
Terra Formars: The Strongest Chimera

So, I'm really excited to bring this one to my list, I enjoyed the anime quite a bit. I mean huge amounts of gore, awesome and unique abilities derived from real creatures,beautiful women, this series has it all. I even made a separate list just for possible Surgery Bases to use for the MC, made up mostly of bugs, just because I felt so inspired. Plus, I haven't seen anybody else write a fan-fiction of this on Webnovel.

First off, let's start with a little background on the series. In the 21st century, scientists were tasked with terraforming Mars for future space travel and colonization. They come up with a cost-effective solution which involves cockroaches and modified algae. The algae would absorb the sunlight and produce an atmosphere, while the cockroaches would spread it, and after dying, nourish it. 500 years later, an expedition is sent to the planet, where they are killed by giant humanoid cockroaches called Terra Formars. Before their deaths they manage to send a warning back to Earth, where two years later, a new crew is sent, comprised of genetically enhanced super-humans. These men and women have undergone a special surgery to give them the powers of various insects. Unfortunately, all but two die, failing to eliminate the threat generated by these creatures. Over the next twenty years, a new disease called the A.E. (Alien Engine) Virus begins to appear, killing with a 100% mortality rate. The plot begins in 2619, with Hizamaru Akari fighting in an underground arena in Bangkok, Thailand. If you want to know the full story beyond my little synopsis, please check out the anime or manga, it's well-deserving of your time.

Now, for those who have already read the story so far, you probably want to get to the surgery bases I have lined up for the MC. Well, I hope I won't disappoint you, here we go. Starting with the Issus Leafhopper, the insect with the gears in its legs. Now, a juvenile can reach a velocity of 3.9 meters per second in just 2 thousandths of a second, able to disappear in a blink of an eye. Imagine if we scaled this up to human size, it'd be unbelievably fast. Plus, the MC's leg muscles would be able to impart all that force into a kick, creating an incredibly deadly weapon. This would be a perfect addition as one of the many bases to use.

Next up, is the Dragon Millipede, and boy, is it a great choice. Now, the Dragon Millipede may sound like a pretentious name, but it isn't far off base. This millipede comes with the ability to produce and expel hydrogen cyanide, an extremely toxic poison. One of our few purely offensive surgery bases, it is a must have.

Moving on, we have the Pistol Shrimp, a crustacean with strength comparable to the Mantis Shrimp. Most of what I have written down are insects, but there are a few more exotic animals, too. The Pistol Shrimp, opposite to the Mantis Shrimp, uses long-range "bubble bullets" to stun prey, after which, it hastily grabs its meal. Here's a brief description of how it works: "The animal snaps a specialized claw shut to create a cavitation bubble that generates acoustic pressures of up to 80 kPa at a distance of 4 cm from the claw. As it extends out from the claw, the bubble reaches speeds of 60 miles per hour (97 km/h) and releases a sound reaching 218 decibels. The pressure is strong enough to kill small fish." Scaling up to human size, we can see that such an ability could easily kill almost anything in its path. Another great offensive surgery base. Although, you could replace this with the Mantis Shrimp, if you so desire.

Up next is the Chiton, a mollusk. In addition to having a durable shell, this animal also comes equipped with the ability to generate magnetite over their teeth. Magnetite is a naturally occurring form of iron oxide, which is fairly resistant and easily magnetized. This one is maybe not the most exciting, but I could see it being used for some applications.

The Darwin's Bark Spider is the next choice. This is one of the most versatile bases yet, able to create incredibly strong webs in vast quantities. This spiders web is the strongest of all spiders, over 10 times stronger than Kevlar in fact, and twice as strong as any other spider silk known. This is pretty impressive, and since it can be generated in such large amounts, it's useful for creating various structures, including armor and traps. A must have for the MC.

Following, we have the Tiger Moth, for a very specific use case. This moth is crazy, it has the ability to fool echolocation with illusions. I'm dead serious, it has an organ that creates ultrasonic vibrations, which it uses for mating and in response to a bat's echolocation. It can even make fake environmental hazards. This is useful if any Terra Formars gain the ability to echo-locate.

Moving on, we have my top choice, the Ironclad Beetle. The insect with the strongest carapace, it is able to withstand a car running it over, easily. The only thing able to pierce the shell is modern drills, a testament to its durability. This is pretty much the ultimate defensive base I found, barring maybe one, but I still think the Beetle is a better fit.

The next choice is a bit strange, but hear me out: The House Fly. I hear what you're saying, but it has the fastest reaction speed out of any animal, an ability which is essential for dodging or countering attacks. So, before you eliminate it from the list, remember that.

Now, for enhanced strength, we have the Hercules Beetle. While not as impressive as a Dung Beetle's 1000 times, a Hercules Beetle can lift 850 times its own body weight. This makes it a great choice for pure muscle power, making our MC a veritable beast. With all the other abilities here, this becomes an incredible multiplier.

Next up, we have the Tarantula Hawk, a spider wasp that has one of the most painful stings. Now, this isn't the most powerful insect on the list, but it does have its uses. For one, the venom has a paralyzing effect, easily stopping large tarantulas. It is also a 4 on the Schmidt Pain Index, just below the Bullet Ant.

Finally, we end off on a non-insect, the Swift. Yeah, this one definitely doesn't hold up to its predecessors, especially since its flight ability isn't nearly as impressive as an impenetrable shell or literally spitting poison. Well, even if you really used this, it'd be overshadowed by the Issus Leafhopper in pure speed. I think your best bet is to use the insects instead of this. I'm sorry the last base was kind of a let-down, it was the first one I wrote on the list.

Well, moving on from that little depressing turn, it's time to talk about the MC and what he is. So, obviously like previous ideas, this one leans more towards the reincarnation rather than insert or transmigration. And, for bonus points, he should have a battle maniac personality, giving a good reason as to why he would ask to be reborn in such a world. His new body should be similar to Hizamaru, who has 4 parents, which gives him his large number of surgery bases. In total this protagonist should have at least 8 parents, which explain how he has so many abilities. I'm thinking maybe a child of experimental BUGS surgeries, ones that didn't end up going to Mars in BUGS-2, because they were illegal test subjects, i.e. children. I think part of the MC goal should be saving some of the lives lost during Annex-1, possibly even exposing the Chinese traitors. He should eventually gain control of his transformations without the use of the drug, though for the first part he should be equipped with some kind of delivery device, maybe like the EVE injector in Bioshock 2. Maybe send him to Mars before the Annex-1 mission, he'd be able to kill as many Terra Formars as he'd like (Although that'd prevent him from stopping the crash during entry). I'd also give him the C.B. Operation, which gives him the ability to absorb the abilities of anybody whose had the M.O. Operation. Think of the MC as an elite commando, with the power of several tactical nukes packed into his body.

I definitely wouldn't suggest a harem, but I would like to see a little bit of romance. My personal choice is, of course, Michelle K. Davis but there are plenty of others, including some who die. Such as Eva Frost, Elena Perepelkina, Isabella R. Leon, Kanako Sanjo, Erika Nakanojo, Yaeko Yanasegawa, and Peggy Fortie. Even if you don't give him a relationship with any of these women, I'd still like them to be saved.

My longest idea yet, I really hope you guys enjoy this one. Feel free to switch out some of my suggestions for others, though there are a few I'd definitely like to see: The Ironclad Beetle, Hercules Beetle, Dragon Millipede, and the Issus Leafhopper.

SuperNova681creators' thoughts