
Famous Police Detective in Detective World

Senichi: A detective can only follow the criminal’s footsteps to catch him, but I can rely on future knowledge and stop the case! Conan: It seems that I need to go to Hawaii to train again! Senichi: Detectives often face the crisis of being killed by criminals, but my physical crime solving skills can reduce casualties! Conan: Don't make it so high-tech to solve crimes by force! ! Senichi: No matter how subtle it is, when you notice it, it may save a life! Everyone: You have persecution paranoia! How did you know that he was going to commit a crime? And it's so accurate every time! ! Senichi: Er... sorry~ I admit that I cheated~ ************** I am also publishing this novel on scribblehub with same username "Lightreaper". You can read advance chapters in my p@treon page!! p@treon.com/Lightreaper457 Please support this translation project if possible!! ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read. **************

Lightreaper · Anime & Comics
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444 Chs

Chapter 373: Case Resolution

"Miss Terazumi had access to the internet?"

Senichi looked at Haruka and said, "Blogs, chat rooms, chat applications, she often used those, right?"

"Ah, yes..." Haruka nodded, suddenly realizing, "Are you saying he feared that Miss Terazumi had made backups and stored evidence online?"

"That's right, exactly."

Senichi nodded. "Whether it's text, videos, or photos, once something is uploaded to the internet, it's a disaster. So, he left the hard drive to trace Miss Terazumi's internet records and thoroughly investigate the traces she left online, hoping to erase the data completely."

"He really is a cautious person..."

Haruka looked at Hiroshi Miura in the room with lingering fear. "When he committed the crime a year ago, he didn't show any flaws... I just don't know what he did all this for..."

"If you want to know, come in with me." Senichi walked to the door of the interrogation room, looked at the stunned Haruka, waved, and smiled. "What's wrong? Don't want to interrogate personally?"


"It's okay, and besides, Detective Haruka, you also want to personally understand this case, right?" Takagi laughed on the side. "Go ahead, put a satisfactory end to this case, after all, it's a year-old wish."


Seeing the two people beside him, Haruka knew very well that they had discussed this beforehand. She bowed deeply to the two and said, "Thank you!"


The interrogation process went smoothly, and from Hiroshi Miura's confession, the true nature of the case became clear.

In addition to Miss Terazumi, it turned out that a year ago, Yoshiaki Miura's murder was also his doing.

At that time, he had already started an affair with the wealthy Miyako, giving the cuckolded Yoshiaki Miura quite a bit of trouble.

Their extramarital affair was intense, but even so, he wasn't satisfied. Although he coveted Miyako's body, he coveted her wealth even more.

However, Yoshiaki Miura was the son-in-law, and the usual decision-making power in the family was in Miyako's hands. She could have an affair, even if she gets caught there would be no divorce crisis. Naturally, she was unwilling to divorce.

After all, it's just playing around for her, having one outside and one at home.

In this way, Yoshiaki Miura became an obstacle to his plan for wealth, and Hiroshi Miura harbored murderous intent.

On the other hand, Yoshiaki Miura, too, was not just wearing the cuckolded hat; he had also given his wife quite a bit of trouble with Miss Terazumi.

Later, Hiroshi Miura told Yoshiaki Miura about their extramarital affair and arranged a meeting with him.

During the meeting, Yoshiaki Miura messaged Yoshiko Terazumi about the situation.

Afterwards, according to the plan, Hiroshi Miura killed Yoshiaki Miura.

But Yoshiko Terazumi, who knew the truth, chose to remain silent and did not disclose the matter.

Subsequently, it became quite apparent.

Terazumi used this leverage to blackmail Hiroshi Miura, extorting money from him.

Prolonged extortion naturally led to growing resentment in the one being extorted. Eventually, Hiroshi Miura, unable to endure it any longer, lured her into the forest under the pretense of paying money and killed her.

Leaving the interrogation room, Haruka remained silent for a long time.

"Are you thinking that if it weren't for your insistence, Terazumi might have brought out those emails if she faced prosecution?" Senichi looked at Haruka, who seemed downcast.

"Yes..." Haruka self-mockingly smiled. "Thanks to me, there wasn't a need for things to reach that point... which also led to today's tragedy. If only I..."

"You're too arrogant!"

Senichi bluntly interrupted Haruka's words, looking serious. "Even I, during the investigation of a case, wouldn't dare to say what consequences my actions might bring. In the end, we are all ordinary people and cannot predict the future. All we can do is adhere to our own principles and do what we believe is 'just.'"

Well, coming from Senichi's somewhat boastful mouth, these words didn't sound convincing at all. After all, to some extent, Senichi could indeed "predict the future."

But regardless, Senichi's comforting words seemed to have an effect.

Haruka seemed to have emerged from her inner conflict. She then smiled and bowed towards Senichi, expressing her gratitude. "Thank you so much this time, Detective Senichi! Thank you for trusting me all along when I was under suspicion."

"There are too many cases in the world that remain unsolved, and the question of who the culprit is often arises. As a detective, the only thing we can do is to continue investigating."

Senichi looked at Haruka and smiled, "Undoubtedly, holding onto such 'justice' is also the pride of being a detective. So, I believed you are not the culprit."

"...Thank you."

To Haruka's gratitude once again, Senichi waved his hand dismissively and walked outside. "Enough with the thanks; after all, you're my exclusive 'press officer.' Remember to treat me to a meal next time."

"Sure!" Watching Senichi's retreating figure, Haruka nodded firmly.

In addition to understanding Haruka and knowing that she wasn't the type to commit such a crime, Senichi had another unspoken basis.

That was his favor from fate!

Favor from fate might be intangible and seemingly inconspicuous, but it had many functions. For example, besides using favor from fate to advance specific events to desired results (part-time writer), cover up small flaws in Senichi's actions (posing as Kaito Kuroba), and fill gaps (patching up illogical behaviors when discovered), it also had everyday applications.

This daily application was a passive one. The more favor from fate one had, the luckier they became, and even the people around them could receive a bit of favor from fate.

Without mentioning sudden wealth, at least among friends and family, one wouldn't become a murderer or encounter criminal cases, ensuring safety was entirely possible.

After all, if something happened to them, to some extent, it would be a "plot twist," so to avoid this tendency, they would indirectly receive protection.

Well, now Senichi was extremely grateful that this was a world primarily influenced by Conan, and not a detective world dominated by Kindaichi. If it were a world dominated by Kindaichi, Senichi might consider living a hermit's life.

Kindaichi was truly a star of ill fate. Friends around him died, cases he tackled, and even the main heroine couldn't escape crises, encountering many life-threatening situations.

As Senichi's "exclusive press officer" and a contemporary and good friend, Haruka's personality and qualities were exceptional. Naturally, she couldn't suddenly become a criminal without any face.

Of course, this kind of "Detective Conan" thing couldn't be spoken out loud.

When returning to his senses, Senichi was already back in the office, sitting at his desk. With a thought, he directly opened the system panel.

The case was closed, and it was time for the rewards!


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⭐MCU: Druid's Adventures (MCUDA) - 133 advance chapters

⭐Famous Police Detective in Detective World (FPDDW)- +165 advance chapters

⭐Marvel: Little Genius (MLG) (⭐COMPLETE⭐) - Total Chapter 450

⭐Harry Potter: Card System[⭐NEW NOVEL⭐] - 2 Chaptersp@treon.com/Lightreaper457
