
chapter 15- bumping into chae nayun I

Arin's POV*

"I'm Omari Pavone , team leader of the 3rd security and protection team, essence of the strait."

"essence of the strait huh. then who's that?."- I said pointing towards the guy who was rude to eun-woo.

"That's....Jeremy. Our new..... intern...."- omari said being embarrassed of jeremy. (i don't know what to call him in arin's mind so, i'm just using the first name.)

"so you accept interns?"

"No we don't but..... i'm afraid i can't tell you the internal matters of the guild, sir."

I bet he's the rich kid who got in by paying.

"That's, fine. you wanted to ask me what happened there right?."

"yes, can you explain what exactly happened there."

"yes. so what happened was..."

I told him exactly what happened but at some point i made it so that i was struggling and the black coat person came and saved me, defeated the monster. I even made sure to act like i was fanboying over that person. If that even is a word.

".....and i fainted. after that you people came."

"I see. is that the complete story?."

he asked me as he was noting it down in a book.


as we were talking, in the background, that jeremy kid was fighting with eun-woo (verbal fight) as the girl was trying to separate them.

once i become friends with yeonha i should tell her to fire jeremy. how dare he fight with my possession.

"well then, thank you for answering my questions."

"yes, no worries."

"come on jeremy and andy. lets go."

"but, i'm not finished!!!"

"That's enough jeremy, you've done a lot. lets go now."

as that jeremy guy grumbled as he left, everything stood silent for a while. after eun-woo made sure that they left he bombed me with his questions.

"are you alright?did they do anything to you?who was that person?did you get hurt?"

and blah, blah, blah. he nice and cute and all but, he's annoying. extremely annoying.

"sigh, eun-woo i want to rest, please."

I tried to be as polite as possible. like i said he's annoying, but he's nice. I don't want to lose the first ever friend i made in cube. He said for me to be healthy before leaving with a pouty face.



i carefully opened the door of my room like a thief sneaking in, except i wasn't a thief and i was sneaking 'out'. 

i didn't want to wake up eun-woo sleeping beside my bed in a couch. he would make a big fuss about me going out. how strange and weird though. why would  he stay next to me all night?


i wanted to get some fresh air since the hospital smell stinks.

[Monday 11:30 pm]

I skipped school. it feels nice. but of course how can a novel's protagonist even be at peace.


As i was basically skipping my way there, an unknown figure crashed into me at the corner.

"owwww, can't you look!!. don't you have eyes!!"

Fuck. what the shit is this?. I know that any stupid FL can never be dust but, don't you think that this is going a bit too far? I'M NOT EVEN FL WORTHY!!!!.

As if fate wants to play seesaw with me, the one i crashed into was, the one and only chae nayun. I want to go home and cry. This is too much for me.

"I'm sorry."- I said as i picked her up from the ground, holding her 2 arms , like a little girl.

"who gave you permission to touch me!!!" - she basically screamed at me with a teary face. was i THAT rude?.

"I'm sorry, i just felt that i should help you up."

Feeling the need to apologies i said sorry but, again she shouted at my face. but this time it was a bit sad.

"Who cares about your help. who cares about your sorry!. You ruined my mood. I'm leaving!!"

How childish. How rude.... wait, was i rude?.

she glared at me before turning her head and leaving.

anyways, i didn't want to waste any more time so i hurried to the stairs which led to the roof. getting some air isn't the only reason why i came outside.

"Hey C !!!, i know that you can hear and see me. so, TALK!!!!"

The actual reason was to talk to C and clarify something. something very important.

It was quiet for a while, Nothing happened. Well, i expected this. How can a system like entity in a novel not be stubborn.

"HEY!!!. I can do this allll night."



[Alright, alright!!. stop screaming!!.]

"hah, so you finally replied."

[yes, i did. so, what did call me for?.]

"Don't play dumb. you know exactly why i called you. i know that it was you that did all these changes."

[.....So what? That doesn't change anything.]

he sounded a little cold. which was different from his usual cheery and dumb attitude. the last time he was this cold was when he was explaining about the consequences if i decline his deal. ten years if i'm right?.

"doesn't change anything?. how can you say that!!!. you know what that changes. stop making things hard for me. what are you planning????."

[I'm not making things hard for you. Nor am i planning anything. Its you arin , that's planning something.]

"...what do you mean?."

[haaah. is this how you manged to fool me and hide it all these years?. since i can't read your mind or something, this must be really easy for you.]

"stop beating around the bush and cut to the chase."

[you can stop acting and show it you know. i already know it. what you're doing.]

"..... are you talking about the clubs, or maybe the museum?. I had my reasons, I can explain."

[No, No. you don't need to explain anything. I'm the one who was wrong. I'm the one who was dumb. Don't worry you don't need to do anything, I'll do it. I'll fix everything.]


He didn't listen, he left soon.

"Tch, how did he find out. I thought I hid it perfectly. Is it because the main story has started?. Probably."

That's right if you didn't figure it out already, I'm against changing the plot.

Just so you know, i decided to do this 10 years ago, right when C offered me the deal.

"arin!, there you are. I've been searching for you the past 10 minutes."

ah right, i sneaked out.

"I wanted to get some fresh air."- this is why you always have your excuses ready.

"you could have informed me. i would've helped you. you could've at least messaged me."- said eun-woo as he grumbled.

"I forgot bring my phone with me-" which is a lie.

"-and i din't want to wake you up. you must've been tired."- a truth, to make up for the lie.

now the ratio of truth and lie balances out.

"I guess."- he muttered . he was a little happy.

"Oh and, since i'm better i think i should prepare to head back to cube."

"you're strange. don't people usually do their best to skip school?."

I think this little puppy has forgotten something. cube is not just any school, it's the 'best' school. still i would've loved to skip school but, what C said is making me nervous.

besides i'm not that hurt.....maybe i am. i should have held back when i decided to get injured. i didn't know how much i should get hurt so i think i overdid it.

A fractured arm with sprained ankles and severe bleeding. that's how much i got hurt. well they healed pretty fast, no super fast actually.

especially since essence of the strait decided to take responsibility, this was over in a day.

".....It's getting cold, we should head down."- i said. i don't have anymore reasons to stay here.

"you're right, we should."

Thank you for reading~~~~

Also, be sure to post your opinions on the story along with replying to the questions i asked in my previous chapter.

it's alright if you don't want to i'll decide it myself.

ShuriOccreators' thoughts
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