
Chapter 213. A Date in Venice (The Amnesiac)

Yes! Now I'll finally know-

"I'll try to find your diaries, but on one condition." She sits up, turning to you with a suddenly stern look.

You sigh. "Ok, what?"

Hyoon takes a long, slow breath, figuring out how to say what had been on her mind.

"Brooke, Jodi, and Janet," she steadily begins, "are all in this house."

"...yes," you slowly nod.

"And now, you're also here."

"...yeah, I am," you answer, utterly confused.

"And while you're here, trying to figure out how to remember your past and recover all your memories..." She starts speaking normally, finally gaining direction. "They're all waiting for you to meet them. They miss you and they care about you."

"Ok, but what does that-"

She places her finger on your lips, gently easing them closed, and continues talking.

"I know you care a lot about your journals because they can answer a lot of questions for you. But don't forget that everything in those journals is completely in the past. Those girls out there right now..." She juts her chin toward the door. "They're real. They want to get to know you again."

Her final words break through your rising resistance, and your words settle back down in your throat as her point starts to sink in.

"What's in your journals is obviously important. But even if you find out why you broke up with them, that will only solve one problem. You still have to decide what to make of your life now - how you want to spend it and who you want to spend it with. And your journals won't be enough to answer that."



"I... never thought about it like that," you mutter, looking down.

"I don't blame you," she says, lying back down on your lap to find your gaze.

"So... what should I do? Just abandon the diaries for now?"

"Let me figure it out." She reaches up and caresses your cheek. "I don't want you worrying about it so much - just spend some time with everyone and get back into your life. You might even recall what you've been dying to remember just from that."

You nod, convinced. "Ok, I'll try to get my mind off of it. Thanks, Hyoon."

She smiles. "Now go out there and eat breakfast with them. I'll... need a little more time for my legs to recover."

Jodi, Brooke, and Janet, huh? Guess I'll have to do one more set of awkward introductions.

"Maybe you can fuck one or two."

You cough, startled by her word choice.

"Are you serious?" You swallow, clearing your throat.

"Why not?" She smiles. "Oh! But... not Janet, though," she awkwardly corrects herself.

"...why not Janet?" You ask, feeling anxious for an unknown reason.

"Because she- " She pauses. "Wait, why am I telling you? Go find out for yourself! Talk to her!" She puts her hands on your shoulders and nudges you in the direction of the door.

"Fine, fine!" You say, standing up.

"Just remember what I said, ok?" She warns. "Don't get too caught up in remembering your past. Focus on what's real right now."


You step out of her bedroom, taking more breaths to cool your sudden nerves.

You slowly walk in the direction of faint voices to find your way through the unfamiliar labyrinth of hallways.

Why does everyone I know have such huge houses?

As you reach the top of the stairwell, the faint mixture of sounds audibly split into three distinct voices. All of them sounded familiar, yet as you dig into your memory of each of them, you find an abyss.

As you emerge from the stairwell, their conversation continues.

"Haha~!" Janet continues laughing, trying not to accidentally spit her food out.

"Yeah, story of my life," Jodi rolls her eyes, smiling.

You sit at the table next to Brooke, who was currently scarfing down her pancakes. Janet sits beside her, setting down her knife and fork on her cleaned plate. Jodi stands by the stove with a spatula in hand. The three of them are all in full-length pajamas, donning everything from Christmas reindeers to polka dots and stripes.

"Anyone want more pancakes?" Jodi turns to the three of you.

"Mmfhmmm," Brooke nods.

"I think I'm set for the month on pancakes," Janet sighs, leaning back and patting her belly.

"I could go for some!" You jump in, propping your elbows up on the table.




"H-h-how long have you been here?" Janet whispers, looking around Brooke with wide eyes.

"I... just got here," you say. "Well, no, I got here yesterday, but I just got here... just now."



Janet was turning red, and from how Jodi swivels around to fiddle with the pancake batter, you imagine she's in a similar state. But by now, you were nearly used to the awkwardness of it all.

"I'm sorry that I just showed up unannounced," you speak up. "I know it must be really weird for all of you to see me here."

"Yeah..." Janet mutters. "You could've at least said something earlier."

Your gaze lingers on her a moment longer as you pick up the subtle annoyance in her voice.

But Brooke's warm smile snaps your attention away, and you grin as she gets out of her seat and opens her arms for a hug.

You happily accept her hug, sinking into her warmth.

"Good morning. Thanks for coming," she quietly says, her breathy tone tickling your ear. "I had a great time on game night, hehe..." She whispers right before pulling away.

Oh, fuck, I completely forgot about that.

Unlike me, it seems like she remembers how we got into that situation.

"Yeah, me too..."

You readjust yourself on your seat, prying your mind away from the lost memory of the foursome.

"Oh, wow, thanks!" You exclaim as Jodi plops a pancake onto a plate and places it in front of you.

"Of course," she politely nods, tension visible in every muscle of her face.

Huh... she looks really stressed. I wonder if this has anything to do with what she wanted to talk to me about.

You glance around the room once more, feeling a bit unsettled, but glad that at least Brooke was visibly happy to see you.

Janet continues her solemn eating, staying silent.



She whips her head around from the kitchen sink, holding a half-cleaned plate.


It was only the two of you in the kitchen now, as Brooke had gone upstairs to stream right after breakfast and Janet had stepped out just seconds ago.

"During game night, you asked if we could talk later. Do you want to talk now?" You cut right to it.

She slowly blinks and turns around to set the plate in the sink.

"Can I show you to my room?" She softly asks, tilting her head back a little. "We can talk there."

"Sure," you nod. "I haven't seen your room yet."

As she leads you up the stairs, you notice how relaxed her gait seems, a far cry from how anxious she looked earlier. Her butt sways a little in her leggings with each step, and it's hard to look away as it reaches eye level r the steps.

She opens the door to her room and stands aside, letting you walk in first.

"Woah!" You spin around in a slow circle, admiring the light color palette of the room, perfectly matching the tones of her PC and setup. "Your room looks amazing."

"Thanks!" She exclaims. "You helped me decide how I wanted to style my room, actually."

"Really?!?" You do another slow spin. "Damn, I didn't know I was any good at interior design."

"Oh, trust me, you weren't." She slyly grins. "It was more like this: You suggested your ideas to me, and I took those as examples of what not to do."

"Aw, come on!" You chuckle. "You had me all excited there..."

She laughs and lies down on her bed, resulting in her hair puffing up around her face, while you stay standing.

Her grin lingers for a few more seconds, her gaze focusing on nothing in particular as she reminisces.

"Anyway! I wanted to bring you up here for a reason," she starts, standing up again.

"Right," you say, getting your mind back on track.

She takes a slow, quiet breath, squares her shoulders, and holds out her hands toward you, with her elbows bent at the waist and palms facing up.

You look between her eyes and hands, trying to figure out what she wanted.

"Your hands," she whispers.

You gently place your hands on hers so your fingers meet her palms. She curls her fingers slightly, and you feel the residual dampness from the washing she'd done.

She pulls your hands back and places them on her waist. You gulp, suddenly feeling butterflies floating inside you as she gently pulls herself closer.

"Is this ok?" She asks, tilting her chin up to look you in the eyes.

You nod. "Yeah..."

She places her hands on your shoulders, giving the appearance that the two of you are about to start slow-dancing.

Instead, her feet stay firmly planted into the ground, and she leans her head onto your chest instead.

You lift one hand and gently rest it on her head, nudging her to snuggle a little closer.

You gently stroke her hair with one hand. You take a deep breath, and the lovely scent of her shampoo wafts through your nose.

You stay silent as almost imperceptibly soft, muffled sounds start to come from her. You tilt your head down to hear.

She's crying...

Despite this realization, it feels strangely comfortable. She doesn't seem too distressed, but the sniffles from below your chin guarantee that she's feeling something significant.

You wait a minute more, perfectly happy to stay in this position with your arms around each her, but unsure if you should say something to help her.

"Are you ok?" You eventually whisper.

"Yeah..." She croaks out, her voice stifled. "Just a little longer..."

"As long as you need, Jodi."


Eventually, she pulls away, her eyes squinted and brimming with tears. She looks unexpectedly exhausted, but she still manages a sweet smile, a thank-you for holding her. You put your hand on her cheek and lean in to peck her lips, as fluidly as if you'd done it thousands of times before. She returns the motion without hesitation, gently pulling you closer by your shoulders and lengthening the kiss.

The friction between her soft lips and yours remains chaste, but you feel her loosening up even more.


This feels so... right.

She finally pulls away, and you follow.

"Do you want to talk about it?" You gently pry, breaking through the settled silence.

Her eyes soften, and she looks down, preparing to speak.

"It's just been hard..." She whispers. "It's been hard without you. And I've tried to be strong for so long."

Your heart squeezes in your chest, and you tighten up as an intense wave of guilt passes through you. But you quickly brush past it and focus on wiping away the single tear making a run for it down her cheek.

"I wanted to be strong for everyone else the whole time, to be their rock when they needed it..."


"But seeing you back, knowing that you're here now... I feel it all crashing down."

You can barely see her face, but you can nearly feel the waves of emotions crashing onto her mind as she holds you.

"I can finally let go of all that stress, all that pain, but now... I don't know how to feel."

You pause and rub her shoulders, letting her words settle in.

Wow. She must've been really holding out for everyone else. I can't imagine...

No wonder she nearly broke down when she saw me for the first time on game night. Poor thing.

"Well, you don't need to be so strong anymore," you say. "I'm here."

"I know," she sighs, leaning up to give you another peck on the lips. "I already feel a little better. But it'll take some time. I might need to cry a little bit more to get back to normal," she says.

She reveals her full, genuine smile for the first time. Her face lights up for a moment, and her cheeks form dimples as she reveals her pearly white teeth. For a moment, all feels right in the world.

"Do you want to spend that time together?" You ask. "My whole day is yours if you want it."

"Huh?" She drops back into a worried expression. "But... you must be busy-"

"Jodi," you sternly say.

She jolts her head back an inch, caught off-guard.

"You've done so much for everyone. Be a little selfish for once. Do you want to spend the day with me?"

She grins madly, unwilling to hold it back any longer, and tilts her head down and up again in a quick nod.

"Amazing. Let's go!" You take her hand, making her breath shudder as your fingers wrap around hers.

"Wait, where?" She excitedly asks, letting you drag her along out of the room.


She laughs and giddily bolts down the stairs with you.


The glaring sun shines down on you from above, with not a single cloud in sight to shield you. Luckily, the big umbrella you'd hastily driven into the ground with Jodi's help stands tall, and the gentle breeze blowing onto your cheek cools you down.

"How does a walk on the shore sound?"

You lather sunscreen on Jodi's back, gently massaging the cream into her soft, tan skin. "Before we go into the water and come out freezing."

"Yeah, I'd love that!" She sighs in bliss, stretching her arms above her head. "Mmm, I love the beach! I love the beach so muuuch!"

"Jodi, that's the fourth time you've said that," you giggle.

"I can't help it! I just love it!" She cheers.

You carefully work around the strap of her bikini to finish up. The two of you make your way out onto the beachfront, right at the edge of where the water reached. The beach stretches for over a mile on either side of you, with around a few hundred groups of visitors idly lounging across the whole area.

As you glance out at the horizon, the calm blue waves create a soothing and mesmerizing effect, leading you to pause for a moment.

Jodi stops in front of you, holding a flat hand above her eyes to shield them from the sun as she looks out over the water. Your eyes snake over her body, eyeing her two-piece green bikini that hugged her wide hips and breasts. Her hair hangs in small waves over her back, and her skin glows in the sunlight.

"It's so gorgeous, isn't it?" She gasps.

"Absolutely..." You mutter.



"Please don't tell me you were looking at me when you said that," she says monotonously, biting back a grin as she continues staring forward.

"W-what, no! I was looking at the... view..." You stumble.

"Uh-huh. Sure, buddy." She grabs your arm and pulls you along, snickering. "Let's go."


The two of you walk in silence for a minute, enjoying the damp sand sinking under your toes with each step.

Spending just a little time with Jodi had already lifted your mood sky-high, and the thought of spending the rest of the day with her makes you a bit giddy.

"Hey, do you want to hold hands?" You ask on a whim.

"Oh! Ahh..." She blinks, gaining her thoughts. "I would like to! But we're in public. If anyone recognizes us..."

"Oh, right," you sigh. "To the rest of the world, I'm just dating Rae, right?"

She bites her lip and nods, solemnly lowering her head a little.

"Hey..." You say, not wanting to see her get downtrodden. "Since we can't hold hands out here... I have an idea."

"Oh, what - HUH?!?" She yelps as you put one arm around her shoulders, lean down, and sweep her off her feet.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" She yells, startled half to death as she suddenly finds herself in your arms, bridal-style, as you run toward the open waves.

"NONONONO!" She screams as you charge in, splashing both of you with the icy pressure of the ocean. You lift her head up, ensuring she could breathe as you wade deeper. She pants and gasps, clawing her hands around your neck to keep herself up.

She screams as another wave lands square on you, both of your bodies getting submerged in the water up to the neck as a result.

You finally set her down, now at least fifteen feet from the shoreline, and just at the point where she could stand with her face above the water.

"You fucking asshole!" She shoves her hand into the water as soon as she finds her bearings, splashing you in the face. Her hair and face are drenched, and she's already shivering.

You burst out laughing and splash her back, making her release another howl.

She claws her way through the water toward you, and grabs the top of your shoulders tightly, digging her nails into you.

"Hey, hey!" You try to back away, but the evil anger in her eyes tells you you won't be able to.

Her grip remains strong, and she uses it to shove you underwater, using her whole body weight to get you under.

"Gah!" Your voice is cut off as water rushes into your mouth, which you luckily spit out before you can swallow any. Your arms thrash around and land on Jodi's hands, where you try to tug them off, only to find her iron grip holding strong.

You try to pull yourself up once again, in vain, and your air starts to run low.

But finally, she pulls you up, letting you gasp for breath as soon as your mouth reaches the sweet oxygen above.

"Jodi, please... I'm sorry..." You pant, holding up your hands.

Her cold hand moves around to the back of your neck, and something wraps around your waist.

"You... fucking... dick..."

"Huh?" You can barely see, as your eyes are still stinging with seawater. "Oh no, Jodi, I-"

Her cold lips press into yours, and everything stops.

Your overloaded senses finally register what was happening, and the worry that you'd taken things too far quickly melts into bliss. In the midst of the cold surrounding you on all sides, her tongue is your sole source of warmth, and you pull her closer as she gently runs it along your bottom lip, getting a taste of you. Her hair clings to your face, and your hands grip each other tightly.

You can barely catch your breath in the short time between your kisses, as neither of you wants to pull away. You can sense her heart hypnotically pulsing against your chest at a racing pace.

She releases a soft moan, audible despite the waves splashing around you.

"Jodi..." You mumble into her lips.

A fresh wave of ice-cold water crashes down on the two of you, forcibly separating your lips and making you both yelp as it bites your skin.

But Jodi's grip on you keeps you together, and as the water calms down around you, you wipe your eyes and finally get a good look at her.

"So... that was something," you chuckle, seeing the passion hovering in her gaze.

"It was..." She grins back mischievously.

"You think anyone saw?" You ask.

"I don't care if they did," she blithely retorts. "But you better pick me up and carry me back to shore."

You sigh. "Do I have to?"

She pats your cheek. "Hey, this was your idea, asshole."

You laugh. "Well, I don't regret it one bit."

You pick her back up, aided by the water, and start walking back to shore, adjusting her in your arms. She wraps her arms around your neck and discreetly plants a soft kiss beneath your jaw.

You finally lay her down on your beach mat, and hand her the towel from her bag. You bring out your own, and the two of you wrap yourselves up, lying side-by-side.

"Suddenly the sun feels really nice," you grin, scooting closer to her with your towel bundled around your shoulders. "Oh, by the way, thanks for not killing me down there," you sheepishly grin.

"Oh, you're so welcome!" She dramatically accepts your thanks. "I was extremely tempted to, you know. You have some nerve doing that to me," she shakes her head, pulling the blanket tight around her body.

"I know you enjoyed it," you smile, seeing past the glare on her face.

"I did not," she pouts.

"Yeah, you did."

"Shut up."


"Kiss me again," she softly demands.

You roll onto your side, scooting over to meet her.

Not wanting to break out of your warm cocoon, you jut your lips forward to kiss the tip of her nose, and pull back.

She pouts. "A real kiss."

"Why don't you give me a kiss?" You tease.

"Because you're the one who got both of us into this situation!" She whisper-shouts to you.



"Wow, this wine tastes much better than the seawater you made me choke on earlier," Jodi says, swirling the aromatic red liquid around in her glass. Both of you were now fully dried and changed, and enjoying a nice lunch inside an air-conditioned diner on the boardwalk. Jodi's new outfit was a breezy white dress that swayed in the wind, a casual look that she pulled off beautifully.

"Are you still mad about that?" You ask, stifling a laugh.

"No, no, I'm joking. It wasn't that bad," she waves it off. "I just like teasing you."

"I think I've picked up on that by now." You set your glass of soda down, smiling.

She giggles for a moment.

"Hey, you don't find me too annoying, right?" She asks.

You stare for a second, surprised at the question.

"No, I don't think you're annoying at all! Why do you ask?"

"Er... no reason. I just wanted to make sure, I guess," she says, brushing it off. "By the way, how are you and Sydney?"

The last few noodles on her plate are swiftly swirled up around her fork and scooped into her mouth. She sets her fork down and looks to you for an answer.

"Oh, we're..."

You falter for a moment as you remember what happened yesterday.

The diaries...

No. Don't think about that. Think about Jodi.

"We're fine," you finish.

"That's good," she grins. "You two are cute together."

You finish your meal and lean back in your chair, stretching your arms out.

"How was the food?" You ask.

She considers it for a moment. "Decent. Not worth the price. How was yours?"

"Pretty good, but definitely not worth the price," you nod.

"That's LA in a nutshell for you," she quips.

"Ha. Well, maybe dessert could fix that..." You suggest.

"Ooh, I could go for some!" She heartily agrees.


"By the way, I don't think I ever apologized."

You stack your plate on top of hers in the middle of the table, waiting for the bill to be delivered.

"For what?" You lean forward, folding up your napkin.

"For... ramming into you like a bull on game night."

"Oh!" You laugh, thinking back to that moment. "Don't worry about it."

"I'm sure I wasn't the only one doing any ramming with you that night, though..." She raises her eyebrows suggestively.

You rub your neck, reliving the shock of waking up with three bodies beside you.

"Yeah, you could say that. Wait, didn't you also end up in a similar situation?" You ask, recalling the momentary sight of four nude girls in Aria's bedroom, one of whom you just now pieced together as Jodi.

"Oh... well, yeah," she shrugs. "Why should you be the only one to have fun?" She asks, with not a hint of a joking smile.

"So..." You gulp. "You and three other girls just decided to..." You slowly shake your head, unsure of how to continue.

"Yeah." She innocently nods, secretly loving how flustered you're becoming.

"In Aria's bedroom?"

"We were too drunk to care about where we were. But don't worry, we cleaned the sheets in the morning for her."

Damn. Do they all normally have this much desire to let loose, or is it because I've been gone for so long?

"How did it feel?" She leans in with a subtle smirk, drawing your attention back. "Having so many women plastered onto you, basically begging for you to choose them?" She bats her eyes.

"O-oh..." You blink, now fully turning red.

Is that really how it happened? She's exaggerating, right?

"Well, I don't really remember that," you sigh. "I don't remember anything about that night after the games."

"Aw. That's strange," she sits back, dropping the teasing act.


"Maybe you shouldn't drink so muchly. I don't want you to have even more amnesia," she says, furrowing her brows in concern.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. I don't need to mess with my head anymore."

"Is that why you haven't had any wine tonight?" She asks, taking the final sip to polish off her glass.

"No, that's not why."

"Then why don't you have some?" She reaches for the bottle.

"Because I drove us here, Jodi," you smile, intercepting her hand with yours and lowering it to the table. "And I plan on driving us back."

She rolls her eyes and squeezes your hand. "Damn you and your maturity..."

You both chuckle, and then a momentary silence spreads.

Your hands stay together, and your fingers start to play with hers, gently tugging and grasping as her dainty fingertips do the same.

All you can focus on is her touch. How soft the pads of fingers are, contrasted with the slight roughness of the minor callouses further down. For the next minute, your fingers do all of the talking. If anyone were to see you two like this, they wouldn't doubt that you two were newfound partners, exploring each other for the first time.

"I love you."

A stake of melancholy drives through your heart as her expression drops into a thoughtful grimace.

"Not just romantically," she continues. "I mean, I do - it's probably obvious by now that I still love you. But... you mean so much to me as a friend. As someone to just be with. I really love you."


You slowly piece yourself together again and find your voice. "I... I think I-"

"Don't." She whispers, almost inaudibly.


She clears her throat. "Don't say it unless you really remember me enough to mean it," she warns. "Please don't say it just because you want to believe it."


It feels like she's reading your mind, and it occurs to you that she'd probably already considered this from your perspective.



"Do you want to go back home? I'm getting really tired," she says, clearing out the growing silence that both of you knew you wouldn't be the one to break.

"...yeah, sure," you reply, trying to muster up more energy.


"I'm so tireeeed," she yawns, nearly stumbling to the ground as she gets out of the passenger side of the car.

"Hey, hey, watch it," you warn, rushing over to her side. Steadying her by the hip, you walk with her inside. She leans her head on your shoulder, using your support more than is necessary.

"How does a nap sound?" You ask.

"A nap!?! But it's... Oh, it's only 5!" She cries out, checking her watch. "I thought it would be nighttime already!"

"We got a lot of exercise on the beach," you reason. "Maybe you should get some rest."

"But I don't want to take a nap! We have a post-date ritual to complete!" She cheers, clapping her hands together.

"Hold on, we have a what?" You turn to her, unable to see her face as she nuzzles into your neck.

"You know... something that people do after they go out and have a good time together." She picks her head back up and suggestively winks.


I've gotten too good at recognizing that look.

Well, it's a good thing we still have a few hours before dinner...

I'm going to be even more exhausted once we're done with this 'ritual'.


"Ahhhh~! YES!" Jodi moans.

"Come on, come on...!" You groan, focusing intently as you push through your hand cramps.

The two of you go silent as all your energy goes into the task at hand for a few final seconds.



You yell simultaneously.

"Ha! Get fucking SMOKED! Bitch!" Jodi sets down her controller, a smugly victorious look on her face. "That's how you fucking play!"

"Dammit!" You ball your hand into a fist and knock it into your forehead a few times. "Stupid, stupid... How could I be so stupid?"

"Hehehehe..." A voice sounds from the doorway.

"Hyoon?!?" You exclaim, whipping around. "How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to see you get crushed!" She instantly responds, crossing her arms.

"Oh, fuck off! Get out of here!" You stand up and rage, causing the two girls to double down with laughter. You finally break into laughter with them, and the three of you relish in it for a moment.

"Haha..." Jodi's laugh lingers a little longer.

Hyoon gives you a wink and takes her leave, still smiling.


"You know, when you told me about the post-date ritual, I had a very different idea of what you meant," you say, sitting across from Jodi at the dining room table, finishing your dinner. Hyoon and Brooke had joined you for a bit, but left early, while Janet hadn't been seen the whole day.

"Ohhh..." She grins widely, revealing that familiar smile that could make you weak in the knees. "You were thinking of our post-dinner date ritual..."



"Are you ready?" She asks, biting her lip and standing on her tip-toes to peck you on the lips. Her hands wrap around your waist, and her fingers gently peek into the hem of your pants, making it clear what she wanted.

"Yeah," you smile, getting excited. "I... don't have a condom, though," you say, the thought randomly occurring to you.

She rolls her eyes. "How many women have you slept with without a condom on since you woke up?"

"Um... oh, shit..."

All of them. Damn. Did they all...?

"Yes, they all take birth control. Or at least they used to."

"They used to?" You blurt, starting to panic. "What if they don't anymore?"

"It's fine! They're responsible - I'm sure they took care of it. And I have an IUD, so no worries here," Jodi reassures.

"Alright..." You sigh, the worry still lingering.

Maybe I should check with them...

You can't even finish the thought before Jodi pulls her top up and off her body, revealing her toned body and bra. She reaches one hand back, and her black bra falls to the floor in an instant.

Your eyes drag over every inch of her body, drinking in the sight of her standing in front of you. Her breasts are perfect, with a size larger than most of the girls you'd been with and a gorgeous shape.

"You really know how to get me to stop thinking, huh?"

Her cheeks start to become tainted with hues of pink by what your look of desire was doing to her.

"You always do the same for me. Sometimes I have to-" Her hands grip your collar and yank you forward, pressing your lips together. "-repay the favor," she finishes, turning the two of you around and gently pushing you down on the bed.

She strips down her pants, revealing her tight black panties. She keeps them on for the moment, as she spreads her legs over yours and straddles you, using her weight to push you both to the mattress.

"Touch me," she begs, her hands wrapping around your head to bring your lips to her.

Your place your hand on her head and slowly slide it down, smoothly gliding across her neck, to her smooth, curved back, and down to her butt.

Out of instinct, you wind up and smack her on the ass sharply, sending a resounding slap through the room.

"Ahh~!" She yelps, shuddering for a moment.

She looks back down at you. Her fallen hair hangs all around your face, blocking out your view of anything else around you besides her lewd smile.

"You're really horny, aren't you?" She taps you on the cheek. "Normally I have to beg you to do that to me..." She whispers, working her seductive spell as she slowly grinds her hips on your lap.

"Don't worry, you'll be begging me to do it again soon..." You reply, letting your now-familiar dominant flare take over.

"We'll see about that," she giggles, capturing your lips once more.

"Mmm...wait!" You mumble into her lips.

You pull away from her, failing at first since her hands keep you in, but succeeding after gently pulling her head back.


"Do you still have that box?" You ask, a glimmer of recollection in your eyes.

"Yes!" She exclaims. "You remember?"

"Of course. I remember some of the fun we had with that." Your heart beats faster as the memories of the romps you had gone through with Jodi and all of her housemates, often involving some of the pleasure-enhancing items in the box, come back to you.

"Let's go get it!" She cheers, her delight strangely innocent for the kinds of devices hidden in the box.

"I can get it," you say, letting her crawl off of you. "You're already naked, after all."

"Okey, thanks!" She sits up, her prior fatigue completely eliminated.


Dammit, my erection is aching right now. Let me find that box and get back in there ASAP.

You head out to the kitchen room, your legs carrying you to the closet on the other side of the house where you somehow knew the box was stored.


You nearly jump at the sight of her. Standing at the kitchen table with her purse slung over her shoulder, she's wearing a white crop top and revealing jean shorts. Her long, black hair is tied into neat twin ponytails, completing the cute summer-girl look.

Shit. Is she mad at me for what I did with the diary?

"H-hi." She stumbles a little before regaining herself. "You're still here, huh?"

She smiles, putting your heart at ease.

"Yeah, I stayed here for the night."

"How are you feeling? Is your head ok?" She scans you, looking for any sustained signs of your injury.

"Oh, yeah," you grimace, remembering everything. "I'm fine now. I'm sorry that I didn't listen to you back then."

"It's ok!" She waves it off. "Really, it's fine."

"Really? You're not mad at me?"

"No, of course not!"

Her tone doesn't carry any of the negativity or angst you had become familiar with, and her cheeriness takes a moment to get used to.

She chews her lip for a moment. "I understand why you wanted to read it, and I shouldn't have led you on like that without showing it to you."

"Oh! So you're gonna show it to me now?" You blurt, shocked.

Damn, this will be easier than I thought!



"Not yet. I... we... can't yet."

You sigh, not wanting to argue with her anymore.

"That's ok," you half-grin, glad that she was acting like her usual self, even if the content of the diaries would elude you for a little while longer.

"So, what are you still doing here?" She changes the topic.

"Oh, yeah, me and Jodi are about to... Uh, I mean, me and Jodi spent the day together," you answer, relieved.

"Oh..." She slowly nods, knowing exactly what you stopped yourself from saying. "Well, I hope you have fun doing... whatever you're about to do," she playfully finishes. Her eyes drop down to your waist for a moment before picking back up again, and you cringe as you realize your hard-on still hadn't faded.

"Oh, we will," you decide to laugh it off, knowing she'd understand.

She shakes her head, grinning as she mutters something quietly.

"What was that? You wanna join us?" You snort, deciding to tease her back.

"...are you offering?"



"Huh? Are you... offering?" You hesitantly question.

"I asked you first." She crosses her arms.

"I... well, it was kind of a joke."

"Oh. In that case, I-"

"But! Um... I... wouldn't mind. If you... were to join us," you sputter out.

Fuck, why am I so horny? And why does she look so good...?



She leans down to set her purse on the counter, her face completely unreadable.

She stands up straight and walks straight past you.

"Wait, where are you going?" You blurt.

She finally stops and turns her head over her shoulder. "Where do you think? To get the box. We moved it to a different room."

She giggles as your eyes widen, and she continues on her way into the guest room.


"No way," Jodi gasps, seeing the silhouette of an unintroduced figure behind the door as you walk in. "I let you go out for one minute, and you come back with another girl?!?" She exclaims.

Her jaw drops as Aria finally steps inside.

"A-aria?" She mutters. "Wait, are you two... am I misunderstanding something?" Jodi covers her chest, unsure of your motives.

"No! Uh... Aria and I just thought... that we..." You stumble halfway through a sentence.

"Are you ok with her joining us?" You meekly ask, realizing that it was probably a bad idea to just bring her in without asking first.

Especially after Jodi and I just spent the whole day basically going on a date...

"Yeah, of course," Jodi instantly responds. "I'm just surprised that you two already made up! I mean, you kinda... broke up just a little while ago..."

You turn to Aria, checking for her response.

She purses her lips, but quickly speaks up. "I know. We still have to talk about that, and we will eventually, I promise. But for now... let's just fuck."

Her complete demeanor shift is still shocking to hear, but her final words snap you out of it.

"Well! There's no time to waste!" Aria cheers as she sets down the infamous box, that you now realized was more of a small chest, and flips it open.

"Take your pick," Jodi says to you as she grabs Aria by the front of her shirt and pulls her onto the bed.

Aria's shirt comes off in an instant, aided by Jodi's hands tugging it up. Jodi's body, already completely naked, quickly becomes the target of Aria's kisses, as she leans down to peck and caress Jodi's breasts, making the taller girl moan. Jodi wraps her hand around Aria's head and pulls her closer, smushing her breasts up into Aria as she tilts her head back.

"Damn, Aria..." Jodi pants, her face contorted as Aria works her magic.

You move onto the bed, nothing short of amazed.

They can do this so naturally! I wonder how many times they've done this.

Your attention is snapped back by a warm hand fishing into your pants, which you quickly realize was Jodi's.

"I've been wanting to ~oh, fuck~ take these pants off for a while," Jodi mutters between the dark-haired girl's neck kisses, while she pulls works on simultaneously pulling her own pants down.

Once Aria finishes her stripping, the two girls finally separate, a thin line of saliva dripping from Aria's lips from how passionately she was making love to Jodi's body.

Aria nearly leaps onto you, capturing your lips in a way you hadn't felt in weeks.

Ah, I missed this so much...

Her light, bubbly demeanor and horny excitement were something you barely remembered but still missed after everything that had happened.

Cool air suddenly blows onto your unsheathed cock, and you look down to see Jodi bending over to kiss it.

Her ass stays propped up in the air for your viewing pleasure, while her back arcs down until her face is level with your cock.

She strokes your cock with one hand while putting her head right beside it, letting you make the comparison for yourself.

"It's bigger than my face, right?" She asks. "Just barely."

You nod slightly. "Better question: Is it bigger than your throat?"

She scoffs and shakes her head. "Are you doubting me?"

"Ooh..." Aria giggles from the side, her hand gently stroking your chest as she kisses your neck.

"No, I- GAH!"

She clearly takes it as a challenge, as within a second it's nearly entirely down her throat.

"Fuck, Jodi~" You groan, not ready for the explosion of sensation she gives you. Her throat is vibrating, and her tongue laps all around your dick, showing what she was capable of.

She finally pulls up, releasing you from her tight throat without breaking a sweat.

She uses her hands to grab her boobs from the front and wrap them around your slick shaft, barely covering the whole girth.

You tilt your head back, in disbelief at the warm, doughy texture of her tits.

Aria sits up and leans down, wanting to get into the action. Jodi bounces her upper body up and down, tightly squeezing your cock in her chest, and Aria gets beneath her, using her tongue to lick your base and balls.

You reach out your hand, and a lick on your sensitive spot makes your fingers curl around Aria's hair. You pull her closer, relaxing into the bliss as the girls get to work.

I didn't even get to look in the box yet...

"Hold on," you say, picking your head up. "Enough of this. I want to fuck you both. Right now," you demand, leaving no room for waiting.

Your eyes hover on Jodi, and she grins like she's just won the lottery.

She unravels herself from you and lays on her back, spreading her legs widely for you.

You reach into the box and pick out the first handful you can reach.

"Aria," you say, now fully taken over by your budding desire. "Wear this buttplug."

"Of course," she says, grabbing the tool without a second thought.

You look back at your hand and realize that a dildo is the only other thing you picked up.

I guess we don't need this.

You're about to toss it back, but you stop as you look closer.

"Wait... wait..."

"Huh?" Jodi says, still spread eagle, tilting her head up.

"This dildo... looks exactly like my dick," you say, holding it up next to it.

Jodi's cheeks transform into tomatoes, while Aria just looks confused.

"I mean, dicks do look pretty similar, so..." Aria frowns.

"No, this is exactly like my dick." You turn the dildo around to make sure. "Jodi?" You tilt your head at her.

"Ok, fine!" She blurts. "I got it custom-made a long time ago!"

"Wha-! Did I really agree to that?" You figure that you must have played some role in getting it to look so perfect.

"Yeah," she shrugs. "Anyway, are you gonna use it or not?"

Hmm... I guess I could somehow...

But not yet.

"Not yet. Jodi, get back down," you command.

As Aria prepares her backside, you stand on your knees and crawl up to Jodi. Her body looked heavenly, and she was flushing red from the lust. Her nipples were hard and pointy, and her pussy was already wet.

You lean over on top of her, making her gasp in delight. Your tip rubs against her opening, causing her lips to part.

"Please put it in," she begs. "It's been so long, I fucking need you right now, baby~"

You gently push into her, sliding perfectly into her tightness. You push halfway, pull out, then push in all the way, giving her the chance to readjust.

"Did you miss this?" You entice, leaning down to kiss her parted lips.

"Fuuuuck~!" She groans, shaking. "More. More."

You thrust your hips back and forth a few times, feeling her warm legs wrap around your back.

Each time your hips make contact with hers, she seems to get a little weaker, until her arms are nearly slipping off of your back.

"Keep going..." She begs, tapping you on the neck.

From behind you, Aria brings out a blindfold, and Jodi's eyes widen. "Yes, please," she says. She pants as Aria deftly ties it around her eyes, getting even more excited.

The sight of Jodi blindfolded and unresisting flares your urges even more, and you can't hold back any longer.

On a whim, you pick your body up, remove her legs from around you and put her feet above her head, and drop your hips onto her in a mating press.

She howls in a moment of pain as her body stretches out, but your confidence that it wouldn't hurt her for long turns out correct. In a few moments, she's reinvigorated with lust, the incredible sensations passing through her body evident through how her mouth hangs completely open. Being unable to see clearly amplifies the whole experience for her, as she had no idea what you were going to do next.

Aria, meanwhile, has fully inserted the buttplug, and gently slides it back and forth, stimulating her while her other hand works on her pussy, impatiently waiting her turn.

Each press into Jodi's perfectly exposed pussy drives both of you wild, and your lust turns animalistic as you slam your hips down with her with all your might. She can't even speak anymore, as only grunts and guttural moans escape her lips.

"Cu-mm-cumming~" Jodi barely articulates, moments before a tight pressure takes over her inners, unfurling in a swift, powerful release that you can feel vibrating through you.

"Come here, Aria," you say, barely slowing your pace as you push through Jodi's orgasm.

She leaps over, and you take one hand away from Jodi's side to start fingering Aria. She gets closer, adjusting your hand for you and standing on her knees to be able to ride your fingers.

You continue pounding Jodi, now taking extra effort to angle yourself so your strokes reached what you had just remembered was her favorite area.

"Is this hitting the spot?" You ask, as Jodi holds onto your arms for dear life.

"U-up a little..." She groans, focusing a little.

"Now... left..." She moans again as you shift slightly, setting off a new set of sparks in her body with each thrust.

"AHHHH~" She squeals, her eyes bulging out of her head for a moment.

The scream marks the spot...

You relentlessly drive into her, while Aria grinds her hips back and forth on your fingers.

"You don't want to use the dildo?" You ask her, momentarily distracted by the hot sight of the girl getting off with your hand.

"This is better," she groans, closing her eyes in bliss as she continues.

"Oh god... I'm gonna cum again..." Jodi whimpers, driven to orgasm faster than she'd ever experienced before. "Don't stop~"

"Wouldn't even consider it," you respond.

Aria reaches forward to rub Jodi's clit, multitasking that with holding your hand in place to ride.

Jodi's brain, now fried from pleasure, can only think of one more thing to make the experience unforgettable. She wraps her arms around you and pulls your lips down to hers, smashing the two of your faces together. Her lips and tongue attack you, digging inside your mouth and forcing you to push back with equal force.

"Cum with me..." She mutters, with a sultry whispering voice.

Her words are all you need to hear, as you push your cock as deep inside her as her stretching hips would let you, and you both burst simultaneously, your hands groping and grasping at each other as you push through your releases.

"Thank you~ thank you~ thank you~," Jodi unexpectedly mutters.

Her hot breath flows onto your neck as she pants between her groans.

You reach for her lips again, and they stay entangled for a bit before you slowly back out, pulling away from her body.

"Aria..." You pant, instantly reinvigorated after scanning your eyes over the horny and unsatisfied woman. "Get on top of me."

"Oh? After what you just did to Jodi, I thought you'd want to dominate me too," she remarks.

"Heh, don't worry about that," you reply, as you lean back slightly on the propped-up pillow at the head of the bed.

She straddles you in reverse, facing away to reveal her round, shapely ass to you. You pull out the buttplug and set it to the side.

You lower her hips down, and she tilts her head back to see.

Your cock rubs against the entrance to her enlargened butt, and she gasps.

"Wait! You wanted me to wear the buttplug because-!"

"Mmhmm. Preparation."

"I-I don't know if I can handle all of you there. It's been a long time..."

"I'll stop if it gets too much," you promise, running a hand over her ass and molding the flesh. "But I think you'll be begging me not to..."

She shakes her head and smiles, her worries eased. "Sometimes I think you know me too well," she jests.

She lowers her hips down with your help, and you slowly but surely slip the tip in, pushing it in until the resistance increases.

"Take it at your own pace," you start. "Whenever you're ready, you-"

"GAHH~!" She screams as she sits down, shocking you as she squeezes the entire length in.

She whimpers in the residual pain, but it quickly turns to relief.

"What the fuck..." Jodi giggles in awe.

You gently lift her hips up and set them back down, relishing in how tight she was, to the point where the pressure was already preparing you for the inevitable.



You reach up to her twin pigtails, gently wrap your hands around them, and softly pull, making her groan. "How hard can I pull?"

"As hard as you wAAAAHH~~!" Her instant response melts into a squeal as you yank her ponytails and thrust your hips up at the same time.

Her back arches until her head is almost lying on your shoulder, while you thrust up into her ass and shake her whole body. Her mouth hangs open, her uninhibited vocal cords creating groans of euphoric delight at her submission kink being fully satisfied.

"And you thought I wouldn't be dominating, huh?" You chuckle through the exertion, while she reaches her hands back to grip the back of your neck for stability.

"Hey~" Jodi whispers, crawling back toward you, holding a black, seemingly metallic object.

Without warning, Jodi pulls Aria's hands away from you and crosses them at the wrist behind her back. Then she slips the rubber handcuff on, locking her hands together. Aria doesn't seem to notice, as the barrage on her backside was taking up every ounce of her attention.

Holy shit...

"Have fun..." Jodi looks at you expectantly and winks before moving to Aria's front to go down on Aria.

Seeing Aria in such a submitting position, her hands rendered useless, her curvy, jiggling body bouncing on you, while Jodi starts to eat her out from the front, starts to overload your brain, and you feel the friction only growing as she nears her orgasm.

You continue pounding her body, making the brunette's job tougher as Aria jolts around, her guts being rearranged by your thrusts.

"Aria, don't you dare cum," you growl upon feeling her squeeze even tighter. You pull her ponytails even tighter, making it impossible for her to regain a modicum of control. The only thing she can do is exert herself to not climax, though it was rapidly becoming impossible.

"Hah~ hah~ hahhh~" She groans, her voice airy. "Please let me..."

"Not yet," you grunt. The soft skin of her neck is exposed to you as she tilts her head further back, now fully lying beneath your collarbone. You lean forward and give it a soft bite, making her gasp and cry out again.

"Not yet," you moan, wondering how long she would be able to keep it up.

Jodi grabs both of Aria's hips to lock herself in, and digs her tongue into Aria's folds, pushing her way through until her warmth contacts her inners, making Aria's body feel like it was exploding. She squeezes her eyes shut and curls her fingers and toes, begging herself to not cum.


You start the count, and her eyes snap open, seeing the end in sight. Your hands run over her smooth body, relishing the sexual fuel her incredible form was giving you. Her supple breasts are too big for your hand to entirely grasp, making them even more delightful to hold.


Her face twitches and quivers, and, just like with Jodi, your beastly side comes out, boosting your intensity past what you thought you could handle.

Jodi rubs her own pussy with one hand, clearly not satiated after seeing the treatment you were giving Aria.


"Please..." She begs.

"Hmm... you've been a good girl," you whisper, to which she eagerly nods.

You decide to be merciful and not run the risk of letting loose your last orgasm.


She bursts, not releasing much, but still making it clear how much she had held back.

She collapses on you, unable to move. Her mouth hangs ajar, and her fingers stay white-knuckled as the aftershocks roll through her body.

"That... that... that..." She stops, realizing that trying to form a sentence is futile in her current state.

You, on the other hand, are moments away from bursting, and you want a great finale to end it.

"Aria. Get down on your back. You're not done. Jodi, get on top of her."

"Ok..." Aria pants, rolling off of you. You uncuff one of her hands from the handcuffs to let her move freely.

Jodi crawls on top of her, and their bodies interlace like familiar lovers. Their dripping sexes hang one on top of the other, with Aria's beneath and Jodi's on top.

Jodi takes it easy as she leans in for a kiss to let Aria recover. You discreetly take the other handcuff and tie it around Jodi's hand, bounding the two together.

Now I can put this to use. Let's see just how accurate it is.

Grabbing a strap and the dildo from the box, you quickly manufacture a strap-on. You wrap it around your waist, so the dildo hangs right below your cock.

I don't think I've ever tried something like this before. This is gonna be a blast for both of them.

Not wanting your erection to flag, you quickly align your dick with Jodi's dripping pussy, eyeing up how gorgeous her ass was, and align the life-sized dildo with Aria's.

You push in, making them both release a shrill squeal into each other's lips.

You pull out and push in again, finding the motion very smooth. With both hands on Jodi's bubble butt, you have no problem getting the handle you need to start driving quickly. With each stroke, Jodi and Aria both take one of the nearly identical dicks, the only difference being the warmth, which was quickly changing due to how hot the area between your groins was getting.

"Fuck~, this is a greaaaat idea..." Jodi moans, looking back at you for a moment.

Her approval encourages you, and you reach one hand into the box, craving even more novelty.

Out comes a riding crop in the shape of a heart. You quickly turn it over in your hand as you continue your double-fucking, seeing that with a soft, velvety texture on one side and hardened leather on the other, a flip of the wrist was the difference between a caress and a spank.

You gently rub the soft side over Jodi's ass, watching as the peachy flesh ripples even under the soft touch. She gasps, looking over her shoulder to identify the texture. With a quick motion, you slap her ass with the back of it, making her cry out and throw her head back as a heart-shaped red spot forms on her cheek.

You continue this alternating barrage of soft touches and slaps, always switching when she least expected it. Jodi's mind to mush once more, and Aria becomes the recipient of Jodi's fueled lust, pushed closer to another orgasm by Jodi's fingers pressing into her pussy.

"I'm gonna cum..." You groan.

"In me! I haven't gotten any!" Aria whines.

Jodi grins and nods in agreement.

You swiftly pull out and move the strap-on above your cock, then push back in, so Aria got the real one while Jodi took the dildo. The change is noticeable, as Aria's voice turns into a familiar, gravelly series of sexual noises.

"I'm close..." You warn. The periphery of your vision starts to go dark from the exertion, and you push yourself harder to reach the edge in time.

"Yes... yes..." Both Jodi and Aria groan in tandem, feeling the pace becoming erratic. Their sloppy kiss grows out of control as they await your final firework show, as they each reach their own.

You finally shoot your final load of the night deep into Aria, tilting your head back and letting her body do the rest of the work. Flooded with your release, Aria cums at the same time, and Jodi gets caught up in the chain reaction.

Your twitching cock contacts her most sensitive spots, making Aria shudder and quiver underneath Jodi.

You slowly pull out, your mind fuzzy.

You lay over on them, making Jodi giggle, and Aria release a little grunt as the weight of two bodies presses into her.

Your vision grows blurry and pixelated, and you see double for a moment.

Woah... that took a lot out of me.

You lay on top for a minute more, regaining yourself while Jodi and Aria release a few more moans as they ride out their highs.

You finally stand up, with a disoriented mind and a fatigued body.

"I'm so ready to sleep after that," you mumble. You immediately collapse on the bed beside them, rattling the bedframe.

"Huh?" Jodi gasps.

Your chest rises and falls slowly, and your expression sinks into a peaceful slumber.

"I can't believe it..." Jodi giggles.


"One minute, we're being completely dominated, and the next... just look at that cute baby face!"

She beckons to you, sleeping innocently.

Jodi crawls off of Aria, but a rubber snap jolts back.

"Ow!" Aria yelps, her arm getting pulled along as Jodi tries to leave.

"What?!? How did this happen?" Jodi cries out.

"I think I saw a magic trick like this once..." Aria giggles, still a bit high from the sex.

Jodi snorts in amusement. "Anyway, let's find the key."

"You can go do that. I'm beat," Aria yawns, rolling onto her side.

"Aria. I can't do anything if you stay here."

"...hmm," she grunts, not listening.

"Are you gonna get up?" Jodi shakes her shoulder.

"Mmm...no. I'm tired."



Your head throbs painfully, and you can feel the heat emanating from your forehead as you slowly arise in a familiar room.

Dammit... I shouldn't have been so intense last night.

As you sit up, a new wave of pain rushes your lower muscles, reminding you that no amount of physical therapy was enough to prepare you for a threesome like the one you had experienced.

But once again, I can't say I regret it...

You rub your eyes and look around you until you see the black and brown-haired girls on the other side of the bed, still nude.

Your heart squeezes in your chest as you catch Jodi's resting face, partially hidden by her wavy hair.


You look down at your body as if you might be able to see what was making your heart pump so quickly.

This feeling... it's weird.

You look at Jodi again, and the feeling refreshes.

Am I in love with her?

The thought startles you from out of nowhere, and your body stiffens up.

No, it can't be. I mean... it might be? I remembered so much about her yesterday...

You go over some of the memories you had gained over the previous day, having to pay close attention to the new ones due to how many of them you had already gotten back.

I was definitely in love with her once.

But yesterday's date was something else. I felt just like how I did when we started going out, all those years ago.

Even with Sydney, Miyoung, and Leslie, I haven't felt this. I know I care about them a lot, but this is... deeper.

Could it be that I loved her more than them?

You sit up straighter, suddenly feeling strange tingles over your body as you consider the thought.

No, I doubt it.

It must be because we went on a date. With the other girls, we haven't done anything romantic yet.

Maybe I should take each of them out? One by one, to see if the feelings return in the same way.

But... for Jodi...

As you feared, the one thing you wanted to forget comes rushing back into your mind.

Why would I break up with her?

You shake your head irritably, trying to shut down your thoughts.

Stop thinking. It's no use until Hyoon can get the diaries.

You look over once more, giving Jodi another glance. Your stomach rolls and twists like an adolescent kid seeing their crush, and it makes you feel strangely pleasant.

You slowly stand up, pushing your legs to stay upright.


You realize the position Aria and Jodi had assumed, and you clamp your hand over your mouth, stifling the laugh bubbling from your diaphragm.

You tiptoe across the room to dig through your pants and find your phone, still giggling.

Pulling it out, you move back into position and take a picture of Jodi and Aria's locked wrists side by side, careful to avoid capturing their private parts.

Lowering the phone a little, you snicker as you look through the pictures.

"Hmm... Hey, what the fuck!"

You whip your head up to see Jodi, stirred by the weight of your footsteps, now fully awake from the realization of what you had done.

"Uh... gotta go!" You burst out laughing, charging for the door.

"Hey! Come back here, you little bitch!" Jodi yells. "You did this to us!"

She leaps off the bed and instantly gets tugged back by the handcuffs. You escape from the room, still laughing your ass off.