
Famous Among Top Surgeons in the 90s

Back in 1996, when the daughter of the Old Xie family, Xie Wanying, said she wanted to be a doctor, many laughed. "Phoenix begets phoenix, dog spawns dog. A truck driver’s daughter becoming a doctor is as likely as a sow climbing a tree." "I’m not just going to be a doctor, I’m going to be a female chest surgeon," said Xie Wanying. Her words provoked even greater waves of disdain within the doctors' community. Relatives who were doctors ridiculed her mercilessly: "Do you know how high the admission scores are for medical students? Do you think you can make it?" "There are zero female chief chest surgeons in the country. Who do you think you are!" A bunch of people mocked her: "You'll probably only get into a third-rate medical college and end up as a health worker in a small county town. It's easy to imagine what sort of marriage you'll have." After the college entrance exams, Xie Wanying entered the top surgical class in the country with the highest science scores in the province, with department heads in the Capital’s top-tier hospitals vying for her from her internship beginnings. "Student Xie Wanying, come to our digestive surgery department." "No, she must come to our urological surgery—" "Pediatric surgery is in short supply of female doctors like student Xie Wanying." Circles of relatives and friends: … At this time, Xie Wanying independently completed the youngest Tetralogy of Fallot surgery in the country, represented the national association of chest surgery at an international medical forum, and published the world’s first minimally invasive heart valve repair surgery, becoming truly the foremost surgeon in the field of female surgery! As for the marriage concerns that everyone "worried" about: A brother from the Returned Overseas Faction, a hot bachelor within the Capital, changed his QQ profile picture to Junior Sister Xie. The young CEO, a handsome man, came to the hospital every day with flowers, keen to offer a diamond ring. Not to mention, a whole host of suitors had long since worn a path to the Old Xie Family's doorstep...

Kindhearted Mama · General
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375 Chs

【6】Didn't let her pass the exam

"What's this eight-year integrated bachelor-master-doctorate program, with only ten people in a class?" Sun Rongfang apparently heard her daughter mention this for the first time, couldn't understand, and looked towards her cousin and cousin's husband for clarification.

Zhou Ruomei and Ding Yuhai's faces were a mix of pale and flushing.

Angered, Zhou Ruomei waved her hand dismissively at her younger cousin, "No need for tea, you all go back home."

Such a rude child, not listening to a word the elders say—what's there to talk about?

Sun Rongfang was stunned, unable to grasp how her daughter's words had managed to offend her cousin and cousin's husband, especially when Yingying hadn't said a single bad thing about them.

Was the cousin's family genuinely stupid or pretentiously foolish and malicious? Zhou Ruomei wondered. Claiming she could definitely get into Guoxie Medical University's integrated bachelor-master-doctorate program—wasn't that tantamount to trampling on their son, who had been accepted to Zhongshan Medical University, a son of a family of doctors? And to do it right in front of her and her husband—how could they not be angry?

If Zhongshan Medical is ranked first in the province, then Guoxie Medical University is ranked first in the whole country. Their integrated bachelor-master-doctorate program is considered the top of all medical schools nationwide.

"Go back, think carefully about what my husband and I told you," Zhou Ruomei said earnestly to her younger cousin.

Seeing her cousin's earnest desire to see them off, Sun Rongfang had no choice but to get up and take her daughter home, attempting to leave behind some Sunkist oranges, which Zhou Ruomei refused.

"Take them back for yourself. I'm aware of your family's financial situation. I also want to make it clear that the early stages of being a doctor are very tough and don't pay much. If you go work in a small county health clinic, the salary is even lower than most people's. Think it over before deciding whether Yingying should apply for medical school," she added.

Zhou Ruomei's words were a real blow, causing Sun Rongfang to completely lose heart over the idea of her daughter attending medical school.

If it's going to be in some small county clinic, forget about it—there's no point. Sun Rongfang thought.

Upon leaving her aunt's house, Xie Wanying remained very calm throughout the journey.

"What do you think?" Sun Rongfang asked her daughter, looking back, "Your aunt makes some good points, maybe we shouldn't bother with medical school?"

"Mom, let's talk about it after the results of the college entrance exam come in," Xie Wanying replied, knowing that anything she said at this point wouldn't matter; her results would speak for themselves.

"Your aunt said you won't get in," Sun Rongfang said, shaking her head dismissively, already brainwashed by her cousin.

Xie Wanying thought, if her mother could hear Zhou Ruomei's true thoughts, she would be in for a shock.

Zhou Ruomei had always looked down upon her less-educated cousin Sun Rongfang, who married a freight truck driver—as an intellectual, she always felt a sense of superiority at heart.

After their cousins had left, Zhou Ruomei and her husband Ding Yuhai talked, "What a pity to become a doctor. Yingying is rather pretty; she might be better off learning to sing," Zhou Ruomei remarked.

Upon hearing his wife's words, Ding Yuhai couldn't help but admire her cunning—wasn't she indirectly implying one should sell their looks?

Zhou Ruomei thought, if her cousin's daughter ended up relying on her looks, there was no need to worry about her child being overshadowed in the future.

If the daughter of a truck driver became a doctor and outperformed the children from a family of doctors, that would be heartbreaking for her.

The phone rang, and Ding Yuhai answered it.

"Old Ding, there's been a serious incident in emergency tonight."

"What happened?"

"In emergency, a young person preliminarily diagnosed a rare case of an aortic aneurysm rupture just by sight!"