
Fanfic #155 Bill Cipher: The All Seeing Eye by Shockwave404(GravityFalls)

This complete fanfic is a backstory for Bill Cypher from Gravity Falls. I really like this fic because of the really amazing world building and the original plot ideas that build up to the Bill we know.

Synopsis: Bill's world is far from perfect. It rots alive in corrupt vindictive society ruled by the Council, and a world that Bill seeks to change, against the will of his father. As the possibility arises that Bill is the All Seeing Eye, the prophesied saviour, he is sought out by Tenebris, the leader of a secret resistance who seeks to free the world from tyranny. Bill must face family, corruption and death to save his home, but his idea of salvation may not be what the word truly means...

Rated: T

words: 50k


Here's the first chapter:

Sixty degrees that come in threes,

Watches from within birch trees

Saw his own dimension burn,

Misses home but can't return.

Says he happy, he's a liar.

Blame the arson for the fire.

If he wants to shirk the blame,

He'll have to invoke my name.

One way to absolve his crime,

A different form, and different time.

I have seen how all this ends. The Demon never really made amends. But he begged for life in his last breath, but Cipher never ends with death. But what I am here to tell, was how Bill Cipher began his path to hell. I have translated the tale for you to hear, so their will be no demonic words to fear. But be warned, this story is only for the bold, buts that why you're here and this is wearing old, so I shall begin where it all began, and it all started with just one man.


"Speak its name again" a shaman said, gathering his sacred items as the two suns set steadily behind the towering mass of the temple. The orange hazy glow from both of them illuminated the face of the weary shaman who had emerged from the tunnel that led deep within the temple. The first shaman noticed that he hadn't received a reply.

"Vregas?" The shaman called out to his partner. "Are you listening brother?"

"What?" Vregas' eyes left the scroll of faded parchment clutched in his old hands. "Did you say something Mar?"

"Speak its name again" the shaman, Mar repeated.

"Ah, yes!" Vregas caught on, and smiled. "The legend gives it a name. A cryptic one at that".

"Spit it out then".

Vregas nodded, almost excited. "The all seeing eye" he declared triumphantly.

"That's it?" Mar said, disappointed. "Years of searching this world, for that?"

"It could provide clarity" Vregas offered.

"No it can't" Mar spat. "This tells us nothing! An all seeing eye? This myth must be wrong".

"This planet is unique for a world residing in the second dimension" Vregas mused, ignoring Mar's venomous tone.

"The legend belongs here. There is a connection".

The world known only as Eadem really was quite unique. The sprawling fields of pristine green matched only by beautifully clear coastlines, all falling short of the sprawling magnificence of the worlds grand capital city. If you looked beyond the city, you would see towns dotted across the land, separated by hills, and ravines, and many other geographical wonders. Once, a long time ago, Eadem was dull, and grey. But now, it had changed for the better. Those flat horrors mentioned in history books were no more. Eadem was better now. At least, that's what everyone said. The two shamans were not from Eadem, they had come decades ago from another world, to seek out a prophecy foretold throughout the second dimension. Since there arrival forty years ago, Vregas and Mar could say they were impressed with Eadem.

The world was led by the Corrumpere Council, and was the home of three races of being, none of which either of the shamans had ever encountered on their galactic inter dimensional journey.

First, the Soul Demons, who were mainly the higher class folk of the world. Second the Consciousness Demons, and finally, the Dream Demons. All coexisted seemingly peacefully on Eadem.

Both Vregas and Mar had been greeted with honour and acceptance from the Corrumpere Council, who had informed them that they had overseen the conversion of Eadem from a lost, broken world to one that would soon be dealing with some of the great star faring races of outer space, something the Council was extremely proud of. But the twin shamans were not here for the Council. In fact, they were unaware the Council even existed. They had followed a prophecy, a legend, across the stars, which had at last led them to Eadem. It had to end here. There was nowhere else left to look. But forty years had passed since their arrival, and despite the scrutinised studies, Vregas and Mar had found nothing.

"This is hopeless" Mar said, siting down. "There is nothing here Vregas. I could have told you that a decade ago. Why in the light do you insist on staying?".

"There's something here. I know it" Vregas insisted, yet again. They had had the same argument many times over the long gruelling years. "There has to be".

"You keep saying that" Mar said coldly. "It's got us nowhere".

"We must wait. Wait for a sign. Anything" Vregas said.

"Well with you being as stubborn as you are, I don't have a choice, do I?" Mar said."But soon, you will see. This has all been a total waste of time".


"Congratulations. It's a boy!" The Doctor held up the newborn to the light. The child's mother, although looking strained, was happy, and smiling. Her husband stood by her side, he too was smiling. Both, as well as Doctor Ian, had their avatar forms equipped. The child, being a newborn, had yet to receive his avatar. That would come, in time.

Avatars were one of the many inventions dreamed up by the Council, and gave the beings of Eadem their identities. Normally, the three types of demons would look alien, and strange. They would be bright colours, with few visible features, and would be bizarre shapes. In order to interact with those from other worlds, the Council dreamed up the Avatar Program, so all could look exactly how they wanted. Now, few ever even reverted back to their true forms.

"Here" Doctor Ian passed the child into his mothers waiting arms. The child has already fell silent, and was sleeping. He was yellow, shockingly yellow in fact, so bright he almost shone, and was the shape of a triangle. But most surprisingly about the newborn Dream Demon, was that he has only a single eye, right in the centre of his form.

"He's beautiful" his mother said, cradling her baby.

"I must apologise miss" Ian said. "We were unaware of the deformity".

"What deformity Doctor?" The father asked. "I see no problem with my son".

"I am glad you are satisfied Wade" Ian said. "I was merely referring to, that". The Doctor gestured to the single eye.

"It's fine" Wade snapped. "He's my son. I will accept him".

"That's not the issue sir" Doctor Ian said. "The issue is that maybe others won't".

"I will deal with it" Wade hissed. "He is perfect no matter how he looks, deformity or not".

"Very well sir" Ian said. He held up a notepad. "You have a name for the child?"

"I do" Claire said with a smile, and Wade smiled too. They had already decided, long before his birth.

"Bill" Claire said. "Bill Cipher".

Doctor Ian allowed Claire and Wade to spend the night in the ward, by their new sons side. They had already named him, which was a start. Bill Cipher. But the name didn't matter, the data he had received from the medical team did. And Ian had found something very very interesting...

"The child's eye is what?" The voice crackled over the wrist communicator.

"Its yellow, my lord" Ian said nervously. Talking to any member of the Corrumpere Council was always nerve racking, let alone its leader. Grand Leader Circulus had led the Council since its formation.

"Yellow, you say?" Circulus mused, his voice calm, but sharp.

"Um, yes sir" Ian said.

"And only a single eye?" Circulus said.

"Yes sir. One eye" Ian responded.

"I have heard of this before. But only once" Circulus said. "Keep the child and his parents there, Doctor. I am on my way".

"You? You're on your way sir?" Ian said, trying to hide a surge of panic.

"Indeed I am. If this child is what you say, we may have an interesting situation on our hands" Circulus said. "One last thing Doctor?"

"Anything sir" Ian said.

"Who are the parents?" Circulus asked, curious.

"The parents?" Ian hastily observed his notes. "Claire and Wade Cipher sir".

"Wade Cipher? Most interesting" Circulus mused. "I'm on my way now Doctor". The communicator went silent. Ian breathed an audible sigh of relief. Now that, was scary.

Less than an hour later, the bright lights that illuminated the road signalled the arrival of Grand Leader Circulus. Doctor Ian, despite his already panicked state, made every attempt to clean up the halls that the Council head was sure to pass through to visit the Cipher family. Thankfully, Circulus came alone, obviously trying to be subtle. A single car, and dressed in casual wear. His avatar, as usual, still looked pristine. Pale skin, and eyes like ice, with thin lips, and short trimmed hair.

"Doctor Ian" Circulus said.

"Grand Leader" Ian bowed stiffly.

"Where is Wade?" Circulus asked. "You can grovel later, Doctor. We don't have all day".

"Of course sir. Right this way". Ian led Circulus down the now cleaned hallways. Just because the Grand Leader was here alone, didn't make it any less terrifying to be in the presence of one so powerful. Eventually, Ian reached the door at the far end of one of the halls, and pushed it open for Circulus to enter. Wade and Claire looked up with mild surprise, and Wade blinked upon seeing Circulus, and Ian now cowering behind him.

"Wade Cipher" Circulus addressed the Dream Demon. "It's been a while, has it not?".

"It certainly has" Wade agreed. Circulus smiled and looked past him, seeing two bundles resting in Claire Cipher's arms.

"You didn't tell me there was a second child, Doctor" Circulus noted. The other Dream Demon was the same shape as Bill, but has two normal eyes, and was a bright blue.

"I didn't think it was of any importance sir" Ian defended himself cautiously. "The deformity i spoke of is contained to Bill Cipher alone".

"Most curious" Circulus said, walking over to Claire.

"May I see him?"

"Of course sir" Claire said, but her voice held some reluctance. She tucked down the blanket covering the child, and showed him to Circulus. Circulus took quick note of the single, yellow eye glowing back at him. Then he turned away.

"I see no issue here, Doctor. The child is fine".

"But the eye?" Ian suggested. "Surely that's not normal".

"You have a degree, Doctor" Circulus said coldly. "You should be able to tell me if it's normal or not, not the other way around".

"I'm sorry sir" Ian said, bowing desperately. "I won't bother you again".

"I should hope not" Circulus said. He turned back to the Cipher's.

"You have a wonderful start of a family, Mrs. Cipher, and I wish you and Wade, and your children, all the best life can give".

With a final cold glare at the Doctor, Circulus left the room. From what Wade to gather from Ian's erratic breathing, the poor Demon was hyperventilating.

A wonderful start to a family, Wade thought. He hoped that it would remain so.

But oh, he was wrong. Wade had little experience in dealing with children, so raising his own, not just one, but two of them, certainly proved more complicated than he had anticipated. Both Bill Cipher and his older by thirteen seconds brother Will Cipher both had grown up healthy and strong so far, but as much as he loved them, Wade couldn't believe how irritating children could be. Only a day ago, they had been visited by two shamans, who wanted to meet Bill. Claire had to chase them out with a broom to get them to leave. At age four, Bill and Will finally started making friends. The Dream Demon community they lived in was close, so most people all knew each other. From this, Bill and Will had assembled a kind group of friends, including Bills best friend, Tammy, and two other close friends, Orvou and Matrick. At age six, Bill started to see less of his father. Wade was working far more, trying to make ends meet. At age seven, Bill and Will sat in Bills room, pencils and pens in hand, drawing all over a large sheet of paper.

"This is so cool" Will said, adding more colours to the drawing.

"You bet it is" Bill said with a laugh. "What should we call it?". The past hour, the Brothers had been drawing a idea they had come up with while playing outside. All their hopes and excitement, boiled into one picture. Will finished colouring in the floating pyramid castle, which the Brothers had already decided would be the best place to live in the whole universe.

"I've got it" Will said. "Funland!" The Brothers laughed together.

"I think it needs more fun" Bill said. "Bubbles!" He laughed again, drawing in the bubbles, which floated round the pyramid.

"It's perfect bro" Will said. "The best place in the universe!"

But at age thirteen, the biggest day of Bill and Will Cipher's lives was fast approaching. Tomorrow, the Brothers would officially turn thirteen. And by the laws of Eadem, that was Choosing Day. The day that the people of Eadem chose their Avatar form, designed it to their wildest imaginations, and greatest dreams. And Wade couldn't be prouder that his sons would soon be respected members of Eadem society.

"It's a big day. Just remember that" Wade told them, for what was probably the tenth time that week. "What you choose to be will determine your future".

"You've said that dad" Will reminded him. "Said it again and again".

"Yes, yes I know" Wade said hastily. "But I cannot understate its importance".

"Can we have anything?" Bill asked. Already, a variety of ideas had beamed through his mind.

"I don't know. It's always changing" Wade said. "But whatever you choose will be perfect for you, one way or another".

"I want a hat" Bill said with a laugh. "Like the one that guy on the wallscreen had".

"You'd look great in it" Will joked. He put on a classy voice. "Like a real gentlemen". The Brothers laughed, and Wade couldn't help but laugh to.

"What about Tammy, dad?" Bill asked.

"What about her?"

"She had the same birthday as us. Shouldn't she be getting an avatar too?".

Wade sighed. He knew, and feared that this conversation would come up eventually.

"Tammy won't get an avatar son".

"What? Why not?" Bill asked. "You said that all people of Eadem are required to get an avatar at the age of thirteen".

"There are restrictions Bill. We are very lucky to have avatars ourselves. Most of us don't get them".

"Most of who?" Bill asked.

"That's enough Wade" Claire poked her avatar head into the room. "It's doesn't matter dear. You're getting your avatar right? That's the important thing". Wade nodded in agreement.

"Get a good nights rest you too. Tomorrow, Eadem welcomes you".

The next day, Wade took Will and Bill on the agonisingly long road trip to the Capital City. It was how Choosing Day worked. The Chooser must go to the city, and meet a member of the Council, who would then instruct them on Avatar selection. The whole way, Bill and Will talked excitedly about what Avatar they would pick. But Bill couldn't help but wonder, why was Tammy not getting an Avatar when he was? It certainly didn't seem fair.

After what seemed like an eternity, they arrived in the city. Wade seemed to know where they were going. Bill would have been impressed, but then again, the Council Palace was hard to miss. It towered high into the sky, surrounded by high walls, marked with symbols. Bill noticed some graffiti sprinkled here and there.

'Fear the Death Stealer' and 'Beware Time Baby' seemed to be almost reoccurring. Bill had no idea what a Death Stealer or a Time Baby were, so it didn't bother him. Will however, looked terrified.

"What's a Death Stealer?" He muttered to himself. "What is it?". Bill took the opportunity to scare his brother.

"It's an omen of death" he said darkly. "When you say it's name, your destined to die! Muhahaha!".Will gulped.

"Yeah right" he said, but he didn't sound sure. Bill grinned to himself. His brother was always cautious. Caution seemed to link with fear, and Bill loved scaring his brother, even just for a joke.

"We're here boys!" Wade declared suddenly, and Will jumped.

"Don't scare me like that!" He hissed. "At little warning would be nice, please".

Wade sighed, and got out the car, speaking to two armed guards. Both guards bore the same symbol, a cross with a fist in the centre. After a short bit of bickering, the guards parted, and the gates swung open. Wade climbed back into the car, and drove it, the gates slamming harshly behind them. It was time to meet the Council.