
fanfic of novel's extra

a fanfic of my favorite novel/manhwa right now NOTE -don't know if i will continue arin who woke up due to a 'friendly' cockroach finds out that she is in the world of novel's extra, she doesn't want to change the plot but SOMEONE wants her to change it ,have fun reading .

ShuriOc · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

chapter 10- Anti monster combat class (2)

"tch, if it keeps going on like this. then we're just wasting time."

"...I know, so stop wasting time and shoot them faster. I'm taking you closer. can you even do that?"

"I can try to do that, but i don't know how long i can keep that up."

"2 minutes. can you do that for 2 minutes."


"can you do that or not?"

"i can push myself to the limit and try to shoot all of'em while protecting myself alone. but only for 2 minutes at the max."

"that much is fine. i will help them, so hold on"

as i said that, i rushed forward to where Suho was fighting. And said to him.

"Hey!, can you finish this in 2 minutes?."

"...*smile*.....yes"- Kim suho said as he got ready. what was that smile for?

"hey!, kim lang or whatever, you and i focus on the tentacles. while Suho-ssi deals with the Octo's hump. got that?.

"yes!"- strangely he accepted and did what i said.

While i and kim lang were taking out the tentacles one by one, kim Suho jumped up and instantly sliced the octopus's hump.

Fighting against the monster, his sword qi stood sharply. But his sword qi wasn't the only awe-striking scene. His sword's fluid movements made it look like his sword was water. With this technique, he seemed to tear apart space along with his target monster.

as kim Suho sliced the hump, a mole cricket shot out from the ground.


Crying voraciously, the mole cricket jumped on me.

"..... kyaaaaahhhhhh!!!!, I HATE BUGS!!!!!"

i really do, it's one of the things i hate!!. i was running around frantically with my hands on myself, trying to remove it. 

I could have just used my magic to remove the, but i couldn't think properly and just focused on getting this dumb creature off me.

i ran a little far from suho and the others because it was embarrassing to let them know.

"stop moving around!!. just stay still and i will kill it."- said Paine annoyed of my screeching as she followed me.

"N-NO!!!, don't kill it while it's on me!!!!."

As i was trying to remove it. I threw it on the ground. i guess being strong doesn't get rid of your fears.


Paine shot the mole cricket which fell to the ground.

the mole cricket's blood and mucus splashed on the ground. It was a disgusting sight.

anyway, it seems that suho didn't my help. While me and Paine were playing around with the bug, Kim suho killed the octopus.

"are you alright arin-ssi and paine-ssi?"

'kim suho-ssi!!!!, your worried about me!!!!"- paine squealed as if she was speaking to her crush.

"maybe you really are a part of his fandom"- mumble,mumble


"nothing suho-ssi, we're completely fine. i think we should head back, now that we've finished the target."- i said, regaining my composure from the previous accident.

"sure.."- said kim suho smiling. he really is handsome compared to hajin.

"hey!, why is no one asking about how i'm feeling????"-said kim lang holding a tentacle in one of is hands.

"ugh, yuck!. why don't you throw it away first, lang"- said Paine to kim lang being disgusted of the tentacle in his hand.

"hahaha..."-kim lang was laughing at paine for being scared of a tentacle.

"quit it- " - just as kim suho was saying something I interrupted him.

"if it's so funny why don't you stuff it in your mouth, then we could also laugh at you."

After a bit of silence, paine's tear face turned into a laughing one. as kim lang put his arm around my neck saying that it was just a joke.

"....thank you...."-said paine whispering it to me.

"consider it as a repayment for what you did earlier"

"what i did earlier?..."- she seemed confused but then she suddenly spoke again.

"oh!, the bug!, you're sacred of bugs!!!"

"shhh, keep it down!!." -I said. The last thing i want right now is someone constantly bugging and teasing me due to the fact that i hate bugs.

[Team 1 — Total time: 18 minutes 02 seconds. 1/100]

the rank is the correct but, 18 minutes????. didn't kim suho's team in the novel complete it in the 20-25 minutes range.....

haaaaaahh. it's not because i interfered right?....

[no, 'it is' because you interfered.]

"gaahhh, what the hell, how can surprise me like this C." - I whispered.

[ sorry~~]

"anyway, where have you been i thought you died or something."

[as you can see, i'm quite alive and well. i was busy with something so i couldn't contact you.]

"That's fine."

"you said something, arin-ssi?"- said paine respectfully.

"N-no. nothing"- gee, i forgot that i was still with them.

"so C, stop talking with me. i have to respond to these guys too."- i said very quietly.

[yes, yes~~. bye bye~~~]


"is something wrong arin-ssi?. you've been like this since we completed our-" -just as paine was asking me something a loud voice interrupted us, again...this really is becoming a cliche thing.

"Drones filmed everything. They'll be sent to your smartwatches, why you were quick or slow to hunt your monster, your team's compatibility, and how you could improve for next time. It'll be part of your grades."

"stupid teacher..."-Paine was mumbling about it but, i could hear it with my gift.

"now then, i was asking-"

It felt like paine was telling me something, but i didn't hear it. I was focusing on something else. I could see Yoenha glaring at nayun's head. I just imagined her glaring actual daggers at her.

"pftttt..."- i tried to hold myself from laughing but, it was just too funny. Yeonha looked like a kitten who's angry at a pup for stealing her toy and attention. which was kinda true.

just as i was thinking this paine was staring at yeonha.


"now then, you wanted to say something to me, paine?"

"never mind, i was just asking how you are feeling, because you were in a daze. but it seems that you are completely fine"- said paine being angry.

what's up with her. just a minute ago she was clinging to me and now, she's angry. mood swings i guess. Very common at this age..... What am i thinking i sound like a old woman. oh wait, i am.


[Anti-personnel training]

A two-hour-long class which had two cadets form a pair and spar each other.

Spars were done with training weapons, making the fight less painful and easier to grade. Kim Suho paired with Yi Yeonghan, and Shin Jonghak paired with Kim Horak.

I thought i would easily have someone to spar with. Maybe i should have accepted paine's abrupt request.

5 minutes ago-

"spar with me!!!!"- paine shouted in my face.

"w-what?"- i was genuinely confused. why would this girl ask me to fight her. In a sense, we are teammates so it is possible.

"should i repeat? well, i was asking-"

"No, no, i heard you. You were asking me to be your sparring partner, right?"

"yes!, so spar with me!."


"i refuse."

"why!!!!!"- paine said in a whining tone.

"what do you mean why. first of all, you are a sharpshooter. and second, you already had a appointment with someone. Didn't you?"

"I did.....But, i cancelled it!!!. so fight me!!!"

"what part of 'I refuse' do you not understand."

"b-but I"


"oww"- paine was groaning at kim lang who hit her at the back of her head.

"why would you do that lang!!"

"why are you annoying arin-ssi like this?"

"i wasn't annoying him!!!. I was going to check something...."- paine said mumbling in the last part.

i wonder what she wanted to check.

"whatever reason you have keep it to yourself, your partner is waiting for you."

"you said you cancelled it."- i said while glaring at paine as she looked away feeling guilty.

"Fine!!, i'm leaving"- said a grumpy paine.

"i hope you slip and fall on some shit or something."-paine mumbled.

I shall pity you paine, since that will never happen. just then a voice shouted.

"Ah! What are you doing!? 934... Ak! Let go! Let go! Let go!"- shouted the female instructor in-charge of this class.

'This hair, I'll bite it off. I swear I'll bite it off.'- careful hajin, your thoughts are showing in your face. not that it matters.

"T-This is a warning! Let go! I said, LET GO!"

kekeke..... cool I've always wanted to see how this scene happened. i think they never showed hajin munching on the instructor's hair. And, i think hajin should be blanked out right about....now!.

Just as i said that the instructor punched hajin in the face and he banked out.

Ouch, that must've hurt