
Family Secrets...

A jong girl named Violet Hope Rossi was taken away from her parents and older brothers at a young age she doesn't remember them but they remember her and missed her. When she meets her family will she find comfort? What happens when she meets her family?? Will they find out how she is?? Will she find out what their secrets are or will she reveal her truth and open up to them?? Will she ever get to meet her mother or is her mother really gone?? Will she survive everything that will be happening Find out in Family secrets Started~ 30 September 2021 Ended~ 06 December 2021

AmieDeBeer_1 · Fantasy
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72 Chs

Chapter Twenty-One

Violet (POV)

Aunt Cam, Aunt Sara, Griff, Ollie, El, The triplets, Lijha, Blake, and I are all going shopping we took two separate cars to the mall

Once we got there aunt Cam said to the boy's "Guys take care of your sister. Your aunt and I with Griff and Blake will go grocery shopping and will text you guys when we're done okay" and they nodded their heads

We went into different stores and got a lot of new things as we walk out of the store we were just in I bumped into Ella

"Hey, Ella what are you doing here?" I asked as I hugged her

"Hey Vi, I'm just here to get somethings," she said a little nervous

"Are you okay you seem a little bit nervous?" I asked

"What no I'm fine," she said and fake being fine

"Okay well I have to go I'll see you at school next week okay," I said giving her one last hug before walking to my brothers how was waiting

"Who was that?" El asked

"Oo that's Ella one of my friends" I replied

"Yeah, she's the new girl remember?" Ollie said

"Oo yeah the one Noah said he would totally bang," El said and got a Gipp's clap from all of my brothers

"Dude our sister is right here," Lijah said glaring at him

"Hey, it's almost lunch you think the others are done yet?" I asked changing the subject

"I don't know let's text Blake and find out," Deigo said

We walked to the car and put all the bags in and went back to the mall as we walked in Blake texted Deigo back and said that they are almost done and that we should meet them at the door

We wait for a little while and I had to listen to Luca and Theo argue about which movie is the best or which game is

"Enough!" I snapped making all the people including my brothers look at me

I grabbed them both by the ears and dragged them to the car.

"Look if you guys are going to argue about shit I will treat you as kids now get in," I said and pointed to the car door

Once they were I closed the door and went to the front to sit on Lijah's lap while the rest are standing outside

I took Lijah's phone and texted Blake that we're at the car and waiting and not even a second later he replied and said okay were walking out of the building now anyway

Two seconds later they appeared and I got out and grabbed Theo's hand and said "you, El, and Lijah can ride with them"

"Everything okay Vi?" Aunt Sara asked

"Yup," I said and we all got in the cars and started to drive home.

Once we got home my brothers took my bags upstairs as I help my aunt with the grocery bags

As we walk into the kitchen I see Damian snd he smiled at me and said "there is a surprise in the living room"

"What is it?" I asked and looked at him weird

"Go find out"

I walk out of the kitchen and into the living room and saw Everest and Dominic standing there. I ran to Everest and hugged him tight

"Hey, Angel how's my favorite sister?" He said hugging me back and kissing my head

"Everest, what are you guys doing here?" I asked

"Well thanks to your dad he invited us oo we almost forgot we brought someone along," he said smirking and turning me around and I saw his four-year-old daughter Ava

"Ava!" I ran to her picked her up and spun her around making her giggle

Once I stopped Ava said in her cute voice "Vio wan I plaw ouw siwe"

(Vi can I play outside)

"Sure Griffen also want to be outside so I'll take them," aunt Cam said smiling

"Thank you," Everest said

"Damn I knew you liked them more than me" Dom mumbled

"Aww is little Dom mad?" I said and gave Ava to aunt Cam

"Don't even" he said narrowing his eyes

"Okay I won't if you give me a hug," I said smirking


"Wrong Angel," I said sticking my won't out and hugging him

"You know one of these days your smart mouth will only get you into trouble," he said and pushed me away

"Yeah you always sat that but I still don't get it," I said smirking

"I can't believe you here," I said and hugged my dad and continued "thanks for inviting them it's great to see them again"

"I thought you'll like it but know you'll have to excuse us so we can get to work and you still have your room to finish," he said kissing me on the head

"Okay ill see you guys later then," I said and ran up to my room

Once I got there the boys already had the plastic on the floor I got my paint ready and started painting the walls

After hours I finally finished my room

I look at my room and went downstairs into the kitchen and saw my dad and Everest

"Hey guys," I said and they looked my way and dad said, "you done?"

"Yeah just finished"

"Good go clean up dinners almost ready," dad said

I ran back to my room quickly jumped in the shower and got changed into something comfy and cute I tie my hair into a messy bun and went back downstairs to the movie room where I see Griffen and Ava watching frozen

"Hey, you two mind if I join?" I asked and they ran up to me giving me a hug

I picked them both up and went to sit next to my aunt. As I sit down I put the two next to me and they snuggled up to me. I hear my aunt softly laughing so I looked at her

"What?" I asked smiling,

"You're going to be a great mom someday," she said taking a piece of hair out of my face and tucking it behind my ear before I could say anything she got up kissed my head and said

"I'll be right back just want to hear how long till the food is ready" I nodded my head and watched the movie as she left

After a while, Everest and Dom came in took Ava, and said goodbye.

After frozen was done I looked down and saw the two children were sleeping so I trow a blanket over them and went to the kitchen where I saw everyone I hide behind the door and listen to what they are saying

"We have to tell her Damian, she needs to know about Edward," Oliver said

"We will but right now is not the time," Damian said

"We have to know he is her twin and she has the right to know she has a twin," Dad said and I walked in

"My what?" I said making everyone look at me with shock written all over their faces

"Vi.." Damian tried to say but I cut him off

"Who's Edward and why did you say, twin?"

"Violet Edward is your twin his coming home tomorrow," Dad said

"T-twin? You never said I had a twin and where is he does he even know I'm back?" I shoot them with questions

"Yes Violet his your twin, he been away on a mission and is coming home tomorrow and no he doesn't know," Damian said

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked

"We didn't know how to explain our brother that is away without telling you about the mafia and we didn't want you getting involved in that world," Damian said

I shook my head and ran to my room not wanting to see them. I slammed my door shut and locked it I left the key inside and turned it a little sideways so they couldn't unlock it I crawl into bed and put my headphone on so I didn't have to hear them

I looked at the sealing after a little while I took my headphones off and started painting

Ian (POV)

After Vi ran we heard her door slam shut Ollie went to check on her.

I see Raphael coming into the kitchen with a folder

"Hey everyone we got some news about Ivan," he said and gave me the folder

I went through the pages and one got my eye it was a birth certificate that states Ivan is a dad.

"Your saying Ivan has a son?" I asked and everyone's eyes went wide

"Vi didn't answer and I can't unlock her door..." Ollie came into the kitchen and trailed off when he saw Raphael

"What happend to Violet?" He asked concerned

"We talked about Edward and she overheard and then ran to her room Chase said narrowing his eyes at Damian

"Shit okay," he said and looked at the door for a second before answering my question

"Yes it seems Ivan has a son that is 20 years old, from our information he lived with his mother until he was 16 when his mother was killed by Ivan's men he then lived with Ivan, Our intel says that he is now the one behind everything," Raphael says clenching his fists

"We need to find them and kill them before anything happens," I said angrily

"Our tec people are on it but it's going to take some time," Raphael said

"Time we don't have," Chase said and left the room

"Get some rest you guys and thank you Raphael for everything," I said grabbing a cup of coffee

"Before you go grab a plate and go eat," Sara said

After the boys said their not hungry Cam stand by the door and pointed to the food the boys then grabbed a plate and started eating

"I'm going to lay down see you guys tomorrow," I said and walked out of the room once I got to the staircase I felt a hand on my shoulder when I looked behind me I saw Ales

"You have to eat so come down after you give Vi this plate," he said giving me a small smile and the plate of food

"You know I'm starting to think your that oldest now," I said laughing

"I always was now go take care of our little girl she needs you more than ever," he said and walked away

I went to her room and knocked on her door but nothing so I tried to talk

"Vi, Sweetheart, open the door, you have to eat something" I hear her unlocking the door and opening it.

I see she's covered in paint and her eyes and nose was a little red I walked in And put the plate on one of the tables and pulled her into a hug

Just when I did that she broke down she cried onto my chest and I whisper sweet nothing into her ear, after a while, she stopped crying and I asked: "you want to talk about it?"

She shakes her head

"Eat I'll check on you before I go to sleep okay," I said a let her go but she didn't want to let go

"Dad please stay" she whispered and hold me tighter. I looked down at her and picked her up and went to the bed once we laid down I said, "I'm not going anywhere"

"Tomorrow morning we can go see doctor Scott before your brother gets here okay?" I asked and she just nodded her head and snuggled up to me.

"Sleep tight my la mia piccola Principessa" I whispered to her once I saw she was asleep

I close my eyes as my arms are around her holding her.

(1980 words)