, exhorting you to talk dirty as she comes to a stop in front of you, just outside your shared room.

"You want me to count them for you? Fine, let's start with this one..." You grab her left boob through the sequins, sparing no force as you squeeze it. She gasps, hunching her shoulders as she leans in. You grab both her boobs and push them together, revealing their hidden volume.

"Two..." You finally slide your hand down her hip and around her butt. Her toned butt squishes nicely in your hand, and the soft lip bite it evokes from her quickly presses you on.

"And three..."

You slide your fingers down her lower belly, getting dangerously close to her core.

"On the bed," she breathlessly moans. "Now."

She races into the room, dragging your arm along.

"AHH!" She screams, cupping her hand over her mouth, as a figure moves inside.

Lying on your bed is a thin, slender woman wrapped in the sexiest, most tight-fit lingerie you've ever seen. Her face finally comes into view, and your eyes widen in astonishment, unable to conceal the lustful shock that washes over you.

"What the...?!?" Rae mutters.

"I changed my mind," Miyoung says, sitting up. "I need you."

The black straps of the outfit wrap around every curve, and her hardened nipples poke sharply through the tight fabric, showing just how aroused she is. Her slender thighs extend in each direction, exposing the unmissable hole at the center of the fit that reveals her perfect slit beneath.

Her body looks delicious, and even Rae can't keep her eyes off of the gorgeous woman.

"Rae..." You turn back. Her eyes are fixated on Miyoung, and her lips part as she slowly walks forward. "Are you ok with this...?"

By the time you finish the question, her body is on top of Miyoung's, her lips growling as she pounces onto her neck.

"AH~!" Miyoung moans, equally shocked. "R-rae, slow down! I..."

"Make me!" Rae grins, before leaning down to plant a strong kiss on her collarbone, her hands planted firmly on either side of Miyoung.

Rae pulls up for a second to turn back to you. "Come on! Take your shirt off and get up here!"

God damn, this girl is horny. I love it.

The sight of their bodies already rubbing up against each other makes your blood rush downward, and your shirt is on the floor in a second.

"Rae!" Miyoung yelps, nearly shoving Rae aside to get out from underneath her.

Miyoung escapes her grasp to come to you, the true object of her desire. She reaches up, wrapping her hands around your face, and tugs you down, making you topple on top of her.

Her lips press firmly into yours, and her tongue dances sharply on your lips. The energy building between you is enhanced as she wraps her legs around you, clawing to keep you as close as possible.

"What's gotten into you?" You mutter, pleasantly shocked. "This morning..."

"This morning was different. Now I need you. I don't know why," she answers in short, choppy breaths.

"What happened this morning?" Rae juts in, still taken aback by how Miyoung had pushed her off.

"Eh..." You mutter, considering explaining it to her, but it gets harder to focus with Miyoung gripping you so desperately. "Long story."

"Okay..." Rae continues sitting idly to the side while you and Miyoung continue throwing your lips onto each other.

"Wait!" Miyoung stops you. "Can we..."

Her eyes flicker to Rae and back to you, once, twice, and a third time.

She tries to speak, but her effort dies out as Rae turns her head to listen.

"What is it?" You lean in, pointing to your ear. "Tell me."

She leans in so close that her lips graze your ear.

"I realized why I need you so much. It's because I miss being yours. I miss being dominated. And being with Tina yesterday, which you already know about..." She mutters, turning red. "Made me realize that I wasn't satisfied with just that. I wanted this."

The tent in your pants grows incredibly stiff as you interpret her words. Rae can't hear her words, but your reaction is obvious enough.

"Could we do that again?" She speaks louder so Rae can hear. "I'm sorry if it's asking too much, Rae, but..." She dejectedly glances at Rae. "I don't know if I can do... that... with you here."

Rae's not gonna just go! We agreed that we'd spend the whole night together...

As much as Miyoung wants me to herself, if Rae says she's staying, she's staying.

"...yeah, I can go," Rae murmurs. She fixes her shirt, adjusting it back into place. "I'll be downstairs."

"Huh?!?" You gasp. "Wait, Rae!"

"What?" She asks, one hand already on the doorknob.

"You... well, we... um... I thought you wanted to spend the night with me."

"I do. But Miyoung needs you more," she shrugs. "So have fun! We can always fuck tomorrow, right?"



The reassuring smile on her face as she steps out releases most of your regret, but you still stare after her dwindling shadow a second longer.

She's too kind. I know she must be a little disappointed...

"Thanks, Rae..." Miyoung mutters after her, feeling a bit guilty.


As Rae walks out of the room, her smile evaporates, leaving behind a determined expression.

She dashes downstairs, swiping her keys off the kitchen counter. After throwing her coat and shoes on, she quietly tugs the front door open and slips out. Her heeled shoes clack on the pavement as she walks to her car, while her fingers anxiously tap her pocket.

She glances around, habitually checking her surroundings before stepping into her car and turning on the ignition.


A muffled voice comes from above and behind her, and she swiftly turns back to look.

The windowpane of a familiar room on the second floor rattles violently, and through the shaded window was a visible silhouette of a nude feminine body plastered face-first on the glass.

Her small fingers slip her phone out of her pocket, and her thumbs dash across the keys while her eyes remain hovering on the sight in the window.

Without needing to look down once, she sends off multiple messages in rapid succession.

change of plans, im heading there right now

trust me no one will notice im gone

but we should hurry

Placing her phone to the side, she gives the figure in the window one last look before taking hold of the wheel.


"Oh, god, yes, yes..." Miyoung blissfully groans, her eyes closed tightly as she relishes in every heart-pounding second of being constricted between the hard, cold window and your warm body.

How the fuck did we get into this position...

"I needed this soooo much, master..." She moans.

Her sopping wet core was evidence enough of that fact, and you embrace her in your arms as you plow her into the window.

"Agh~ So rough~!" She squeals. "I didn't know you still had this in you, master," she pants.

"I didn't either until you called me that," you growl.

The way she had said it the first time ignited something deep within you, and in seconds, her body was roughly pressed up against the window, receiving your pounding with no mercy.

She bites her lip, trying to stifle her screams of pleasure as you stuff her. Her cheek presses into the glass while you grip her boob and her hip with your hands, doing anything possible to rough her up a little. Her legs stay wrapped around your back, constantly begging for more whenever you start letting up.

"Ahh~ there could be people outside~" Miyoung moans, glancing out the window.

"Then they'll know you're mine," you swiftly reply, upping your pace. "Let them watch."

"YEEESSS!" She enters another fit of ecstasy, your words bringing her a feeling of helplessness and submissiveness she had long desired.

The lingerie you had told her to keep on makes the whole situation even hotter, and the way her nails dig into your arm as she flares with pleasure fuels you to go even harder.

Miyoung glances out of the window again, looking for anyone who might be watching.

Suddenly, her eye catches a figure, barely visible from inside her car parked at the edge of the driveway, staring up at her.

"Huh-AH~!" Miyoung's confusion is quickly overridden as you put one leg up on the windowsill to fuck her from a different angle, relishing in how tight she felt.

But even as she gets bombarded with fantasy-fulfilling sensations, somewhere in the back of her mind she registers the sight of Rae pulling her car out of the driveway.


"Get on the bed," you command, pulling out of her.

"Yes, master," she quickly says, stepping away on quivering legs from the window. She twists the kink out of her neck before getting on the bed on her elbows and knees, facing you. If it wasn't for her incredibly lustful expression, she'd look like a lingerie model posing for a picture.

"How do you want me?" She asks innocently.

"Just like this," you reply, putting your hand on her head and lowering her face onto the bed, making her ass pop further into the air. You take her arms and put them behind her back, holding them in place.


Her breaths are quick and shallow, and she stays silent, anticipating what is to come.

The rough treatment from earlier left her body stinging delightfully, and she waits impatiently, eyes closed, prepared for a harsh hit.

Damn, she's so hot...

You admire her form, slipping out of your role for a second before quickly jumping back in.

She jolts as you gently rub your hand over her ass, your touch much more gentle than she expected.

"GAH~" She gasps as your tongue digs into her folds. "MASTER~!"

You don't bother speaking, instead opting to taste her through the hole in her lingerie for a little longer. She tastes very different from the other girls, yet similarly sweet.

"F-f-fuck..." She moans, arching her back. She was already riled up into overdrive from the window pounding, and your contrastingly soft, warm touch was quickly becoming too much.

"Master, I don't know how much more I can take~" She moans, trying to hold herself back.

"Mmm, bad girl," you say, pulling away. "Fine, then. I'll punish you another way."

She whimpers quietly, craving to know what it would be.

You rub your finger over her hypersensitive clit, making her shoulders shudder.

You align your cock on top of her butt, sliding it between her nicely-sized, incredibly grabbable cheeks. You slowly rub back and forth, enjoying the soft flesh of her butt, while she grows needier by the second. Her fingers twitch each time your finger ever-so-softly dips into her slit, and she reacts to every touch you give her.

Your thoughts run wild with everything you wanted to do with her and do to her. Teasing her becomes harder to keep up, and you decide to put an end to it.

"You're amazing," you whisper, finally letting the fantasy completely engross you.

"H-huh? Master..." She pauses at the unexpectedly sweet comment.

"I'm going to love ruining you."

The words come out of nowhere, but they feel exhilarating.

She clamps up, tightening every muscle across her face and body, only for her orgasm to rip through her, unraveling all defenses she'd tried to put up against it.

Did she just cum from me saying that...?

Her jaw silently hangs open, and though you can't see her face buried in the sheets, the sheer pleasure passing through her body is obvious.

"D-d-do it, PLEASE!" She finally moans out, begging. "PLEASE!"

You pull back, align your cock between her shaking legs, and push in, reliving the tightness from earlier, now lubricated further by her orgasm.

You drive your hips into her, making her moan with each impact. Her arms and legs are loose from the orgasm, letting you have your way with her. You don't hesitate to take advantage, choosing to lean over and push her further into the bedsheets.

She lets loose every word that comes to mind, unable to hold back any longer.

"Master, don't stop~ Oh, GOD, don't stop~! I need ittt~"

Each thrust feels heavenly, and her body somehow only gets tighter as she clenches, making the grip on your cock so tight you have to force yourself in and out. Her butt jiggles each time you collide, and she starts throwing her body back with whatever energy is left in her, trying her hardest to make you cum.

Holy shit, this is incredible...

You wind your hand back and give her butt a solid slap, letting the jiggly flesh absorb the hit while she arches her neck back to scream into the air.

It feels like your mind is frying from how good the stimulation felt, and the fact that Miyoung, the sweet, innocent woman you thought you once knew, was the one giving it to you, made it insanely sexy.

"I'm close, master... I'm so close again..." Miyoung groans out, trying to keep up the pace. Sweat drips off of her forehead from the effort.

"Hold it," you demand, feeling your loins preparing for the fireworks show.

You run your hands over her butt as you watch it absorb your entire shaft with each quick stroke, giving her a tingling feeling.

Suddenly, as soon as the urge arrives, you pull out of her and roll her body onto its side, startling her.

Grabbing one leg and separating it from the other, you scoot her flat onto her back, throw both her legs over your shoulders, and reinsert yourself.

"AH~! FUCK FUCK FUCK!" She squeals, no longer muffled by the blanket. Her free arms and legs wrap around your body like a snake, getting as much skin contact as she can manage.

You put your head down to lick her incredible boobs, giving kisses to each one. She arches her chest up for better access, and her hands play with your hair.

"Fuck... please, master..."

She shivers as your hands run over her legs, up to her thigh.

Her body feels small under yours, yet her butt and boobs are just big enough to give you a great handful.

Sweat drips off of both of your bodies as your skin smashes together in a furious dash for a release.

"Yes... fuck me... feel me wrapping around your cock... feel how much I love it..." She groans, exhorting you. "My legs... my chest... my pussy... take it all. All yours, it's all yours, master~ Cum on me, please..."

Her trembling words fill your head, removing every thought other than that of cumming on her delicious body.

"Yes... YES..." She groans, knowing you're at the edge. She squeezes you one last time, preparing herself for the blast.

At the last second, you pull out, and she instantly reaches her head toward your cock, knowing where you were aiming.

Your cum shoots out all over her pretty face, planting streaks of white across her features. She closes her eyes and blissfully continues stroking you, supercharging your orgasm and forcing out every last drop onto her waiting face.

You finally finish, and you collapse back onto the bed, exhausted. Miyoung's entire face is coated with your release, and she sweeps her tongue around her lips, lapping up as much of your cum as she can.

She shudders a bit as the taste hits her, and she quickly uses her finger to deliver the rest of it into her waiting lips.

You stare in awe as she finishes her enthusiastic dining.

Neither of you need to say a word, as the ridiculous exchange that you'd just finished was impossible not to ruminate on.

After a brief visit to the bathroom, Miyoung returns and crawls into bed with you, throwing one arm and leg around you to cuddle.

"Thank you, master..." She whispers, laying her cheek on your chest.

"Ha... you know you don't have to call me that anymore, right?" You chuckle.

"Why not?" She asks, completely serious. "What, you don't want to be my master anymore?"

"Uh... w-what do you mean?"

She tilts her head slightly away, hiding her increasingly shy expression.

"It's ok, Miyoung. Tell me," you coo.

"...I just really like being yours," she mutters. "Not just in a sexual way. It makes me feel so peaceful, so calm, knowing that I'm safe with you."

"Really?" You ask, intrigued. "But what about when I'm rough?"

"Even then, I know you'd never hurt me. And even when you start getting rough..." She purses her lips, then leans in and whispers. "I think it's really hot."

If you weren't completely drained, your cock would be standing at attention. Instead, your cheeks flush red, and she giggles as she notices.

Oh, lord...

I'm never going to get over this girl.

"So, how about it, master?" She says, with newfound confidence, as opening up had finally gotten rid of her apprehension toward talking about it. She plants a kiss on your cheek, already reading your answer on your face.

"Yes. I'd love to. But maybe we should keep it quiet around the other girls. That could get awkward."

"I agree," she nods. "I don't want any of them taking my master away from me."

You laugh at her words, but the small half-grin she gives you makes you wonder if it was really a joke or not.

"Let's get some sleep. We can talk about this more tomorrow."

She nods and lays her head back on your chest.

"Goodnight, Miyoung."

You watch as her eyes softly close.

"Goodnight, master."

You stroke her hair, letting your drowsiness catch up to you.

This is truly the last thing I expected to happen tonight. It still feels a little strange, but if it makes her happy, I'd do anything.

"I love you..." She mutters as she slips into a dream.


Poki finally removes her hands from her unzipped jeans, leaving her fingers wet and sticky.

Her chest heaves as she stumbles away from the door and down the stairs, her racing lust still unsatisfied.


"AH!" She yells, hiding her revealing hand behind her back. "Celine? What are you...?"

She looks closer at the girl sitting on the couch downstairs, haphazardly brushing her skirt down over her knees, and her sharp eye quickly pieces it together

"Ah," Poki sighs. "You're still here for the same reason I'm still here," Poki giggles.

Celine flushes red, realizing she'd been caught. "Mmm... this is awkward..."

"Is it? I mean, look at us. We're just two girls, getting ourselves off to the sound of our ex absolutely plowing our friend in a house we don't even live in."


"Yeah, this is awkward."

Celine nods in agreement. "We should go."

"Yeah, you're right," Poki sighs, drying her hand on her jeans.

"Do you need a ride home?" Celine politely asks. "I didn't see your car outside."

"Uh... well, yeah. I could use one."

"Ok! Come on, I'll take us back."

"Thanks, Celiny-baby," she coos, making the girl shake her head and blush.

"Oh, by the way, Celine?" Poki turns back.


"Do you want to fuck?"

