
Famous Police Detective in Detective World

Senichi: A detective can only follow the criminal’s footsteps to catch him, but I can rely on future knowledge and stop the case! Conan: It seems that I need to go to Hawaii to train again! Senichi: Detectives often face the crisis of being killed by criminals, but my physical crime solving skills can reduce casualties! Conan: Don't make it so high-tech to solve crimes by force! ! Senichi: No matter how subtle it is, when you notice it, it may save a life! Everyone: You have persecution paranoia! How did you know that he was going to commit a crime? And it's so accurate every time! ! Senichi: Er... sorry~ I admit that I cheated~ ************** I am also publishing this novel on scribblehub with same username "Lightreaper". You can read advance chapters in my p@treon page!! p@treon.com/Lightreaper457 Please support this translation project if possible!! ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read. **************

Lightreaper · Anime & Comics
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444 Chs

Chapter 282: Reactions of Red and Black Sides

The results this time were relatively good.

First, because of her sister, Haibara did not fall into despair and wanted to give up on life.

Although she was equally afraid, trembling, pitiful, weak, and helpless, her will to survive was incredibly strong.

However, thanks to Senichi drawing most of the attention, Haibara's timidity seemed to be treated as a normal reaction for an ordinary elementary school student encountering a criminal.

Furthermore, thanks to Senichi's swift resolution of the case, Haibara's fright wasn't too severe, and she wasn't injured either.

Well, it looks like Conan's heroics to save the day didn't happen.

Due to this incident, no one had the heart to go skiing anymore, and with Dr. Agasa having a cold, the group decided to visit Dr. Agasa's house and have fun there.

After returning home, Haibara, who was full of worries about the situation, sought comfort from Akemi with "hugs and kisses." Well, not that exaggerated, but it was something along those lines.

Sister-con Haibara, confirmed!

Meanwhile, as the little ones celebrated surviving the crisis and played games at Dr. Agasa's house, the aftermath of the case began to sweep over both the Red and Black sides.

The reactions of both sides didn't exceed Senichi's expectations.

The two cunning individuals, Dr. Tomoaki Araide(Vermouth in disguise) and Jodie enthusiastically made plans to meet again for a visit to the Art Museum and then went their separate ways.

Thinking about Senichi's previous performances, Vermouth's gaze grew serious. "Although the original objective didn't make much progress, the information we've gathered about this person is quite valuable..."

Considering the various abilities this person had displayed, their keen instincts, foresight of danger, and superhuman reflexes...

And now, with Senichi's increasing influence, Vermouth felt that even an assassination would be a troublesome affair.

Whether he lives or dies, it seems he's about to stir up a terrifying storm.

There's no way around it; the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department has its reputation to uphold. Cases involving attacks on ordinary detectives are taken extremely seriously. If their own "poster boy" were to be assassinated without any response, it would be seen as incompetence by both society and the government.

At the same time, the younger generation supported by the elite faction is also a crucial political line. If they were to strike at them or assassinate a representative figure from their younger generation, the elite faction would never be able to swallow this quietly.

As leaders from the same year, they were destined to show no indifference if he were assassinated. Not to mention the camaraderie among those who entered the police academy to study together in the same year; you could say that by the time you all graduated, you were already implicitly classified into a factional circle.

"Home province (referring to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department)," "same school," "same year," these are the fundamental elements that formed factions in ancient times, and it's the same in Tokyo's bureaucratic world today.

Add to that the influence of the Suzuki Group in politics...

So if Senichi were to be assassinated, whether it succeeded or not, it would cause a shockwave in the realms of government, finance, and politics. It would be like poking a hornet's nest, and the cost of such a rash assassination would be too high.

If the other party were an insider, the Black Organization would naturally show their ruthless side and hunt them down without hesitation.

But fortunately, the other party is just an outsider, so there's no need to assassinate him just because he's a bit of a challenge.

Thinking of this, Vermouth, disguised as Dr. Araide, sat in the corner of the bar and a faint smile crept onto his lips. "This guy is quite a handful; I hope to have fewer dealings with him in the future. However... a certain 'hardworking' gentleman might find it a bit of a headache to avoid such individuals in the future."

On the other side, the Red side.

One who had similar thoughts to Vermouth was Shuichi Akai.

But compared to Vermouth, Shuichi Akai was more surprised. He didn't treat this person as a hypothetical enemy but rather felt relieved that someone like him had appeared in Tokyo.

This was a good thing. Given the influence of the other party's current identity, the organization had decided not to choose high-risk actions like assassination without any benefit.

However, his identity as an officer also meant that his influence would make the organization more cautious, leading them to be relatively restrained.

Even depending on the situation, he could be used as a trump card at a critical moment under guidance, leveraging his own position to play an unexpected role.

With this in mind, Shuichi Akai held his walkie-talkie. "The target individual has not appeared yet... We'll conduct further investigation another day. Also, I need detailed information on Senichi Karazawa."

"As soon as possible!"


Just as the aftermath's waves swept over both the Red and Black sides.

As the protagonist who is influencing both sides, at this moment, he was eagerly looking at the panel. And the reason for that was none other than the lottery!

Although this time he didn't receive item rewards, he got a chance to increase the probability of acquiring daily skills and 500 fate Points.

But this finally allowed Senichi to accumulate enough chances for ten consecutive draws.

1200 Fate Points!

Combined with the original 700 points, this was the total number of Fate Points Senichi currently possessed.

Speaking of which, recently, Senichi had been performing well in various cases he had encountered, preventing many of them.

However, because he had been stopping cases, the rewards were good, mostly items and such. This led to him running low on Fate Points, and it took quite some time for him to accumulate enough for a ten consecutive draw.

This is what they call a pleasant problem, right?

Without further ado, because he was eager for a modification opportunity, Senichi decisively used the reward for increasing the probability of daily skill acquisition this time.

Regarding the reward for increasing the lottery probability this time, although Senichi's initial plan was to acquire a skill to use for vehicle modification, like fitting a roaring engine into a car.

But if he were to use this precious lottery opportunity solely for "car modification," it would be somewhat wasteful.

So, Senichi played it smart here. Instead of simply choosing "car modification," he chose "mechanical modification."

Don't be fooled by the change in just one word; the scope of this skill was much broader.

But relatively speaking, these kinds of skills have much higher upper limits. For example, the music skill that Senichi drew, each time he draws it, it also notes the musical instrument branch.

This is clearly a broad field skill. Although various branch skills are mixed together, allowing for rapid overall skill level improvement, it makes Senichi a jack-of-all-trades but master of none.

Although the level upgrades quickly, the skill scope is too broad, and the upper limit is too high. Even if he reaches S-rank, he still can't reach the level of a master who transitions from being a learner to a pioneer.

However, there is a difference between knowledge-based and martial arts-based skills. For example, mastering a single musical instrument is enough for a lifetime of study. Although you can apply knowledge to other instruments, your level will drop.

In the case of martial arts skills, it essentially involves continuously improving individual combat capabilities.

Once you reach a certain level of mastery, there are commonalities, and you are no longer confined to a specific school, giving a sense of universality, somewhat akin to "the unity of all martial arts."

Senichi discovered these experiences firsthand as he continued to draw.

For example, he didn't draw the guitar skill. Although he had some knowledge and could play a little, he probably only had the skills of a beginner.

In martial arts, regardless of the school, having a broader skill set means having more techniques at your disposal.

[Reward has been activated. The daily skill "Mechanical Modification" will have an increased chance of acquisition in the next ten draws.]

When the system prompted the reward activation, Senichi, who had been lost in thought, decisively opened the lottery page.


With the eternal expectation and excitement that one always has when drawing, Senichi stared intently at the rewards constantly refreshing on the screen.

[Congratulations, host, on acquiring Knowledge Card: Kendo (One Year)]

[Congratulations, host, on acquiring Knowledge Card: Tea Ceremony (One Year)]

[Congratulations, host, on acquiring Knowledge Card: Psychology (One Year)]

[Congratulations, host, on acquiring Knowledge Card: Japanese Cuisine (One Year)]

[Congratulations, host, on acquiring Knowledge Card: Hang Gliding (One Year)]

Seeing the first five rewards, even though there were two daily life skills, Japanese cuisine and tea ceremony, the inclusion of Kendo and Psychology, two skills that enhance both the cultural and martial aspects, already thrilled Senichi.

In the midst of these, there was an odd skill – Hang Gliding.

But before Senichi could carefully examine it, he immediately moved on to the next draw!


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Early access to the following translations:-

 ~⭐NEW⭐MCU: Druid's Adventures (MCUDA) - +37 advance chapters

 ~Marvel: Little Genius (MLG) (⭐COMPLETE⭐) - Total Chapter 450

 ~Famous Police Detective in Detective World (FPDDW)- +130 advance chapters & 2 Chapters/Day

