
Roll With It

I didn't mean to die. And yet, here I am at 1:45 am, listening to the first responders declare Harry Potter dead. I'm not dead, by the way. I can hear my heartbeat so I know that much. As I lie on the roof of the neighbors' home, I think I should reveal myself, but when I see how my uncle clenches his fist at the sound of my name, I wonder if it would be such a bad thing to stay dead, at least for a while.


I woke up to the smell of something burning. As I crept out of my cupboard, I saw the kitchen fire. "Fire! Fire! Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia! Fire!", I yell, as I run out the back door. I scale the roof of the neighbor and hide there.

~End of flashback~

5 years later…

I think of what got me here as I walk towards Number 4 Privet Drive. The Dursleys had it rebuilt thanks to the money Dumb-Old-Dork got from MY vault. I found out about the wizarding world after I had bumped into someone who recognized me as the Boy-Who-Lived and showed me the way to Gringotts. I should have been in my 3rd year of Hogwarts this year, had my vault manager, Ragnok, not shown me Dumbledore's manipulations. I have decided to show myself to the Dursleys this year, because this year, I am going to reveal myself to the wizarding world.

I walk up to the doorstep and ring the doorbell. I hear Aunt Petunia walk to the door and open it. "Auntie, I'm home!", I say in a sing-song voice, as Aunt Petunia pales. "But...but… you're dead!"

"On the contrary, I am very much alive. And we're going to have a lot of fun this year," I smirk.