
Famous Police Detective in Detective World

Senichi: A detective can only follow the criminal’s footsteps to catch him, but I can rely on future knowledge and stop the case! Conan: It seems that I need to go to Hawaii to train again! Senichi: Detectives often face the crisis of being killed by criminals, but my physical crime solving skills can reduce casualties! Conan: Don't make it so high-tech to solve crimes by force! ! Senichi: No matter how subtle it is, when you notice it, it may save a life! Everyone: You have persecution paranoia! How did you know that he was going to commit a crime? And it's so accurate every time! ! Senichi: Er... sorry~ I admit that I cheated~ ************** I am also publishing this novel on scribblehub with same username "Lightreaper". You can read advance chapters in my p@treon page!! p@treon.com/Lightreaper457 Please support this translation project if possible!! ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read. **************

Lightreaper · Anime & Comics
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444 Chs

Chapter 157: Harvest

In the first five draws, except for Italian cuisine, Senichi basically got four out of five, which naturally made him extremely happy.

Although they weren't the most valuable batch, having more skills to complement his breadth was also a kind of progress.

Becoming an all-around "jack-of-all-trades" ensured that he would have countermeasures in various situations, which had always been Senichi's pursuit.

He needed reasoning abilities since he relied on them to make a living, and he also needed to be versatile to better cope with various difficulties.

As for improving his own combat power, that was even more necessary. It was a rigid requirement to survive in the Conanverse.

When the culprit attacks him, his constant pursuit is to directly crush the opponent. He didn't want to play any tricks because he wasn't "Death's prodigal son." He couldn't guarantee that every culprit he knocked out would play a deduction game with him instead of receiving a direct stab to the heart.

Back to the topic, apart from the three skills, Senichi also drew a book.

If you only looked at its practicality, the book he drew, "Journey Under the Midnight Sun," seemed to be not very cost-effective except for allowing Senichi to copy books and earn money.

However, Senichi discovered that its additional effects in reality were actually quite good, which was an advantage that other skills couldn't bring.

After publishing the book last time, the response was very good. Not only did it bring in money, but it also increased Senichi's fame and influence.

It could be said that Senichi's reputation was getting bigger and bigger. The Metropolitan Police Department was becoming more lenient with Senichi's privileges, and there were rumors that they were considering promoting him soon...

However, Senichi maintained a calm attitude towards this and prepared himself for the long-awaited promotion to inspector.

But no matter what, after fermenting for a while, the choice of being a "part-time" writer finally revealed its power.

First of all, it allowed Senichi to have more freedom of movement. With his solving efficiency and fame, the monotonous days of punching in and out of work should be a thing of the past.

Then came the increase in influence.

This not only referred to the power of speech within the Metropolitan Police Department but also the rise in social status.

It was really impressive to be called a Japanese writer.

Although he was a newcomer, Senichi saw young people online addressing him as "teacher" to show respect.

Generally speaking, unless someone had a legitimate teaching profession, being called that title usually meant they belonged to the higher echelons of society, such as a congressman.

Naturally, authors could also be addressed in that manner, but knowing it and actually experiencing it were two different things. Senichi truly felt the difference when it happened to him.

With the continuous release of new books, it was believed that the title of "teacher" would become one of the common honorifics used by others when referring to him in social interactions.

There were even some subtle influences, such as narrowing the social gap with the Suzuki family. According to Ayako, her mother-in-law was even more satisfied with him...

Ahem, anyway, the influence of the "author" identity turned out to be much better than Senichi had expected.

By the way, the first batch of manuscript fees had already been received, and Senichi's financial situation had improved quite a bit. He sent some money to his parents and planned to invest the rest in promising areas, buying some stocks to observe their development.

In just a short while of idly thinking about the rewards, the next five draws had come to an end.

With a pleased expression on his face, Senichi, who initially thought he had struck it rich, gradually froze.

Indeed, it seemed that he had the luck of an ordinary person after all. Being a super lucky person or anything like that wasn't an expectation he should hold.

Oh well, being an ordinary person isn't bad... At least it's much better than being a non-achiever...

While clutching his heart and comforting himself, Senichi began to tally up his rewards.

There were two life skills, which were not particularly remarkable. They were talents for everyday entertainment and could be helpful when dealing with cases involving related areas.

In addition, there was lip-reading, a professional skill for detectives that could be quite effective under specific conditions.

It seemed impressive, but under normal circumstances, it probably wouldn't be of much use, especially considering Senichi's current low level.

If he wanted to use a telescope to accurately read a conversation between two people one hundred meters away, it would probably be quite challenging for the time being.

In his current beginner state, unless he seriously repeated the footage, he probably wouldn't be able to understand what the other person was saying.

In simple terms, it was useful but not a skill that he urgently needed. It was more suitable for filling up his skill repertoire and increasing his versatility once he fully developed in the later stages.

As for the throwing hidden weapon skill, it was evident from the name that it was a good offensive method. In a world without superpowers, long-range attacks always had an advantage.

Senichi chose to learn this new skill first. After scanning his knowledge, he had a rough understanding of it.

The knowledge included proper force training for various parts of the body such as fingers, wrists, and muscles, as well as various throwing techniques for objects.

However, it was clear that at his current beginner level, he would only be able to play around with throwing darts at a distance of five or six meters. It was far from being usable in actual combat.

But it wasn't bad either. He had just started learning, and early skill upgrades were simpler, allowing him to save some skill points. Once he developed further, he would essentially have another offensive method at his disposal.

By then, with a few small gadgets, he would have a long-range means of attack that he could use anytime.

Although Senichi was a detective in the Criminal Investigation Division and seemed like he could use firearms at any time, that was a misconception.

Unless it was a significant case, plainclothes detectives working in pairs didn't carry guns. They would only apply for firearms when dealing with major or high-profile cases.

Take Senichi's experience since joining the force, for example. Apart from the monthly shooting practice, he hadn't had the opportunity to use a gun.

On the other hand, patrol officers who wore uniforms and rode bicycles in the neighborhood were the ones who carried guns on them.

So being able to develop this skill would provide a significant advantage in unexpected situations.

Although the skill level was too low and it wouldn't be useful for now...

As for the last newly acquired item, its effect was quite good, and it could also be purchased in stores in the future. It was Senichi's only source of psychological comfort.

[Hemostatic First Aid Bandage: When encountering a large number of people with severe bleeding and unable to receive timely rescue, using the bandage to stop the bleeding will also introduce a drug into the body to maintain normal bodily functions for one hour.]

Note: Please seek medical attention promptly after use~

This item was obviously very practical and could be a lifesaver in critical moments. If he encountered someone on the verge of death, using this might prevent a tragedy from occurring.

However, it wouldn't be effective for injuries that were too severe, such as being stabbed through the heart or having one's throat slit. In those cases, there was no use for it, and one would have to accept their fate.


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Early access to the following translations:-

~Marvel: Little Genius (MLG) - +94 advance chapters

~Famous Police Detective in Detective World (FPDDW)- +45 advance chapters

