
Bruce Wayne x Friend!Reader

Rain lashed against the bay windows, lightning flashed across the sky illuminating the gothic architecture of Gotham. The flashes of light gave the ragged and damaged buildings a haunting appearance. You drew the blanket across your legs so it fell comfortably. Bruce sat at the small table you were using for your board games. He handed a hot chocolate to you and placed one in front of himself. Alfred sat down, "right then. Which game first?" You grinned, "Cluedo, I want to see if I can win this time." Bruce laughed, "Not a chance." Alfred hummed as he too sat down on a low chair. "Well then, you two have to beat me, don't you?" You shared a look with Bruce, he gave a lilting smirk, he began to shuffle and pass out the cards. He left three in the small brown paper bag in the middle of the board. One person, one weapon, one room.

You hid your piece of paper and cards on your lap, leaning on a notebook for stability. Checking the cards you had off the list you began to formulate a plan. Bruce was doing the same you were, Alfred was simply hiding his with his hand. When you and Bruce looked over at him, he flipped the paper and the cards over so their backs showed. "Hey, no cheating." Alfred's gruff smoky voice informed you. "Bruce, starts." You smirked and watched as Bruce rolled the dice, he moved Professor Plum close to a room, Alfred rolled the dice and moved Coronel Mustard. You took your turn moving Mrs. Peacock. An hour into the game, the three of you were semi-confident with who you thought was the killer, what the weapon was and the room the murder had taken place. "Master Bruce, your guess." Bruce looked down at his notes, the three of you took this game a little too seriously, using notebooks to keep track of who had what cards, and the pervious guesses made.

Bruce placed his notebook on the table. "Okay, my guess..." Bruce consulted his notes, "I think it was Mrs. Peacock, in the ballroom with the revolver." Alfred nodded, "Right then, my turn. Reverend Green in the ballroom with the revolver." You consulted your own notes, "I think it was Mrs. Peacock in the ballroom with the dagger." Alfred nodded, "right, everyone ready?" You and Bruce nodded. Alfred picked up the small brown envelope and opened it. He spread the cards out face down, he flipped one over. "Ballroom." Your lips twitched upwards, Bruce leaned forwards in his chair. Alfred flipped over another card, "Mrs. Peacock." You leaned forwards, lips twitching. Bruce wiggled slightly, his own lips twitching upwards. Alfred paused for dramatic effect, before flipping over the last card. "Dagger." You whooped, shouting loudly. Bruce sighed leaning back in his seat smiling. Alfred chuckled, "Okay, so, it was Mrs. Peacock in the ballroom with the dagger. Y/N wins." You scribbled down, Bruce's guess, Alfred's guess and your own, making a note that they were the winning cards. You jumped up, you danced for a little bit celebrating your win while Alfred and Bruce packed up the game.

Bruce rolled his eyes at you. "Another game?" Bruce asked when you sat down, breathless from your win. You smirked, "ready to lose again?" Bruce smirked back, "you're going down."