
Famous Police Detective in Detective World

Senichi: A detective can only follow the criminal’s footsteps to catch him, but I can rely on future knowledge and stop the case! Conan: It seems that I need to go to Hawaii to train again! Senichi: Detectives often face the crisis of being killed by criminals, but my physical crime solving skills can reduce casualties! Conan: Don't make it so high-tech to solve crimes by force! ! Senichi: No matter how subtle it is, when you notice it, it may save a life! Everyone: You have persecution paranoia! How did you know that he was going to commit a crime? And it's so accurate every time! ! Senichi: Er... sorry~ I admit that I cheated~ ************** I am also publishing this novel on scribblehub with same username "Lightreaper". You can read advance chapters in my p@treon page!! p@treon.com/Lightreaper457 Please support this translation project if possible!! ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read. **************

Lightreaper · Anime & Comics
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444 Chs

Chapter 381: 【Master-Level Skill Experience Card】 Acquired!

In the Tokyo night, there was a bit more warmth than the mechanical chill from before.

Many people had been busy throughout the entire day, and during the limited free time in the night, they could finally catch a breath.

However, for salarymen, resting at night wasn't guaranteed. The prevalence of overtime culture meant that even without much work, one could only stay in the office, killing time.

In the Criminal Investigation Bureau, Senichi and others, who had just arrested the suspect, were also busy.

However, this overtime ended unusually quickly, without any delay.

From recording confessions to signing confessions and admitting guilt, with irrefutable evidence, Bunta Kuniyoshi didn't stir up any waves and honestly confessed.

After the initial busyness, Senichi invited Takagi and Chiba, along with other colleagues involved in the case, to go to an izakaya for dinner.

During a round of toasts, Senichi, with a beer in hand and an expectant look, opened the system panel.

[Congratulations to the host for gaining 300 Fate Points.]

It was the usual simple reward, not exceeding Senichi's expectations in the slightest.

However, it was precisely these ordinary 300 Fate Points that made Senichi extremely excited.

Not for anything else, just because with the additional 300 Fate Points from this reward, Senichi now had a whopping 2000 Fate Points!

Finally, he had saved enough for the colossal amount needed to purchase the [Master-Level Skill Experience Card]!

This was the source of Senichi's excitement. With the [Master-Level Skill Experience Card] as his trump card, it meant that at any time, facing any challenging situation, Senichi could instantly possess master-level professional skills to deal with the crisis.

After opening the store, the [Master-Level Skill Experience Card] and the nearby [Neural Reflex Enhancer Type I] flashed in front of Senichi with their expensive prices, seemingly highlighting Senichi's poverty.

Heh, looking at this arrogant price, Senichi decisively bought it!

Looking at the 0 Fate Points and the acquired item, Senichi felt a sense of relief.

Indeed, splurging on purchases could become addictive, especially when using hard-earned savings to buy something you've been wanting for a long time. It felt so satisfying!

But, the Fate Points he had diligently accumulated were back to zero overnight.

However, looking at the skills that had further enriched and strengthened during the time of solving cases on the panel, Senichi nodded in satisfaction.

Recent Achievements:


Name: Karazawa Senichi

Sex: Male

Age: 22

Occupation: Criminal Investigation Detective

Talent: Super Sense of Smell, Nimble Fingers

Fate point: 0



[Detective Job Skills]: Detective Science (C-rank) ↑ [9/20], Microexpressions (1 year), Forensic Science (1 year), Trace Identification (1 year), Profiling (1 year), Lip Reading (1 year), Psychology ↑(3 years)

[Phantom Thief Job Skills]: Magic Tricks (2 year), Disguise (C-rank) [6/20], Lock Picking (1 year), Theft (1 year), Voice Modulation ↑(2 year)

[Combat Skills]: Kendo ↑(B-rank) [12/20], Firearms (3 years), Unarmed Combat (4 years), Throwing Hidden Weapons ↑(4 years)

[Driving Skills]: Car Driving (A-level), Aircraft Piloting (1 year), Gliding Wing* (4 years)

[Language Skills]: Chinese Language (Max), Japanese Language (Max), English (C-rank), Braille (1 year)*

[Art Skills]: Painting (A-rank), Music (3 year), Chess (4 years)

[Cooking Skills]: Chinese Cuisine (C-Rank) [7/20], Italian Cuisine (2 year), Tea Ceremony (1 year)*, Japanese Cuisine (1 year)*

[Knowledge Skills]: Mathematics (1 year), Physics (1 year), Biology (1 year)

[Other Fields]: Law (A-rank), Swimming ↑(2 year), Hacking Techniques (2 year), Gaming (D-rank), Acting (1 year), Mechanical Modification (3 years)*, Skiing (1 year)*


[Unallocated]: All Profession Skill Points (4 years)


Equipment: Reasoning Training Card, Multifunctional Smartwatch (rope)(Grapple Hook)(UV Light) (Fingerprint Light), Emergency Compressed Biscuits (Mango flavor), Lie-Detecting Needle (1 times), H.X. Detective Costume, Hemostatic First Aid Bandage, Magic Pliers (one time), Magic Playing Cards, Miniature Button Locator, Portable Underwater Breather, H·X—Defensive Equipment (Upper Garment), Super Smell Talent Development Manual, Master-Level Skill Experience Card


##Translator's Note: * in the attribute panel means that it is a new skill or item.

↑ means level increase. ##

The above represents Senichi's current skill progress.

Apart from the new skills acquired in recent cases, such as Gliding Wing, other skills have also seen considerable improvement due to side mission rewards.

Apart from that, let's talk about the skills Senichi has improved through his own efforts.

Firstly, the core skill of his main profession, "Detective Science."

During this period, due to Senichi handling various cases of different sizes, his Investigation skill can be said to have rapidly improved by two years in practical experience.

Although this progress is fast, there's nothing surprising about it. After all, practice makes perfect, and theoretical knowledge needs to be applied in practice.

Given the frequent occurrence of cases in the world of Detective Conan, such rapid progress is only natural.

On the other hand, the skill of "Throwing Hidden Weapons" is the result of Senichi's continuous efforts.

After obtaining the Nimble Fingers talent, Senichi thought about how to utilize his spare time to develop this talent. After a brief consideration, Senichi believed that the skill of throwing hidden weapons was the most suitable.

Firstly, it's convenient. Just hang a dartboard and some darts on the wall, and whenever there's free time, you can practice by grabbing a dart.

Besides, although this skill may seem useless at the moment, it can be very effective at higher levels.

Even though it's a skill that shines in the late stages, Senichi practiced it on the side when he had spare time. The skill... improved by two years...

The main reason is that the Nimble Fingers talent is just too powerful. Senichi casually played with darts, but the speed at which he mastered the skill was incredibly fast.

Yes, it felt like the kind of feeling a genius has when they look at a problem and immediately understand the solution.

So, Senichi genuinely experienced the feeling of being a genius. There was simply no pressure in practicing; he effortlessly improved his skills.

Feeling happy, Senichi also drank a bit more at the banquet, but with his physical fitness, he didn't feel any discomfort when he returned to his residence.

After washing up, sitting on the bed, Senichi threw darts casually, contemplating the current situation and how to deal with it later.

Thinking of Jodie's appearance today, Senichi felt that the case he had in mind wasn't far off, and it was highly likely that it would be the next significant case.

Furrowing his brows, Senichi felt that the intervention point for this case was a bit troublesome, and the difficulty of rescuing the victim was also somewhat high.

With his brain working, Senichi kept pondering the most optimal solution...


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Early access to the following translations:-

⭐MCU: Druid's Adventures (MCUDA) - 133 advance chapters

⭐Famous Police Detective in Detective World (FPDDW)- +165 advance chapters

⭐Marvel: Little Genius (MLG) (⭐COMPLETE⭐) - Total Chapter 450

⭐Harry Potter: Card System[⭐NEW NOVEL⭐] - 2 Chaptersp@treon.com/Lightreaper457
