
Famous Police Detective in Detective World

Senichi: A detective can only follow the criminal’s footsteps to catch him, but I can rely on future knowledge and stop the case! Conan: It seems that I need to go to Hawaii to train again! Senichi: Detectives often face the crisis of being killed by criminals, but my physical crime solving skills can reduce casualties! Conan: Don't make it so high-tech to solve crimes by force! ! Senichi: No matter how subtle it is, when you notice it, it may save a life! Everyone: You have persecution paranoia! How did you know that he was going to commit a crime? And it's so accurate every time! ! Senichi: Er... sorry~ I admit that I cheated~ ************** I am also publishing this novel on scribblehub with same username "Lightreaper". You can read advance chapters in my p@treon page!! p@treon.com/Lightreaper457 Please support this translation project if possible!! ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read. **************

Lightreaper · Anime & Comics
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444 Chs

Chapter 70: The Department has Decided, You are an Idol!

Man proposes, God disposes.

Haruka Getsumei prepared two plans before moving.

The backup plan is only to solve the emergency of burning coal, and when the time comes, it will also leave a good impression on the boss that she dares to do things.

But if you want to succeed, you still have to see if your plan can succeed.

But fortunately, after investigation, she found that the first person she was optimistic about was still very likely to achieve her expected goal.

Thinking of this, Haruka Getsumei went straight to the Criminal Division without stopping, and went to visit Senichi.


"Huh? You want me to be an idol to save the Metropolitan Police Department?" Senichi was stunned when he heard Haruka Getsumei's words.

I'm not LOVE LIVE! !. Boss, don't be so difficult ah.

Regarding Haruka Getsumei, Senichi had already found relevant information from his brain when she visited.

She graduated from the same class as Senichi, and both of them belonged to the Career team. They had a pretty good relationship in the police academy.

Don't underestimate the fact that the same class is a very important contact in the Metropolitan Police Department. The same class is like the friendship of "from the same hometown", "from the same academy" or "carrying a gun together" in the ancient imperial examinations.

Basically, the same class will have a circle to maintain close contact. Even if they don't have much contact at ordinary times, the contacts of the same class cannot be ignored when they need help in case of trouble.

So when Haruka Getsumei arrived, Senichi welcomed her very much. After all, he is an adult, so he naturally knows how important this kind of interpersonal communication is.

But he didn't expect that as soon as the other party came up to ask for something, she would directly confuse him.

"It's not becoming an idol." Haruka Getsumei couldn't laugh or cry: "It's becoming a representative of the Metropolitan Police Department, just like those "famous detectives" in society, becoming the business card of the Metropolitan Police Department."

Immediately afterwards, Haruka Getsumei also explained all the matters at the meeting to Senichi clearly, allowing Senichi to understand the whole story.


[The reasonable deduction is over, the goal has been achieved, and the part-time job can be successfully completed, the host is asked to carry out the last step of promotion by himself]


At the same time, a prompt popped up on the system panel, letting Senichi understand why the other party would suddenly find him.

It turned out that it was his own burning of fate's favor that was pushing behind the scenes, which finally led to this result.

"How about it, do you agree?" Haruka Getsumei looked at the pondering Senichi and said expectantly: "If you agree, it will naturally be beneficial to you, such as the privilege of free movement."

"I understand." After Senichi read the reminder, his face remained expressionless, "Then, how should I cooperate with you?"

"The key is to be able to attract attention."

Haruka Getsumei said: "It's good that you defeated the Kaitou Kid before, but after that, I need you to continue to solve cases, to consolidate the world's impression, and to make you as powerful as a famous detective.

I don't know if you have any other suggestions? Let's talk about it together. "

"Of course, it just depends on whether you can talk about it or not." Senichi laughed and said, "If you can do it, you should be able to go to a higher level."

"Oh?" Haruka Getsumei's eyes lit up, but she didn't expect that the polite words would actually pay off, "What is it, let's talk about it."

"Actually, I have written a book, and I planned to submit it after retirement." Senichi said with a smile: "Now, if my book is good, and I add a "literary master" label, what do you think will be the effect?"

"Book? What type?" Haruka Getsumei's eyes lit up, but she quickly calmed down and said, "That depends on the content."

"It's about reasoning. I am a criminal police officer after all." Senichi smiled and said, "I'll bring you the manuscript tomorrow."

"Okay." Haruka Getsumei nodded and said, "If it's good, I don't mind helping you make this special case to the higher-ups. I believe the higher-ups will be happy to see it."

In Japan, being a writer is also a very respected profession, and one that is well tolerated by the public.

It's a dead end for an idol if some gossip news falls on them, and it's nothing at all to be ridiculed for being romantic on a writer's head.

So if Senichi can give the world the impression of a "reasoning writer" or a "personal design", then I am afraid that he can establish a taller and more positive image, which is what the Metropolitan Police Department hopes to see.

Early the next morning, Senichi handed over the handwritten book he had prepared earlier to Getsumei Haruka . Although the item he obtained was a book, it could be used like a skill card.

It even included the original author's writing experience, which allowed Senichi to avoid the possibility of the "porter" revealing his secrets.

After handing over the manuscript written in advance to Haruka Getsumei, she read it patiently, unknowingly time passed, and finally Haruka Getsumei woke up from the book after reading it.

"How is it? Isn't it good?" Senichi handed Haruka Getsumei a can of coffee, opened a can and drank it himself and asked with a smile.

"It's more than good. Even if you say you are a full-time veteran writer, there will be people who will believe you." Haruka Getsumei praised: "Now I am more confident."

"What about publishing?" Senichi asked.

"Don't worry about this, I know what to do."

Haruka Getsumei heard the words and said seriously: "Where to publish is your own right, I will at most ask the chief if there is a publishing house familiar to the Metropolitan Police Department, and I will never intervene in others.

Although I attach great importance to this task, we were friends before this. If you lose your interest, just refuse it directly. "

Haruka looked at Senichi and said sincerely.

"Then thank you very much." Senichi nodded his thanks.

The other party makes people feel comfortable, and coupled with the connection of the same class, even if the daily contact is not deep, they can continue to maintain a good cooperative relationship.

"Then it's not too late, I'll go and report first." Haruka Getsumei bid farewell to Senichi and left in a hurry, apparently to report good news to the boss.

And Senichi also received the support from the publicity department of the Metropolitan Police Department, and I am afraid that he will become a very special person in the criminal department in the future.

On Friday, Haruka Getsumei arrived with good news, which was also news that Senichi expected to succeed.

As for the publishing house, the boss used his personal connections to recommend a company, allowing Senichi to publish the book, and if it sells well in the future, he can increase the share of the book.

This is really good. It can be seen that the boss is also reciprocating the favor. It is impossible to negotiate such a condition if Senichi comes by himself.

This is very comfortable. It's a win-win situation. It goes without saying that everyone will care about their own interests.

Afterwards, a literary activity was launched from above.

The general idea is that after many years, everyone has experienced ups and downs, and perhaps experienced many stories in person, so they can adapt their own stories into works or simply publish them as original works.

The top few can get rewards such as newspaper publication, book publishing, bonuses, etc. Welcome to sign up.