
Famous Police Detective in Detective World

Senichi: A detective can only follow the criminal’s footsteps to catch him, but I can rely on future knowledge and stop the case! Conan: It seems that I need to go to Hawaii to train again! Senichi: Detectives often face the crisis of being killed by criminals, but my physical crime solving skills can reduce casualties! Conan: Don't make it so high-tech to solve crimes by force! ! Senichi: No matter how subtle it is, when you notice it, it may save a life! Everyone: You have persecution paranoia! How did you know that he was going to commit a crime? And it's so accurate every time! ! Senichi: Er... sorry~ I admit that I cheated~ ************** I am also publishing this novel on scribblehub with same username "Lightreaper". You can read advance chapters in my p@treon page!! p@treon.com/Lightreaper457 Please support this translation project if possible!! ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read. **************

Lightreaper · Anime & Comics
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444 Chs

Chapter 309: Hang in There, Takagi

In this world, it's not just about distinguishing between right and wrong.

Sometimes, doing good things can lead to terrible consequences and entangle oneself in the mess.

So, how to handle a situation is crucial, including the means and methods.

Perhaps it may seem somewhat utilitarian, like selecting a lucky person as a symbol.

But you can't deny that this helps the other person.

As long as the outcome is favorable, why not pay a price in the process?

The smart approach is to make those in authority see the benefits. This way, your good deeds will go more smoothly, not only achieving your goals but also gaining their support.

The world of adults is not so simple. Even the best things, without proper support, are just empty words of praise without any real action.

And once something goes wrong, countless people will jump out to ridicule and even add fuel to the fire.

So, putting interests out in the open is not something to be ashamed of or seen as dirty. There's no need to be proud of your methods, but also no need to be humble. Stand tall with a clear conscience.

After bringing Mizuko Shibakusa back to the Metropolitan Police Department and completing her statement, Miwako Sato returned to her office and lay down on her chair.

"What's wrong, Sato-san? Are you feeling unwell?"

At this moment, Shiratori, who believed that Miwako Sato was his childhood love. Seeing her looking exhausted, he quickly approached and expressed concern.

"Oh, it's you, Shiratori-kun. I'm not feeling unwell," Miwako Sato waved her hand and sat up, supporting her forehead. "It's just that because of this case, I've once again realized my own foolishness..."

"Foolishness..." Shiratori appeared utterly baffled. "What happened in this case?"

"Senichi-kun, it must be my perception," Miwako Sato quipped, "Miss Shibakusa gained success by following Takaki Murakami's reputation, and I've also excessively trusted brands, to the point that it affected my taste..."

"But, on the other hand, isn't this something that affects everyone?"

Senichi smiled and reassured her, "You see, Miss Shibakusa's books went unnoticed when published under her real name, but under the name of Takaki Murakami, they sold incredibly well and even won awards. It shows that it's not just you who can be misled."

"But as a detective, I've let it influence my judgment, just like an ordinary person. That's what bothers me," Miwako Sato sighed, "It means I'm not calm enough and can't objectively assess the issue of reputation. If I act like this during investigations, I might easily be deceived by the criminals' tricks. Realizing that I haven't made any progress at all is what makes me feel down..."

So that's how it is.

Hearing Miwako Sato's explanation, Senichi finally understood why she was so concerned about being influenced by luxury brands in the past.

It seemed that this experience reminded her of being deceived by criminals in previous cases.

And this current case had similarities, which must have made Miwako Sato feel a sense of empathy during her interactions with Mizuko Shibakusa when she was taking her statement.

"Don't worry, as long as you keep the mindset of continuous improvement, I believe there will be progress someday!" Officer Takagi, who had entered the room, couldn't help but offer his comforting words. "Besides, Miwako-san, the fact that you've recognized this flaw is already significant progress."

"Is it progress?" Miwako Sato murmured, repeating the word to herself. Then she smiled and said, "Thank you, Takagi. I feel much better now!"

"Is that so? That's great," Takagi was dazzled by the smile of his beloved, his mind wandering. He chuckled absentmindedly, completely unaware of the burly men who had gathered nearby with red gleaming eyes.

"Well, I should get going. There are some matters I need to attend to," Miwako Sato said with a smile, waving to the group, and then she left the office.

"Then I'll head out as well." Senichi looked at the burly men who kept entering the office and silently mourned for Officer Takagi for three seconds, then decisively prepared to make his escape.

"Huh? Even Officer Senichi has something to do?" Officer Takagi turned to look at Senichi, who had walked out of the office in a hurry, only to find his view blocked by a tall wall.

"Huh... you guys..."

And only at this moment did Officer Takagi, who had his back to the door, notice that a group of tough and burly men exuding a sinister aura had entered the office at some point.

"Hehehe, long time no see, Officer Takagi!"

"You've got quite some guts recently, often teaming up with Officer Sato!"

"I heard what you just said, quite bold of you!"

"To try to woo Officer Sato, running away is not allowed!!"

As the group of tough and sinister men gradually approached, Officer Takagi couldn't help but step back.

But there were too many people on the other side, and they had already completely surrounded him.

So, in the midst of Takagi's despair, the group of men slowly closed in on him, closing the gap.

"Help, Officer Senichi!!"

"Shiratori-kun! Help!!"

Amidst Takagi's cries and screams, Senichi, peeking his head from outside the door, took a glance at the situation inside and mourned for him silently for another three seconds.

Enjoy it, Takagi. Being targeted by Miwako Sato's fans means you've taken a big step forward!

Wanting to pursue Miwako Sato, you must go through all of this, young man~

After all, you've stolen everyone's goddess, so it's understandable that everyone wants to let off some steam by giving you a hard time.

Being surrounded by a group of men and constantly squeezed? Hang in there, for the day of sweet reward will come eventually!

By then, without Shiratori, Miwako Sato's fan club would be close to disbanding.

At that point, you'd not only be free, but you'd also be well on your way to winning over the beauty. Compared to that, what's a little discomfort?

Moreover, based on Senichi's recent observations, he had noticed that with his discreet assistance (such as assigning them to the same investigative team), Miwako Sato's attitude toward Officer Takagi had become much friendlier than before.

He took a few low-quality photos using the flip phone's camera, saving them as props for future teasing of Takagi. With a casual wave to Takagi, Senichi, the hidden benefactor, left the office.

On one side was the wrath of the singles, and since he didn't quite fit into this atmosphere, it was better to go find Ayako for a date and indulge in some lovey-dovey moments, maybe even teasing the love-stricken.

Oh, and since he had just solved a case, did that mean there was a good chance of enjoying a peaceful weekend?

Thinking about this, Senichi's desire for an outing and some sightseeing couldn't be restrained any longer.

Well, he'd discuss with Ayako during their date about where to go. Then, he'd simply leave Tokyo behind to avoid both Conan and the Grim Reaper in Osaka. A nice and peaceful vacation was on the horizon~~

Yes, perfect!!


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Early access to the following translations:-

⭐MCU: Druid's Adventures (MCUDA) - +68 advance chapters & 3 Chapters/Day

⭐Famous Police Detective in Detective World (FPDDW)- +145 advance chapters & 2 Chapters/Day

⭐Marvel: Little Genius (MLG) (⭐COMPLETE⭐) - Total Chapter 450

