
Famous Police Detective in Detective World

Senichi: A detective can only follow the criminal’s footsteps to catch him, but I can rely on future knowledge and stop the case! Conan: It seems that I need to go to Hawaii to train again! Senichi: Detectives often face the crisis of being killed by criminals, but my physical crime solving skills can reduce casualties! Conan: Don't make it so high-tech to solve crimes by force! ! Senichi: No matter how subtle it is, when you notice it, it may save a life! Everyone: You have persecution paranoia! How did you know that he was going to commit a crime? And it's so accurate every time! ! Senichi: Er... sorry~ I admit that I cheated~ ************** I am also publishing this novel on scribblehub with same username "Lightreaper". You can read advance chapters in my p@treon page!! p@treon.com/Lightreaper457 Please support this translation project if possible!! ************** This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read. **************

Lightreaper · Anime & Comics
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444 Chs

Chapter 155: The Explosive Mood of the Sonoko

The car raced through the icy world and quickly arrived at the halfway point of the destination.

And what came into view at this moment was a wooden suspension bridge covered in white snow, hanging between cliffs, and it was the only passage to the mountain villa.

"Wow... It's so cold..."

After getting out of the car, a cold wind blew through the mountains, causing Takagi to unconsciously shrink his neck.

"What should we do? The car can only be parked here." After getting out of the car, Takagi came to the edge of the suspension bridge and looked at Senichi. "It seems like we'll have to rely on walking from here."

After getting out of the car, Senichi didn't immediately respond to Takagi. Instead, he carefully sniffed the smell around the suspension bridge.

Sure enough, Senichi sensed a strange pungent smell of fuel, constantly drilling into his nostrils. Although it was unpleasant, it immediately put his mind at ease.

Because it was exactly what Senichi had planned—a "winning move" that could determine the outcome!

"Weird... Officer Takagi, I wonder if you smell that strange odor from the suspension bridge?" Senichi wrinkled his nose, pretending to have detected a strange smell.

"Huh? Strange smell?" As colleagues, Takagi naturally knew that Senichi had a keen sense of smell. Seeing Senichi's expression of detecting a strange smell, he also instinctively sniffed his nose. "I don't smell anything. Could it be that Senichi-kun, your sense of smell is too sensitive, so you're picking up on some faint odor?"

"No, try smelling again carefully. The smell is quite obvious," Senichi said while pointing at the suspension bridge. "You can walk on the bridge, the smell is even more pronounced there."

Upon hearing Senichi's words, Takagi walked on the suspension bridge and this time he did smell the odor that Senichi had mentioned. There was indeed a strange smell on the bridge.

"Is it because the wooden bridge is too old? Or did someone spill something on the bridge?" Takagi looked around and then turned around. "Let's not worry about that. Let's quickly head to the mountain villa."

However, Senichi's voice came over afterward, "No, it seems we don't need to continue forward."

"What are you talking about, Detective Senichi? Why did we come here if not for the villa..." Takagi turned around, feeling somewhat helpless. "Are you saying we have to stay on this suspension bridge?"

But after turning around, Takagi saw that at this moment, Senichi was squatting on the suspension bridge, using his hands to brush away the snow covering the bridge surface, seemingly confirming something.

Upon hearing him, Senichi had a serious expression on his face as he looked up at Takagi. "You're right, it seems we do have to stay on this suspension bridge."

"Huh?" Takagi's face looked somewhat blank as he looked at Senichi. Seeing his serious expression, he couldn't help but be astonished. "What? What? What!!!"


Today was a highly anticipated day.

Sonoko, after helping her older sister find her lover, finally arrived at a moment of good fortune. By luck, she encountered her "fated prince" in a magic chat group.

The other person was humorous and witty, exactly as she imagined, a handsome guy with a warm and gentle smile.

Yes, Sonoko had high expectations as she prepared to ride in Kogoro Mouri's car with Ran and head to the mountain villa for the party.

She even carefully prepared a magic performance to showcase at the gathering.

But who would have known that she would receive a devastating message.

The trip was canceled.

What about the party?! After all the effort, what about my party?!

Whoever the despicable person is, they must be out of their mind!! They poured fuel on the suspension bridge to set it on fire for no reason!! Are they crazy?!!

After hearing this news from Ran, Sonoko was devastated.

Of course, Sonoko had told Senichi about the party, but she didn't mind this minor issue. In fact, she couldn't help but feel relieved.

Because her future brother-in-law, Senichi, and Officer Takagi conducted a thorough search with a large number of police officers at the villa where the party was supposed to take place.

In the end, they apprehended the murderer, who had already killed a person named Nishiyama Tsutomu.

And the person turned out to be someone Sonoko knew from the internet, using the username The Fake Child and real name Kikue Tanaka.

With the search led by Senichi, the police officers found the murder weapon, a crossbow, among her belongings.

Realizing that the situation was exposed, under Senichi's verbal attack, she thought that the police had already gathered evidence of her crimes while investigating Nishiyama Tsutomu's case. So she simply and readily admitted her guilt.

Thus, the case was resolved, the party was canceled, and Sonoko and the others avoided making a futile trip.

If Senichi hadn't known the location of their gathering and if it hadn't coincided with the investigation location, it would have been even more devastating for them to arrive and find out the party couldn't take place.

But compared to the party being canceled, Sonoko couldn't help but feel relieved.

After all, she almost ended up in the same villa with a murderer. That wouldn't have been a pleasant memory...

"Ah... It's a pity I won't get to see Katsuki Doito... I wanted to know what he looks like..."

Sonoko sighed but then suddenly realized that her future brother-in-law was in charge of the scene. Her eyes instantly lit up. "Right, I can ask my brother-in-law to help me see what he looks like!"

"He's there at the scene. If he's really handsome, I can find an opportunity to meet him online again! And if I have his information, I can even ask my brother-in-law to show me his profile in advance..."

Leaving aside the rest, Sonoko couldn't help but admire her brother-in-law's ease and lack of pressure. But her infatuated giggling made Conan roll his eyes beside her.

So, Sonoko picked up her phone and called Senichi, addressing him as "brother-in-law" affectionately.

And then...

From the beginning, Sonoko's excitement turned into disbelief, and her expression became serious. She exclaimed that it was impossible, and finally, with lifeless eyes, she hung up the phone.

Conan and Ran were stunned by the range of emotions on Sonoko's face.

"Sonoko... What did Detective Senichi say..." Ran cautiously asked as she saw Sonoko seemingly on the verge of another breakdown. "What about Katsuki Doito... Is something wrong...?"

"Hehehe..." Sonoko lowered her head and trembled, her shoulders shaking as she couldn't help but let out a bitter laugh. "Liars... They're all liars... Katsuki Doito is actually a fat guy!!"

Saying that, Sonoko hugged Ran and started crying in distress. "I was so looking forward to it, but who would have thought he'd be a fatty!!"

With Sonoko's devastated crying, this case came to a close.


Available on my P@treon page for just $4!!

Early access to the following translations:-

~Marvel: Little Genius (MLG) - +90 advance chapters

~Famous Police Detective in Detective World (FPDDW)- +43 advance chapters


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