
Famous Police Detective in Detective World

Senichi: A detective can only follow the criminal’s footsteps to catch him, but I can rely on future knowledge and stop the case! Conan: It seems that I need to go to Hawaii to train again! Senichi: Detectives often face the crisis of being killed by criminals, but my physical crime solving skills can reduce casualties! Conan: Don't make it so high-tech to solve crimes by force! ! Senichi: No matter how subtle it is, when you notice it, it may save a life! Everyone: You have persecution paranoia! How did you know that he was going to commit a crime? And it's so accurate every time! ! Senichi: Er... sorry~ I admit that I cheated~ ************** I am also publishing this novel on scribblehub with same username "Lightreaper". You can read advance chapters in my p@treon page!! p@treon.com/Lightreaper457 Please support this translation project if possible!! ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read. **************

Lightreaper · Anime & Comics
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444 Chs

Chapter 38: Conan-kun Who Fills in the Gaps~

In the room on the second floor of the villa, Tomofumi Tanaka's elder brother was lying powerlessly on the recliner.

And no matter how Police Officer Megure shouted, he didn't respond at all. After all, he had already turned into a cold corpse.

As for the living Tomofumi Tanaka, who had the same appearance as the corpse, his hands and feet were also cold, but if compared with his dead and desperate thoughts, this chill was nothing at all.

"Sorry, the smell of a dead person is still somewhat different from that of a living person." Senichi shrugged and said, "Although ordinary people can't detect it shortly after the body dies, I am not an ordinary person.

Although you handled the bloody smell from the corpse very cleanly, but it is as pungent and obvious as perfume to my sense of smell.

The same is true for the bathroom. The blood mixed with the shower gel is really an unfriendly smell. "

"You... who the hell are you!!" Tomofumi Tanaka fell to the ground when he heard Senichi's words, and looked at Senichi with an expression as if he was looking at a monster.

"I am just an ordinary officer with a slightly more sensitive nose." Senichi smiled lightly and said, "There are too many people like me in the world. How many is it? one in every 20 million? There is someone like me. A guy with a developed sense of smell."

What Senichi said was also to make Officer Megure and the others less fussy. Just now, following his long words, even Officer Megure, Conan and the others looked like they had seen a ghost.

"Following around the room and figuring out the surrounding environment, I almost understand the trick you arranged."

After explaining, Senichi spoke again to draw everyone's attention back to the case, "You saw that Conan and the others found the body, in order to avoid our investigation, you quickly came up with a bold plan, allowing you to hide the truth. A way to hide the dead body.

First, the blood in the bathroom was cleaned, and then a bathrobe was put on the corpse. Brother Tanaka's corpse was placed on the recliner on the second floor, put in a sleeping posture, and then waited for our arrival.

Similarly, you who came out to greet us were also wearing a bathrobe, pretending to be your brother.

After all, the two of you are twins. Apart from your beard and glasses, you basically haven't changed much in appearance, so you can completely hide it.

And then you pretended to be impatient, took the opportunity to get angry and went back to the room upstairs, and then while we searched the house, you changed your clothes and climbed over the high wall with the help of the big tree in the backyard.

And although the river embankment walkway outside the high wall is only 40 centimeters, it is completely passable if people stick to the wall and walk sideways.

After you escaped smoothly, you pretended like you just came back from the company, and resumed your original identity as a younger brother. "

"Then Senichi-kun, the sudden turning off of the TV, and the loud angry shout when the vase was broken are all fake?" Police Officer Megure asked in surprise.

"Ah, yes. For things like the TV, you just need to set the shutdown time in advance, and then match it with acting skills."

Senichi explained: "At that time, the TV was turned off just after he complained, and we would naturally subconsciously think that his brother had woken up.

Similarly, coupled with his acting cooperation, we were quickly pushed out of the room. We didn't have time to check it out, didn't we? "

"As for the scolding..." Senichi looked at Conan and said with a smile, "Even Conan has already reacted to this kind of trick, right?"

Hearing Senichi's words, Conan couldn't help but nodded cutely: "En! Uncle used the recorder and the mobile phone in his pocket to put on a good show in order to make us think his brother is still alive.

First, record the angry cursing words on the answering machine, then use the mobile phone to switch to the column of the caller to make calls, and then adjust the ringtone to silent.

And when Gente broke the vase, I'm afraid he helped you a lot.

Just found a reasonable excuse for that shout. "

Conan held the phone and said with a smile: "Of course, there is risk. He needs to secretly pick up the phone to answer it when we are not paying attention, because if he doesn't do that, the recording of cursing will be produced again.

Of course, you just need to touch the phone a little bit to get the receiver off the landline. "

Hearing Conan complete the last paragraph of reasoning, Senichi couldn't help applauding the other party and giving himself a thumbs up at the same time.

Although Senichi deduced most of the previous reasoning based on his sense of smell, after locking down the murderer in advance, he deduced it in reverse, but the other party's cursing trick, he is like "know it but does not know what it is".

His impression of the landline is only to make and receive calls. Senichi is not familiar with other functions. After all, many functions on the japanese phone are different from those in his hometown.

Although the original body has memories of this aspect, Senichi has never actually touched it after all. He is also afraid that what he would say in the reasoning would not be rigorous enough and have some omissions, so he simply handed it over to Conan to complete the last part of the reasoning. up.

On the surface, it seems that Senichi doesn't bother to explain this kind of little trick and asks a child to solve it, mocking Tomofumi Tanaka.

It can be seen that after listening to all the reasoning, Tomofumi Tanaka's face has turned ashen, and he is even more desperate.

"It's all that bastard's fault! That scumbag lives and eats at my house all day long, acting like a loafer!!!!"

Tomofumi Tanaka roared like he was venting, "He found out that I forged stocks to make money, and said he wouldn't betray me, but he will depend on me for the rest of his life!!

I'm getting married soon! ! So that guy must be kicked out! !

At that time, I fought with him, and in a fit of rage, I just took a golf club and blew his head off! !"

"In the final analysis, it's your fault first." Senichi said calmly after hearing this: "If you hadn't been obsessed with violating the law, how could you have given your brother the excuse to threaten you.

If you were an upright person, then you could justifiably kick your brother out of the house, so everything is still your fault in the first place to give him the opportunity, right?

Don't blame others here! ! "

The reprimand silenced Tomofumi Tanaka, and he was finally taken into the police car like a puppet.

"Officer Senichi is so cool!!" Ayumi rushed over with sparkling eyes.

Mitsuhiko also looked excited, "It feels like a superpower!"

"It's better than the nose of a police dog!!"

"Hey! Brat, are you praising me or scolding me!!" Senichi rolled his eyes angrily when he heard Genta's words.

"Hehe... In a way, it's really a police dog..." Conan complained in his heart, "And it's a human-shaped police dog that's easier to use than a police dog..."